>there will be dipshit animeonlies who will think Eren really is a globohomo egalitarian that wants to forgive Reiner and save him when he says "outside the walls, inside the walls, we're all the same" before YouSeeBigGirl kicks in when Eren says "I just keep moving forward till all my enemies are destroyed"
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
Btw this thread supports cumbrain genocide
>GTFO retards
That scene is gonna be so kino, unironically. Say what you will manga fags, but the right music and the right animation will elevate any manga panel up and beyond.
The one that the color owel guy did of Grisha and Kruger's conversation gives me a phantom pain
>not by WIT
is already kino
Yup. Kike brainwash music tugging at your heartstrings is rightly called cancer but when done right, audio adds a ton that you couldn't get otherwise.
Take this scene for example. Shared this in last night's thread but here it is again, when manlet calls out to him, Kenny hears his friend's voice instead
>he just wanted to know what it felt like to not be a piece of shit and to be able to love and hope
It hurts bros...
This was honestly a true manly man's chapter filled with themes that relate to family, brotherhood, fatherhood, nationalism, honor, sacrifice, and duty. It was one of the best single chapters of a manga I have ever read. Its the type of chapter that woman and fags will just never understand. I cannot wait for the next part.
new chapter where
Kotomine rip off
Based ravioli
tbqh i'm not a big fan of the filmmaking in the adaption, kinda lackluster when it needs to be serious and overly reliant on simple blocking, but there are some nice sequence and smart additions. like here having the va draw the line about being a father out instead of doing it 'quickly' in one relatively small panel (which also made it read as secondary to him passing manlet the serum) was very much the right choice.
oops, meant for
I want to caress her and tell her that everything is going to be daijoubu.
We know, Eren.
BASED. fuck off shipperniggers and dickbrains
Why? every season so far has been stellar
How long for the new chapter?
So in chapter 107, we get two flashbacks of Eren and Historia with detective Hanji watching. And we get Hanji grilling Eren about his concern for Historia. And the final panel of the chapter is pregnant Historia.
Doesn't it seem a bit too obvious if Eren ended up being the father? Isayama wouldn't do that.
EH is a red herring.
It's always been obvious. Final panel too is a red herring.
EH is red herring. EM is sunk. EA is stuck in a crystal. Ironically, the most plausible ship is EL
Not enough people take your bait in the last thread?
You shat up the last thread. GTFO mine.
Which one is the best Eren?
>EH deniers actual state
jesus christ how pitiful
hobo eren by far
Ultimate waifufag Eren at age 19. He was prepared to kill his mom for doubting him.
all of them!
fat baby eren
23 year old eren with a full beard
I don't get it, could a man really be sexually attracted to THIS?
All of em
Please read a real book
So now EH is too obvious instead of shipping delusions? is this the new cope?
The whole point of the narrative is that in the beginning Eren was very against making Historia a breeding sow, he wanted to protect the diginity of his people so that they don't get treated as cattle. But in the end when faced with reality he made the hard decision to whore out Historia to achieve his larger goals which surprised Hongo who was aware of Eren's efforts of protecting Historia previously that he would now do the opposite, remember his speech to Falco about moving forward no matter what the cost.
Where are 117-119 loose-haired Eren and 120 Friedaren?
Historia getting pregnant doesn't benefit Eren in any way you fucking retard, Historia turning into a titan is the easiest way for Eren to achieve his goal.
i fucking hate this retarded fanbase, can't you all just fucking die?
We know, Ymir
>tfw about to commit a completely justified war crime
Why would he want her to get preg for the plan when there's already enough shit to guarantee Sieg's safety?
Between the wine with Sieg's cum, the jeagerists already taking action and Yelena's autism, there's no real reason to risk Historia like that unless the pregnacy is something entirely different.
It's always been obvious which is why it's not happening.
All war crimes are justified if you win
Cute LE
Surprised Sasha isn't there at the bottom
LE is cute and (soon) canon!
in 5 thousands minutes
>bombing of Tokyo and Dresden intensify
You sound like knee-scraping whore that thinks women getting married and having children is horrific because it turns them into slaves and breeding sows. You should be killed.
Nope, your kind kept spamming that EHfags are delusional and there's 0 hints for EH,and since when was Isayama ever unpredictable? Reiner and Annie, Zeke being related to Grisha and betraying Marley, GR 2.0, existence of the outside world, Eren not following Zeke's plan, all of these twists were very obvious.
what would eren have done if willy declared to make piece instead of war?
I agree with the kike brainwashing bit. Music over non-fiction, or non-fiction based (especially historical) media is wrongful emotional manipulation. But then again even something as simple as a camera angle can manipulate people's thoughts and emotions. You just gotta be aware of these things I guess.
take a bite of gum gum
>"Historia became a breeding sow!"
>"Eren wasn't involved! Farmer is the father because MPs said so!"
>"Eren left ten months ago!"
>"Eren pimped out Historia! He hates her because she's cattle!"
>"Cuckren soon!"
>"Eren is asexual like his bro!"
>"Eren is the father but Farmer fucked Hisu!"
>posting edits of decapitated Historia
>more Gabipedos samefagging
>"EHfags are fujos!"
>"Hisu wanted Eren's dick but he said no!"
>"Eren raped Historia!"
121 (before leaks)
>"EH is a red herring!"
This last year has been a lot of fun for sure. Always something new to laugh at.
You know I unironically think Eren has forgiven him, it's just that that forgiveness doesn't mean he'll stop the plan.
So did we not get any spoilers this time?
He has forgiven him, Reiner isn't the enemy.
Remember what Ymir told Eren about how killing bert and ernie wouldn't change anything
>chapter 101 is just eren awkwardly sitting around for a bit
>"ssssso uh.. see ya round, reiner"
>remember his speech to Falco about moving forward no matter what the cost
You mean like the cost of letting Historia accept her fate and become a titan and a breeding sow like she agreed she would but which Eren was so unwilling to pay he had to pull all kinds of ridiculous shit that cost the lives of fellow soldiers and another of his friends just so that he could work with Zeke and only Zeke? KEK, get the fuck out.
The real twist is that there's no twist. Since everyone expects EH, it can't be. Mystery writing 1010
Spoilers are cancelled
did spoilerer get fired or something?
he more or less says so
Reiner is the enemy still. The difference is that Eren now acknowledges that there is no difference between him and those he has to fight.
Gone home and plowed Historia nonstop for a week straight.
>Since everyone expects EH
You people keep getting more and more pathetic by the time.
Reiner is just a tool, the enemy is society
Where is…
Yeah, he's currently on fire right now
Was Eren trying to rise up this whole time?
Is that image from a video?
>there will never be another kino manga in at least another decade like shingeki no kino
>"EHfags are fujos!"
It's for Zeke's sake dipshit and also probably so Eren can prove his willingness to Zeke by whoring out his friend.
There isn't. Zeke's power only works if the people are within his range to hear his roar. The jaegerist didn't have control of the island YET when Zeke arrived, Zackley was still alive and the MPs including Nile and Rogue only drank his win in chapter 108 when Nikolo brought it out.
I love that pic. Kitty has had enough of Shlomo's shit.
The exhibition finishes up in a week. Will there be anything else to close out the event?
This is some impressive mental gymnastics my dude.
Based update
There doesn't always have to be a fucking twist to everything
I thin it's more that he's moved past it onto a much bigger issue. He hasn't forgotten though.
Being straight is good and normal and being faithfully married is good and normal. Aberrations like you are not human.
If you believe that Isayama has dragged this shit so long because "there's no twist dood" I'm seriously worried about your smoothbrain
Eren doesn't care about Zeke you fucking retard he only needs a shifter with royal blood, all Eren needed to do was to feed Zeke to Historia, the MPs wouldn't have turned into titans and Manlet wouldn't get crippled. just fucking kys.
So 'conveniently' EH is 'too obvious' now so that's why it won't happen. These anons nailed it.
lmao he didn't "drag it out". There's no twist. He already said farmer is the father in 108, so he ain't saying it again.
The number of times I've seen this whore unironically get celebrated by the same *liberals* that celebrate each other with titles like "THE GREAT ONE mark levin" and "THE TALENTED Bari Weiss" for BRAVELY and CONCLUSIVELY debunking all holocaust skepticism is why I hate *liberals*.
One day special event
>Eren doesn't care about Zeke
Imagine believing this.
What is context. the purpose of turning Historia into a breeding was just a little bit different than what you're thinking about you illiterate faggot
>Haha, wow, man — I didn't see that one coming. Jeez, I almost tried to kill you guys! Lets go get some brews and catch up, whadda ya say?
I want him to fall asleep inside me!
>giving JSC better placement than Reiner and Zeke
Stop living in 2012, for fuck's sake
Reporting for duty
Nigger, quit trying to string together your shit into a worthless post and kill yourself, already lmao
>Eren doesn't care about Zeke
You're fucking stupid as shit shipperfag, Zeke has all the knowledge and resources. He wouldn't even be able to visit Marley without Zeke you obnoxiously dumb shit heel.
>Can I have some more ice cream, Mr. Kruger?
>your shit into a worthless post and kill yourself, already lmao
>Shipping Redditor lashes out angrily with ZERO ARGUMENTS after getting stomped
You missed out, didn't you?
I don't want my thread to get deleted because the one I made last night was top quality and I'd like it if we got another one like that so I'm not going to continue with these posts, but yes I have a ton of AF merch and these things are all true and very based.
>Berthold about to bite his hand
>I know, I'll call him a redditor that's a good trick
chop chop faggot
Nah, just a fanart inspired by Kill la Kill
EMfags and fujos finally noticed the hints for EH. It took them one year.
Pieck is fucking dead, no way she survives this pain hurricane
> He wouldn't even be able to visit Marley without Zeke
Why does that even matter? Paradis was planning to feed Zeke to Historia when he arrives to the island, Eren only needed to follow along with Zeke until he arrives to the island and then betray him and feed him to Historia.
