Post your waifu and other anons judge your taste

>post your waifu and other anons judge your taste
I'll start

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Other urls found in this thread:

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why ram over rem?
cuck tier
never watched it

Fucking stalker / 10
I also loved that series, Anna was cute

Consider the following

Another possessive stalker? You guys are really into these girls aren't you? At least I know I am secure with her.

Attached: __shimamura_uzuki_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_drawn_by_omaru_gyuunyuu__b1dedb2851cdbb (590x971, 103K)

Posting the queen of Yea Forums

Attached: kirino.jpg (496x1000, 68K)

strong women are best women
>pic related

Attached: LuXMccw.png (857x1200, 1.55M)

I love my beautiful wife

Attached: 17EC7F7D-92A7-43B9-AE8D-42DE457C7209.jpg (700x700, 142K)

not rem
old looking
queen of the virgin islands.
top tier

Attached: ahri 😍.jpg (1000x1214, 227K)

Why the fuck would I do that?

shit taste
shit taste
shit taste
shit taste
excellent taste
shit taste

Know I'm gonna get hate for this but don't give a shit.

Attached: Gasai.Yuno.full.1715372.jpg (1912x1564, 820K)

I was about to show husband but then I remember that sometimes people get pissy in these threads about that, so never mind.

Basically economics the anime, feudal agricultural economics. Funny enough Maoyuu Maou Yuusha is very similar and even has the same cast. You will like both of them

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the ending of that manga still hurts me

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Anna was a fun character.
Ram is a fun character.
Hitagi is a fun character.
Nora is a fun character.
Shimamura is a fun character.
I don't like her.
Esdeath is a fun character.
I don't know her.
Yuno is a fun character.

that's ok. we just pretend it never happened. The story ended with the anime. Nothing else ever happened after that.

who cares, people in these threads get mad irregardless. waifus and husbandos are serious business.

Attached: Full+pic+of+the+mouthgrab+_6a75cb3440019686a82ca9c693652e65.jpg (453x604, 94K)

Attached: cuttingisforfaggots.jpg (1000x707, 490K)

>he's a necrophiliac

Mai waifu.

Attached: Sakurajima.jpg (1011x1462, 217K)

is the movie out and subbed yet?


My waifu is ___(You)__

Attached: cup.jpg (233x255, 27K)

i don't like you

Exceptional taste
Don't care, at least it's not the blue one.
What an idiot.
That works for me!
A classic, but relatively mid-tier.
Also a good choice!


Attached: lickies.gif (1200x675, 1.14M)

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She's Ahri from League of Legends, op said waifu, didn't specify that it has to be anime.

I'll put an Yea Forumsnime waifu then.

Attached: asuka.jpg (182x268, 12K)

You don't get to decide, qt3.14

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Based and hitler pilled

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Attached: nbmpus.jpg (500x280, 31K)

She's not my all time, but my current is this bitch right here.

Attached: 73beb9bcc32c08d47622321115810bd765cacfa4_347176_700_992.jpg (300x425, 28K)

Attached: l up noa.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

Attached: vomit.png (432x415, 177K)

Based and Yuripilled

Based Kirino user

I love her

Attached: vlcsnap-2017-05-30-16h34m39s963.png (1280x720, 564K)

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your wife is pretty cute I'll give you that

wow who is this little fag twink?

i need to update my shrine

Attached: shrine old.jpg (1705x1481, 486K)

Attached: mamimi.jpg (1024x767, 82K)

My wife's anime was shit.

Attached: UmuBirb.png (799x417, 503K)

I too have a huge boner for Sigourney Weaver.

Where did you get that KISS OF DESS thingy from?

do you jerk off into that cup and drink it?

A pure genki waifu

Attached: mimiru.jpg (300x168, 7K)

feels good to love best girl

Attached: yui.jpg (225x350, 35K)

Cute and cool. Great taste.
Immaculate taste. 10/10 girl; best daughter, sister, and friend who deserves happiness.

