Beastars Chapter 142

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Thank you my dude. Everytime you post a chapter you make my day

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>Why can't you sleep?
>thingken of granson

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Disgusting mutt children.

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>that picture with a giraffe and tiger
Wonder how that kid would turn out.

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dios mio, la escuela de las criaturas...

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Should be prey


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Shouldn't that be prey instead of pray?

>trying to make a civet threatening
they're like a foot tall just throw them against the wall you stupid dog


>cat that shits coffee rewards bats with coffee

>An animal that literally shits money
>not a threat

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How can a single man be so wholesome and cute...
Yet so incredibly manly and hot at the same time?
Truly the ultimate husbando.


This feels longer than usual

Whoops. Thanks. Changing them.

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He's going to job, isn't he?


So that Legosi can step up? Also horse will be super mad.

No probs TL-sama

Messed up with 18.png, the second panel, second bubble. It should be that the civet boss "excretes the highest quality coffee beans as a reward for the missions he gives [to the bats]."

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What is this mango about?
I didnt know about this

>a fucking cat and a bunch of bats are the supremacists

an endangered animal would make more sense

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I certainly didn't expect that

What a fucking depressing life.
Imagine throwing away all of your dreams and aspirations in order to form a family only for them to all die or live away, leaving you to live the rest of your existance alone, with the slim hope that your grandson might one day visit you (if he doesnt kill himself before)


Seems sort of cozy to me. Nice and simple.

>Why society should be segregated
>High velocity autism (without brakes)

Whatever, shit eater.


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Look at this little retard. Adorable. I've decided Legosi needs to breed Haru, immediately.

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Dont you have a gradparent/old relative who lives on their own? They are just waiting to die man, the only thing they have is the little family they have left, and that assuming the family even gives a shit about them. Shit's sad.

this is your richard spencer cat

ew, look at all thos fucking mutts. is this an American day care? kek

This manga. This fucking manga.

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i'm 22 and waiting to die, being old has nothing to do with it

Thank you tl-kun i love u.
Please tell me, Who's your favorite character?
so that i may mock you and also make a little gif of them thanking you.

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Forgive me. Is the last box correct? He's talking about Saturdays in the previous ones, not every day of the week.

Makes you wonder if Legosi actually has a venom duct, and the reason he cant spit out poison is that its pretty much blocked due to his other genes kinda shit. Maybe we'll see him try to open it up accidentally and excreting actual venom.

Gas race mixers.


user those are endangered animals

The first group of characters to explicitly hate hybrids specifically drink literal shit. Just keep that in mind. People who don't like crossbreeds have shit taste. Think about it.


Is that Impala going to be Legosi's new grandma and Yafya new love rival?

>Why society should be segregated
I don’t want to sound like a fag, but that’s a scary premise.
I will read it in the future anyways because why not

>a bunch of weak beta animals are the amimal nahtzees
w-what did paru meant by this

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Why was it ten days since last chapter this time, not seven? Because of magazine or tl?
Just curious. Either way thanks for chapter. Waiting for beastars chapters is suffering because I'm so engaged in the story

He's talking about "everyday life". The subject for the sentence is "watashi no nichijou". My translation is still kind of wrong. I changed it to "My everyday life is always rejuvenating for me." on Mangadex.


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I don't know how I feel about the manga introducing another set of villains while we still haven't dealt with Melon and stuff


He's very tiny and cute.

We had a busier week than usual.

Is civet shit really that tasty compared to normal coffee?

interesting, definitely I will read it

This is pretty much gonna end up with Gosha/Horse beating the crap out of the Civet next chapter and it being revealed that the Civet got cucked by a chad panther.

Then the autistic lions and the autistic wolf will resort to asking Louis for help because he's not as autistic as them.

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my name is Gosha, of the Komodo Dragons.

Saw a documentary about old people dying lonely deaths in Japan, usually their bodies are only found weeks or months later, after the smell attracts neighbors. By that point their bodily fluids have seeped into the floor. They don't die instantly too, most fell down and are unable to call for help so they just starve on the floor. Nothing cozy about it.

what the fuck 500 is what i make selling nudes for 3 days to old perverts

I wonder if old perverts would buy coffee I shat out just for the novelty of it coming out from hot booty. I could label it Kopi Twink.

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tldr, carnivores and herbivores live together in society but carnivores are treated slightly more unfairly because you know, they're meat eaters
however in this manga they eat like, vegan options so they don't HAVE to eat meat (except quite a lot of them do, via a back alley market that typically sells already dead animals)
carnivores are also VASTLY strongly than herbivores and could kick their shit into next week, and because of this certain species (ie bears) are forced to take drugs to reduce their power levels

there is compelling arguments for and against segregation in beastars which i think is one of the parts the manga does best, have fun with reading it

>carrying a fucking I-beam on his own
>in his 50s


I thought Melon's weakness was the fact that he lacked the brute force of a bunch of grown up lions.

or just tell the fucking Panda to gun him down with a submachinegun.

Actual supposed spoilers:
it's a louis chapter
he gets molested
by a carnivore

>the coffee in question is actually what happens when the civet eats coffee cherries and digests the flesh before pooping the seeds (coffee beans) out and drying them
>he's literally grinding his shit and giving it to bats as a reward
absolutely disgusting

some user like last thread pointed out that because he can't taste anything, he would be very susceptible to poisons

I'd drink coffee shat out by Tom Holland, but I'm not old yet (21).