>"Oh, and btw Zeke, I know I'm trying to convince you that your euthanasia plan is wrong and all, but would this be a good time to mention that I forced your cousin and my friend, Queen Historia, to conceive a child against her will with someone she had no romantic feelings for to use as a cog in my plan? That's NBD, right?"
Imagine being this fucking retarded.
Is that another kink of them?
Allow me to expedite this conversation: , , , , , , , , , , , .
There are still no hints for EH since they barely have interacted outside of one arc which Isayama even said was his worst written arc.
When people say it's too obvious, they don't mean the ship itself, but the way Isayama reveals his clues. Like the final panel. Everyone would assume it has to be Eren holding his child. Therefore, it can't be because again it's just too obvious. It's common sense.
>using sneed's posts as fujos complaining about EH
It's fun to just bully these degenerates for being such fucking autists but you gotta wonder sometimes, wtf can even be done to get to a place where this level of delusion and lunacy isn't tolerated or encouraged? To think, someone being this fucking possessed by something that they pull this shit in a general of more or less 60-70 people. We need a famine.
What manner of retard speak is this?
You seriously need to fuck off and stop shitting up my thread, fucking double-digiter dipshit. Kill yourself instead, you pathetic stinking dyke.
>Why does that even matter?
Are you serious.? He went there partially because of his established character trait of curiosity and also to gain understanding of his enemy's perspective so he can be sure about his decision. And of course so he can attack Marley and have that achievement added to his credit so the Jeagerists will galvanize around him as a leader.
What the fuck are you talking about? Zeke's the one who wants Historia to get pregnant so the Walldians have no option but to rely on him or at least not have him get eaten.
Why are shippingfags so braindead?
The Eren that was born into this world
How many times do we have to explain this to you old man?
Back under your rock you go
>Mark Levin
>Bari Weiss
u wot?
>he doesn't know about the globohomo gayplex
Treasure your innocence, user.
>Are you serious.? He went there partially because of his established character trait of curiosity and also to gain understanding of his enemy's perspective so he can be sure about his decision. And of course so he can attack Marley and have that achievement added to his credit so the Jeagerists will galvanize around him as a leader.
and? why would that make Eren care about him to the point he force Historia to get pregnant?
>muh EMfag
>muh EMfag
EM is the most popular ship by far, everyone who's been reading for years has waited to see these two get together. It has more evidence than your EH nonsense which is based on a single chapter
We have gone MUCH further in these threads without getting shoah'd but gif related.
>no promises if it comes up again though lol
Don't bother trying to explain stuff to fags like that, they're not interested. Shit on them because that's what they're worth and post based sound cues instead
They are in denial because last chapter gave Mikasa the biggest piece and Historia a tiny ass piece
Yep. It's the small touches that really set AoT apart.
Cant wait to see people blown away and see chadren rise from the ashes of marley
>Zeke wanted another child to be brought into this world to fulfill some plan of the parents, rather than because they actually wanted it
I'm not even a shipperfag, you're just retarded.
Like, holy fuck, did your mom drink a fifth of Jack or two everyday while pregnant with you or are you just trolling for (you)s?
Based and historyiswrittenbythevictorpilled
I'm not going to explain the whole "classical liberal" wool being pulled over the eyes of the public right now and derail my thread, boomer. Just leave it at that.
You're telling me, user. I made that long-ass post about everything from the dancing israelis to JFK a few days back when fags kept trying to flex about how much history they all really knew. Honestly I'm just self-policing because deranged dykes like the one trying to gaslight this thread right now are going to go haywire trying to bait people into getting deleted and banned during spoilers week and I don't want to give them the satisfaction. I'd probably like to start taking some shop requests once the leaks start to drop and for that I need to stay unbanned.
Don't know who Bari Weiss is but Mark Levin is a Zionist Neocon that just about shit his pants in rage when President Trump chose not to bomb Iran a few months ago.
Already addressed this in the post right above yours.
We don't know what he plans on doing with the power, don't know why he acted like a dick towards AM, don't know his involvement in the pregnancy.
His expression was already displayed in jail as being angry when she got mentioned no need to make retarded panels about him asking Jeagerists about her status just saying.
Dude, why would he give a shit about being fed to Historia when he already has Paradis under his control, not only the jeagerists had popular support and were ready to strike, but he also could scream like a tard to let hell break loose.
Eren cares a lot about Historia, why would he get her pregnant for no reason when Levi could very well just feed him to a random guy and wait until she gives birth anyways?
Also, this directly contradicts the idea of not using your children for a scheme, thing Eren and Seig are clearly against.
9 year old Eren
We know, Titan-san.
>old man?
It's a female user, she confirmed it
>Zeke's the one who wants Historia to get pregnant
>Why are shippingfags so braindead?
Can ask the same about you retarded shipperfag, you can't even follow the manga because it goes against your headcanons
I just noticed I quoted wrong kek, meant to
In another life they could have had something wonderful.
Very subtle impregnation imagery
Kek, I saw the MehmetxYmir in the last thread, so I thought I'd make something too to calm Eren down. Ignore the sloppy lines, I was testing the pen pressure meme. Happy Eren is hard
gonna be a pretty kino scene desu
I love Reiner and I want Marleykino immediately so I can cry all day and night for my husbando
This makes it hurt even more when he is doomed.
"Globohomo" is sort of a catch-all term to describe the currently ongoing joint efforts of international megacorps, governmental bodies functionally owned by those megacorps, NGOs, and media outlets (among other bad actors) to destroy national identity, erase borders, undermine the family unit, and normalize hedonistic degeneracy.
That's really cute. Nice work
You can literally feel the chapter is close when the mental gymnasts are back
Fuck when are spoilers, this feels like it has been the longest wait so far
That pic must be edited right?
When is this gona get good?
its good from chapter one.
>and? why would that make Eren care about him to the point he force Historia to get pregnant?
I already explained you braindead faggot, Eren doesn't care so much about Zeke the person but his connections and power to threaten his friends
>Zeke wanted another child to be brought into this world to fulfill some plan of the parents, rather than because they actually wanted it
Nice incoherent babble shippingtard, what plan of the parents?
>when he already has Paradis under his control
He didn't have complete control over the island when he arrived. He needed the news of Eren's heroics in Marley and the gov't's unfavorable treatment of Eren to spread in the news and rile up the people before public support can then shift over to the Jaegerists. Then you had to wait until chapter 108 before the MPs including Nile and Rogue drank his wine, and also all of Levi's troops drinking the wine over the course of a month before he can enact his plan. And also even if Zeke screams, it would only work if he was in range.
>That pic must be edited right?
Yes, someone added a clown Pepe in the background.
Very cute. I normally hate fan-made kids (peak fandumb autism) but I can't help but find Dadren and Ymir charming. Maybe it's tolerable because this series' canon is so bleak.
That picrelated is why I want the rumbling to happen. What's so appealing about Eren's position is that he isn't just raising Eldian consciousness, it's that he actually has a way to wipe out the fags that destroyed Eldia. He not your typical washed-up "sacrifice himself so others can live to fight another day" protag who finds meaning in death. He's actually got the fucking nuclear codes.
God I want the rumbling to happen.
hey retard, zeke's entire ideology is against bringing more eldian children into the world.
So you ARE just tolling for (you)s. Got it.
>>don't know his involvement in the pregnancy.
So can you guys tune down the father stuff?
>shippingtard gets mad cause he thinks with his feelings and can't figure out logic
Zeke wants Historia out of the picture so the walldians have no choice but to keep him safe because Historia will be too busy being pregnant to eat him.
Other than the honkler added in the back, it is not. Sorry you had to find out this way user. This is a program funded by taxes btw, I'm pretty sure.
So never
yes. now you can leave.
In other words, a child made out of love??? Lmao shippers are like Gabi. Delusional and stupid
>a child made out of love
Can we just go back?
>Muh my ship is destroying my mood
No, not really we don't know why she is pregnant but he is most likely the father either way, sorry user
ok mr paranoid
You aren't reading the manga, read it and after discuss it with people.
>someone screencapped my post
And yeah, that is part of the appeal of the full RUMBLE, the "fuck it, let's just nuke this gay Earth" impulse.
I don't want it to happen IRL (yet) but this is fiction so RUMBLE away Eren.
I came here to laugh at you
>Here you go speed reader
You might find this convo interesting, not that you'll care if it doesn't suit your argument though.
>he would at least be a little concerned and anxious about how she's doing
So his concern depends on whether he fucked her or not? His friendship with her wouldn't be enough grounds to give a single fuck about her condition when he's the one who put her in it anyway? Still ignoring my point about Eren being meant to be unreadable in this arc?
>Read 108 and find out
The chapter where none of the characters involved have a voice and info is exposed through third parties with no knowledge of what happened behind the scenes making assumptions to fill in the gaps, many of those assumptions being challenged in the very same convo they were brought up or straight up debunked months later? Amazing. I love how MPs are still word of God even when their unreliability has been proven.
>He needed to make things happen because Marley,
Everyone knew Zeke only had a year left and the higher ups were clearly planning on getting his hands on him at some point, otherwise they wouldn't have planned to have him fed to Historia asap months ago. Eren didn't need to do shit regarding Historia if her sacrifice was an option for him, and even less to keep his meeting with Yelena and Zeke's true plan a secret from anyone aside from her. The wine plot could have been anticipated if the govt knew about it beforehand and the 50 year plan could've been enacted immediately, but Eren didn't want that so he went his own way. There were other ways for him to achieve his goals if Paradis' protection was the only thing that mattered to him anymore. He just refused them because he's selfish and still can't throw away what's important.
Not gonna humour you anymore after that though, you're clearly bending over backwards to justify any retarded scenario you could come up with as long as Eren pimped Historia out.
Only 2-3 days left before anti-EHfags get eternally BTFO
Just google Jessica Yaniv to lose faith in humanity.
And so? It was his plan to begin with to have Historia get pregant immediately with as many babies as he can. It's only one kid, he's going to vasect the entire race, a small concession. One step back for Two steps forward etc...
