He totally ruined the series.
He totally ruined the series
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes. I know several people who dropped the show bec of him.
OP made another totally ruined thread.
If only OP was sucked down a throat instead of being born.
yes I am dropping this thread because of him
anime only fag that doesnt know a GOD when he sees one
What’s a god to a non believer
Based pleb filter, now we need a perverted lolicon for good measure.
based zenitsu
>Pleb filter
Lmao your seasonal garbage is already trending amongst twitter and reddit as is. Lolicon filter, my ass. It's not some Yea Forums's sekrit club anime that you think it is.
It was uninspired even before that.
also if anything he's only of the few things that break the mold of standard shonen tropes, even though he's a comedic relief
>break the mold of standard shonen tropes
Kek. He is a walking shonen trope.
This. Any anime that trends on social media is a pleb anime.
i was really hoping they were going to kill him off in the forest and hoghead could have been cool, but the constant yelling and being a dumb fucking idiot really ruined it. the story and backstories are still pretty good though
Is his arc about his character development?
>break the mold of standard shonen tropes
Is this bait?
Another pleb filtered, I see.
Reminder he is the producer's favorite character.
Underrated post
>Zenitsu got rid of all the shitters reading the manga.
So did he kill the mother boar that raised him?
That's pretty fucked up desu
Not only is he a walking shonen trope, he's even a trope by Western media standards
Boar saved it 4 me
>it's popular so it's bad
But hipster faggots like you two are the plebs.
Only pigcucks hate Zenitsuchad
hahahaha its always endearing to see nu faggots being bothered and dropping shit for the most inane reasons
>h-he ruined it for me!! boring annoying character!!
and yet you fags dont drop it for the unoriginal setting (feudal japan, humanoid monsters, monster slayers for the 688496th time), bland goody two shoes MC who cant do no wro ng, every arc ends with an asspull, 2 dimentional villain, shitty shonen tropes (muh katana can cut through bolders! its all about da skeelll!!, muh special two handed asscheek wild slashing style: two hundred years of anal pain!!!), most characters being straight archetypes with little to no variation/depth with some "characters" whose characterization doesnt go beyond their abilities and who they are related to, 0 world building and forced melodramatic backstories to make us feel bad about muh deemuns.
seriously, animeonlies have no right to talk about what is bad or good if these are the kind things that keep them from watching things. if anything ufotable did the impossible by making these shit characters somewhat bearable by providing high quality animation and creating great battle choreography from a manga which is particularly lacking in this department by the way.
Does he get better in the manga?
To this day he's only had one fight where he manned up, every other fight he's been asleep and at the end of it is whining like a bitch unaware of what he did while asleep and confused about his injuries.
user dropped the truth bomb
a shame
>feudal japan
someone isn't even bothering to watch properly
Nope. Still as annoying. I'm still hoping that he'll get better though.
Don't bother, all anime-onlies are brainlets.
I was legitimately prepared to drop the series but kept watching because I was convinced this guy was sleeper OP. It turns out my prediction was true in a very literal sense.
Why are you lying user? He's conscious during all of them.
He acts the same outside of battles.
Pikachu goes pika-pika while he is fully awake becoming an incarnation of "nothing personnel kiddo".
Still a whiney boi though.
It's one of the reasons I hate jump. Editors sign off on characters like him and minetta
>absolute garbage filler shonen anime
>turns into mainstream normalfag anime simply due to the loli being cute sometimes
So this is the power... of cunny
I'm curious, when did the feudal system actually go away in japan? Was there a law that was passed that reformed serfdom?
1876, meiji restoration. It's not really about serfdom, but about the way the country and territories are ruled.
true feudal japan ended in 1600 when tokugawa became shogun, edo period had some in-between thing. Local clans held power, but not as absolute as before.
basically if they call it "tokyo" and not "edo", it's not feudal japan anymore. (having electricity and a tram in the city should have been a fucking good indicator, but seems that brainlet user couldn't even pick up that obvious clue)
Why do the editors at WSJ continue to allow this?