I mean the manga is actually the opposite of that, it's just that people are rarted and try to force it to be an edgy viewpoint. It's like how /pol/ thinks zootopia advocates white supremacy.

That said, there were some stretches of chapters where it was looking pretty iffy

>legosi has to fight a gang of purebreed supremacists bats hunting down interspecies offspring being paid via coffee beans that have been shat out by a cat
peak Beastars

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Man sometimes i wish Paru's animal traits aren't directly lifted from our world. Like this kopi luwak stuff is only famous because some idiots think they're a novelty. But in the beastars world do people really value coffee shit by other people?

no, that's the beautiful part. When the college arc happens, the bats are simply forgotten about

I feel like the bats were chosen to be the pure blood supremacists because bats drink blood, but I can't say I understand why the bats would be obsessed with coffee.

I agree with that other user, just yeet this fucker into some bricks

Civets glow in the dark?

by "saw a documentary" do you just mean read Route End?

Because they need coffee to stay awake in the daytime.

>Underestimating an opponent
This is how you get your ass kicked

what's he gonna do shit on me
fuck, he's probably too small to use any gun more threatening than an airsoft

Yeah, right. Don't under-anything against this guy. Go straight to the overhand throw, full pelt.

>there were some stretches of chapters where it was looking pretty iffy
That's because they're literally animals with HUGE differences in size, strength, ability, some even have poison. You can't compare it to real life and anyone who does is a fucking retard who needs to be laughed at

that was my eventual conclusion too, but I wouldn't put it past japan to do some "we live in a society" bullshit that extreme

100 mice kicked a dude's eye out, don't fuck with small animals
> inb4 this civet gets a super speed boost from getting jacked up on his own supply and becomes the ultimate dexfag

No just search Japan lonely deaths on YouTube

Wait where did they all come from and how come they all shrank in size? The first bat was huge

Man, I just read every chapter in about day. Enjoyed it way more than I expected it. But isn't the beastar horse kind of retarded for letting the MC and Melon alone together? At first I thought the horse planned for MC to let Melon free(for some reason) but it just turned to be a dumb fuck.

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user most of the characters in this manga are on the spectrum

The sad thing is those are fruit bats (long dog like snouts as opposed to a Vampire Bat's flat face and nose) so they have no dietary reason to hate hybrids they're just cunts

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I've been sick with a fever for 6 days now, eating air and staying up all night because I can't sleep and now I come here to find out Beastars Hitler is a housecat with delicious shit. This was a very bad idea.

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>Route End
That was about suicide though

>a video of a wolf punching a small civet cat goes viral on the beastars Twitter

> humans hate humans for illogical reasons

Were close to a hundred and fifty chapters, if Paru was like that she would have put it in earlier, edgy mangaka are not known for their subtlety or restraint

>Aardvark/Anteater + Giraffe
>Rabbit + Panda
>Antelope? + Wolf?
>Picture of a Tiger + Giraffe family
>Picture of a Pig + Pufferfish/Porcupine family
>Picture of some kind of bird + some kind of mammal family
>Wooly Rhinoceros
I can't tell what the other kids are supposed to be. Love how hybrids look in this series, but man they must be fucking scary if they were real (ignoring how impossible that would be, of course).

Maybe we'll get an explanation how all the animals evolved to a biped shape and they all somehow shared an ancestor or something that enables cross breeding

>It is coffee that is prepared using coffee cherries that have been eaten and partly digested by the Asian palm civet, then harvested from its fecal matter.
>The civets digest the flesh of the coffee cherries but pass the pits (beans) inside, where stomach enzymes affect the beans, which adds to the coffee's prized aroma and flavor. 0.5 kg (1 lb) can cost up to $600 in some parts of the world and about $100 a cup in others.

Had someone here ever even heard of such a thing before reading this chapter?

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Reminds of that dead mall series I still gotta check out
Had a bit of stuff about general death scene clean up in the beginning iirc. nice spoilers btw, it was his sled right?

i knew it existed, but i never bothered looking into the detailed specifics of it

This is pretty standard "Fun Animal Fact" stuff, user

TL user if you're still there, i think it's supposed to be 'gotta grind' instead of grinds.

I know plenty and I'd never heard of it.

Also never eat bat abroad. They carry poison berries in their stomachs.

>poison berries
That's the least dangerous thing they carry, some carry rabies and possibly ebola among other diseases

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Wrong. Not enough fuwa fuwa.

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I wonder if the leading cause of death for small animals in their world is being stepped on. Insurance must be crazy.

I'm thinking when Legosi regenerates his teeth is when he will also produce a venom duct. I say during his inevitable rematch with Melon, after he get his teeth back, Legosi bites Melon and Melon initally shrugs it off, only to be violently convulsing on the ground as his blood boils from the ultra-potency of Legosi's Komodo Dragon venom.

The first spoken line from a mouse (chapter 5) is about being nearly stepped on, yes.

Nocturnal animals need coffee to live normally maybe?

You've made my day, TL-kun, thank you

My country produces this shit
>pun intended

I'm honestly surprised the manga hasn't addressed the glaring issue that Melon works mostly alone and thus it's super easy to kill him relying solely on numbers.

actually very based. both unexpected and brilliant.