Stop being so mad that your shipper feelings got rejected reality
>1-2 months
I will like to ask Erehisu shippers a question? Most of you guys believe Eren is the father because of hints, right? My question to you guys will be, whoever is the father of this child, is the child made out of love or a sense of duty? Remember that hints provided through Historia facial expression proves its not. BTW, I'm expecting you erehisu shippers to come up with your headcanon that he is missing Eren..lmao
you haven't laughed once, yet you have complained once. and you are still here. do you think you're in a position where someone would feel threatened by your laughter?
Why does it bother you so much? People make and regurgitate retarded theories all the time. If you think a popular one is wrong, it's far better to be smug and start collecting screencaps for future shaming.
>0 results found
Can you kill yourself already you retarded EMwhale with your shipping
its eren user, it'll always be eren
Since you don't know why she is pregnant, how do you know she is even pregnant to start with?
Reiner had the best arc
prove me wrong fgts
Ain't happening until at least 122.
>and that's a bad thing!
Because muh pillow would take MP's intelligence around the Neanderthal level.
No. We just
keep moving forward until all our enemies are destroyed.
why are you even on /pol/? yikes
Congrats, you cope with being shown facts by screeching about paranoia. You're an honorary faggot.
>> I love how MPs are still word of God even when their unreliability has been proven.
I will like to throw those words back at you. Since the MP were wrong in who visited Historia, why do you think they are right in the topic of there discussion being about getting pregnant?
Again all those "connections and power" are only in Marley, why didn't he feed Zeke to Historia when they arrived to the island you fucking retard? Historia already accepted being turned into a titan.
>Historia get pregant immediately with as many babies as he can
Wrong, the plan was to have as many babies as she can after she ate him and Zeke never planned on getting eaten, kys speedreader
>>The wine plot could have been anticipated if the govt knew about it beforehand and the 50 year plan could've been enacted immediately, but Eren didn't want that so he went his own way
This is purely HEADCANON. How do you know the wine plan can be anticipated when we don't even know what Yelena and Eren discussed and two, we don't even know which people have already drank the wine
MAGA right?
Why can't you just love your parents? They try so hard to make you happy and all you do is cringe.
Url? I can't open it with clover
one piece isn't enough; they need the whole thing
>wants to go to the /pol/ thread so bad but wont just find the thread on the catalog by himself
cant expect any less
>Erehisu shippers
I'm not a shipper. I just read the fucking manga and don't suffer from a mental illness that causes you to like sucking dicks covered in your own shit.
Not him but after getting on the island Eren could've backstabbed Zeke, he already knew about the wine at this point.
reminder that Eren's death was foreshadowed way back then
This is my favorite iteration of the baby alongside the one where he's in a sling on Eren's chest looking at Eren's phone
But you are if you got triggered
She has dead eyes.
Yes, please /pol/sama, help a filthy phone poster like me! I really really want to visit /pol/eddit.
You know what? You believe Historia is pregnant because the MP said so. The same people that were wrong about Yelena being the one to visit Historia
>Erehisu shippers
I don't mind a dash of /pol/ in my anime, but nothing good can come from posting anime on 2019 /pol/. Whoever did this, please neck yourself.
Baby Ymir is her cutest when she has an blank face. If Eren is confirmed to be the father then i'm looking forward to more of these fanart.
You have to be retarded to think they didn't check I don't know why this shit is even discussed, she is pregnant and got fucked by a guy end of story
Oh!! I'm now glad I'm a shipper cause if all non shippers were like you, the fandom would have been 10 times more toxic
>Eren being meant to be unreadable in this arc?
No that's just you being an autistic dumbfuck who can't read facial expressions. Eren had clear reactions to things and you're stupid for trying to imply they can't be understood.
>none of the characters involved have a voice and info is exposed
>Help no spoonfeeding, can't figure out what's happening it's all so vague! Unless it's about my headcanon then being vague totally implies that's happening
>I love how MPs are still word
The MPs were resourceful enough to dig out info about Eren and Mikasa killing those guys when they were 9. A simple farmer isn't going to fool them about his relationship with the Queen, the best solution to this is to have the farmer know nothing at all so there's no chance anything gets divulged. Eren and Zeke needed the MPs to think that the whole Historia getting knocked up by a farmer thing was a completely independent event after all.
>Eren didn't need to do shit
How so? He needed to visit Marley and see things for himself, he needed to grim remind them. He needed Zeke's men and connections.
>The wine plot could have been anticipated if the govt knew about it beforehand
How do you know Eren even know about that? Why would Yelena even tell him this if there was a chance he could stop it?
>He just refused them because he's selfish and still can't throw away what's important.
Fucking shippingtards
if you're implying i use /pol/ you better think again you weirdo
It's literally just Historia's eyes copy pasted.
? I know. It's just funny.
Eren has prettier eyes though, the baby should have Historia's hair
They also thought that Yelena was the cloaked figure so they could be wrong.
Not that user but from outside it's obvious the ones sperging at people believing Eren is the father are shipperfags.
Literally filled with burgers. Greasy thread.
And how did they check? They touched the queen's belly to make sure she is pregnant or they undressed her? As a matter of fact, I noticed the Farmer was present was the cloaked figure was moving towards Historia. Will I be wrong if I say all the farmer had to do was claimed he is the father, since the hints are already there? Erehisu flourish on hints,right?
You can mistake for something you don't know but Historia was right there now way they didn't check her with a doctor.
Because it's literally the highest IQ place left on the internet, Silly Billy.
What makes that drawing so great is that it's essentially a response to the one of Mikasa in bed with Eren and a kid between them whom she moves to the side so she can sidle up to Eren, even though this is rule #1 in the book of things you're not supposed to do lest your baby roll off the edge of the bed and get injured or die from falling. I think that drawing was much more tryhard and had much less soul too kek
Jump off a bridge faggot
>why do you think they are right in the topic of there discussion being about getting pregnant?
What do you even mean by that? Their whole discussion was about her pregnancy and the reasons for it. When did I say anything about them being right on anything? My point is precisely that they are an unreliable and indirect source of information and basing your entire argument on what happened with this pregnancy on their convo of all things without putting anything under scrutiny is stupid. Your question is so convoluted it legit makes no fucking sense.
Ignore the dumblurina
that would be Hunter x Hunter threads
Yelena being the hooded figure was a speculation made by Rogue, I do not see how you can compare that with the military not realizing that Historia is not really pregnant
>"MAGA right?"
>Huffpost Canada
user, I...
/snk/ and /hxh/ are the most based ((generals)) on Yea Forums
But how do they check? They can't lmao.
Even a theoretical unborn EM baby is a threat to EM and must be discarded.
>this whole post
>in before nice argument retard
I can't believe we went back to the point where there are people who believe that Historia is not pregnant
>tfw Mikasa goes full Yandere and spermjacks Eren
From outside people uplifting Erehisu has a deep wish for them to be together or see them as perfect pair
>why didn't he feed Zeke to Historia when they arrived to the island you fucking retard? Historia already accepted being turned into a titan.
Did you miss that the whole point of Historia getting pregnant was to prevent her from being able to titanize?
>Wrong, the plan was to have as many babies as she can after she ate him
Why after? The whole point is to have as many babies as you can right? So Why not already start?
Beacuse they are perfect user
How do we know? There is no way to prove she is pregnant
nice argument retard
This. That 15 minutes sketch has more soul than every EM drawing out there.
It's clearly one person stringing people along and arguing in bad faith. They've done this before. Anyone responding is either getting baited or too bored to care.
As hell they won't be able to check if Historia is really pregnant, they just need to lift her shirt a little so they can see her stomach and have a doctor check her every so often
First they refer to Manlet as Levi, and now they don't even have the decency to say EHfags. Spoilers can't come soon enough.
And that would be wrong because? You shouldn't care unless you ship those characters with others
That baby is clearly inferior
They're mentally ill and need the escapism of playing house like little girls in a series about none of that
>she moves to the side so she can sidle up to Eren
Wrong, it was the other way around, Eren doing this made it x100 worse. Fuck EMleftists
Its probably the EMfag who was sperging in the other thread.
>>My point is precisely that they are an unreliable and indirect source of information and basing your entire argument on what happened with this pregnancy on their convo of all things without putting anything under scrutiny is stupid
Alright, then stop spamming the thread with the father topic till it's resolved
>even though this is rule #1 in the book of things you're not supposed to do lest your baby roll off the edge of the bed and get injured or die from falling
To be fair you're not supposed to sleep with a baby either. EH are shit parents too, someone should take the baby from them.
But there is no proof that they did.
shingeki is LITERALLY about having children
Mehmet is a mongrel unworthy of Ymir.
You reading manga is escapism already.
>"But how do they check? They can't lmao."
>Historia has gone 3/4 of her pregnancy without visiting a doctor once
Now THIS is what I call PEAK delusion.
Why can't Eren just breed everyone, he's a man after all
Do you mean EH for one of those?
Also, the case of these two images perfectly sums up the absolute state of EM autists. They really don't get it at all. It's just perfect.
Is he though? He's looking more feminine with each passing chapter.
Jesus fucking puritans being this triggered it's not normal. Funny how there was no problem during 108 spoilers
I browse both.
Having sex is immoral
Look possibilities are endless only if you can remove you shippers google and stop fixating your view on Eren being the father
if you're breeding a large harem of women with your superior seed, is it still immoral?
Why'd you cut out the part where Eren wakes up from his nightmare?
She doesn't need to become great. Why would she have to be better than everyone else? Just look at her. Don't you see how cute she is? She's already great, because she was born into this world.
The doctor could be working with Historia. Anyways, there is no way of knowing.
>Did you miss that the whole point of Historia getting pregnant was to prevent her from being able to titanize?
so he's willing to force her to get to pregnant but not turn her into a titan which she already accepted? do you actually think this is where the story is going after everything in this arc?
>Why after? The whole point is to have as many babies as you can right? So Why not already start?
