What has watching anime and reading manga taught you, Yea Forums

what has watching anime and reading manga taught you, Yea Forums

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Attached: [Vivid] Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai - 11 [85B40170].mkv_snapshot_17.14. (1920x1080, 219K)

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That a delinquent like me can become a teacher and impact the lives of students. When a student came up to me a year ago and said that I was the best teacher he ever had I knew that I had become the greatest teacher, though not Onizuka.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Amazing Stranger - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.41_[2019.04.21_01.12.28].jpg (1920x1080, 232K)

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That two nukes weren't enough.

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Fullmetal Alchemist probably has the one that stuck the most by me about having all the gifts in the world being meaningless if you had no one to share it with.

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>Being influenced by any form of entertainment
Go outside

>Go outside and be influenced by some random nobody

Save imouto, fuck world. youtu.be/zUyQkxUItxc

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That is you get into this thing, your life will be ruined forever.

So many things to learn from this series.

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There's no way that my childhood friend, whom I have crush on for so long, and I will end up together as husband and wife.

That clannad means family

A lesson without pain is meaningless for you can not gain something without sacrificing something else in return but once you overcome it and make it you own you'll have an irreplaceable fullmetal heart.

this is how you know what you're watching is made for losers

WHAT'S WITH THE JAPS AND SMELLS? i swear every fucking harem o hentai talks about smell and how they smell each inch of them, wtf.

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