Thank you TL-kun!

thanks, tl-kun, always looking forward to these

>la tragedienne
It should've been "la reptiliana"

Thank you

This isn't going to be some weird power play where the boss enjoys how he can literally feed his subordinates his shit they all act grateful?

I don't care how cute he is. He sent a bunch of henchmen to a goddamn day care to kill a bunch of kids. I hope Grandpa rips his fucking balls off and stomps him like a grape.

When Juno tackled Louis and told him if she kissed him she'd be unable to stop herself from eating him. I assumed she meant sex, or just meant it playfully, but with the subject matter of carnivores going feral I'm not sure how literal it was meant to be taken. Like was she going through what Legosi did when he was fighting his instincts?


peppa pig

Bar for what?

>it's about pear than peach

so boob jokes than ass jokes right

What's your favorite page/scene so far? This one choked me up a bit. It's so easy to think about the herbivores being afraid, but carnivores have to worry about hurting the herbivores from just basic actions at times. This whole mess crushed Toa pretty hard. Yet Kibi wanted him to hold his hand to help make him feel better and be friends again. Toa crumpling beside the bed crying out of relief. Simple scene but I really fucking liked it.

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>purity race supremacists are shit eaters and shit producers


gotta keep his shape, can't be foxy grandpa by just laying low

It was intimidation preying on Louis' two insecurities, his weakness and his social status, to prove that despite how much farther ahead he was than her that she was still capable of competing with him. Because apparently declaring war privately to the most popular kid in school over who will be the next Beastar and declaring war privately to your crush's girlfriend on whether he'll actually fuck her is a better form of courtship in Juno's eyes than talking to him at any god damned point.


I'm guessing this is all gonna turn out to be a big misunderstanding, given how he talks

>old vet
>ripped as fuck
>family man
>loves children
Why is grandpa so fucking based.

he's not.

gosha you don't need to strip

>time to lube up!

The perfect little newcomer being so flawed is nice about her. Makes her at least a bit more interesting. Her trying to pin Legosi into a corner during that fair amused me. I wasn't surprised at all Legosi just blew her off. More surprised that she thought it'd work at all.

He knows what's important in life. I wonder how bad his venom really is. Like I know their real world stuff is some bad shit but is it so bad you can't touch them, or even their towel? Him being so cautious is charming though and I'm sure it eases the mind of others around him.

Yafya just get over the fact he's not gay and go to bed.

Yes he does.

Stop it Yafya, that won't make him love you

why, it's not like secrets poison on his skin

At the very least, he thinks he does. 'There's poison glands all over my body' was how he introduced himself to Airhead.

You can fuck Gosha but you have to do it in one of these. Would you?

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he doesn't secrete poison in his slit

irl komodo venom isn't actually that bad. It's the blood loss that comes from their bite and the massive amount of bacteria from their saliva that kills most prey. the venom is extra.

Having venom/claws doesn't make you a monster, some monsters doesn't even have it.
It wasn't his fault.
Yafya? Becoming a hero of justice is a children dream, chosing love and family doesn't make you a traitor.
Well yeah.

>irl komodo venom isn't actually that bad.
Agreed, this manga tries to make it look like Alien corrosive blood.

I see, thanks. So is their Venom more like a sedative? Could you survive if hit with just the venom and no bacteria?

I don't recall. Did they ever say what killed his wife?

Who would society side with?

They actually are still researching what the venom actually does, but it's not as deadly like say, a snake's. The real problem is the 300 pound reptile behind the bite

I mean, they have to make Gosha a clean, nice-living guy.

No but
>they definitely fucked
>she died before Leano entered school
>Gosha disinfects anyone who makes contact with him
>Gosha reminds the remaining members of his family that they're immune, constantly. to the point that it's how he greets them.
it's pretty obvious

Man I hope that's not what happened. To accidentally kill your wife and then your daughter kill herself because she starts to scale over, you'd hate yourself. Just because you fell in love.

Beastars is about how you shouldn't crossbreed.

Serves him right for knocking up a fur coat.

Yafya the mice can't sleep with your anger.

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It doesn't seem to say one way or the other. It comes with hardships but so does everything in the world. Legosi is an example of positivity from crossbreeding. The kids in the day care lit up like any other child when they saw Gosha. Seems more like it's saying life is tough but can be worthwhile.

nice work user

>Louis reassured kids on the black market that were being sold for food so they'd be at ease.
I like Louis but this really pissed me off. He out of anyone should have made it a goal to abolish that shit.

trust me on this one, user, he most definitely does

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good work, I noticed one of my posts made it into ch 140!

Are you ready?

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>that character you don't want to die but feel they will
If Gosha dies Legosi wouldn't have any family left. He already carries so much. Let him keep his grandpa until he can give him grandkits at least.

It was a worldwide fad some years ago.

He doesn't want to get blood on his shirt, it might scare the children.

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They say it tastes like watered down coffee, just add more water to your coffee

Sure it is, Paru.

Grandfather, not father.

That's mom and grandma.

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>Gouhin's bastard spawn


>Boss! We did it! We killed all the children!
>I... wait, what did you just say?
>That we killed the children!
>W-Wasn't that just code speaking?
>...oh you're not gonna like what we did to all the other orphanages then.

>melon's weakness
just shoot him

>Melon's weakness
>We found out that he usually let his guard down in these interspecies masquerade parties that he hosts. All you have to do is hold him at gun point, handcuff him, and call the police.