Read the manga slowly next time.
What? Hongoloids like this one
and EHcucks are just mentally ill people thinking they are so cool and contrarian for shipping something lmao muh gay is bad type.
It was made by either a cat lady or a gay man.
>How do you know the wine plan can be anticipated
Because it's fucking common sense? If Eren knew about the wine (which he did as 116 suggests) and had told his superiors about its existence, the govt would have obviously been able to check who did and didn't drink it. You know how in general people know what they put inside their drinks before drinking it? Same shit here. A quick survey on who drank the Marleyan wine would easily tell who should be kept as far away from Zeke as possible and allow the military to be prepared for Zeke's arrival. Zeke could've been fucked over anytime had Eren wanted it. But he didn't.
>shingeki is LITERALLY about having children
This is why no one takes you seriously EH ledditor
Lmao, I won't argue against your opinion once you don't try to make it canon/facts. It can continue being perfect for you
I think the fact that the EH version exists at all is a far bigger flag of autism. That a piece of ship art from a random gook could trigger people that badly shows a serious inferiority complex.
This. I wish you lot would stop indulging the bitch. Seeing what kind of increasingly unhinged lunacy she'd come up with if people just ignored her or bullied her instead would be infinitely more entertaining. Remember when we got that screencap of the EMdyke starting to write about Mikasa as a cumrag for Eren and Historia and then made that post about how she was hurt by it all but understood everything she was banking on was a pipe dream at long last? And then we started getting the Armong Mikasa edits? Good times.
>reaching THIS hard
Not him but it's also about not passing your sins to your own children
The drawfag did it because he liked the idea. Are you saying the gook drawfag is triggered for drawing Mikasa having a kid when the one having a kid is Historia?
>this thread
Think about what freedom means in this context, retard.
You're wrong cause from outside this thread is about"animeonlies who will think Eren really is a globohomo egalitarian that wants to forgive Reiner and save him when he says "outside the walls, inside the walls, we're all the same" but erehisufags decided to spam the hell out of it
Oh yeah you're right.
>dyke makes a drawing with a family in bed
>"It's actually about Eren putting the baby aside and cosying up to Mikasa"
>not realizing you are not supposed to do that with babies
>only caring about getting Ereh's attention and love
They unironically can't help themselves. Fucking virus.
Not my fault your ship is dead. I didn't choose this plot, Isayama did. You should be happy for Mikasa that EM is dead
By the signature, it's obviously a female
>Papa, please stop. You're embarrassing me in front of other people.
People have been drawing EM fanchildren for ages, it has little to do with Historia especially when most are still blissfully unaware or in denial about Eren being the father.
>so he's willing to force her to get to pregnant but not turn her into a titan which she already accepted?
She would be dead a lot earlier if she got turned into Titan, so yes. Also are you mentally handicapped because it seems like you need to repeatedly reminded that simply titanizing Historia and having only the founding titan's power isn't enough for Eren. He needed to confirm things with his own eyes by visiting Marley and also have access to all of Zeke's connections to enact a viable plan.
No where does it say that it has to happen after she eats Zeke exclusively, it's about having as many babies as she can to provide as many assets available. You miss the meaning for the semantics
Everytime we get closer to the chapter this shit starts to happen, i think they're from discord/reddit/twitter and they're waiting for the spoilers here.
>lmao muh gay is bad type
It's not bad. It's evil, satanic mental illness. They should unironically be put in jail for that shit.
You mean the context where Grisha travels outside the walls in Liberio because he was curious which was what Kruger was talking about here you retard?
Yup. Zero awareness of what families are actually like. Even in a handful of panels, that faggot managed to foreground his/her narcissism. It's the equivalent of a whore taking a photo with a baby and then beating it once the cameras are turned off. Like that cumguzzler who got exposed for beating the shit out of her doberman when she uploaded the wrong video to get YouTube last month.
I did for fun only. It's not like I put that much effort in drawing that. Why the fuck would I be triggered by that instead of laughing at it?
I ship LH because I like it, not saying LH is canon. If EH happened then it happened. You are sure it didn't happen then just relax and wait for the answers
Erehisufags are in denial about farmer being the father lmao. No proof but still so confident.
>being purposefully obtuse
Have you not noticed how they write like dumblrinas? Jesus this going to be a long wait for spoilers
Someone is getting triggered. You erehisufags have been dominating this thread for ages that it seems like opposition to you guys are bad. Delusional set of Gabi's
And yet Grisha had a kid and loved his new family. Again this is about taking the sins with you. Believe it or not adults can have kids and objectives at the same time.
Of course this is 2019 so you can't understand that
Did a guy touch you in your sleep, or why are you seething so much?
I think there is one EMfag but some posts are baits and when they dedicate too much to bait its because they are triggered to be honest
Why would we dykes care about EM. Do you even know what that word means?
And what are you talking about? Being happy for Mikasa that Em is dead means I consider Eren lower than her and not deserving her. Does that mean you erehisufags are ready to accept someone that is lower than Mikasa
>he doesn't know
Not as much as you seething with straights even in a fucking manga
Mikasa deserves what she got though, and that's just fact
This thread sucks
Yes, Eren a shit but chapter 108 Eren was so cool when blushing with my selfinsert aka Mankasa
W-what's the meaning of this?
The EH version was created specifically to showcase how fucking retarded the EM one was.
>lemme just put the baby over here near the edge of the bed where it might fall off and injure itself so I can get closer to my waifu
It demonstratess how EMfujos don't understand anything about family and parenthood.
No it isn't, stop projecting your own cringey feelings into this and actually read the manga. The whole motivation the start was Eren was wanting to go explore beyond the walls. It's all about not wanting to be treated as cattle in a pen, not your stupid family BS.
For being Eren so bad you are really triggered that he didn't choose Mikasa.
>the freedom to be a cumguzzling kneescraper swinging dick from dick through the urban jungle to somehow climb the corporate ladder and someday get that corner office
>the freedom to dismember, disembowel, and then decapitate your own kids in the womb to get a chance at accomplishing that
>the freedom to die alone with heroin tract marks, countless tattoos, unknowable samples of DNA in every orifice, 5 worthless sociology degrees and gender studies scholarships, atomized and distant friends and family, and cats that will gnaw your face off once you've gone cold and they get tired of waiting for the sound of the tuna can being opened
>the freedom to virtue signal while doing all of this about how awesome of a feminist or a male feminist you are for facilitating this shit so you can mask the suicidal thoughts that the SSRIs just won't fix
Ah yes. Good ol' libertarian freedom.
Or a female (male).
It means endgame, bro. Also, I thought it meant reaper.
god damn negligent
fuck im triggered now
>It's cracking
>The MPs were resourceful enough to dig out info about Eren and Mikasa killing those guys when they were 9
How is that a hard information to dig out when Grisha called the authorities as soon as he found the bodies of Mikasa's parents and records of the incident would have obviously been kept and eventually become part of their own personal reports when they joined the military? A background check on a random doesn't require any fucking resourcefulness, and if you're trying to make a case for the MP's competency to support your claim then you'll have to justify how they were negligent they couldn't even prevent Historia from having a kid right under their nose to begin with, a negligence Rogue himself acknowledged. You're also arguing that Historia would've been able to lie without issues about her partner but said partner wouldn't have because he's a simple farmer?
>Eren and Zeke
Again, where is your evidence that Zeke was behind this pregnancy when he had the wine to protect himself? What did he need it for and why would he ask Eren whether he's on board with his plan (which still completely contradicts the idea of using an unborn child to save himself or for whatever other purpose when his ideology is all about non-existence) if he asked him via Yelena to get the fucking Queen of the island preg for whatever reason he may have and Eren agreed?
>He needed to visit Marley and see things for himself
The SC were already going there with the volunteers, who do you think Eren went abroad with?
>He needed Zeke's men and connections.
None of that is incompatible with telling his friends and authorities about what Zeke is planning. Backstabbing was always an option, but Eren didn't take it either.
>How do you know Eren even know about that? Why would Yelena even tell him this if there was a chance he could stop it?
Eren knew about the wine and we got a verbal confirmation of it from him months ago, even fucking Floche knew about the wine. Stop.
exactly, it's about how you environment shapes you. So it's about having children
Her first word!
Oh really? Then Historia deserves being gang banged by farmers
Poor Isayama
Zeke's master plan is to peacefully genocide Eldians by sterilizing them all. Put simply, his rationale can be summed up with "no more babies for us because we're doomed to be bad". The person pitted against him in this conflict is our protagonist, Eren. He's the AT and the guy currently seeking freedom the hardest.
So, user, why did Isayama choose to make this conflict of desires the linchpin of his story? What kind of freedom does Eren hope to protect or acquire by stopping Zeke's "no babies" plan, if it's not the right to have children and let future generations choose their own destinies?
Did you get my question at all?
Based and cutepilled
Yes, that someone as shit as Eren just rejected your Mikasa.
>"family is not one of the central themes of SnK"
>t. speedreader
I don't even get what you're saying
We get it, you love Mikasa, she is the best, she is strong and mysterious just like you. Then why are you crying so much?
I just talked to Isayama. It's another baby Eren chapter.
literal stage IV cancer
Don't worry EMfags, JMchads still accept refugees
>but erehisufags decided to spam the hell out of it
I made the thread you fucking nigger. Just as I did the based one from last night with this op.
What's great is that because these scumsuckers are such slaves to their gay mental illness, they don't realize we had tons of posts last night where a lot of people, including myself, who normally rag on slavegirl all talked about how, all jokes aside, she really was a pitiful character and that we all felt bad for her on a certain level. But hey, at the end of the day, that fags are animals, and you can't treat them with any measure of humanity or empathy as if they were anything but.
Stating plain facts nigger. Get milled.
>i miss yumiru
What spam? Wasn't it a discussion?
>no longer a child
>but not yet a hobo
mikasa is a literal mindless dog user, she has always been one
what did you think eren was supposed to feel about it?