Don't compare him to Mineta. At least Zenitsu gets to have some badass moments. Can't think of anything cool Mineta has ever done, even including his fight with Midnight.
serious question, does this guy ever become less of a faggot?
>filtering all the normie shitters
OP continues being a faggot until the day he dies
>At least Zenitsu gets to have some badass moments.
>can only be badass while he's asleep
>he's awake 95% of the time
Holy based and redpilled
>local user watches anime for how "original" it is and not for fun
>can only be badass while he's asleep
>Can't think of anything cool Mineta has ever done,
Also for something build up for a long time it ended up being fucking nothing
Cute and cannon
How? He's pretty effective as comic relief, his powers aren't asspull and he's a believable weakling as much as a useful fighter in a few situations, his backstory is hilarious and doesn't take itself seriously, he has common sense and often points out things from the audience's perspective. This does not make him a compelling character but he's a good character who fits his role well. The only problem is he sometimes acts like a faggot but he's not alone there, MC's a closet fag too.
>only women
It all makes sense now
>He's pretty effective as comic relief,
Yeah except he's not funny
>two taps an Upper moon 1 on 1
Yeah, nothing indeed.
>Upper moon
Based, especially the fact the characters have no god damn writing quality and are 1 dimensional turds. But it's set somewhere between the end of the 19th century and the start of the 20th.
I hate characters like this. Same with Mineta from BnHA. What makes them hateable? I don't really like them.
That wasn't the point retard.
But the fact that there is some "pleb filter" in highly popular anime trending on twitter is wrong.
>not funny
Only when he's being a faggot. Getting hit by lightning however had me laughing. And getting his ass bullied and handed to hin in the whorehouse was funny too. Most characters are unfunny and lame with the exception of Inosuke who's perfect in every function the author gives him.
Filter working as intended
Don't compare Mineta to Zenitsu. Mineta is at least honest in why he wants to be a hero and has the most human reactions to all the crazy shit that happens on occasion its why Japs like him and Fujos despise him. Zenitsu is fujo bait through ad through since only girls can put up with his antics because he's a cute fuckboi.
>Most characters are unfunny and lame with the exception of Inosuke
I bet Naruto is your favorite character too.
>feudal japan
nigger, thye are suits and Michael FUCKING Jackson as a villain. I don't think it's feudal japan
Pikachu offed the faggot when he was one of the Upper moons with both eyes marked.
>t. perverted incel that looks like Mineta
Nobody likes Mineta.. can you imagine being the guy that always thinks of perverted shit? he even does stuff that is borderline predatory eew that little nigg should be in jail
>Nobody likes Mineta
Sup tumblr
Pleb filter at it’s finest
It's Taisho era Japan. Haven't seen a specific date but probably early 1920's.
So this is the low IQ level of the fanbase
>WW2 is coming
how can the demon hunters save japan?
Read the comments again using your brain this time. The popularity issue was only brought up when it was called a pleb filter, because a popular show can't be that.
assassinate the retards who think the russo-japanese war tactics can be applied to the usa
Based. Post more.
but user
Japan WAS saved
Can American nukes save demons?
Nah, he is annoying but so what. He isn't the only annoying character in the history of Anime. Every character has a purpose all the time, you can't expect to like everyone and everything.
Tl;DR grow up, op
nuclear energy is fission energy which is what the sun does so maybe
it's retarded because he'd be an amazing character if they didn't make him massively autistic
Based OP filtering the shitters
I don't mind him in the manga but fuck me do his autistic shrieks annoy the shit out of me in the anime.
Fuck Japan for thinking characters who scream all the time like retards are funny.
>the second most popular character in one of the top 5 most popular manga in Japan is a pleb filter
how the fuck does that make any sense
Pleb filter for non-japanese
Shounentards have started delluding themselves into thinking the shit they like is some sort of high quality, obscure work so they don't have to admit they like bottom of the barrel crap.
based as fuck
animeonlies are the true scum of this board
yeah, mineta's problem is more being an ugly turbomanlet
ikemineta would be a much better character
He would still be an autistic creep so no.