>gosha is an actual mercenary

wow so Legosi wasn't exaggerating about him holy shit. gosha so far is my 2nd best character

los creaturas...

>the coffee beans Nazi mafia

yes aside from elephants, civet coffee shit are quite aromatic and delicious

the only way this could be less subtle is if this guy had an hitler mustache

turns out it's quite a misunderstand moment he said "clean up" the orphanage of half breeds he doesn't mean to say kill them all, he just ran a normal janitorial business

t. nazi bat

kek, but i tasted it once and it's expensive as fuck

Elephant poop can be turned to coffee too?

While this was a great scene, it has an equal in how fucking non-chalant the arm rip was. It was just so quick and unexpected that it left just as much impact as the touching scene in the hospital. I hope we see it happen in the anime.

if they ate coffee beans, also not all civet cat shit are coffee you have to make sure they have eaten a coffee bean

also much more expensive than civet cat

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Everyone has a price. What's yours?

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Are you implying that I would fuck an animal in exchange for money

Because I'd do that shit for free

What the fuck you disgusting pervert. No, I'm asking how much would you sell a finger for to a filthy carnigger with no self-restraint or respect.

>1/500 chance of getting pregnant
>means they fucked a BUNCH of times
>means dripping venom everywhere

I'm surprised his wife lasted that long

Gosha is probably the equivalent of a green beret vietnam vet

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>Mein Fuhrer! We did it! We killed all the Jews!
>I... wait, what did you just say?
>That we gassed the Jews!

Furry Hitler is cute

>that second panel Gosha
Something about it is so funny.

These abominations...

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That's some good detective skills Mr. Gosha!

me in the bottom right.

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Why are the most vile people in beastars so far nearly all feline? I'm a dog person myself so I support this direction!

Because the MC is canine

Hybrid children got separated and shitheads still are trying to kill them

but Bill is based

Imagine how much it would fuck Legosi up so much to actually murder someone because of his komodo genes.

KEK. If only he was wearing a diaper then this would be perfect

141: Legosi convinced a shark to save him after being pushed off a cliff tied and cemented
142: Gosha gets all serious and shirtless to fight off an army of bats
143: Louis gets raped by some carnigger.

One of these doesn't sound as badass as the others.

Oh god no.

>I have to open my venom duct
this definitely feels like very subtle foreshadowing


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His ear oh boy

So we have El Satán Furro Comodín and Mein Furher can't possibly be this cute! who do you think will be the one to be defeated first?

Imagine feeding other people your shit coffee.


But who first decided to make coffee out of cat shit? Why?

So do we have to add scat to the list of "Paru what the fuck?" now?

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Ohohohoho! Just you wait a tiny bit longer!

poor peasant living in Indonesia, the dutch banned the local from drinking coffee then one saw civet cat shit with still intact coffee beans now it's much more expensive than regular coffe

Why do I have this feeling when Legosi finally sees the civet boss, he will shortly after out himself as a hybrid?

Melon will accidentally commit suicide because of his degenerate thrill-seeking fetish.

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I still don't get why can't they just beat the shit out of Melon.

Is beastars fucking Cuba?!?! Why do all these cars look so old in the era of smartphones?

Because the mangaka is a hack.

Uhh how are a bunch of midget shit eaters going to know the weakness of super strong adult goblinos? They prey on toddlers for a reason.
But most importantly, Melon's strength isn't even an issue. It's how crafty he is. Even if you beat him 1v1, you will get fucked.

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I've drank Kopi Luwak before, I don't see what's so special about it that you can build a racial supremacy party out of it.

God, Legosi should really count himself lucky that he looks normal

Well he is only 1/4th hybrid and Leano was a special exception that looked entirely pureblooded until a certain age.

So are felines the niggers of the Beastars world? It sure seems like it.
Is there feline rap?

Is this the next chapter already?

Yeah it was. Initially I was confused wondering if he was the killer, did he get angry over something, what? Nope, the big carnivores just have to be very careful to others. Like Superman feeling he lives in a world of cardboard.

If neither scene is in the anime I'll be really disappointed. It shows both why carnivores and herbivores can both fear each other in different ways, and then that both can still care about the other.

Melon has heightened senses and is a master manipulator so he is able to know danger is looming before someone can get the jump on him. With that said he could just be shot by a sniper at a distance. Won't see that coming.

You bad he doesn't act normal. It may be too soon to say if he will keep looking normal once he turns 19


I can't really get a feel for that tiger in Legosis club. The one who ate the finger in the black market. He doesn't seem upset he did it but he also seemed to actually care about the herbivores during that accidental arm rip. Like he knew they'd be on edge and afraid.

He better not eat Els, dammit.

Sensing danger is one thing, stopping dozen lions and one autistic wolf from killing you is another.

Legosis personality and resolve is stronger than that. If he scales over or gets mouth venom he'll see it as a new tool to be used to protect with. Wish his mom could have accepted that she was just going to look different.

While gross it seems like it's only the beans they eat being taken from their feces and then made into coffee. So you aren't literally eating the shit but to me it's close enough to be the case.

americans future and its Beautiful

>imagine the smell
>imagine the taste

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Thank you Tl-user

Paru....wooly Rhinos are extinct, not hybrids

how can a racist be so cute?

Juno wouldn't straight up rape him. I don't buy it. I could believe that he admits he has feelings for her though. At least more so than any he has for his arranged marriage.