I'm in
It's actually a wordplay(?) since Ackerman is "Those who plough a field" or some shit and that kanji is for farmer and Hanji also talked about farming for the great god. Someone with better moonskill might explain it better.
what's up with the JMfag recently here? stop it you give Jeanfags a bad image.
>Cut it out, Four-Eyes!
>I swear to FUCKING God if you don't st-
only post relevant characters please
I don't really give a fuck about them
Fucking hell go back.
>>i miss yumiru
What does this have to do with EM? Are you braindead?
>tfw LHfags will be targetted too now
user calm down, just ignore. Just wait for the manga to confirm any, I believe Eren is the dad too but you know that causes people being upset
How many times does Isayama need to show that having kids for your own benefits or forcing your children to burden your own problems is a bad thing for you people to understand? Rod and alma with Hisu, Grisha with Zeke and Eren, Annie and her father Reiner and his mother, there's no way either Hisu or Eren would repeat the same mistakes again.
the retarded connections are only important in Marley you fucking idiot, there's nothing stopping Eren from immediately betraying Zeke when they return to Paradis
>No where does it say that it has to happen after she eats Zeke exclusively, it's about having as many babies as she can to provide as many assets available. You miss the meaning for the semantics
>Zeke will pass down the beast titan to one with royal blood
>and that person MUST SPEND THE 13 THEY HAVE LEFT bearing as many children as possible
Learn to fucking read you fucking idiot, she could die in childbirth but if she's a shifter no way that could happen.
Night /snk/ hopefully we get spoilers the third in the morning like we did with 119.
You are already mentally ill without being gay.
If you really are the person who made it, your stuff is great and you should feel good about having made it, I loved it. Remember if a degenerate is trying to make you feel bad about something, it means you've got reason to feel good about yourself.
>why would a lesbian care about preserving the only possible lesbian relationship in the entire series by pairing off the only male threat to that lesbian relationship with a character not involved in said lesbian relationship?
>also, YH is not, was not, and will never be, canon
>because Historia is canonically heterosexual
Isn't 121 being released on the 10 year anniversary of the manga? Hopefully it's something good.
Guess I will have to rephrase my answer since some people in this thread type faster than there brain processes information. Someone said I should be happy for Mikasa that EM is dead. And I answered why should I be happy for Mikasa that EM is dead when I don't consider Eren lower than her
Historia being really pregnant has nothing to do with the father's identity tough.
>how they were negligent they couldn't even prevent Historia from having a kid right under their nose to begin with
Your falsely equating the ability to prevent a pregnancy and the ability to dig up information. The farm literally works there so it would be easy for them to meet and plenty of opportunity to engage in enough intercourse that it could lead to pregnancy.
>a negligence Rogue himself acknowledged.
They thought it was out of character for her, so they weren't expecting it.
>You're also arguing that Historia would've been able to lie without issues about her partner but said partner wouldn't have because he's a simple farmer?
Historia's has the status of a queen, what makes you think they would even be able to investigate her. The farmer's just a farmer. Historia is used to lying anyways and can play a role easily if you know anything about her character.
>when he had the wine to protect himself?
That's not enough and the wine wasn't distributed enough when he arrived on the island like I said Rogue and Nile didn't drink it til chapter 108. Then you had Levi and his squad keeping Zeke under surveillance 24/7, Zeke needed to be able to get away from Levi to be able to do anything and had to wait a month for the Levi squad members to all drink the wine. Now that I think about it he didn't even want to use it if he didn't have to, he only did it after he overhead Levi pondering about having him get eaten by one of his own Jaegerists. He was initially relying on the Jaegerists to take over the gov't as a less destructive option.
>The SC were already going there with the volunteers, who do you think Eren went abroad with?
So they still had to rely on Zeke, and in the end the SC were just sitting around being indecisive so Eren jumped ahead, I don't think they would even allow an asset like Eren to visit there anyways too important.
Thats just you
Schizophrenic retard speak. Got it.
>there are redditfags here right now
I'm feeling asleep. Let's argue tomorrow
they always were, remember hongo OUT, hongoloids, decapitation edits, ect? whats the point of giving it the time of day
What time? I'll be back late
>you know that causes people being upset
You're using that word too liberally user
>"I'm too low IQ to understand or refute what is being said so I'll just call it 'schizophrenic retard speak' and act like I won"
Just caught up to speed on the Manga and I need to know are the Eldians best understood as White people in modern society or Jews in Nazi Germany?
>None of that is incompatible with telling his friends and authorities about what Zeke is planning.
>Eren knew about the wine and we got a verbal confirmation of it from him months ago
Floch also knew about the bombing of Zackley which Eren didn't
Germans/whites and Japanese in the wake of the World Wars
The wine was distributed starting 3 years ago when the Marleans arrived, since the very beginning the ships were full of wine
Appreciation, gratefulness, love. What do you want for Eren to feel for someone who can't even express herself like Historia. If Eren didn't speak up for her, she would have allowed herself to be used. The same thing with when Ymir was there. Historai is the dog here
This thread doesn't welcome low IQ faggots
See pic related here:
What the fuck?
I just replied. There is nothing to cope about with Mikasa being a dog when she clearly isn't. As a matter of fact, Historia is the dog here
You don't need to be spoonfed, user. The joy of SnK is that Isayama doesn't cram a black and white narrative or a perfect 1:1 allegory down your throat. It's up to you to piece the elements together and make up your own mind about who's right or wrong.
lol user what a softie
mikasa got what she deserved, and in this particular case, it's also what she needed
What is there to refute? What proof do you have of this conspiracy than "Things I don't like still happen."
You don't believe things based purely on emotion do you?
cute pic
but he did forgive him? he understood that he's a victim of his circumstances and not some big bad evil. One thing doesnt cancel the other
Eren play favorites
Reading the japanese it's more like before the 13 yhears are up as a shifter, it doesn't have to be specifically after she turns into a titan. No where do they specifically imply that you can't get pregnant before becoming a titan.
Yet it was only in chapter 108 that Nikolo gave some to Nile and Rogue. And only after even that Levi's troops drank it.
>Eren plays favorites!
september cope covered
Not him but the whole point is that Eren considers Mikasa lower than him by being a slave/cattle. So why Mikasa should be at risk for more loss of dignity by staying with him? Unless you want her to see her as a total joke character, being like a doggo begging to her owner to let her sleep on the couch as long as your shallow ship gets confirmed, then don't expect that people don't laugh at Mikasa with that joke of a plotline for her.
Oh really? Mindless dog? Mikasa's favourite phrase of " the world is cruel" was formed after she personally experienced the horrible way her parents died. And since then, she has been living according to her core principles. What are Historia's core principle that define her as a character? "LIVE FOR YOURSELF" Those words sound nice theoretically but don't even make sense practically because in the context of their world you will always depend on others and you will expect other to gat your back or you are screwed. At the end of all the whinning of living for yourself, she cant even express herself when they wanted to use her as part of the 50 year plan. Eren had to be her spokesman
>Eldian Empire rules over the world
>Does what is probably a mix of oppression and civilization
>Karl the Cuck is a virtue signaling faggot who hates his race and raises the nation of Marley with the help of the Tyburs
>Marley subverts Eldian Kingdoms as they fight each other and steals all their Titans except two
>Eldians lose the Great Warâ„¢
>Generations later, Marleyans run a society based on ethnic purity
>Eldian kids are brainwashed by Marleyan propaganda into hating their ancestors
>Told their ancestors committed the Marleyan genocideâ„¢ for 17 centuries even though the numbers don't add up
>Told other things that are probably somewhat true in comparison
>Never forget the 6 gorillion killed in Lagoâ„¢
>Eldian kids used to kill Eldians on Paradis and all of Marley's enemies in their wars
>Marley's enemies hate Eldians because they're the terrifying face of Marley's miliary campaigns against the Union of Arab Statesâ„¢
>Eren Yeager rises up and does nothing wrong
And which one is hated?
Based and cutepilled
OP's post isn't well worded but the important part is
> forgive Reiner *and save him*
Your right that Eren forgave Reiner once he understood his perspective. But he's still willing to fight him--to the death if necessary. Eren's not going to try to save him and beg for a peaceful resolution when he's standing in the way of Eren's goals.
That's baby stuff
This is the one that should be capped
Are you truly that concerned about Mikasa's dignity or is it because the turn of event will favour your ship?
Not that user but you should be tired of gays literally trying to censor you every time. I can't believe I used to defend them when I was a teenager, with the time I saw they are full of poison.
And I'm sure a lot of them are the ones attacking your ship
oh yeah, ofc not. they are both enemies.
>You don't believe things based purely on emotion do you?
No, I am not some Bible-thumping, Rush Limbaugh listener or whatever else you're imagining I am. For most of my life, I was an erudite lefty that attended arthouse films and poetry slams, and who viciously mocked people who said things like the post you were originally responding to. However, years of research and reflection forced me to revise my beliefs. These things are very real, user.
>Mikasa's favourite phrase of " the world is cruel" was formed after she personally experienced the horrible way her parents died. And since then, she has been living according to her core principles.
This dumb bitch has been crying since chapter 1 about muh Eren, she autiscally confirmed multiple times she is deluded and obsessed with not losing him. At least Historia killed her father when it was needed, Mankasa would've killed the entire SL if it was Eren or her parents
Kek how could you
True, I love the complex nature of the characters and their motivations, especially the Marlyians/Good Eldians.
Anyway I just wanted to gauge what other people felt as I could easily see it as a mix of both which agrees with. I have noticed that when it comes to sections from the Island Devils pov I lean more towards the former and am more sympathetic to them while I lean towards the latter when we get Marlyan pov stuff where I just want to see those Island Devils dealt with. I think this is due to me only really reading the Manga from cheaper 85 onwards resulting in me connecting more with the Marlyians than the Eldians.
Just learn to ignore. In my opinion I think we know what happened, but you won't change anything by discussing the samw things with them over and over.
