Post good mangas you never seen Yea Forums talk about
Post good mangas you never seen Yea Forums talk about
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Yea Forums doesn't read manga, let alone good manga. This is why a separate board for manga as well as shounen is needed.
I see some good discussion once in a while. The only problem is that there's not enough people that read a certain series to input a whole thread on it.
That's why a separate board is needed for manga. If your series isn't some shitty popular shounenshit it'll just get pushed off the board in 5 minutes.
Tetsuya Toyoda's trilogy: Undercurrent, Coffee Time, and Goggles. They share common themes and a common character, Detective Yamazaki. The art is great and the writing is up there with the best slice of life manga. I have seen a thread about Undercurrent, but that's about it.
I agree with both of you. I want a separate board for manga bad.
You lads have MALs or something I can hit you guys up on? I need more pals to discuss seinen with
Also what manga is this OP? Never seen it before but it looks dope
I don't know if it was popular earlier but I rarely see anyone talking about Rainbow, maybe it's because the translations are so fucking slow
I really hated Kiriyama. At least in the book and movie he wasn't so bullshitty as he was in the manga.
I didn't even know it had an anime adaptation.
Me too
Kiriyama was so fucking bullshit but I loved him
Saw this page posted in an OPT once and had to read it. Poor guy never even got his coffee. I'll try reading those other manga sometime now that I know about 'em
I've been meaning to read it for a long while. Gotta look around and see if I can find some scans
Yeah, he was OP as hell in the manga, but kinda had a charm to him and all his Jedi-level fuckery
Theres a baord for cute males and not fucking manga
It's goddamn bullshit
I just wanna have comfy manga discussions dammit
That or the discussion only happens once a month and if you miss it you're straight out of luck.
>You lads have MALs or something I can hit you guys up on? I need more pals to discuss seinen with
Kill yourself
I tried starting a thread on Sousei No Taiga. But nobody seems to be interested in it. It's probably the best Time Travel Manga i've seen in a long time. It's appropriately grim without overindulging in sexual violence
Wait the fuck? Did suicide island ever finish?
chad sousei no taiga vs virgin suicide island
Never read that one
>want to read good obscure manga
>too lazy to learn japanese
life is pain
>trapped on crunchyroll
whats its japanese name?
Uchū Kyōdai
Finally read most of the English translation.
Man, they left one of the wolves to die. I get it but damn that poor cub. ;-;
Gunka no Baltzar is literally the best series I've ever read yet no one even translates the chaps, even the released ones, unless a random user has spare time on their hands.
I really need to find time to re-read this series.
I'm an idiot, I deleted my post instead of deleting the file. I'll just repost what I said.
Oh shit, I read Undercurrent but had no idea there was more. Undercurrent wasn't anything crazy, but I liked it's theme a lot so I might give these a read.
Extremely underrated, even if you're not into mountaineering.
The progression is really good and well tought, at first it seems to start like a sport shounen about climbing, but then it gets to mountaineering and it turns into a coming of age story, as he keeps climbing higher and higher, the contrasts between basically everything gets stronger and stronger.
Even if you're not into mountaineering read it.
>Extremely underrated
you sound like an extreme newfag, that manga is highly acclaimed on here.
What are you gonna do about it ?
This was ok and not underrated at all. Pretty much everyone here that reads manga has read it. If you really want a great, underrated manga about mountaineering, check out The Summit of the Gods.
Funnily enough I went on mangarock after hearing about it shutting down soon and randomly clicked on this manga to see if they were still up or not. It looked great and then saw that other anons post about Kokou no hito so decided to put it on my backlog.
If you can't read Spanish or French, you'll have to buy it in English, because the stuff available online are four scanlated chapters in English, and the complete translated series (5 volumes with about 300 pages each) in Spanish and French. Kokou no Hito has crazy detailed art, but The Summit of the Gods has great story.
Munou no Hito by Yoshiharu Tsuge. It's about an utterly worthless failure.
Was it finally completely translated?
It looks like it was. The last update was two years ago.
Man, Furuya is a kind of genius of his own. I think I've read all of his stuff but Ping Pong Club. He manages to do dark shit but does not come off as edgy or tasteless. I wonder if his frequent themes of abandonment, murder and yakuza come from personal experience. He's a master at comedy too
Man this shit was ultra gay, but it was a great mystery story
You're so retarded.
OP is Himizu by Furuya Minoru
Thank you! I appreciate it, user!
The threads were nice back when it was airing
Ping Pong Club is hilarious, you should definitely watch it.
I was surprised they didn’t kill and eat it.
I download it time ago to read it on the plane but read something else instead. Will read it someday in the future.
Fuck you. Both are great.
I agree.
Separate into /aln/ and /ma/
/aln/ = anime and light novels
/ma/ = manga only
shonenshit can be in the manga section as long as it's limited to one thread