I like the whole herbivores being pretty because they had to be sleek quick and able to flee while carnivores are more large muscly and rugged.

That's one cute mutt

Him literally proposing to Haru was just so... I love that big dumb lug. He means well and he completely loves Haru so to him getting married is a legit solution. He means it 100% though. He's honest to a fault. Bestest boy even if a bit(lot) oblivious.

Wait a minute that bat has an entire hand on what should be his thumb.

And all the other animals are also humanoid.

Bats just have extra fingers in Beastar world, just like birds

>Neonazi civet
My sides are roving mars

nice fckingedit user

It came up in Persona 5 and is used as an unfair shitpost against the character who brought it up.

Yeah I've heard of it, never tried it since I'm not much of a coffeefag.

What he needs is to work out.
Look at that weak back.
He doesn’t even have a demon face.

yea i know about tasted once

Imagine being an impure hybrid with no culture and identity, a product of perversion and degeneracy.

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Next time on My Hybrid Academia!

O MY SEVEN SPEIES! One for All Animals, full howling!

Why have I not heard about this series until now? It's been going for like three years right? I love this shit.

Because you never use the catalog.

I actually only checked here because of Beastars. I normally don't come to Yea Forums, like ever.

I wish I had a boss that nice...

>feeds you his shit

We need a real furry board

Why not civet x bat mut? He could produce his own coffee. Might as well also throw a cow in there for milk.

Does the fabled geman egg-laying-wool-milk-sow exist in universe?

my swole monster grandpa cant possibly be this cute

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What's the logic behind kopi luwak?
Food like natto, durian, surrstromming, etc have their explanation, what about kopi luwak?

I just wanna see Legosi's smile every day.

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anime won't even reach that part

This reminds my of that Baby guy from Monster. He was also the nazi of that story. Wonder if that means that the Shitcat will be killed by Melon later.

he'll eat els' pussy

I love cats but they are literally the nazis among animals.

paru cant draw muscles well

t. caffeine shitter

wtf I love nazis now

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That scene where Harus dad drives Legosi home was nice. The father picking up on all of Legosi's effort to be as frightening to them as possible. He's got so much going on in his head to make the effort. Though by now perhaps it's second nature to him.

Is that so or are you just assuming? I hope it does well. It's darker than the cutesy animals would lead on so I guess I can see it not doing as well as some would expect. I find it makes me more interested and invested in the characters though.

looking it in a 2-cour spacing

Why did Legosi free a literal serial killer?

No, bad user. He wants to kill all these darlings Unacceptable little adorable trash that civet is.

What's the explanation for natto?

>mfw you're so pure blooded people are literally drinking your shit

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Quite a fuck up of that sentence, eh?

we've been over this already

Maybe a rhino fucked a furry animal, and that kid came out of it.
But then again, this wouldn't be the first time that ancient/extinct animals appear in the series. I guess that this world's history made it possible for certain species to avoid extinction.

Yeah but autism might as well be the word "the" to Yea Forums. Does he actually have autism or is he just a goofball that doesn't think ahead enough?

They are mutts. Disposing of them is not only a mercy killing (see Legosis mum) but its also for the betterment of society at large.

Unironically kill yourself.
I'm sick of faggots, trannies, pedos and other degenerates expropriating things I like.

It's a manga, it belongs on Yea Forums, period. If you want to jack off to the characters go to /trash/ and don't come back.

Go ahead and try. He'll stop it because he can. He's also got a grandpa built like a brick shithouse.

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I agree with this. It is for the best to kill any hybrids.
We have seen all the suffering. It's for the stability and continuation of society, it already is stitched together with tape and glue.

After knowing of existences like Meron, how could anyone possibly defend hybrids? Their life is suffering. Just adopt a kid if you really want some with your waifu.

What are the chances that Gosha just beats the bats off screen and then Melon shoots the crap out of Gosha and/or the Civet?

>Hybrids are ultra rare 1% of interspecies couples actually manage to make a baby
>daycare full of them
Feels like Paru is handwaving Melon and Mamagosi's psychological issues by showing that they were outliers.

>that rabbit who stuck his dick in a panda
absolute fuckin legend strewth

>I guess that this world's history made it possible for certain species to avoid extinction.
The lack of humans wiping out species so they can make boner pills from their parts helps

After knowing of existences like Legosi how could anyone hate hybrids? Melon is just an evil asshole. Anyone can be that hybrid or not. If Legosis mom had proper support she may have been fine living as she was. Gosha and Legosi just couldn't give her the right words. Maybe there were none. I wonder if a psychiatrist could have helped her.

Society approved of interspecies marriages like 10 years before the start of the manga.
It makes sense there are kids and the ones who are older are fucked up.

Well interspecies marriage was legalized ten years ago. While rare I don't think it's out of the question for that daycare to be full. I wonder if the 1/500 is per attempt or per couple. If per attempt you'd just have to fuck like rabbits until you succeed.