>Haven't seen a specific date but probably early 1920's.
I think it's only 2 or 3 years into Taisho because the hand demon attacks all of Urokodaki's students and Tanjirou was the first one to tell him the Meji era was over
This post is so poorly written and stupid it gave me cancer.
Feudal Japan was 300 years ago according to the manga timeline. Genya has a double barrel shotgun for Christ's sake.
Did they have suits like Muzan's in the early 10's though?
its not the power of cunny. its the power of ufotable.
suits and fedoras have both been popular since the late 1890's, it's not an immersion breaking stretch for someone like Muzan to be wearing one in ~1914
Muzan wearing a suit isn't unrealistic. Particularly since the Demon Hunters wear uniforms and the sleep demon was wearing a suit as well
the boar head grew up with him?
Based Zenitsu protecting smiles and filtering trash plebs.
>not liking autistic manlets used for forced comedy makes me tumblr
Minetafags are delusional and can't except that he's just Kaminari except worse
Muzan's waifu's clothes, hair, and hat gives off more late 1910's-1920's vibe tho
> cute, endgame and canon
Imoutos are for Onii-chans only.
I wouldn't say he entirely made me dislike the series, but no yaibai does have a problem in general with trying to be comedic at times when shit is really serious and other times it does not. Makes it hard to know what really is at stake.
I skip all the scenes where he's fucking crying, he's worst than Deku
>feudal japan
of course you'd like the autistic screaming shit
I wouldn't mind that so much if he was actually funny. But it's the same thing every time and its they keep doing it again and again. Literally the entire mansion episode he just ran through the house screaming like a massive faggot. The only time he did something of worth he was asleep.
this is what I don't get, he has awesome moments like that and then other retarded moments, it's like Jekyll and Hyde but one of them has a massive case of autism
>Zenitsu does something badass
>TFW I've been a fan of Zenitsu since he was first introduced and still like him.
Fucking hate how people only like him for one episode and that's it.
For me it's a case of knowing immediately where his arc was headed and liking him for it. He did get grating at times in his first two episode - and I did like him more during his hype moments and better comedy - but I liked him all the same. I think some people are just incapable of comprehending the idea of an "arc" or flawed characters in general, so they think they're supposed to think he's some perfect guy exactly as he is now.
honestly, I never liked him much, even from his first introduction
I liked him more after the fight with his old friend, though
inosuke was always my jam
He's not the only character with a secret crush on Nezuko. That being said, he also has a crush on other female characters so he's a sucker for women in general so
I doubt he'll end up with Nezuko.
>feudal japan
oh look you're calling someone out for being a nu faggot retard when you don't know what you're taking about
>humanoid monsters
really making me think here pic related
the problem is that before that moment he's just a walking trope. Sure there's the moment with the box but that's it. I mean for fucks sake his introduction was literally the "retard falls for a girl because she gave him attention" trope.
I like how his character development arc was basically a Bruce Lee movie in where the student has to kill the apprentice gone evil and had brought shame to the school.
we get it you're desperate for attention but you're not starting a fanbase war itt
I still think he is a fucking cringey retard.
Doing something cool once in a while doesn't make up for his autistic faggotry the rest of the time.
I wouldn't mind him being a trope if the plot didn't grind to a halt for him to have an auspie fit for a minute or two
He feels like a self insert for creepy auspie tards who think if they just do something cool somehow it wipes the slate clean. Sure it was a cool moment but he's still a cringey retard
>criticizing characters for being too close to an archetype while praising another character for being a literal walking trope
I kind of hope you're being contrarian because otherwise you're just another retard burdening the planet
I don't mind flawed characters for the most part, but the "crying and screaming a lot" flaw/gag in particular is my pet peeve and I don't like it at all.
it's up there with the pervert getting slapped trope
or the accidental pervert getting slapped trope
it's lazy writing
I hate him all the time.