Attached: tamaoneechansenpai.png (853x554, 118K)

if only her show didnt go to complete shit

How are the arcs after she leaves?

the worst part of it was that it hadn't even occurred to him that he looked like Sigourney. At least he owned it was signing out as SigourneyMoot for a while after.

Acceptable taste. Better than Yuckyno.

Attached: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f (500x281, 947K)

I didn't watched her anime/10
I don't know her/10
I don't know her/10
I don't know her/10
I don't know her/10
I don't know her/10
I don't know her/10
I don't know her/10
I didn't watched her anime/10
I don't know her/10
I don't know her/10
I didn't watched her anime/10
I don't know her/10
I didn't watched her anime/10
I didn't read her manga/10
I didn't watched her anime/10
I didn't watched her anime/10
I don't know her/10
I didn't watched her anime/10

Plebs, all of you

dumb mass reply poster

i didn't WATCH* her anime

>person who literally doesn't watch anime thinks he's superior to everyone here.

Attached: 12D3585E-8897-4F31-8ED1-965E437DAB0B.jpg (728x1157, 202K)

>I didn't watch her anime
>but I feel the need to comment anyways
Based normalchad.

Attached: 1551207421183.gif (512x680, 463K)

hurr durr I reply to everyone hurrr

Damn, I should go back to Noragami

thread said to rate others you retard.

Attached: zero two weirdchamp.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Attached: Best Rosario Girl.jpg (1024x768, 312K)

>zero two weirdchamp
just leave the thread.

I only wish she got a better ending. One with 100 oni children maybe more

My cute wife

Attached: check em.png (631x550, 412K)

are you dyslexic?
you leave if you're not gonna rate others.

Attached: download (2).jpg (300x168, 10K)

Fun Fact: Altair's is very cool.

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best in the thread suprisingly

Attached: tumblr_pg8zjrrNIp1sx8ybdo3_250 clare.png (250x250, 75K)

Holo is better, really all the females that have an important role are pretty good
pic related
Also spoilers if you haven't read all 100 chapters

Attached: Spice and wold manga ending.jpg (870x1305, 279K)

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Why should I let myself judge by some faggot. I'm standing behind my waifu even if the whole boards is a against me.

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please no bully

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You really should but the manga updates are coming by slow as fuck

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Cute retard

Dont try to eat her out, It would end worse than trying to lick a metal pole in winter

Excellent taste

Attached: Not Jelly at all.jpg (870x1305, 248K)

I watched it years ago one DEMO's season previews, but I think I dropped it due to ex-gf. Thanks for bringing it back to my attention, user

You talking bout Demo D? Miss that mans videos, but at least he does Monster Hunter shit and he still streams

Based "overrated secretly means best girls" user

I have a thing for giant fit women, and it especially sucks when I'm 6'2

Attached: Screenshot_20190819-111125~2.png (1080x1594, 2.29M)

still a manlet

But of course

Attached: Uzume.jpg (301x450, 38K)


Attached: GG.gif (500x282, 822K)

I-I was grandfathered in

I think the worst part is that he still makes videos, he just never posts them

You're kidding me

Attached: 347917.jpg (225x350, 40K)

>he still makes videos, he just never posts them


Attached: 379F7E55.png (1958x1382, 1.13M)

I'm pretty sure in the 2nd anniversary of leaving jewtube he was talking about when he was like near black out drunk
I can't point to the exact vod but I'm certain he talks about it with the last year
Maybe but we know from all his videos that he did post, he legitimately loved making them. Dude's knows what he's talking about I wouldn't be surprised if he makes video essays just to sort his thoughts out.
He also just loves film/tv/videos making as a medium

My treasure.

Attached: D8JlyTiU8AA7dss.jpg (813x1200, 246K)

I care about too many characters but this one is precious

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Why would I want others to rate her?

Goddamn do I want to tease CC with pizza and sex

Don't talk about my wife like that.

People like you deserve to be murdered

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>hiding your waifu from the world
how selfish

I am in LOVE with a rock!

Attached: 1552648331278.png (1200x1200, 1.37M)

Are you Creayus?