That's only his homolust for legosi giving him a wolf fetish

if Melon shoots Gosha you'll have one case of angry horse

The problem isn't hybrids but incompatible species hybrids. A gazelle and a lepord are a terrible mix but I'm sure wolf dogs and ligers are living completely fine if not better than pure breeds, hell a cat-dog is probably okay too. Crossbreeding just needs some common sense but I think that's the point the heart/dick wants what it wants no matter how much of a bad idea it may be in the long run

So I used to have a brother-in-law who was one of those crazy rich asians. He had some, and said it tastes like any old coffee, maybe a little worse

how did the giraffe and tiger fuck anyway

It's not much at all if it's a bigger city. Even if there are like 20 hybrid kids and they belong to 1% of the interspecies couples in that region it would mean that there are around 2000 interspecies couples which is believable for a bigger region. Of course it's only the result of one generation of couples, since the kids are of the same age. But since most kindergardens don't accept hybrids it's reasonable to assume that parents from elsewhere send their kids to this place too as long as their hometown is not too far away for daily commute.

With their dick.

Probably with a penis going into a vagina

>Literally shitposting

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i have a retarded theory about interspecies babies
its all about the mode of reproduction of said species

different species couples that share the same type of reproduction (oviparous/viviparous) have a greater chance to have a healthy baby that can survive till old age (it will still can have distinct/weird characteristics, but his health is fine)

if you check , there is only three kiddos with visible traits of oviparous animals, pic related
the one on the middle looks like its "pure" bird (different species of birds but its a full bird boy)
the one on the left its too ambiguous, but the one on the right has claws that feel like they belong to a mammal or someshit (feels like paru intentionally drew this kid with his hands in that position to make evident on how allien his hands are compared to his body)
the kid on the right is probably the one who drew that picture with a bird and a weird unrecognizable (that is probably a mammal)
of all kids on the daycare, only 1 of them was born from a mixed oviparous/viviparous couple

this shit theory could explain why gosha was concerned that we would never have a baby with a female wolf and explain the ratio of oviparous/viviparous born kids at the daycare

what you say, Yea Forums?

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>"beastars is not about Racialism btw, y-y-you're just projecting"
Is this Paru's way of plebfiltering the neurotypicals?

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/trash/ is the furry/degenrate containment board - you're more than welcome to fuck off there and never come back.

I don't mind at all that it's taking on that sort of subject. What annoys me is the pol-centered style shitposting that could overtake the threads. It's not bad now and obviously just people being ironic, but I could see a few going overboard and making big largeass copy pastas about kill all hybrids and meaning it.

I find it to be one of the comfiest boards. Granted it's not a straight up furry labeled board so many that helps keep the creepier, more overboard people of the fandom away. Which is fine by me.

>making largeass copy pastas about kill all hybrids and meaning it
>"please don't ruin the fictional characters with your meme, shitpost ideology"

Don't be reddit - one of the funnest parts of this fanbase is the /pol/ish reactions to the muttery Paru seems to openly propagate in the work. All things considered, I understand where you're coming from - but you shouldn't worry. It probably won't ever develop to that direction, seeing as this is a fictional work that cannot directly relate to anything tangible or politically relevant. I really can't see anything going "overboard" - moreso I don't think that term even exists, or could exists in a niche reclusive fanbase such as the one present here.

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Started this yesterday and just finished. Here are my thoughts.

Legosi is kinda autistic in a shounen hero type of way. He’s meh.

Haru is fine but she kinda looks like a cancer patient so not hot.

The wolf girl is very hot and made me furry.

Louis by far is the cutest among all of them and I wanna smash that deer ass.

Probably akin to the 40k fandom.

>an endangered animal would make more sense

No, the bigger question is how did a bird and a mammal fuck? Hell, did Legosi's grandma birthed an egg?

That sounds kinda logical.

t. fujoshit

It is about society in general.

No, but I don't want the shitposting to go overboard to the point where there's no hint of irony.

Like if the manga ends in a happy note where everyone coexists, there will be shitposters being unironically angry.

I fucking love this old man

y'know, I'm starting to get the feeling you're not one of the regulars around these parts... I don't know. Someplace starting with an "R", or a "9" seem to come to mind...

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no I'm a regular, I'm just talking about the underage posters

Time for a good night's sleep

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what's paru doing

autistic wolf cover

They're obsessed with "Purity" because they're a fucking cleaning and janitorial service

Nah I wasn't going that far. Like I said the bit of ironic shit posting in the thread as of now is fine. Like the other poster said I just hope it doesn't escalate into unironic territory, you know?

>I just hope it doesn't escalate into unironic territory, you know?
Well I got bad news for ya user, the anime is gonna bring a deluge of normalfags into these threads and as we all know those kinds of people are normalfag anime secondaries. On the bright side Beaststars is considered "furry" so it might scare a bunch off before hand.

Case in point, I enjoy the carnivore-herbivore shitposting because the one championing for carnivore shooting is a repressed gay horse who has insecurities with a komodo dragon.

I'm sorry but you misspelled Pina when you named the cutest. Easy mistake so it's ok. I like Louis but some of the crap he did as Shishigumi boss pisses me off.

iS the cat that small or is he a kid with too much money, freedom and poop with out knowing the consequences of his commands?

speaking of yafya, I just remembered

they showed that cow milking is a thing there right? but in this world the cows don't have udders, they have generic humanoid breasts, does this mean they get milked there?

We know he has a wife and child but was it implied the Tibetan Fox was said wife? I thought she went to jail or was it stated that the chapter happened years before the current timeline?

no she wasn't, that's why people shipping the two are retarded. they didn't even fuck

We saw the cow milk chapter and they extracted it from their udders.