>all it took to make you like the character was for him to go super saiyan
I don't dislike him because he is flawed, I dislike him because he spends 99% of the time screaming and doing dumb unfunny shit. Fuck, I wouldn't even mind that if the story didn't choose to focus so much on that shit.
remember when the protagonist was fighting alone and injured against a demon to save the children while this faggot was screaming and running around the house like a retard and hiding behind the only other kid?
>oh my god why don't you guys like him he's so BASED!!!xD
I like him and his ability. I just hated the whole snaffu at the beginning where he "blacks out" when he does something. I can accept he can be a coward and that he can also be badass, but if they do more, "Oh someone saved me other than myself" I was going to be pissed. At least during this arc he got his shit together. Even if he cries more, I'll be fine if there's no black out shenanigans
>it's just another anime set in feudal japan, god you new fags are so stupid and don't know anything!
So we are talking about later events not covered by the anime yet, right?
Because I struggle to understand why someone would think that this faggot being badass while unconscious somehow redeems his annoying personality.
Like, it's not even him showing he has some hidden heroic traits or that he can show his true worth when the situation calls for it like when he protected the box, it's him being such a fucking faggot that he needs to literally lose his fucking consciousness and enter in some asleep battle mode to stop being a burden.
I don't even mind cowardly characters that much. It's just the yelling and the whining that's a huge turnoff.
Absolutely fucking based
If anything it's the epitome of the stupid shonen mc whose asspull power saves him. It's on par with naruto succumbing to the nine tails and then waking up going "what happened"
I don't get it. Yelling and loud and unfunny jokes aren't exclusive to Zenitsu. It's part of the series. Remember Tanjiro had his family murdered in ep 1 and ep2 starts off with a really unfunny joke scene? It's kinda this series' unique quirk at this point.
Mineta doesn't have a defining moment(s) to offset his pervertedness
While Zenitsu is not as pervy as mineta, he is still a creep sometimes but his shining moments outweigh his creepiness.
I guess the difference is that it's funnier with Tanjiro because the scenario is different. Like when he's insisting he gives the farmer money for his shit basket. Or buys second bowl of soup and then downs it. With Zenitsu it's just him being scared again.
For some dumb reason the nips seem to think that characters who scream and overreact are funny and put that shit everywhere.
Eve then, like I said, I wouldn't be so bothered by it if the story didn't choose to waste its time focusing on that.
Take the part where they are recovering in that manor for example. That was a perfect chance to have the cast interact, form some bonds and show a bit more of their personality outside of battle and yet the story spents like 5 minutes doing that and the rest of their time in that place is wasted on Zenitsu screaming and runing around like a sperg.
that was the perfect moment for character development between the three of them, especially with revealing that it's his sister who is the demon. Totally wasted
It's not Tanjiro's defining trait and it's not based on him being a whining crybaby, so when he does shit like that or goes into potato mode from time to time it doesn't bother me at all.
Tanjiro does that once in a while and usually in the non-action bits of the story.
Zenitsu spends every single second of screentime in which he isn't asleep acting like a tard, even if the situation is supposed to be serious.
>"Oh my god that guy just got pulled to his death! That must be the demon doing that in the forest, we gotta go!"
>yellow boy, "Guys no wait stop the plot I'm scaaaared!"
Breath of Lightning 10th Form: Pleb Filter
>Breath of Lightning 11th Form: Flaming Pleb Filter of Thunder God
Fixed that for you.
Based. Made kimetsukeks seeth and start nitpicking a minor error in otherwise a great post.
>He's not the only character with a secret crush on Nezuko
Yes he is, literally no other character in entire series so far has ever expressed any romantic interest in Nezuko; this is no indication that Zenitsu will get her though.
You can't ruin shit.
