New thread for soon airing episode.
YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World
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I want to fuck Mio.
My favourite day of the week has arrived.
RIP Kun-kun, our stomachs will always remember you.
>takuya actually does shit to break out of prison instead of just waiting for earthquake like a retard in the game
I kept giving this show a pass because it's old, so the tropes are played out... but I'm done. I'm sick of how every single thing keeps going to shit. New character? Dead. Happy family? Gone. This shit reminds me so much of the suffering in Re Zero.
Kunkun was the last straw. Literally no reason for her to die other the "muh sadness".
NOO don't kill her.
all my keks
This fucking show.
Why would you eat this???
Summary of this episode?
Not much to say this time.
>they manage to destroy the towers and escape the quarry
>Kunkun flies Takuya and Amanda to the capital
>randomly dies
>randomly dies
This is LITERALLY true. For no reason. Just... dead. Because we can't have anything happy in this show.
>kunkun was female
wait what
Starvation, dragons need to eat a lot, not a sustainable species.
Whatever. The patters in this show is always
1. New character shows up to help.
2. New character dies right after.
At this point it's just tedious.
The pace of the anime is much faster compared to the VN, so deaths and other events feel more abrupt.
>Starvation, dragons need to eat a lot, not a sustainable species.
I don't know if that's some trivia from the VN or not, but the way they presented it in the anime was hilariously bad.
Bruh, Takuya isn't going to kill and eat her, right?
Did he eat her
Did Takuya sex Yuno earlier on?
>Kunkun becomes hot, talks, saves the day, dies, and gets eaten in one episode
Kunkun didn't deserve this.
I'm not watching this, just checking out the threads for images when it airs, because I thought the prostitute girl was a cute.
But what's going on here? Did the show go isekai mid season? And does this mean no more blue girl?
The prostitute was rip, so he went isekai to find a magic stone to save her. But it's taking him 6+ years.
I played the game almost a decade ago. Is this worth watching, or did they fucked it up?
Kind of
>Did the show go isekai mid season?
Yes. All the weird shit that went on in the first half culminated with Takuya being isekai'd to another world with elf people.
The adaptation is mostly average, with some real highs and lows. It loses much of what made the original great - music, atmosphere, banter, emotional effectiveness. The biggest fuckup is in episode 20 when the soldiers, after Sayless' death, just leave Takuya there in perfect health instead of killing or arresting him, especially considering he committed extra anime-original crimes.
So what happens to not!Yuuki and not!Toyotomi and the rest of the prisoners? Do Takuya and Amanda meet up with them again?
In the VN, an earthquake (there had been them throughout the isekai arc) consumed the slave camp and nobody else survived.
For those who know, red pill me on Kunkun. Does she die?
Based prisonbros
It's funny to see everyone react to the anime when they never played the original visual novel.
The anime is shit compared to the VN even if the VN had it's own issues.
The adaption is different from the VN, they might not kill her off.
If they should have changed something it's Takuya having sex with her.
Damn, she's so much cuter in the anime. Her and Yu-no are literally the only things better in the anime though.
Go on
The creators of this adaption must really hate their fans.
I legitimately can't believe he just stabbed her fucking eye. What the fuck, I don't remember this in the VN.
Takuya at the very least eats her out, but I can't remember if there was actual sex involved.
Was Amanda getting prison raped in the VN or was the warden guy a huge faggot in that too?
This adaption such a fucking shitshow but I hate that still somehow I can't stop watching it and looking forward to each new episode. Guilty pleasure of the year.
If they kill off Kunkun, it'll lower my motivation to watch this show, at least. If I wanted to quit, I should have done so when they killed off Sayless. Her committing neck seppuku just didn't sit well with me.
Nah he doesn't have sex with her.
At the most he finger bangs her.
But he does have sex with his other daughter.
>his other daughter
>one episode
not even, it literally happens in a time span of 3 minutes and 30 seconds
I want to cumcum in kunkun.
I enjoy it
Same, despite it's glaring flaws there is something still enjoyable about it. The first part especially, the isekai not so much but I've come this far so might as well finish it. Kind of a bummer there are only a few episodes left.
Too bad, I ate her.
Why did Kunkun just rush to the capital instead of resting in the camp for a while? They have supplies FFS. Most pointless death in anime.