Even if others rate her, it shouldn't matter because she should always be perfect to you

Attached: GuP Darjeeling-sama.jpg (1024x576, 53K)

I will never forgive Uramu-chan from breaking DemoD's will to vid.

Attached: legs 16.png (2060x1282, 3.69M)


>"I'm gay": The Post
Coming go theathers this summer.

Attached: Nono.(Gunbuster).full.201586.jpg (1300x2000, 642K)


Attached: 1542463309597.png (2050x3025, 3.97M)

Best girl in her own manga. Good taste

Great taste and winning girl.

shit taste
shit taste
ok taste
good taste
ok taste
good taste
good taste
great taste
best taste
ok taste
ok taste
shit taste
ok taste
good taste

>one of the most hated female characters in anime
Well my taste has never been called boring before...

almost ok
shoot on sight

Attached: 1510832882035.jpg (792x590, 135K)

>an Yea Forumsnime waifu
>either not knowing what a waifu is or having multiple waifus

Boring character
I would love to bully Chika, especially about her lack of sexual knowledge
Literally the only female in the show who even had a personality only for it to be washed away by shittier and shittier writing
Good friend bad wife
Ultimate smash piece, I mean if Goku can hit that and she's still alive, then imagine the shit you could do
Pretty childish wife you got there user

Attached: js93.png (747x1079, 906K)

>changing waifus

Do people actually do that?

if author ruined user's waifu then yes

Attached: 1529883803034.jpg (1000x1491, 182K)

of course
you need a new one every cour

What kind of "ruin" are we talking about? If you love someone, you shouldn't abandon them as soon as something bad happens to them.

Sadly yes and it's absolutely fucking disgusting


Scum like that never had a waifu to begin with

>why ram over rem?
Over who?

Always my darling.

Attached: 7D299485-B66B-41A6-8E5C-562229003C5A.jpg (1000x1000, 105K)

Rare and amazing taste

Top Tsun

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for example suddenly make her non virgin or something like that

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can't go wrong with katawa

Attached: 1561010450078.jpg (400x400, 26K)

Only normie retards do that.

Kuribayashi from Gate

Attached: g8t6BkO.png (1154x720, 803K)

Attached: [Mori] Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?? ~Dear My Sister~ [BD 720p AAC][243F9AA8].mkv_snapshot_00.19. (1280x720, 96K)

that soundtrack is burned into my brain.


Attached: Haruhi_9569.jpg (225x350, 84K)

Did you make that list specifically for me? If I had to rank my top 5 favorites, they'd all be on there.

cucklord tranny scrub who belongs in r9k's faggotry. you're the beta orbiter! I've never orbited a girl in my life! ... maybe.

No! you have shit taste! I don't even know almost everyone there! zero two is waifu material!

Attached: chovy.jpg (600x900, 264K)

Rip got me.

Attached: 71E72193-8CC9-451C-85DA-F0C696017F5F.jpg (564x716, 53K)

Still remains a good chart, especially since my waifu isn't on there

>this entire post
Consider suicide

Attached: 1542409093096.jpg (572x800, 115K)

>suddenly make her non virgin
That's such a trivial thing to abandon someone over. Especially if the reason was something outside of her control.

Reminder that purityfags who claim to drop their "waifu" over something like that never truly loved her in the first place.

I think I should update the list of good waifus

Attached: Official Good Taste in Waifus Vol 1.jpg (2030x6000, 3.56M)

>waifu is too obscure to be on either
I like it that way.

What does it mean if your waifu isn't on either list?


Attached: 1471019813233.jpg (1920x1500, 1.65M)

>Says all these are shit
>first results in his good taste list is horo, hitagi, and rei
your opinion is 100% invalid. You have plebbit tier taste.

Attached: waifu.png (1600x2162, 784K)

If Alshito is on the list than it must be accurate.

>has Cat but no one else.
i smell bias, or are you afraid of lolis?

Attached: 1.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

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Wants to fuck her dog.
Strung Lawrence along for a full 3 years after the novels ended.