Just ignore them till the manga confirms it
>I don't understand anything about Eren's character the post
Even when Eren was looking down on Jean for wanting to run away and join the MPs, he didn't blame them. He didn't blame Hannes for wanting to live like livestock and drink all day. Stop projecting your obsessive hatred for Mikasa onto just cause she's going to win Eren EHtard.
What ship? And yeah, I'm a Mikasafag who truly cares about her fate as character. The same question can be applied to you.
>she has been living according to her core principles
What principles shes been living off Eren's principles you mean. Without Eren saving her ass in childhood, chapter 50 or transforming in a titan she would've committed suicide multiple times. Mikasawhales lack any self awareness she is the definition of everything that is wrong with her and its only now it looks like Isayama will finally make her move on
>>This dumb bitch has been crying since chapter 1 about muh Eren, she autiscally confirmed multiple times she is deluded and obsessed with not losing him
You just narrowly avoided my question but anyways, You will only choose a narrative that suits you. Whether you want to believe that Mikasa has been living according to her core principle or not is up to you not me.
>>At least Historia killed her father when it was needed
It's not like there weren't other SL members in line if she refused. As a matter of fact she is the one that requested for that specific role so she can show off her weak ass. What a parasite, sucking the pay of SL hardwork. How do you guys even stan a character like Shitshoria?
>poetry slams
Why are Mikasafags so mad at EH happening. EM not happening was the best for Mikasa
t. retard who can only read pictures at face value
>Stop projecting your obsessive hatred for Mikasa onto just cause she's going to win Eren
Nice cope EMtrash
eren himself was never in the bowl tho
So what are you going to do when EH doesn't happen?
> However, years of research and reflection forced me to revise my beliefs. These things are very real, user.
You'd think you'd post the proof and research instead of trying to appeal to my emotions with your faggot life story.
Mikasafag indeed. You're not one of those shouting Eren is the father? Stop camouflaging your ship under being Mikasa fan
Eh, it's pretty good. Omitting the alliance with Jap- er, Hizuru is a mistake, IMO.
Oh, believe me, I fully agree now.
>This dumb bitch has been crying since chapter 1 about muh Eren
Nothing because I'm not a shipperfag like you.
>It's not like there weren't other SL members in line if she refused.
She came with the idea herself Mankasatrash, everyone was for letting Eren get eaten by him, holy shit can't even read the manga and now listening to your delusions
16 is when he grew up for good.
>>What principles shes been living off Eren's principles you mean
And what Manga have you been reading? You must ahve reading from right to left. Mikasa formed that worldview based on what happened that night not on Eren. Retard
I wish I'm a drawfag too so that I can draw LH the way I want.
>started off with this series being the same age as Eren
>older than Eren now
>only look worse than I did when I was younger
How does he do it?
>poetry slams
that explains your current faggotry
the one that had sex
EM not happening was the best for you EH. Stop pretending you care for Mikasa when you clearly care for your ship and nothing else
man, this last part is a hell of a ride.
>Reiner backstory and suicidal thoughts are going to destroy anime-onlies.
>grandpa yeager breaking down
>Annie's father
>The building ripping apart when Eren transforms
>Zofia being crushed (too pure for this world) with Udo having losing his glasses not being able to see clearly (and obviously liking her) thinking she could be saved
>Ogweno starting the rumbling on Udo
>Armin going nuclear and seeing the results of his actions
>Sasha dying
>forced pregnancy historia
I can just see people ragequitting the series
why are eren and historia so selfish and petty?
i hope them the worst
>Mikasa formed that worldview
Sure she did, you use a phrase she hasn't even been able to back it up. She couldn't kill that dude with a knife without Ackerman path shit, would've committed suicide when Eren was eaten and confessed her "love" because she was about to die. That user who said she is a dog is almost right she hasn't done shit on her own even coming to SL wasn't what she wished but muh protect Eren.
the best time to start learning is right now, user
Do you seriously expect that guy to synthesize all that shit down into a series of posts concise and on-topic enough to not get banned? That's like asking someone to condense the entire history of the anime industry into a handful of posts AND make it all Yea Forums-related. Let him have his vague claims and you can keep your equally vague and unconvincing denials.
>>everyone was for letting Eren get eaten by him
I love your head cannon. They brought it up doesn't mean they will go along with it. There is no way in hell Armin and Mikasa would have allowed Eren to go ahead with something that ridiculous. Mikasa have already refused the idea. All you can say is that Historia brought up reasonable reason why Eren shouldn't do it and that is because she happens to be aware of the vow of renunciation while others like Armin and Mikasa didn't. That is why all they could say was " no you wouldn't" without bringing up any argument to back it up
because they were born into this world
>this post
>>Sure she did, you use a phrase she hasn't even been able to back it up
How? What did she tell Eren during there fight with Annie
>>She couldn't kill that dude with a knife without Ackerman path shit
Is this supposed to be an argument? I think it's about time I start ignoring you
Your posts are so idiotic you can't even argue properly or debunk shit. Good idea ignore me since you leak braincells on the floor
>Zofia being crushed (too pure for this world) with Udo having losing his glasses not being able to see clearly (and obviously liking her) thinking she could be saved
Fuck I didn't realize this bit. I'm a speedreader now fuck.
So this is what happens when I turn on my shipping cancer filter.
You know it’s going to be a still frame that starts from the legs and rises up to show the top part of their bodies like the manga frame while the edges are all blurry and lightning zips through the dark room
I can't wait for the retard 70IQ hot-takes saying it's the same as GoT
Hey, you were the person who brought up my character.
Anyway, I'm phoneposting right now so I'm not going to type up an entire essay but a good place to start researching for yourself if you would like a glimpse at the world as it really is would be who comprised the Frankfurt School in Germany, what they believed and taught, and where they ended up after they were expelled from Germany (minor spoiler: influential positions at major American universities where they molded the minds of generations of the children of America's elite).
That, of course, is only the tip of the tip of the iceberg though.
My posts are idiotic but you are idiotic. Bring up challenging argument next time. I want argument that will make me revisit the manga.
>equally vague and unconvincing denials.
There's nothing to convince you of because his claims are baseless.
This isn't a debate, this isn't a rapport, it's literally
>I have no proof but I feel this is happening because I use my feelings as facts
>I don't use your feelings as facts. Post real facts or what you're saying is fiction
That's it. No matter how you COPE If you have no facts then it's delusion.
We're literally in a thread about an anime where a society was being actively subverted by a shadow government and where a prominent family from an oppressed ethnic group were pulling the strings on the "oppressors".
Attack on Titan is all about this shit so don't cop out, faggot.
>I don't understand anything about the post I replied to, the post
And how is that relevant retard? I already told that I'm Mikasafag, not everyone is into your shipping boogeyman, nigger. And first of all, Eren considers this because he knows it's bad for Mikasa, even if he was lying about hating her doesn't mean he wants her as his personal bodyguard forever because deep down he knows it's a shitty fate for Mikasa. You're the one who doesn't seem to understand a single shit about him nor Mikasa.
>you can't like this character without shipping her with anyone, so you are not a real characterfag
I couldn't care less about the baby drama shippernigger, it can be Eren or Farmer for all I care. I just want to see Mikasa's development once for all because I actually care for her.
>Make it mirror the Warrior reveal almost perfectly
My dick would explode
>Protection of one of the most boring and superficial characters aka Mika wooh wooh ereh!!! dog.
Yeah, they definitely came from discord/twitter/leddit/dumblr.
Incidentally Armong was a mistake.
*having lost
fuck my english
I believe a part of it was also not wanting to accept it, at least after trying to remove the weight on her.
Not him but he is right, you complain about Historia lacking any decision making when being put as puppet queen but pretend like Mikasa does anything else bar protect Eren at all cost meme. If she was so down to earth she would've came up with something else instead of Eren, I can't let you do this. Also stop lying about Armin he didn't like the idea but didn't say shit because he knew it might be the right decision after Historia spoke up he backed her up of course but comparing AM here situation here is stupid and reeks of desperation.
You aren't even reading the same manga, imagine quoting me for this
>She couldn't kill that dude with a knife without Ackerman path shit
When you know yourself it's true and should've done something on herself to protect a guy who tried to save her. Without Ackerman shit she is Orihime 2.0
>>you can't like this character without shipping her with anyone, so you are not a real characterfag
That is where you totally failed it. I understand Mikasa core principle as a person and that is why I love her. The plot just seems to be treating her unfairly since she is almost a parallel to Falco but not as priviledged as Falco is because I know that at the end of the story, Falco and Gabi will have a happy ending
Why is burgerland so fucked up? We have gays and trannies too, but non of them do this crazy shit.
I notice you ignored my reminder that off-topic /pol/posting (i.e. not discussing politics within the context of the story and going off on specific IRL conspiracies) is a good way to get banned. You're transparent as glass.
>>If she was so down to earth she would've came up with something else instead of Eren
And you think she wouldn't have a proper argument if she has the knowledge that Historia had. Was Mikasa in the cave with them? NO!! If Historia was in Mikasa's position, all she could say was "eren"
Cute and canon
Fresh bread baked. Degenerates and kumbrains will get reamed and smacked down into hell where they belong.
Marry and reproduce so that you too can be like your hero, Eren.
Not enough time. I'm going back for education now.
That's actually Germany IIRC. That shit would not fly here just yet because religious/traditionalist people still have a bit of political power left.
>give it 8-10 years
>>but pretend like Mikasa does anything else bar protect Eren at all cost
Because Eren deserved all protection. If he is captured, they are screwed. And besides, you have to pick the right character for the right job. You have to pick a strong character to do the protection, not someone like Historia, always needing people to speak for her
Reiner isn't real and if he was he'd never love you.
>Out of context snippets with no connections besides reaffirming that jewish people do in fact exist
So, where's the proof? Saying "Jewish people and the nation of israel take part in world politics" isn't the same as saying "Jewish people are secretly controlling the world and responsible for everything that I don't like" because here's a secret:
everyone takes part in world politics.