Easy fix, the whole place should've gone kaboom leaving not enough supplies
This arc is so fucking weird. Massive timeskips everywhere and we go from comedy falling off a giant tower into a coffin and surviving to attempted suicide because falling off that tower is certain death to eating your sentient dog. It felt like going to the other world would be a culmination of the other plotlines, but the search for the missing key item seems like it's become completely unimportant at this point and he's just been doing random shit to kill time.
The one that looks similar to him.
A lot that is the anime's fault due to rewriting or compression of material. Try reading the original and see if it flows better for you.
How does the VN handle the random 1-4 year timeskips?
I'm surprised that HorribleSubs didn't fuck up their release this time.
I wonder why it's always YU-NO too. I mean they fucked up last Friday with a bunch of shows, but before that like at least once a month or so a YU-NO episode would be fucked.
It probably has something to do with their script, considering that the subs just get delayed an hour. Maybe the length of the title makes it overflow or whatever.
>just cannibalize this cute girl, she's food anyway
Okay, I'm going to have to stop right here and ask what the FUCK was the writer high on when he was writing dragon daughter's fate?
So this was completely anime original, right? Can't have another man that's not Takuya be a good guy and useful.
Amandass Cry
Toyotomi was good and useful.
Mike check
I love Eriko
There're progressively bigger timeskips when Takuya is at the world's edge up until Yu-no has hit puberty, beginning from about a week after Illia's death (no real skips at all before that point, she dies within hours after Takuya meets her), a year or so to show baby Yu-no, ending with a few years skip with a montage showing Yu-no grow up. There are also significantly more slice of life and longer versions of scenes to even the skips out (especially when Takuya and Sayless are living alone), so you get more used to the drastic plot changes.
The timeskip in the quarry isn't stated more specifically than Takuya thinking to himself that it's been several months already, IIRC.
In the VN, there is no prison break like in the episode. What instead happens is that a gigantic earthquake happens that destroys the entire prison + lightning tower and kills everyone there except Amanda and Takuya who were airborne at the time because of Kun-kun. The earthquake itself happens because the Priestess hasn't performed the ritual to save Dela Grante. There was basically nothing to scavenge for a journey before they set out.
I'd tap those KunKuns myself
Poor Amanda.
If he actually eats her I'm done.
Why is this show so pointlessly edgy at times?
They have little episodes and are doing the best they can. Stop confusing incompetence and malice
I think the changes in this episode of actually executing a prison break with a method that was foreshadowed in Mio's route instead of the original having an earthquake destroying the prison are good. I prefer to have a plan and taking action to escape over "O MY EARTHQUAKE"
Which part of Kunkun did Takuya eat first?
HOW ARE YOU HERE EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME PAL!! thats some dedication! do you even do anything else on tuesday?
You don't know what edgy is
>Not knowing of Kanna being born just after amanda got thrown into our world
Sooo, really never noticed the TERRIFYING similarity between yu-no's hair and Kanna? might as well have the same father.
Are we talking about when they meet again after and she's all over him later on, or earlier when she was just a hyperactive brat?
Can't remember the vn.
Kunkun wanted to be eaten so she could be helpful to Takuya. She was dying anyways so might as well.
Fury vore
>that scream after he shoved his whip into her eye
damn that was fairly unpleasant
But why was she dying? Was that explained?
Exhaustion, heat, and lack of food and water.
It was, but the eye poking didn't seem intentional.
BTW, those part they were flying over with the green stuff.... couldn't some food be there. Like some fruits? Some water?
I think they were just reaching that area after flying over the desert, so Kunkun was already too exhausted to be saved.
plot demanded it
Yeah, but didn't Kukkun COME from that direction? Seriously, this scene is full of plotholes. It's like they just wanted another sad/edgy scene.
her boobs
would you eat
... I thought Kunkun was a boy
what the fuck man
Kunkun probably hung out around the prison or some oasis nearby. She's not very smart.
What happens to Kunkun in the vn?
Neither are the writers, apparently. Why change the setting to a prison break from an earthquake? If you're gonna change stuff, have it make more sense. Have Kunkun shot with an arrow while escaping, so she dies the same way her mother did: saving someone.Use your imagination, writer-kun.
Why does the story keep killing all the waifus
Was Yuno really this edgy a Visual Novel?
Why would anybody buy a game where waifus keep dying.
Comes to the prison as a drsgin
Gets beat up by the guys
Saved by Takuya
Evolves sometime off screen
Saves Takuya and Amanda just as there's an earthquake that destroys the whole compound
Carries them some way in the desert
Drops exhausted and dying
Kunkun tells Takuya to eat her (I think Amanda brought it up)
Kunkun dies
They set up camp and dig in
The creators of the game are either dead, retired, or MIA.
