Yuru Yuri?

I'd say "Homo Kodomo"

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I'd say "Dyke Tikes"

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just finished S1, loved it, also Chinatsu worst girl

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Brat's so cute and innocent, imagine pinching her nipples.

lot of tanoshii in front of you

fuck off himawari, stop abusing your wife

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What does her hair smell like?

isn't that obvious?

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kyoko juice

more like "Funny Cuties"

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Should I watch S3? it seems people always complain about s3

Yes, obviously it's not as good as S1 and S2 but it's still pretty alright. You know how people like to overblow issues when they compare them to something they really like.

Prepare for slow lingering shots of backgrounds and poor animation.

It's just the visuals that are lacking in s3, it has some of the best chapter adaptations from the manga

it has way more cute yuri moments, its my favorite season

my fav is 3rd season though

thank you anons, i'm definitely gonna watch it

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it's shit basically anyone that likes it is a retard

Thank you for your extremely valuable feedback!


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Why is she so perfect?

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I'd say Cunny Ouroboros

Delicious legs. Footfags need not apply.

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For me, it's their necks and bare chests.

I'd say lezzie loli

Especially thighs.

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Got any pictures of said bare chests?

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Meant for Fuck.


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Bob-cut Kyoko is so fucking cute

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Sakurako's birthday is coming up. Everyone love Sakurako!

A few, but I don't want to get banned. They're so flat it shouldn't matter, but you never know.

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Why is Kyouko such a slut?

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Don't post this!

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Will the OVA announce S4?
There's no way they'll discard a franchise that prints money, right?

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Delete this disgraceful image.
The worst part is that she's crying. Kyouko is such a kind and wonderful girl, making her cry is not okay.
You're awful.

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Shut your whore mouth. Kyouko is an innocent, pure maiden.

Supreme taste.

ayano definitely has the biggest dick if all the yurus were futas

That was before her personality change. Everything made her cry. Now she would be happy to have yogurt all over her face.


Finally a Yuru Yuri thread. Does anyone know if there's a link to a pastebin or something that has the DL links to the artbooks and music collection?

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I know at least a few of them have been uploaded to sadpanda.

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season 3 isn't as good as 1 or 2, but it's good enough that it doesn't deserve the hyperbolic hate it gets

I was wondering if there was a second season artbook uploaded on to MEGA?


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I want to cum in their feets.

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I feel like the praise is hyperbolic more than anything.

Even Chinatsu's VA is cute. I like her big ears.

I want them to bully me