I mean he had a bird nurse assistant in that chapter when he usually doesn't so it can be implied the chapter was set years in the past, perhaps she and Gouhin hooked up after she got out of jail.

wait but udders are breasts

does this mean cows in this universe have multiple breasts

That is amusing I agree. If he isn't actually gay for Gosha I'll be surprised. Fact there's no porn of them together is more surprising.

Maybe he has a carnivores hate boner because of Gosha? Aren't beastars supposed to look out for both carnivore and herbivore alike?

>Fact there's no porn of them together is more surprising.


Thick cuties who play with their tits all day? Damn Paru has great taste.

So, you're saying this fucker could have healthy children with anyone?

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they don't have udders, they literally put their breasts onto a machine

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They still play with their tits all day. Paru is a goddess.

How would he fare in Beastars universe

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Cartoon physics trump everything. He'd be immortal, the strongest, and unstoppable. Good thing he's a good guy.

Retard dog and Autism wolf should never meet for the safety of everything in a 10KM radius

>why society should be segregated

that's not the message of this manga, retard.

he's married with kids and his kid doesn't look like a goblino so I'd say pretty well

I'm not sure which of these posts were made by Yafya

>I hope they'll come back soon

I hope Gosha destroys these shit-drinkers

No good porn at least

The carnigger kangeroo post is perfect

But blood on his pants and shoes is okay

platypus are oviparous mammals
so in accordance with my theory, they have better chances to have healthy babies with any other oviparous species
it doesn't mean that oviparous cant have kids with viviparous, it is just harder for the kid to actually survive or even be born

fun fact: male platypus are venomous, so on the beastars universe, this is a problem

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When will Yafya and the Civet boss fuck?

Those are some long ass fingers

by survive i mean being healthy in general
no major deformity nor critical health condition caused by having mixed genes of different species

also a small detail about platypus venom: apparently males secrete their venom only on breeding season
basically, platypus fucking on the beastars universe is very limited and dangerous

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Can't be a gentleman without being a man first.

There'd be legal issues with you selling it, I assume.

Yafya doesn't always make the best decisions.

The toxicity of komodo mouth bacteria has been debunked for the better part of a decade.

For the record that's a behavior most commonly observed in animals that were removed from their mothers too soon or whose mothers die before the cubs are weaned.

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I just realised that Legosi's irises becoming tiny is a symptom of hybrid fuckery.

Initially i thought that, as the oocyte is father-indipendent, the development of the extra-embrionic structures (as the egg) may be totally in control of the mother's specie. I also remembered the turkey, which can also reproduce through parthenogenesis (so father indipendent).
But there is more indeed, because mammals have XY chromosomes as male, while birds have ZZ for the male (and ZW for the female). While some species of Varanidae goes with the Z/W chromosomes, they goes mostly with temperature.

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Depends on how it goes down

No. That's why it was 1/500 and both the young Beastars thought it was impossible.

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You should tell that to Yea Forums mods

>chance of venom secretion during sex

yeah it's confirmed, Gosha's venom killed his wife

Why are you on Yea Forums(nel) if you hate degenerates?

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>Those lashes

I want a platypus character

How else are they going to keep all the dust out of their eyes?

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shut up yes he does fag


God dammit, Paru.

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wholesome big cat.

Is it really ok for Yafya to get rid of Legosi's record if he helps bring down Melon? I mean I guess Yafya wouldn't have even made the offer if he knew what we did, that Legosi's reasons for predation were just and that he's overcome his instinct for meat more so than most. I guess I'm thinking more on the legal side. Better than manipulating the system to help an actual horrible person go free or clean their record.

What would they do, though? Blame the predation on Riz? Just erase it from the records all together?

Meant didn't know.

Because there are some genuinely awesome people here, like OP, but of course degenerates want to think that world revolves around them.

They already blamed the predation on Riz. The incident was heavily censored and Legosi was only given a misdemeanor. The rest of the world who don't have access to the police records probably don't care about the specifics of why he's a predatorial offender if censoring predation cases is such a routine job for Yafya.

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Maybe because it was consensual it is easier for it being erased IDK as long as it's not released to the public

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based beautiful lizard cinnamon bun

unbased and old and shriveled
get over him, yafya

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Big cats are big cute.

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Louis sure gives Legosi a lot flack. He deserves it at times though for sure. You think he considers him his best friend?

What exactly did eating his foot do anyway? Just turn up his instincts to max? I mean when I eat something I don't get the strength of ten gorillas.

If you love Gosha so much why don't you kiss his vile gas chamber of a mouth and do the rest of us a god damn favour

Are you implying that would be a bad way to go?

Big cats are big dummies.

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What a dork.

Nah, if that was the case she wouldn't have survived 9 months. It's more likely that she died giving birth like Yafya pointed out here

why hasnt there been a platypus character that keeps getting mistaken for a crossbread

He's too busy foiling Doofenschmirtz's plans take over the tri-state area.

It was the influx of sinewy lean meat protein into his system that made Legosi bulk up and recover from the injuries Riz inflicted on him.

not the tri-state area!

Louis is too standoffish and weird to have normal friends.

Please no bully.

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fuck off furfags


fuck me yourself, coward

Leaks tomorrow

god damn
time flies when you are a NEET

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Nah its because it was because tl-kun was a bit delayed that it feels so soon

Just blasted through this last night/today out of morbid curiousity. I love it. Legosi is a cute autist.