Before Elf Corp pernamently shut down, they sold their IPs to various companies like 5pb or DMM which is why DMM has some lazy, cheap ass puzzle games that feature Elf Corp IPs...
Pointless guro and vore.
MC must be a psychopath.
>They set up camp and dig in
What the absolute fuck.
Dragons are suppose to be hard to kill in fiction.
They are suppose to be the apex predator, standing atop all species and the king of all environments
Why did they make an anime adaption?
Nobody will buy an edgy anime these days.
Amanda is cute. Better than her daughter at least.
Yet this one dies to simple exhaustion.
OK, have her die. But just like THAT? 1 second she's fine, then lol dead? This adaptation sucks.
Reminder that thi anime is animated by Flips
All anime is animated by Flips, nothing new there.
How can MC just casually eat what looks like human meat so easily without throwing up?
Mostly Koreans or Vietnamese actually. Only a few anime use Flip animators, most notably Toei stuff, not really aware of any other otaku with Flip animators apart from this one.
Anyone else gonna play the game when it comes out on steam in a month? Also kunkun got super hot. what the hell.
Could be really tasty.
After all they've been through, he's just okay with eating her just like that? I think it's safe to say the majority of the audience watching this anime will probably not like this. They shouldn't have Takuya and Amanda eat her.
Wow, this thread is acutally more active than the last one, which barely managed to reach 100 posts
It's because the willing consumption of (demi-)humanoid flesh is a mighty interesting insane thing to talk about.
cute dragon loli is about to be human food, so it makes sense
I thought the dragon was a guy? Was she also a girl in the VN? Do all dragons in the isekai become humanoid?
Nearly every single change to the plot has created plotholes.
He was extremely resistant in the VN. The anime ran out of time after how long they stretched out the prison.
If you play the original instead you'll see kunkun's titties. And better character designs in general.
I thought there was no nudity on the stem version.
When do we get to the part where Kanna is born?
I said the original. I haven't seen much of remake but I don't expect to be impressed. If you can't stand retro then it might be for you, though.
Ok, be honest Yea Forums, would you?
Takuya should have fucked Kunkun.
Yu-No will be mad Takuya ate her friend.
I mean, Kunkun somehow managed to survive and grow without somebody feeding her, so to claim she randomly died of starvation is entirely nonsensical. Clearly she had some way to feed herself either in the desert or could fly far enough and quickly enough to be able to get food while also keeping an eye out on what was going on at the quarry.
gentleman with an excellent taste
They ate Kunkun in the VN too?
Did he at least fuck her before doing so?
She's the only girl he doesn't fuck. Pretty fucked up if you ask me. Poor Kunkun.
>blue eyes as a child
>red eyes as an adult
literally unwatchable
What does Kunkun taste like?
Boy, I can't wait for the shitstorm next week when they actually eat the dragon oppai loli.
I want to kunkun Kunkun's kunkuns!
So is the adaption doing it justice?
I somehow doubt it, but would like to hear opinions.
like peaches and love juices
Bad character redesigns.
Bad plot rewriting and anime-original scenes.
Bad forced comic relief.
Most of the serious moments indistinguishable from the comic relief. Same whimsical music up to Amanda losing an eye as during the anal cavity search and the warden falling into a coffin.
Like something between pork and chicken.
>Bad character redesigns
What are you talking about? The new designs are far better than the old ones.
>new designs are far better than the old ones
^I second this
I agree.
How come in the hentai OVA, we don't see Kanna's pubes but we see Ayumi's and Mio's? And why do the subs for that spell her name as "Canna"?
The same tapestry.
It's subjective, and I'm biased because I played the original first, but a lot of the redesigns look dumb to me. Leaving out Yuki because that's too easy.
They are basing this off the remake's designs, so that isn't really their fault.
Is this a story about the Essex (whaleship)? So many companions being cannibalized.
Yeah, that's true.
>show up to save the day
>die like right away due to idiocy
I just don't even.
Where did she find clothes? She was completely naked in the game like an animal
Nobody knows.
Also, why is Kunkun an idiot?
>Also, why is Kunkun an idiot?
I just don't understand why they immediately fly into the desert away from a "won" battle without thinking to pick up rations or a better means of transportation.
>that transition into modern character design
I want to go back.
The prison was in the middle of nowhere, they almost made it to civilization, but the exhaustion was just too much for Kunkun to bear.