Episode 19 ruined the series
Too loud, freaks out too much. it all worked in him vs spider guy though
>people only like a character when he does something likable
>this is somehow a problem
a revealing look inside the mind of a Zenitsufag
>Zenitsu as a male character crying and pissing his pants at everything
>"what a faggot he ruins the show for me"
>Genderbent Zenitsu doing the same thing in an alternate universe where the author made the character female
>"she's so cute and strong"
toxic masculinity still exists and so is derailing a thread with politics
it's okay to be a weak, crying, scared woman
men are meant to be strong
>the character is only good if his gender his changed so people want to fuck him
this is called a red flag
>freaks out too much
At this point it only holds true for a person watching the anime, in later events Zenitsu becomes a loud mouth towards other stuff, he stops pissing his pants against demons as the series progresses as a matter of fact, falling into his trance mode as a result of getting hit on the head and falling under a spell that puts the entire party into sleep, after that he never sleeps again.
What confounds me about people who hate Zenitsu is that unlike in a lot of series, he is not meant to be endearing. He's literally the first person Tanjirou was ever actually disgusted with, and everyone is annoyed with him. The point is that he's a weakling at heart, but he grows up
Aside from all your bizarre samefagging, if the first point of the post is comically and blatantly wrong, everything else that follows can be safely ignored.
succeeding at intentionally writing a shitty character isn't better than accidentally writing a shitty character
What are you fuckin retarded
What the fuck is wrong with you? You think "if the character is flawed, faces those flaws, and grows up" that's automatically bad because he's flawed in the first place? Flawed = bad writing? Fucking moron.
being flawed doesn't make a character bad, completely lacking any traits that make them likable or interesting does
Care to explain? He's the only character who's acting like how a person from our world would behave in a situation like that. None of the other characters seem to fear death. Without him, everything would feel unrealistic.
Aside from all your bizarre samefagging, if the first point of the post is comically and blatantly wrong, everything else that follows can be safely ignored.
>>TFW I've been a fan of Zenitsu since he was first introduced and still like him.
Maybe in the manga where a bitch isn't screaming in your ear the whole time. I don't blame animeonlies for thinking he's cancer, because in the anime he is. Loud, unfunny, and takes up way too much screen time as soon as he's introduced.
Zenitsu isn't annoying. Kids would act like that or even worse in a life or death situation. You could teach kids to be brave, but they don't all go through the same training to become a demon slayer. To add to this, they don't go through human-friendly tryouts to become a demon slayer, so it's a survival of the fittest kind of thing going on. If they do become a demon slayer, they don't even have a proper handbook to refer to, everything about certain demons will be learned in battle. Humans are normally spooked just hearing tales of demons. Zenitsu has a reason to be scared and perfectly normal human emotions.
>Zenitsu purges out the normies
Fucking based.
>Kids would act like that or even worse in a life or death situation. You could teach kids to be brave, but they don't all go through the same training to become a demon slayer. To add to this, they don't go through human-friendly tryouts to become a demon slayer, so it's a survival of the fittest kind of thing going on. If they do become a demon slayer, they don't even have a proper handbook to refer to, everything about certain demons will be learned in battle. Humans are normally spooked just hearing tales of demons. Zenitsu has a reason to be scared and perfectly normal human emotions.
none of that proves he isn't annoying, it only justifies it
>Zenitsu isn't annoying.
Yes, he is. Specially when the show wastes 5 minutes having you watch him screech like an aspie.
>Kids would act like that or even worse in a life or death situation
How does that makes him less annoying? And that's false anyway because we literally got a bunch of kids being thrown into a demon slaughterhouse and they handled it much better than Zenitsu, to the point one of them had to wonder what the fuck was wrong with him.
>so it's a survival of the fittest kind of thing going on
Which works perfectly, except for Zenitsu who just happened to have a bullshit "I fall asleep and become a master swordman" ability that allowed him to survive that shit.
The whole point of Final Selection is that useless faggots like Zenitsu don't become Demon Slayers.
>Zenitsu has a reason to be scared and perfectly normal human emotions
No, he is an autist who overreacts because the author thinks that shit is funny even though it isn't.