Tie those articles together, give me a real smoking gun. It should be easy since it spans the entire world.
You missed the last part where attack on titan is literally all about Shadow governments. Paradis and Marely both had one. But of course, you're a schizo and you can't read.
Hard to believe this is allowed here. We don't take pedo shit kindly here
>muh stronk
Nice argument buddy
>And how is that relevant retard?
Let's see I guess retards really need a play-by-play to know what's going on
>Not him
>but the whole point is that Eren considers Mikasa lower than him
You clearly suggest here that Eren is the type of person who looks down on people, and I posted evidence that shows that's not really the case. So if you wondering how this is relevant that's how you dumbfuck.
>I already told that I'm Mikasafag
Hahahaha. Your poor english and childish aggression clearly suggests that you're probably an EHfag
>doesn't mean he wants her as his personal bodyguard
That was the case early on in the manga when Eren wanted to prove himself, but after the Uprising arc he no longer feels that way and actually began to show appreciation for Mikasa being there for him when he was working on the walls of orval? district. Then there's a scene where Mikasa orders him to drink his soup before it gets cold because Eren was going through some PTSD and instead of angrily yelling at Mikasa "don't tell me what to do" like he would before he simply drinks the soup because he appreciates her being there for him now.
>>Without Ackerman shit she is Orihime 2.0
Without?? Unfortunately the story makes her "with Ackerman shit" so stop imagining what could have been. If you want to play like that, then without royal blood Historia would have been more useless than Sakura since nothing is keeping her in the story except for her blood
Yeah you totally understand her character, enjoy the rest of the manga, something tells me you will seethe for a long time even after the manga ends
That's in Germany.
who was this again? Louise father, right?
I could be wrong, but I know it isn't the US. Sweden, maybe? Really thought it was Germany though.
>oy veying this hard
JIDF-kun, are you mad your bait post upthread was ignored? Did you come here from that retarded /pol/ thread? You're really overplaying your hand here.
>Your falsely equating the ability to prevent a pregnancy and the ability to dig up information
Just like you're falsely equating the ability to dig up information with the ability to detect a lie?
>The farm literally works there
That undermines your point even more since the Farmer was working at Historia's place and if the MPs had kept a closer look on her they would and should have been able to figure out even more easily that she had an affair with him. It also applies to any male Historia is close to or can meet up casually and/or regularly, which, guess what, includes Eren too. The problem remains the MPs negligence, not which of the two she fucked.
>They thought it was out of character for her, so they weren't expecting it
How does that change the fact that they were negligent enough for Rogue to point it out?
>Historia's has the status of a queen,
They sure gave a shit about her status when they made plans on having her eat Zeke immediately behind her back, yeah. I never said anything about her being investigated tho, but she would have to justify her pregnancy when it's found out, so she lied too. Farmer being a random doesn't discount the idea that he could lie too, especially if it's to help out someone he's felt bad enough about bullying to work at her orphanage for years (MPs words are absolute so his backstory matters too, right?). And as the convo highlighted, the father's identity was less a problem than who he could work with, which makes sense since unlike the readers who know a man Historia is personally close to is involved in her pregnancy, MPs had no reason to believe the father was anyone other than who was presented to them.
>That's not enough and the wine wasn't distributed enough
300 infected soldiers out of like 800 including 100 Jeagerists and a complete surrender as soon as Zeke screamed was enough alright. It was distributed for 3 years, the extra month having any impact beyond Manlet's men is your headcanon, sorry.
And it wasn't "pedo shit," it was "art" lol.
>more like (((art)))
Hard to believe this wasn't in the media then, because pedoshit like this is not allowed here.
>And first of all, Eren considers this because he knows it's bad for Mikasa
WOW!!, what a beautiful headcanon. Till now, no one knows a reason why Eren said what he did, so why are you trying to say its because Mikasa is always following him
Different user but Doug Valentine, Gareth Porter, Ryan Dawson, etc. have plenty of accessible if long books and blogs/websites with documentaries explaining the Mossad-CIA-Saudi nexus that's used by Jewish-led Zionist corporate groups to shape the modem world. Of course you're not a real person interested in any matters of truth. You're a faggot who enjoys dunking on retarded pol memes, and likely a part kike yourself. Either way you should commit suicide. And remember, God hates your kind.
At least she saved Eren without Ackerman paths, which is more than can be said about Mikasa who has a nonexistent character and qualities outside fighting
I'm surprised children were allowed to see it. I hope at least nothing was going on there. Should have been art only adults can visit, if anything
Based post user. Thanks for putting them side by side. Such a succinct summary of it all.
>going to /pol/
Also I don't speak retard, the hell is a JIDF and every post I've made has gotten a reply.
>Mossad-CIA-Saudi nexus that's used by Jewish-led Zionist corporate groups to shape the modem world.
Great, can't you post proof of that? I can break Bad Blood, a real corruption case down to three sentences.
> part kike
Can't you post literally any real proof instead of insisting that I'm a werejew, kek.
>Without Ackerman shit she is Orihime 2.0
My memory of Bleach is a little rusty, but didn't Orihime have some pretty decent powers with fairies or whatever? I always thought the unfortunate thing about her was how she had abilities that seemed useful, yet she never fucking used them.
How does that change what I said? It's not like Yelena/Zeke had anything to do with the bombing, unlike the wine and the euthanasia plan, both of which Eren came to know about.
How old are you? It's now clear to me that I'm arguing with an immature person
too much is already being. and I wouldnt be surprised if something more was.
Like the gay brainwashing librarian agents story with the kids laying ontop of transgenders, many of them convicted pedophiles.
Go back to dumblr maybe and you will be appreciated again in your shit hole
Her combat ability was weak to the point of being practically nonexistent. She was a dedicated healer and occasional shield, but in a battle manga that makes you inherently less useful than people who can actually fight.
I just asked a simple question. Why are you getting triggered?
She didn't save Eren. She refused to kill him, and then they had to be saved by others.
Well, as a dyke, this disgusts me. I'm surprised I haven't heard about it, if this really happened here
>the hell is a JIDF
kys newfag
She saved him from being eaten by Rod, Mikasawhales are probably singlehandely the dumbest posters on this board.
The guy is trying to justify that Historia is able to protect Eren
Orihime's powers weren't even weak they had a lot of potential they were just ignored. She was a prop in a sea of characters fucked over by the shinigami cast becoming the supporting characters.
>Just like you're falsely equating the ability to dig up information with the ability to detect a lie?
Digging up and examining information is an integral process to find out the truth
>should have been able to figure out even more easily that she had an affair with him
Which they did?
>It also applies to any male Historia is close to or can meet up casually and/or regularly, which, guess what, includes Eren too
Farmer's already part of the landscape because he's working there, Eren's visit would be suspicious.
>They sure gave a shit about her status when they made plans on having her eat Zeke immediately behind her back
They still have to keep up appearances though she's the figurehead, they can't be as blatant with her and interrogate her straight up
>he could lie too
He could, but inexperienced liars tend to be bad liars particularly simple-minded folks like an honest farmer who went all 'aw shucks' when Historia met up with him finally. It would be too much of threat that could undermine their entirely plan to rely on his ability to lie imo, better to not have him know anything at all and play it safe.
>as soon as Zeke screamed was enough alright
You do know that Zeke has to be in range in order for it to be effective for it to work right? And Levi purposely kept him all the way away from civilization with none of his squad having drank the one before that. Plus there's all these other things Zeke needed to happen to set the table before he can walk in and assume charge.
this Mikasafag is a dumblrina, the local Mikasafag is even telling her to fuck off
How?? She was only able to open one handcuff before others stepped in. In fact, if not for Mikasa, she would have bashed her head into the wall
I already named the 3 best sources on the topic for entry-level normies in that post. But that's beside the point. When are committing suicide? You really should kill yourself. You're scum but you can be capable of some good if you can find it within yourself to slit your wrists drown in your own blood.
Ah. I'm misremembering then. I thought she was technically able to fight but too tenderhearted to go through with it. Haven't read it since the Arrancar arc was airing so I'm sure I'm wrong about most of the story.
>that she had an affair with him
What a Freudian slip by a possessive EH ledditor. Kek, I wasn't aware that Historia was in a relationship with anyone before that.
Historia saved Eren not only physically but also mentally along with his mother words helped him surpass his lowest point
I've never encountered this phrase in in years. Just googled it and holy shit.
"Jewish Internet defense force"
Hahahahaha! You think you're so important that there's a branch of the shadow government that exists solely to counter shitpost. Holy shit that's hilarious. Can I be jewish Kenny?
Nah, being a literal eldian with werejew powers and doing tactical Yea Forums posts pays way to much money. But I'll do you a solid. post hard evidence and I'll live stream my suicide since I'd be excommunicated from the JIDF anyway.
was a while ago, had to do with one library that had storytime with trannies, dont remember exactly where but pretty sure it was the states.
Librarian admited to putting sexual content books in kids section to push their propaganda and described themselves as an agent of inclusivity or something.
They didnt do any background checks on the trannies invited for storytime, and then they took pictures with the kids on top. saw it resumed a while ago from one of the Jim's streams, but had caught more than one articles about it over time.
The librarian was never removed and they still did the storytime thing a year after, even when with everything revealed. Remember seeing a vid of a guy being arrested for rushing in and shouting to kids to not let the trannies touch them. fucked up shit
Her offensive ability was crippled by the fact that she hated fighting and having to hurt others, even people who threatened her or her friends. She wasn't even overshadowed by other characters since even though the cast grew larger she still got lots of panel time.
