
ITT: food done right or looking tasty in anime

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Yeah fuck that seafood doesn't belong on pizza. I see that shit all the time here in Japan in the local dominoes.

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That scene is a parody, right?

Italy invented za and they add seafood to it all the tine

>just because the originator does it, it's ok
Also Za???? Are you one of them Cali commies who says that dumb shit??

What Japan does to pizza is a war crime.

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>Italy invented za

Keep telling yourself that Da Vinci

What's with whitefag and the pure hatred for seafood and pineapple?
Does eating anything beside cow and pig kill you?

At least it's not pineapples

It's called having a taste. If you eat pure fecal matter in public don't be surprised when someone gets disgusted.

Egg on pizza is actually pretty good. My grampa used to put eggs, salami and pickles on pizza, and used very little tomato sauce. It was pretty good, but he also did something weird with the dough and put some spices on that I can't quite recall.

I must admit the end-result only resembled pizza in structure, but we still called it pizza and loved it every time he made it.

The Aeneid already mentions the Romans eating pizza, and I think that's the oldest source of it we have.

Fuck off with your reddit meme, pineapples are great on pizza.

eggs on pizza is pretty good. Not boiled eggs though. Although I strongly believe after a certain number of eggs, it should be called a quiche.

>>Fuck off with your reddit meme, pineapples are great on pizza.
>Ahhhhh everything i don't like is reddit
pineapplefags, everyone

Independently, they are fine. Pineapple RUINS the flavor profile of the rest of the pizza. It's like substituting ranch and mayo for the marinara. Just absolutely fucks it to hell.

Most seafood doesn't ruin the pizza, it's just like 40th on the list of toppings one would want.

pineapple on pizza being bad is peak reddit meme

But it's literally a widespread meme to dislike pineapples on pizza. You're even doing it right now.

Anchovies AND PINEAPPLES on Pizza.

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No, it is a reality that got blown out of proportion due to circlejerk.

*even reddit makes fun of pineapple on pizza
that should speak volumes about how bad it is
>something is a meme on reddit that means it's good
pineapple brainlets at logic again

Realtalk here, user, are you just perpetuating that age old /mlp/ meme? Or is this actually your opinion?

I like hawaiian pizza, suck my dick

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get out

its standard salty and sweet contrasting flavors
not liking it is a reddit meme

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Are you Italian? Basically the middle ground is baking the pineapples beforehand to remove some of the moisture. Also mandatory for mushrooms. Also to never use canned pineapple, that shit ruins everything not just pizzas

No, German. And yeah, the moisture is the problem with pineapples, not the taste. Same applies to maize. It's really damn great on pizza, if you do it right.

What would Gordon say about that 'za?

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>this is thin crust in the US

Guess I should just pour lemonade on my pizza, because that's sweet too. There is more to pineapple that sweetness - the mild acidic tang doesn't play nice with the cheese.

Apple and cheese are a classic combination outside of pizza. So why we don't have dumbasses defending apple pizza? It's because most people don't actually like pineapple pizza. You like being a part of the meme circlejerk as a contrarian.

Why do people say za? It's barely an abbreviation, especially when you abbreviate a two-syllable word to its unstresses syllable. No one calls music "sic" or manga "ga".

I actually do like pineapple on pizza
only NPCs hate it

>most people don't actually like pineapple pizza

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Hey now, I might have pleb taste or whatever, but I genuinely like pineapple pizza - not out of any sense of belonging to some meme group. It actually annoys me to no end that people turned it into the next big pro-skub/anti-skub discussion.

Im op of the seafood hate post, I like ham and pineapple on pizza but seafood definitely doesn't have a place on it. I'm from ny that has buffalo chicken and ranch on pizza so I'm not a "pepperoni only" virgin

fuck skub

Okay - if I order a cheese pizza and a hawaiian pizza for a party.
I am going to be left with either 0 slices of Hawaiian because there is always one fucking obese pineapple autist that crams it down their throat like the ingredients to make it will no longer exist afterwards, or a full pizza. This happens regardless of party size.
People who like it exist. It's like the reverse of that cilantro soap thing.

Everyone should read Flavor Bible. There are certain combinations that are infallible, such as:
>tomato and basil
>lemon juice and honey
>apple and cinnamon
>blueberry and peach
>strawberry and rhubarb
There are some unexpected combinations such as:
>oatmeal and lemon zest (you should try this is surprisingly good)
>honey and garlic
>black garlic and worcestershire sauce
About pineapple and pizza, I didn't find that pineapple is a suitable pairing for tomatoes. But they go well with basil and blue cheese, also spinach so you should definitely try that

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I can't see how people can hate pineapple when there's a bigger desecration happening, mayonnaise or ranch on pizza


Over here in Finland the second most popular pizza is called Americana, which has ham, blue cheese and pineapple.
I just find it funny, since 2/3 of those toppings are things that probably absolutely disgust Americans.

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>ham, blue cheese and pineapple
Man that look good

What is this, a meme from the 70s? Spinach is great.

>Spinach is great.
Y-Your mom is great

What's with Finns and pizzas?

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I like nutella on sausage. Hit me with your best shot.

Who care about niggers? You can eat shit if you want

Japanese pizza is good. Just think of it as its own thing if you want to be autistic like that. I swear you are probably the same people on /ck/ who spend all day being triggered by NY, Detroit, and Chicago pizza. Just different takes on the same concept, they are all good in different ways.

Japanese pizza is great junk food, but yeah, totally different. One thing you all probably dont also realize is the sauce is (Japanese) mayo based for the seafood/corn pizzas. That probably makes it sound worse if you think of it as something that should resemble pizza as you know it but if you stop being autistic and give it a chance you may like it. Like I said, nothing more than junk food, but that is fine.