Zenitsu is one of the most normalfag characters possible, see
Didnt make me drop the series but i did skip half the episode where he fought that spider dude. Didnt feel like i missed anything desu
This manga alone has a couple of flawed but likable characters though. It's just that Zenitsu isn't one of them, at least not yet.
Usually I'd call you a faggot but in this case I have to agree.
The only way to watch this series without losing your mind is to skip any scene where the plot grinds to a halt to show Zenitsu being autistic.
>mfw all this Zenitsu hate and I remember back in the days when Usopp was literally the most hated character in Shounen Jump over the entire internet before people appreciated him even though it took practically a decade and now he's a God
Ah memories
>11th Form
>10th Form
>but i did skip half the episode where he fought that spider dude. Didnt feel like i missed anything desu
Wasn't that the one with his entire backstory and why he is the way he is and his entire philosophy on life?
Yes, aka the great filter.
I assume he watched that and skipped all his scenes before that where he does nothing of importance other than cry and scream for the millionth time.
Usopp had quite a few cool moments early on though.
Don’t bully Zenitsu, he just want some cunny.
Go be a faggot somewhere else.
Just woke up from a coma, I didn't know he was so hated. I genuinely find him funny.
But then again he's part of that "cowardly shonen character" archetype. It always seemed to me like the shonen audience dislikes those types for the most part. Which isn't so surprising, usually they're people who value strength and shows of strength, so of course they'd dislike characters who show off their weakness. Sure the point is to set up character growth, for that character to overcome said weakness, and usually when they do that makes for a very cool climax, but predicatbly all people seem to remember about these characters is how they spent 90% of their screentime whining. Which is understandable I guess.
Basically this yeah
>It always seemed to me like the shonen audience dislikes those types for the most part.
Correction, only in the West. Japan loves these kinds of characters. It's not even just Zenitsu
How many times do I have to tell you!?
>specially when the show wastes 5 minutes having you watch him screech like an aspie
Same could be said about Inosuke
>they handled it much better than Zenitsu
Clearly they didn't because there dead
>Which works perfectly, except for Zenitsu who just happened to have a bullshit "I fall asleep and become a master swordman" ability that allowed him to survive that shit. The whole point of Final Selection is that useless faggots like Zenitsu don't become Demon Slayers
Zenitsu fights like that in his sleep because he has the ability. He is actually a better fighter when he's a awake so your entire point in invalid.
>No, he is an autist who overreacts because the author thinks that shit is funny even though it isn't
Look at point 1.
hes annoying as fuck
his entire character is being annoying
he just yells and screams and cries
its aggravating
he is funny and he plays the straight man role well,
it's just the anime-only retards who see too much of themselves in Zenitsu who dislike him because of it.
No, it's because in the manga a frame or two can be up to 30 seconds of cringe in anime form. Manga is more digestible because you have more control of the pace from moment to moment. Not so in the Anime. This isn't the only feature to suffer from this.
>it's just the anime-only retards who see too much of themselves in Zenitsu who dislike him because of it.
this is the biggest cope I've ever fucking seen
Animeonlies ruin KnY and animeonlies who read the manga after watching the anime are even worse.
That's just like your opinion man,
He isn't my favorite character but I don't dislike him at all
Boar > forehead > Loli Nezuko > Zenitsu > Giyu > God of festivities > Aniki > Makomo > Shinobu > Himejima > almost everyon else, onis included > snek
If anything I fucking hate the MC.
HE acts like a goody two shoes merry sue and I'm so fucking bored with it.
But he gets the job done so I don't see the problem. Just because he feels bad for people who got turned into demons doesn't stop him from cutting their heads off. It's called having empathy you autistic faggot.
>Same could be said about Inosuke
Yes, Inosuke is kind of annoying too, but his autism doesn't get that much focus and he compensates it by actually doing shit when things get serious without needing to pass out.
>Clearly they didn't because there dead
What? I'm talking about the kids who were looking for their brother in the former LM6's manor. They survived.
>Zenitsu fights like that in his sleep because he has the ability. He is actually a better fighter when he's a awake so your entire point in invalid.