She was useless shit that was crying when Ichigo got a hole plugged in his chest by Ulquiorra, and magically her screams awakened his Hollow. Thank fuck Isayama isn't such a trash mangaka although Mikasa in pre Ackerman release was showing signs of being just as useless.
not that guy but JIDF isnt even secret. you are just retarded
One thing I hate about or rather dislike about Historia is that she is somehow similar to Armin. They can talk big but can never carry out there words. I will say Armin is better than her. Just look at the way the blonde whore was hailing Ymir when she decided to pull down the castle. If you look at her, you will think she can do something relevant. What a pity that the only thing keeping someone in a story is her pregnancy and royal blood
Not him but EM not happening really is the best for Mikasa. Her relationship with him has always been unbalanced as fuck and even though he doesn't hate her, he trashed all over her feelings and treated her like garbage, for reasons we have yet to be told about. She dedicated way too much of her life to a guy who never reciprocated and her crawling back to him when her arc revolves around separation and him suddenly wanting to make babies with her after 10 years of nothing would be fucking weird.
Cope more EMfag won't change all girls in the bad are bad but Mankasa is a special breed of bad
No shit, I found it on google and also I'm a member. I'm out to get ya with my tactical shitposting.
in the manga*
I mean more in that her powers were clearly unexplored properly. I always thought early on that it was pretty clear that Orihime's 6 spirits were set up in a way where they'd be able to mix and match and evolve overtime but instead her powers and options are largely stagnate never changing or evolving. Kubo set up an interesting tool that he never needed to explore because he had other tools and characters to explore instead. So sure Orihime herself has decent panel time, and her powers get a little bit of explanation and focus but they're never taken to their true potential.
I'd call you a low information brainlet, but we both know that's not true. Enjoy trying to convince jaded zoomers that they shouldn't dislike you.
>first opening spoils that eren will attain freedom
so he always had in mind turning eren into a freedomfag
You implied that Eren was aware of everything that was going on. I showcased an example of that not being the case.
>blonde whore
Eren is a lucky guy
I will masturbate with your tears in a few days
Yeah, that sounds like the Kubo I remember. A great and interesting cast of characters, but he just kept cramming in more instead of focusing on what he had. Desire to reread is fading rapidly.
I mean aside from Ichigo no one's powers ever really evolved beyond what they were at the start. They just got stronger in general, but Chad still just punched things and Uryuu still shot arrows.
>vegetable man
Is this Historia's codephrase for Eren's eggplant sized cock?
One of Kubo's problems was definitely that he kept creating really cool things, and then the editors and fans wanted more and that's really what bit him in the ass in the end. He loved drawing cool things and it's all he ultimately wanted from his manga though so I guess in the end it all worked out for him.
>>Not him but EM not happening really is the best for Mikasa. Her relationship with him has always been unbalanced as fuck and even though he doesn't hate her, he trashed all over her feelings and treated her like garbage, for reasons we have yet to be told about. She dedicated way too much of her life to a guy who never reciprocated and her crawling back to him when her arc revolves around separation and him suddenly wanting to make babies with her after 10 years of nothing would be fucking weird.
First of all, I will scrap everything here as bullshit. If anything, Eren and Mikasa has the most planned, realistic and dynamic relationship in the whole manga. Shall we explore it a little? They started off as normal kids living in the same household with little frictions but all the same they cared about one another. Next, after the death of their parents, they joined the survey corps, where jealousy and misunderstanding escalated the friction between them. Both are immature kids and they went around the wrong way interpreting what other person action meant. Eren took Mikasa protectiveness as a way of mothering him while Mikasa thinks suffocating Eren is equal to caring. They remained like that till chapter 50 and there relationship drastically changed. Through Mikasa words, eren realized that she wasn't trying to make him feel inferior but rather cause she cared for him. Before Mikasa was never open about her feeling and instead of telling Eren she cared, she simply said Eren will die if she isn't there. This way of expressing her feeling is quite consistent with her character cause she is kinda an introvert most of the times. Back to my story, After chapter 50, there relationship changed. She recognizes Eren's individuality even allowing him to fight with Jean and trusting Armin and Eren to take care of the collosal titan. On the other hand, Eren starts to appreciate her more and he underwent a change in his diction whenever Mikasa cares for him.
>Digging up and examining information is an integral process to find out the truth
Just like the MPs found all there was to know about the pregnancy and didn't feel the need to speculate about its fishy circumstances at all, you mean? I'm not sure what point you're making when the whole convo exposes how little they actually seem to know about the truth.
>Farmer's already part of the landscape because he's working there, Eren's visit would be suspicious
This is completely stupid, the 104th canonically visit the orphanage.
>He could, but inexperienced liars tend to be bad liars particularly simple-minded folks like an honest farmer who went all 'aw shucks' when Historia met up with him finally
He saw Historia's face as she was approaching him though, since he was already looking up as she appeared at the entrance of the barn. Unless she straight told him to fuck her without asking too many questions, which should be a red flag even for a random hick, she clearly wasn't putting up any kind of front when she met him, and her panels in 107 showed that she certainly isn't doing that now either.
>You do know that Zeke has to be in range in order for it to be effective for it to work right
I don't remember any of the higher ups being in range when Pixis had the whole army surrender the first time Zeke screamed, but okay.
Instead of I'm not your kid or your little brother it was now "stop treating me like an old man". This is just a summary of their dynamics but as an erehisu shipper you wont pay attention to the subtle development but you will notice when Eren takes a glance at Historia.Ironic
>this level of delusional shit
Hopefully shitpost but unlikely
>subtle development
You shipperwhales are fucking cancer
>>when her arc revolves around separation
I think this is what gave the fandom the wrong idea. When Isayama was asked if Eren and Mikasa will separate, he said "yes" but paused for a brief moment, then followed it up by the separation he mean't. That Mikasa will return back to the kind of girl she was as a child. But Erehisu shippers will always use separation out of context to support there ship. I advise you read the original interview and don't believe all these erehisu shippers. They are ready to stoop so low as to make sure there ship is justified, even pretending to be Mikasafag
Forgive my ESLness but can the expression only be used in the case of infidelity? If yes then my bad, because I didn't know.
>>Hopefully shitpost but unlikely
If you call these shitpost then Eren is the father theory is worst than shitpost
What are trying to convey here? I like Mikasa because outside of her obsessive crush, she had different traits from your typical female MC. That's what made me like her in first place, but after a while, I have realized that she may have the most realistic development in the story, I mean if she is really allowed to ditch herself from Eren, Armin or whatever genetics we are talking about, then breaking the status quo shouldn't be that bad for her. Even if it takes place at the very end, it's an interesting scenario to look into since it goes with "moving forward" perfectly, so her relevance can be back in the game
>Eren is the type of person who looks down on people
Not specifically to all people, but the ones who are the cattle and don't fight back and he already stated this. And if you use your brain, you must know that he wasn't lying about this part.
>you're probably an EHfag
So it's the best you can think of? Like a broken record. And fyi I think those faggots are as annoying as polfags.
>That was the case early on in the manga when Eren wanted to prove himself, but after the Uprising arc he no longer feels that way
So you think Eren is okay with the babysitting? He started to thank her for her actions but he also started to improve himself to reach his independence from her, whose actions is what Eren wants her to do as well. The Ackerthing is 50/50 true, Mikasa's instincts (not powers) were progressively awakening since she was a child and she met Eren.
>Eren and Mikasa has the most planned, realistic and dynamic relationship in the whole manga.
I sense an erehisu shipper
No man, I implied that Eren was aware of the wine. Don't blame me for your own extrapolations.
The fact you got so triggered to talk about the father shit kinda shows exactly how desperate you are to believe your shit. EH or not, EM is trash tier only idiots like you pretend is has any dynamic
no, it can also be uses as you did
This is going to be turned into a pasta, isn't it?
>no one knows a reason why Eren said what he did
He pushed them away the moment Mikasa and Armin started to make stupid assumptions about him, dingus
Instead of laughing, you can try to refute that with a proper argument cause I know you can't
Alright, you didn't then. When did he know about it? What page can I find this on.
>>EH or not
Are you sure about that? Can you really live with the embarrassment if there is no EH? It seems you are trying to hide your frustrations
I can't refute delusion user just so you know. You aren't even arguing you are giving an opinion on what you think
I don't give a fuck if it happens or not and I will still be here laughing instead of you who will probably have a meltdown
>>EM is trash tier only idiots like you pretend is has any dynamic
I think it's moron's like you that can't see it
>the ones who are the cattle and don't fight back and he already stated this
Except he doesn't, he thinks it's bad but doesn't look down on people because of it
>So you think Eren is okay with the babysitting? He started to thank her for her actions but he also started to improve himself to reach his independence from her, whose actions is what Eren wants her to do as well.
He thinks of her differently than before, and no longer lashes out when she tries to care for him.
>> I will still be here laughing
What a pity I can't see your face behind the device you are using. You can pretend to laugh but surely, you will die inside
So what the fuck was that user even about, then? I swear you can't go for more than three points without getting called every shipfag name under the sun these days.
Have you realized that you're only focusing on pre-time skip stuff? None of this can be applied to the present because Eren has a different mindset we don't know a shit about now. But from what we've seen, it's safe to assume that his image about Mikasa and also Armin has changed
I need somewhere else to Flee. somewhere else I can talk about SNK without any kind of shippershit. or even memes. Please help me escape
The Eren that thanked Mikasa when they came for him in Liberio wouldn't insult Mikasa like that.
Like 95% of the time, yeah
It's the same Eren, i think you failed to get the EMA talk in 112, Eren was over the adge since he arrived in paradis, yet he still wanted to talk with AM, what his original intention was we don't know, but the conversation was going well, until Mikasa fucked up, then Eren got agry and started shitting on them, he didn't meant to be that harsh but it simply slipped
Just drop the manga or dont go to snk threads if two characters fucking make you cry so much
Oh you better believe it, motherfucker
But the same Eren that thanked her for coming is the one who forced the SL including his friends to come to his rescue and was ther indirect cause of Sasha's death. I'd rather have my friend call me names than forcing me to participate in a town massacre.
But he did. And we all saw it.
grown up Eren has no time for AM bullshit
he will give it to you straight
Now I understand why EMAfags say they miss the old Eren so often.
EHfags are /pol/fags. Literally the shittiest combination.
You know what they say
/pol/ is always right