Yeah, but they had just shown the horse things two seconds before, and they could have grabbed some food rations from the prison.
I think that's just part of their new natural design so they don't show nipples. No more naked dragon people.
Kunkun wasn't part of the plan and they had to get the fuck outta there with everything falling down and exploding.
>raised as ration instead of sex slaves
I don't understand these isekai people
reminder: people IRL fuck goats and sheep
Those are outliers, the problem here is the norm.
I consider Eriko's beautiful blue eyes an upgrade
This is probably the worst anime I’ve ever continued to watch. I’m just waiting for the Mc to go back to his normal timeline, but based on the episode count that will be at the very end?
always happens when they show something that makes people uncomfortable. ayumi being raped into suicide also managed to spawn 3 or 4 threads and this one has a cute dragon girl being eaten
I thought he also never fucks Eriko?
for some of them I do like the redesign more but the original certainly had its charm
More like Erotiko.
>some cats have blue eyes as kittens and yellow as adults
They are animals remember? Even the regular "humans" there are full grown in less than 5 years, nothing that weird at this point
She is very erotic
He got a pity handjob at least.
Yeah. In the VN, you can go back and get a proper ending with your heroine of choice once you 100% the game by completing the isekai part of the story. The anime might go that route for Kanna if Takuya remembers his promise to save her by the end of it.
That's disappointing, but any type of sexual contact with Eriko is better than nothing I suppose.
She was born in the 1950s or 60s. You don't directly learn who her parents were but you recall the picture of her mother and figure out the rest.
Doesn't he still have his save point?
After going back and saving Kanna, Sayless and Kunkun should still be alive, right?
I'll be even more mad if he just forgets about Sayless. She was his wife for 5+ years for fuck's sake.
I just started this, what happens to the old world he leaves behind through reversing time does it get erased or does it go on like Zero Escape.
Just before she died he was thinking "I wonder if those nice men can help me get a stone so I can get back to Kanna?"
Anime Takuya doesn't give a fuck about his new family. He's going to bounce on this whole turmoil and abandon his daughter.
It feels so bullshit how dragons die so easily.
Real life lions and hippos survived worst words.
>After going back and saving Kanna, Sayless and Kunkun should still be alive, right?
If I got it right, he isn't time warping within the same timeline, he's jumping between different time lines.
So it's not like he is undoing anything, he's just going to a different timeline to try again and see if he can prevent it from happening this time, but he can't undo anything.
Aren't Earth and Dela Grante on the same timeline?
IIRC he creates a new timeline when he loads his save point, but the timeline he leaves remains fucked.
So, once he reloads to save Kanna, Sayless should still be alive too. That is if it works like I said, otherwise I have no clue.
I hate time travel stories, they're always so confusing.
It's because of the retarded adaptation
at least in the original game, earthquake happened and the whole prison area falls down to the abyss, only Takuya and Amanda survived because of Kunkun.
In the anime it really doesn't make sense when the earthquake didn't happen and they could have stopped by the prison first to grab some foods because the prisoners claimed the place
You should play it for us and tell us whether the retarded change in the anime is in the remake as well
Prison warden is based, he doesn't ascribe to your pathetic gender roles. Anything is a hole with enough determination.
I feel like the VN probably has too much NTR for my taste
Elf Corp fucked over their entire company due to NTR and Japan never forgave them.
There used to be old blogs that detailed their rise and fall.
amanda's nipple
what will the remake take next
>he eats Kunkun instead of fucking her
I guess monstergirls weren't popular in the 90s.
But elf is monster girl too
There were a bunch of monster girl dungeon crawlers like Chaos Angels, Dragon Knight 2 or Raidy.
Wait how was other people in prison?
Which part should we eat?
They all die except Takuya and Amanda in the VN. We just don't know in the anime.
Of the elf?
Kunkun's juicy ass.
HOW about my cute Yu-no!? Primordial tree scene is still living right?!
I do believe dela grante has its own time line and rules , as i remember its a "spaceship encapsuling a atmosphere , that travels through dimensions" each 400 it comes close to earth , so might be a infinite numbers of delagrante reaching close to earth every 400years , or one dela reaching infinite earths, both in earth or delagrante its tha 400years, but for example when it crashed for good it was sent 8000y ago , yet yu-no was bounched to that 1995 night when kissed takuya, but either fainted and disapeared due to not being her place, or actually died due to something and still disapeared due to not being where casuality wanted her, also amanda was sent in the 50ties, so its an infinite numbers of times and probabilities happening in any possible ways.