>no Rem

Attached: 156736519629.jpg (5870x4175, 1.67M)

author could turn her into a whore

Attached: 2106.png (410x706, 256K)

Where is Kirino on this list?

you have won the thread

where she belongs : ^ )


Attached: 683013.gif (480x270, 1.17M)

Dumb zoomer newfag

Attached: kirino for life.jpg (1280x720, 153K)

Attached: 1422135669125.jpg (1816x2800, 2.05M)

Absolutely based.

>Complaining about her favourite shit girls are shit
>Disagreeing Horo, Hitagi and Rei aren't better waifus
Pleb Fag
Nice pedo bait
>Overrated, Mainstream, waifu-bait, shit character praised by toxic, elitist, autistic, otakus, normies.
In the drain

Attached: 1423544693644.jpg (500x281, 31K)

Miserable and Pathetic Kirino-Fag

Attached: 683015.gif (250x141, 300K)

Mine and mine alone

Attached: __hyuuga_hinata_naruto_series_and_etc_drawn_by_xiao_ren__8daaff84c2c7b7e2e8f571261d352552.jpg (1080x1920, 698K)

I love my cute selfish beautiful dragon wife!

Attached: 468e6939c09bd072ae4d076cfaffa94e.png (751x1534, 491K)

shit taste

Attached: Konan_supports_the_bridge_to_peace.png (1912x1078, 1.59M)

Attached: Dpf2ITQUYAAjV_B.jpg (860x485, 45K)

I've been with my waifu for 12 years now.

Don't judge her too harshly, okay?
You and me could be friends.

Attached: tgmarika02a_06h.png (1048x786, 410K)

It depends really. As someone who values the exclusivity and romance of being each others’ firsts , my waifu’s virginity is quite important . It’s a fair criteria to have when you save yourself for your waifu too. That said, if she was raped or forced into prostitution due to extenuating circumstances, I’d still happily accept her.

I have a lot of waifus desu, a lot of anime girls have an special place in my heart

>he thinks shinobu is only a loli

Attached: 1543865220839.jpg (640x1136, 58K)

>Liking a poor orphan

You either don't know what waifu means or you're an absolute shit user

Attached: kurisutina.jpg (2500x3372, 464K)

>not wanting to show her life doesnt always suck world war sized dick
i pity you

Why the fuck are anna nishikinomiya, esdeath, hana midorikawa on that list??

Attached: ac7d62b007e0ded5408ba94779d11239.jpg (550x800, 102K)

2020 is coming up. Who is best girl of the decade?


Attached: ....png (294x371, 114K)

muh emo problems

I always imagine a girl like that forces you to watch her take bigger guys. Hot.

Yuno is great. Mirai Nikki is just shit.

There is something very wrong with you if you have those kinds of feelings towards me.

Hot blooded is good.

But your waifu has a waifu!

Nero used to be better.

Interesting choice.

Sad, but cute.

I would nut in your waifu a lot.

>godspeed user didnt posted yet

Attached: mad.jpg (500x354, 27K)

I have a harem of waifus and you can't do nothing but seethe about it

Attached: 47546345.jpg (640x360, 53K)

a shit

Go back

>people unironically saying Rem/Ram/Kurisu/

I did. It wasn't meant to be. At all.

>tfw would accept my waifu even if she became a huge slut, had fatherless kids, or even cuckolded me
And she's a purityfag too. I really just want her heart to belong to me. I couldn't stop loving her over anything like that.

Japan already figured this out. Don't bother them about it.

Attached: GotD.jpg (960x1487, 305K)

Im staying thank you

btw a pic of my harem

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>waifushit on Yea Forums
fuck off and put your shit together low self aware trash

Attached: angryman2.jpg (300x168, 8K)

Having a group of sluts follow you around isn't the same as having waifus, please educate yourself before posting

Attached: 1462243963616.png (450x770, 43K)

>lalalalalala I have 402 waifus and you can't stop me jajajajaja
This isn't the same Yea Forums from 15 years ago....

I'm completely self aware, Grumpy Old Man.

Your waifu is a purityfag while being a slut? That seems beyond asinine to me. I applaud you for having a heart big enough to accept her for who she is though. I personally couldn’t bring myself to accept a waifu who didn’t share all her firsts with me.

