Violet is English.
Violet is English
Violet is cute!
Is there even an England in her world?
The enemy infantry uses Lee-Enfield mk. IIIs, which are English.
Violet's adoptive nation's infantry uses Gewehr 98s, which are German.
Violet herself hails from somewhere in the North-East of the enemy empire.
>running while aiming uniformly down iron sights
Oh anime.
you can't aim a rifle accurately while sprinting. fucking hell
Violet is a dog!
What IS Violet? They say shes a weapon, but what do they mean by that exactly? A weapon? A weapon created by who and how? Where did they find her? How did they catch her if she just rekts everything?
Violet probably can. The rest need to return fire too so they anime the thing I suppose.
I don't remember clearly, but I think Dietfrieds crew went on an island and found her by chance. The goons tried to mess with her and she killed them all. Then she followed Dietfried, which is where the anime was at I guess.
Well the King of Britain is english duuuuuh
Violets nation is based off a fictional german empire you cuckette
She's obviously Not-German, which is why the series should only be viewed in the original and authentisch deutsche Sprache.
Im reading the wiki, and youre right about that. Violet killed his crew because they tried to rape her. But the wiki still doesnt have info on what Violet is, or how and by who she was made. I think theres supposed to be 2 movies coming up, so maybe we'll get some more back story there.
If a dog she must be cute
Violet got burned to a crisp
How big are Violet's tits?
>the germans are the good guys
>moreover they win the war
How come this show managed to slip under radar of the butthurt crowd?
A miracle.
I'm guessing because "the war" here is not!WWI, about which the consensus is that everyone was retarded for participating, so it doesn't really matter who won. You could even argue that WWII would have never happened if Germany hadn't lost, so they would have never become the bad guys.
It has just occurred to me that the anime skipped the torture scene from the LN entirely. Violet was never meant to be a sadistic monster that tortures POWs in the anime.
So that's why the Germans paid a premium to show it to them first before Japan.