Except that by this point he refuses to do that so he shouldn't have survived even if he had the skill because he is a fucking faggot.
>Look at point 1.
What makes you think that "I-Inosuke did it too" is a valid argument? Yes, he is autistic and can be annoying, how does that make Zenitsu less of a faggot?
This. He is a demon apologist but he never goes "if you kill your enemies then they win".
He just kills them and then feels bad about how shitty their lives must have been to join Michael Jackson's evil group.
cringe but redpilled
What chapter is this from again
>feudal japan
If I did not liked the setting and the other characters I would drop because of him.
Until he has that character development its natural for people to hate the character
Wrong the mc is scared all the time but he learned how to control his fear in his training, the final test, and all the fights there after. The whinny bitch also got through the training and the test but somehow is STILL paralyzed with fear.
Which again isn't necessarily bad except the story continues to show it on your face for comedic effect
Why does her face looks like that
>Yes. I know several people who dropped the show bec of him.
>dropping a show because of a character
Bunch of plebs
Again its not about weakness. Tanjiro literally gets called out in the second episode for letting his emotions get the best of him and crying. The demon hunter knew he was devastated but he had to keep it together because if you give into that weakness, whether its fear or sadness, then you and everything you care about are fucked.
In his training his master repeatedly emphasized controlling his emotions despite the circumstances and getting over pain. The whole idea is that as a make, literally said repeatedly be a man, you control your body and its desires and impulses.
The dead pupils do it yet a-fucking-gain. Be a man, control yourself. It happens in the final test. It happens in his fight with all the demons afterwards. Whether hes terrified or sad or in pain he pushes through as expected and controls himself to win.
And funny enough the demons are monsters that are slaves to their impulses and desires and hunger. Literally the most obvious foil slapped in your face repeatedly.
And them, after all of that, we get another character who also trained and also got past the test and also took work as a demon hunter. And he flies in the face of all of that and the major, core ideas of the story. It's not that hes whiny or scared. Its that he, repeatedly, let's his emotions control him to his and everyone else's and even the fucking plot's detriment. And the writing plays it off as a joke.
It's not funny, it's honestly a serious fucking flaw of the writing. And so OBVIOUSLY people dont like him. You're have to be 1) a retard 2) an autistic faggot self identifying with him or 3) a contrarian to not see this
But go ahead and act like nu-Yea Forums and say based and chad because apparently you didn't get bullied enough as a kid.
>this mad
>missed woke zenitsu
Sucks to suck user
its like when naruto made him out to be an underdog only to make him an overpowered little shit
The fact that they bitch and moan about every god damn thing that happens, that they are suppose to be 'reader insert' kind of cowardly characters. the fact we have seen them done so much fucking better elsewhere and when they are bad they just end up grating your every last nerve. that fact that you hate them so much and screentime is used to show them over something you care more about.
>Mineta doesn't have a defining moment(s) to offset his pervertedness
He does.
>he is still a creep sometimes but his shining moments outweigh his creepiness.
They don't because he becomes more of a walking punchline than anything
>Usopp was literally the most hated character in Shounen Jump
Stop spouting bullshit also unlike Zenitsu Ussop had plenty moments of badassery early on and he wasn't just a fujobait.
>Muzan survives, but dies when a Nuke drops on him during WW2
Would you like it?
The manga is actually an elaborate plot to blame the demons for the Rape of Nanking.
that'd be amazing
It's actually going to be Michael Jackson molestation denial, with Muzan Kibutsuji using his demonic powers to morph the most famous entertainer on earth, Michael Jackson, from being a black man into having the same appearance as him.
Honestly, the hardest part to believe is that everyone just suddenly accepts that Michael Jackson turned into a creepy white guy.
Based retard dropping truth bombs on animebabies
People wrongly compare Zen to be like Mineta when he's basically just Alibaba.
If this is set in the Taisho period then will the story have the obligatory Kanto earthquake arc?
but also based (You) farmer.
Truly double based.