Is it okay if I've been on and off with her for years? Because I have emotional damages, a hopeless, rocky life, and fetishes and philosophical positions that I often fret over about her. It's been really hard for myself, being alone without her having been here. I really love her though.

Literally the best anime girl of all time. Apex taste.

Attached: 1567348313202.jpg (3000x1875, 3.95M)

>18 C.C.
Was this before the movie or after? R2 ended in 2008 and my waifu can still reach the top 30.

are you calling my several wives slut? post waifu

>15 years on this board
get a job spic

My snek wife

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No. I mean if she became a slut, or something like that. I'm just not into the firsts stuff strictly. I just want her. Any, and every possible life we could have as a couple in love. All the weird, bad, and good ones.

remember that valentine thread we had...yeah now THAT was embarrasing

Attached: angry man.jpg (780x542, 82K)

user your wife is a terrible cook. So is mine of course but still.

>that valentine thread we had
Sasuga newfag

ultra high quality taste user

Attached: miia2.jpg (874x915, 83K)

What is the most seasonal shit going on? that's my waifu

Ah, so your waifu isn’t a slut in canon?

Having several waifus isn't possible and those are all sluts. A terrible user like you doesn't deserve to see my waifu unless you change your ways

That just means that we get to spend more time with our wives teaching them to cook


mine is best cook.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 27K)

>western shit

So if your waifu had a canon love interest and/or won the MCBowl, you would not have fallen in love with her?

Attached: mmy 1-2.png (611x344, 228K)

I see you like explosions.

No, not really. I just wouldn't be phased if she was is all. Or became one. Or cheated on me, or whatever. I couldn't stop loving her if I tried. I know because I have tried. I just ended up over time realizing how much she fits me. In a weird, and twisted sort of way.

Attached: 354d01b014b6757729be42eea9e69808.jpg (1280x1270, 150K)

The secret ingredient is always love!

Attached: Marika's cooking.png (1280x1025, 2.23M)

watch out boys. top tier waifu coming through.

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my wife saber!

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Aoi is my one and only waifu

Attached: Kiriya Aoi - 01645.jpg (1024x576, 155K)

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>not wanting person you love to douse you with their fluids.

Attached: pee-pee-pee-3-manga-prison-school_o_4015129.jpg (728x2082, 564K)

Which one?

Attached: 1546457251607.jpg (1254x1200, 143K)

Literally better than every other waifuck here

Shin pls.

Any zombie idol is top tier.

There are so many and I want to fuck them all, how am I supposed to choose?!

get out

Attached: 123123123.jpg (680x680, 85K)


Attached: Kiriya Aoi - 00000.jpg (1280x720, 288K)

People who's waifus have never been in a relationship and therefore you have no canon idea how she'd act in ones can't really love her. If you can't love your waifu as she grows older, you never truly loved her and your love was always degenerate and impure.

It was love at first sight

Attached: '90'98'890'.png (1360x768, 1.12M)

you sound like a loser

Be nice, anons.

Attached: 75676146_p0.png (1013x1341, 642K)

You aren't the real Shin anyway.

Attached: Kiriya Aoi - 01301.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

Based and seibapilled

Attached: 10351-1.jpg (787x1171, 160K)

Attached: Fukawa Artwork.png (961x961, 729K)

Nah. You're just blind and stupid.

Attached: IMG_20190430_150825.jpg (793x1122, 171K)

I think your waifu is 12


Doesn't prove anything.

My waifu can't grow older though.

Absolutely based

Lizthot and Lizniggers are trash

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Attached: it does.png (314x208, 17K)

Attached: Allenby!.jpg (850x1277, 346K)

Based cuck.

What a virgin

Vanilla, of course!

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What drugs do you take? I want what you're having.

Kick me out of Yea Forums will you? Fine then.

I hope you stub your toe tonight.

I didn't see her posted, and honestly I'm surprised.

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The Aikatsu! pill

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Attached: nadia-la-arwall-11546.jpg (400x634, 47K)

Nah, that's just Yea Forums being Yea Forums.