Bunch of bs that fits the mindfuck into the first "play all routes if you want the full gallery" kind of VN.
How come elf Yuuki isn't as much of a pussy as human Yuuki?
>Actual parent - Child incest
How come Yea Forums doesn't like this show more ?
come to think of it how many anime actually have actual parent child incest in it
The incest I get, but since when has Yea Forums liked Vore?
since those countless threads about android 18 getting sucked into cells tails and how it made people feel funny or some shit
I thought they were being ironic.
i dunno
All the MC sex scenes have been cut out so technically no incest.
just translate the elf doujin already
He says this while he defends the asspull earthquake over a planned prison break and the MC actually earning his freedom back through action instead of sheer luck
If you think the earthquake is better, you have no room to talk about writing quality
I'd be more interested in a translation of the 1990s manga, to compare with other adaptations. Raw available at Nyaa.
So the elf who kissed Takuya in the beginning was Yu-no, right?
No, you're imagining things.
It was Takuya and Yu-No's daughter
Imagine 5 generations worth of daughters wanting to have your babies.
Usually I'd take this as a joke, but considering what I've seen so far I totally believe you.
Incest everywhere.
When will they make Kanna?
Hold up, so the events of the series hasn't happen yet here? I mean, if they are Kanna parents, Kanna hasn't go to our world yet.
You got it right. He travels between dimensions.
You got it wrong.
Read what this user posted. It is pretty much this.
Is Takuya ever going back to the normal world?
I wonder how old Yu-no is now? Hopefully still young enough for mc to properly fuck.
Phisically? 20yo
Mentally? either 15 to 17
Actually time? 5 or so
She's at her peak then. Nice
Is this the longest a thread for this show has lasted?
What the fuck, is this legit?
Yep. That guy is the father of the MC from School Days.
And he gets away with everything because the company went under
YU-NO version.B
Oh yeah I have this guy subscribed
Does some really good stuff. Stingy with the MIDIs but whatever, I understand I guess....
They'll probably rewrite it to preserve Takuya's virginity.
Because the anime keeps getting edgier with cannibalism and vore.
This show is great and I'm sure reading the VN would make me think otherwise so I'm just gonna keep watching this shit go off the rails. The first time I've ever been happy that I didn't read the source material
Edgelord here, not impressed.
Reminder that the VN is one of the best of all time and to play it in the original graphics.
I've been enjoying this show, so I'm glad to see the thread lasting longer
Overflow is dead?
Strip Battle Days 2 was the last game they released. You might know it as the game that turned Makoto into a motherfucker.
Instead i don't remember if in the Vn here she was 12 or like in the anime 16, phisically i expected Takuya to bulk up more and become more manly, and since she was still so slender i expected there yu-no to be phisically 12-13.
Ye, she's basically at peak, hope they are gonna spend some time on animating rightly when she snuggles up to papa slowly realizing cuddles doesn't really satiate enough her affection hunger.
If you change the language of YouTube, it becomes Japanese. It ’s not a big deal. I'm proud to show up, but Japanese people are humble.
He lost that already. Twice.
This epilogue part is awful, I did not mind this adaptation before then.
I DO believe he never was a virgin from the begin of the serie, talking about the anime.
Dunno about the vn
he fucked that one teacher before the story starts, yeah
How do I become a chad like Takuya?
kanna is dying in the park right now bros..
So it turned out the only way to bring back interest in the series was to have a cute dragon girl die and be eaten.
Kunkun is one of the most innocent creatures in this. She really didn't deserve this.
If humans and elf people eat dragon people as food, does that count as cannibalism?
Was Kunkun's death this rushed in the VN too?
Just started watching this show; about 5 episodes in.
MC is literally retarded. Does he get better?
Nope, he can't do shit and always got rekt by everyone only get pulled by good luck
A little bit but not much. Mostly suffering.
Damn. That's unfortunate.
I'm at the part where Ayumi keeps suiciding. At first it seemed to vary based on MC's actions, but now she's killing herself in different ways when all he's doing is running back to the house. There shouldn't be a change in the outcome if he's doing the same thing.
Is this ever explained or justified?
First you have to be born by a scientist manwhore and a interdimensional priestess , then you have to go back at the dawn of time with your daughter and be with her the next adam and eve, if you do , in the next life you might be a chad
This is still not over yet?
I miss Kanna
I miss Eriko
I miss Mio
It's dimension jumping not time traveling.