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The price of pizza in Japan is the real crime. $30 USD for a large pepperoni pizza delivered.

>The Aeneid already mentions the Romans eating pizza, and I think that's the oldest source of it we have.

The Aeneid mentions people eating stuff on flat bread not actual pizza. And Virgil's a fucking hack anyways who only ever used his writings to piss on whatever pope he didn't like.

CORN should be the only topping for Pizza.

Asian countries cant do cheese right. That is the reason why pizza outside countries that can do cheese taste wrong. Plus its too expensive eat ramen instead

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Not him but I haven't tried any other fish on top of pizza other than tuna, and that works well in my opinion
Pineapple is okay too, in small amounts, and anyone who says it """ruins""" the pizza is a retard because it's factually proven that salt and sweet compliment each other

pizza is flatbread

So isn't a tortilla, you gonna say the Italians invented that?

The small minority of turks that moved into Finland in the early 90s all went into restaurant business and got us hooked on pizza and kebab. Our domestic chains are nothing compared to the turks, and we can no longer live without the wild mixes of toppings they offer at affordable prices (by finnish standards).

reminder, dont eat raw fish. Its unsafe

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>Asian countries cant do cheese right.
Probably because dairy isn't suitable on their soil and traditionally there's also a cultural say that you should stop drinking milk past infancy.

That aside, East Asians like cheese for their taste.

I don't know about safety, but eating raw fish is gross because it's so goddamn slimy or sticky half of the time

Don't forget the olives.

It's definitely extremely risky unless the highest levels of food hygiene are adhered to.
Fundamentally many meats can be eaten raw but the animal must be healthy, germ free, free of heavy metals and other toxins, and the meat must not be contaminated during storage or preparation.
That said, in most cases the worst you'll get is parasites, food poisoning or an infection like salmonella. All unpleasant but treatable and usually not deadly.

No. Pizza dough is leavened with yeast.

This is really sad. Finns are preferring roach food to their own

If it's of any consolation, many of the toppings the turks offer are to finnish tastes. We have stuff like sauteed reindeer pizza, for example. It's fucking amazing.

>And Virgil's a fucking hack anyways who only ever used his writings to piss on whatever pope he didn't like.
What are you talking about? Virgil was alive before the founding of the church, and the Aeneid is a telling of the fictionalized founding of Rome that was politically used to tie Augustus to it.

what the FUCK is this chicken dish you always see in anime?

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Looks liked breaded, fried chicken.

Turkey is a country down the mediterranea. While Finland is a country in the frigid northern forests. I mean certainly the ingredients they brought are certainly of different nature and not representative of Finnish climate and nature. Take pistachios and spices. Sure for things like kebab and meat in general you can substitute with Finnish originals like reindeer meat. But it is just weird going to Finland and eating Baklava instead of some rustic Finnish village dish with goodness from the forests for example

looks like chicken tempura

It's called Karaage.

It's called having shit taste.

user was thinking of Dante, who wrote Virgil into his Divine Comedy.

Its this acidity is the enemy of cheese and tomato sauce. Imagine cooking a decent sauce for over an hour just to have some obese stumpy fingered troglodyte destroy your work with his shit tase. Might as well just use ketchup and cheese spray they couldn't tell the difference anyway.
Apple on pizza doesnt sound too bad actually, would be good with red meat and something with a snap.

Could you be any more of a Redditor?
It's time to go back.

People eat prosciutto with melon but at pineapple they suddenly draw the line?

>Tries a fish on pizza
>Not the canonical anchovy

Swear to fucking God these times we live in.

It's the same people who hate salty licorice

Looks better than british food

Are you pregnant?

I like pineapple on pizza, but can't stand salty licorice. Even had some in Finland, and I just don't get it.
Stop using a fork and knife to eat a burger.

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I like blue cheese but if I had to eat one of those 1000 year old eggs I would probably puke. Even though it's not very different in theory.

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>"canonical anchovy"
yeah maybe if you're a burger or something.
I've never seen anyone put anchovy on their pizza in my country

Underrated anime

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you must be at least 18 years old to post here

Yea Forums - Me & Ga

Kirin is a cute semen demon

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>only tries anchovy
You make me sick

Anchovy are disgusting.

Why yes I do break my pasta in 4 then add an egg, milk, salt, sugar, butter, hot dog, spiced cut chicken and some veggies.

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Anchovy is honestly really good



yamato damashi chicken tendies

glorious nihon chicken breaded over 1000s times


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who the fuck says it like pee-zah


I like American and Italian style pizza.
Fuck deep dish pizza though

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What does Yea Forums consider the most OP anime/manga charecter?

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americans who can't pronounce like italians

Tiny little sandwich.

Pineapple pizza

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>Karvakäsilät parempia kuin Kotipizza

everyone says peet-zah no one says pee-zah

>Usually with a radius of 50cm
I'm probably just an innocent European, but shouldn't this be "diameter of 50cm"? I just don't believe that the usual American pizza is a meter wide.

>"usually with a radius of 50cm"
What? Aren't most pizzas from pizza chains something like 12-15 or 18 in?

Those eggs are cured, so there shouldn't be anything wrong with it.
No clue about the taste but I doubt it's like rotten eggs.

On the topic of blue cheese. Once made the mistake of ordering a Gorgonzola pizza. They slammed so much on it.. I had some difficulty eating.
Nice in moderation though.

And both mayo and ketchup.

New York style pizzas are usually really long and thin slices, and that might be what the picture is trying to refer to. Either way a meter is ridiculously big pizza.