10/10 Top tier waifus

Unoriginal plebit tier. Surprised half you didnt pick Raphtalia.

Attached: Ai.jpg (2403x3500, 779K)

Adios Gracias!

Attached: Hinae Arimura 000.png (720x900, 635K)

Your shit taste is all over the place. Seek help.

Slutty, can't cook, pending cuckquean and is actually fairly average looking by her own admission compared to the main girl. Needs make up, hair dye and forced moeblob expression to be "cute"

That's a good thing though.

What an atrocious post.

i would let my dickhole get impaled just to hear her exhale a "nyuu"

Attached: bbdc45baad3d89cb9ba6367c97c767d4b244e71d_hq.jpg (872x1024, 81K)

Good shit, user

Attached: 5087634-anime-crusch-karsten-rezero-starting-life-in-another-world-.jpg (3840x2160, 1.13M)

Slutty average looking girls don't work, and her tits aren't that big. She's not a Kurumi or Nero in either department.

One of the greatest chapters in manga

Why does that matter?

Somehow she managed to win my heart.

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you are so ready to be beaten mah frendo xD

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Shit tier taste

Chocolate is based

yukino is an autistic washing board with no personality

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Is it really so bad that I really want to get my waifu to try cuckolding me with a guy who is more of her ideal? It would be my gift to her really. Just imagining her potential cute, and lewd facial expressions makes me turn diamonds.


I will never understand this mentality. Do you actually self-insert as the cuck and not the ugly bastard?

Mion is cute

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posting to say based

Yes it's fucking bad.

If you cant even be the focal point of your own fantasies, how is reality supposed to turn out for you?

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Having tits and forced cuteness is not a personality.

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>forced cuteness
what does that even mean?

It means he had to much estrogen in the womb.

My birb

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yeah i listen to it almost daily. If you like that you should check out the DDLC purist mod OST

My wife

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I didn't say anything about an ugly guy, user. My waifu wouldn't be into that. I just simply want to know what she would be like if she has sex with her ideal kind of man, and by someone actually good at sex. I have my limits. I'm not afraid to admit that on the internet here. I love her deeply, but I would really love to see another side of her like that. I could never bring it out of her myself like a guy like that could. So the idea intrigues me.

It isn't that I think it would be needed. Cuckolding isn't always about self esteem you know? Though I understand the assumption, I guess. It's just that it would allow me to experience aspects of her I wouldn't get to otherwise. I'm not saying for someone to replace me having sex with her. Just someone to give her a more sexually fullfilling experience. Not even necessarily more than once. Unless she really ended up enjoying the experience.
My fantasy is still very much me and her loving each other.

Big dummy with a big dumb butt

I love my apricot!

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It means her cuteness doesn't come naturally.

What a faggot, can't even defend your waifu.

Absolute perfection.

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That big dummy butt is where I unload my chili sauce every night :^D

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Would enslave and breed.

Your waifu's braincells went to her ass

If I were to pee in her butt, would the resulting enema be pure enough to drink/10

Of course. She can also never get pregnant since the creampie would be purified as well.

That's only because you have weak semen

Not on her watch.

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Which waifus in this thread are most breedable, anons?

where they sould be

Sorry for being so late
I love my wife Risa

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Mine, we breed like esquilaxes every night but the eggs she lays end up as dinner or breakfast

Fuck off. FUCK OFF. You know nothing about me and my love for Ichicute. I fucking hate you. You know what is genuine? My love for Ichicute. I love her so much. I want to be her husband and I want to make her happy. I want to scream "Ichicute" everytime I see her because I love her so much. Imagine waking up and see Ichicute next to you. IMAGINE THAT. O my god I want to marry Ichicute. I love her. I love her so much bros, I just love her.. Ichicute.. Ichicute? ICHICUTE!

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>eating your babies

Neat pasta.