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I hope there is a point when someone goes whistleblower and reveals to the public the true events of that night.

Uhh, at least one chapter without this dumb

Ay ay

Pina could do that

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I wonder what the front of his torso looks like. Can't be coincidence that the front part of his body wasn't shown.

Found this wholesome picture on twitter.

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them eyelashes

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>size doens't matter
Press "X" to Doubt

Is that a literal platypus?

I love this image so much

>this cute little thing will be the most ruthless and evil villain in the manga so far
>yfw melon and legosi need to team up against this little thing because he is actually the most based character so far
that would be kino

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That would end poorly for him.

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So who is regoshi's dad?

I don't know how you guys binge mangas of 100+ chapter in so little. Most i've read in a day is 50 and i was left with an awful headache.

His pecs and abs are so hot they would burn our eyes.

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Juno's dad

disgusting, I cant wait to see it get killed by those bats

it's haru and gouhins lovechild

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Who has the best ass in the series?

Haru, but only in chapter 69.
I hope at least one person gets this joke

>tfw I'm first and last poster here

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This always bugged me. You guys have pets, small cats and what not? You play around with them. Have you ever heard of someone accidentally ripping their cat's arm off? No, because people have basic control over their bodily actions. But apparently, carnivores here have paper thin control over their strength.

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no it's because cats are carnivores and are therefore indestructible

She's the only female character so with a decent ass

Juno's dad looks handsome

Counterpoint: Volume 4 Juno

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>Diaper ass

Watch how this idea is shot down.

He could pretend to be a harlequin rabbit

You never know with Paru

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Nah those are just frilly panties. Without the frilly parts you can see the underwear is actually form fitting. Just shows how big that booty really is!

At least the artist got the odd numbered teeth down like how paru likes it.

Paru improved on her underwear drawings (see leano and the coyote lesbian)

Who? You talking about the mask party or did I miss some lesbians?

Shouldn't it be "You being a lizard"?

No. It's a slightly older grammatical custom IIRC. If you're a native english speaker go read more books.

that s pretty fun y

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>tfw I believe that transhumanism will exist by 2045 and when I'm in old age the world will basically be The Future Is Paradise

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And thus a psychopath was born.

He should've taken his pants as well, then.

Whoa there, lass, this is a PG manga.

Damnit, Mangadex removed the ecchi tag it had for a hot minute. There goes my joke.

I believe he's talking about Utsugi who is a jackal and the president of a company, a top class carnivore who has no interest in eating meet and does not adhere to the custom of heterosexuality.

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>Born too soon for immortality genetic splicing and genetically engineered multi-species fantasy waifus

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So the mask party, thanks.

Reread the chapter
>red mixed juice

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>he is paying for his own army of mercenaries just with literally his shit
more like absolutely based

I don't get it.

Who here has paid to drink cat shit? Tell me, is the different from regular coffee noticeable?

In this masquerade party, which is hosted by the leopard/gazelle Melon and attended by sexually liberated carnivores and herbivores, what kind of red juice is going to be mixing?

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blood is red. Saying "red mixed juice" is like saying mixed blood. Shes going to a party where different animals get their fuck on in a multi-species orgy

It is a tragedy you faggot. That is the joke.

I see. I would have went with white mixed juice but red makes sense too.

Reminder that this is cute and canon

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>They might engage in something more terrible than predation
Always cracks me up. So butthurt his friend settled down he sees inter-species sex as worse than murder

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How much do you think Yafya regrets not being born a girl so that he could have had lizard babbies instead?

I don't think he wants lizard babies, he just wants his body to be completely destroyed and then pumped full of poison

He's a selfish shithead.

>Nearly at bumb limit already
It really feels like it was just yesterday that the threads reaching bump limit was a rarity and that we still were speculating who the killer was

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It feels like yesterday we were asking where Juno was and whether she had been completely forgotten
Where's Pina!?
Has Paru forgotten about him!?

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That's doubly hilarious when you consider the rabbit guy doesn't want to fuck her.

>Like I said the bit of ironic shit posting in the thread as of now is fine.
Unfortunately your desires are mutually exclusive. All ironic shitposting eventually becomes earnest.

He's the secret final boss, calling it now.

That's my concern, yeah.

singlehandedly responsible for hundreds of hybrids

Is he bi? He seemed flirtatious with Legosi before.

>beastars threads becoming furry /snk/


Literally? Probably not, he was just intimidating Legosi because he just does what he feels like, and just like he likes fucking he also doesn't like carnivores. He used the sexual comparison as a segue because it'd make Legosi uncomfortable.
That "probably not" is the same as the one where Louis does "probably not" want to get fucked by Legosi/Ibuki/his dad and Haru does "probably not" want to fuck other girls like Juno.
Figuratively, though? As in, is that conversation presented to the audience through a lens of genre language that would make that interpretation the authorial intent?
Answer: reminder that picrel is the fujoshi behind it. There is a reason he is associated with Kowaru Nagisa.

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He doesn't like carnivores, but does he like Legosi? Like not sexually just as a person. Legosi vowed to keep him safe and Pani gave him his phone number. So he doesn't seem to hate them so much that he'd not talk to them. Legosi seems like a special case to a lot of people though. Kibi wouldn't be carried to the infirmary by anyone but Legosi. As dopey as he can be at least everyone can see he's an honest caring fellow.

See you tomorrow around 6 pm

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