I did. It took about two years of deliberation before I was able to accept the change in my heart, and she's a relatively obscure character that still managed to dominate my thoughts from the moment I laid eyes on her. So in practice I feel above those who turn as soon as the new seasonal memefu takes their fancy, but I know that in principle I'm of the same calibre of filth. My only rationalisation is that I can't control my feelings, and to deny them and stay with her entirely out of habit would be an even greater act of disrespect.

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Reminds me of Jerry's parents.

Nothing filthy about needing to let go and go your seperate ways.
Things change. Simple as that.

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Is it a sin to have multiple waifus if they're the only ones who always come to your mind when you think?

This guy's we breed like esquilaxes every day but the eggs she lays end up as meal

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Who cares. Fuck the herd. You do you.

>is it a sin to have multiple waifus
Yes, the rest of your question does not matter

>eating your babies

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Good taste

If your birb/lizard wife lays eggs after you fuck her that's probably your unhatched baby.

You fucking monster.

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I'm not ready for a kid but ready for a pair of fried eggs and bread


I mean. I'm all for abortion, right to choose and all, but eating it is a bit...

>"Official Good Taste in Waifus"

She will always be the main heroine in my heart.

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But dudes, everybody wins

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I love my wife Akko!

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If the feelings I get for that smile are wrong I don't wanna be right

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I have a waifu, but she's not 2d

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>no doujins where aqua intentionally purifies your semen to prevent pregnancy but through your sheer force of will she fails to purify the last drop that impregnates her

Shit taste

Nah, Yui is a braindead slut with no personality. Iroha too by the way.

It takes multiple sperm to impregnate a girl.

For you maybe.

Not always

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I would never abandon her Sacred Breasts

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the fuck is this nigga talkin about?

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Stupid virgins.

It takes many to destroy the egg's defenses, THEN ONE to breakthrough and impregnate.That's why cum has so many, along with the fact that sperm die pretty quick.


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Idolatry is bad and it leads to the inability to interact with women in a way that they consider attractive. It also makes you psychologically dependent on them

Why would I care about being attractive to 3dpd? actually an interesting question.

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All non-procreative sex is a pagan initiatory religious experience. It entails validation from the avatar of the deity you're trying to commune with, which is usually a Venus/Ishtar figure. With gay stuff it's usually more along the lines of Dionysus or Priapus. Polytheistic thought is that the "gods" are fundamental forces of the universe that can be grasped by the human intuition. The masculine and feminine principle, etc. It's all crap though, as are "waifus"

To answer the question, you don't need to care about being attractive. If you're masturbating you already do care about the validation on some level, you've just cut out the middleman and gotten an idol rather than a prostitute/priestess

To bad she fucks Gohan

>feet are bad
>Anti-Footfag police never say anything bad about trapfags, pubefags and other fetishfags that are far worse
I guess this means that anti-footfags have a degenerate fetish of their own they don't want to say.

user, you just might be an idiot.

Very good tastes brother.

That is a boy thou.

Cute boy(girl).

Sure Tanabe

Dumb witch.

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Why do people get bothered by other's fetishes anyway? Honestly, who cares if another user sucks his waifu's feet, or wants to watch her fuck other guys, or snowball his cum in her mouth?

If you're trying to make some kind of point you aren't doing a very good job of it.

I think he's one of those, christcuck procreation missionary sex, only shills.

I can't speak for other anons, but there are some fetishes I hate because, from my perspective, they are constantly shoved in my face.
There are some kinks I am not into, but I often see "shoehorned" into porn I would otherwise enjoy. There are also people to bring up their fetish at any remote opportunity, even if fetish talk isn't remotely on topic. Naturally if this is a fetish I don't like I notice it happening more often.
Remember that a few years back one futafag, one, paid thousands of dollars, if not tens of thousands, to hundreds of different artists to produce Draenai futa-porn. To the point Draenai and futa are almost synonymous in porn.

I really wonder how much he would hate my waifu

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Normalfags can't stand anything other than basic appreciating of boobs and ass. Appreciating the entire female form is bad for some reason.

He hates anything that isn't a loli who is in touch with nature, and shuns industry.

This is my waifu Hana
Please be nice

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>spice and wolf has a manga
Huh had no idea. I see it's finished, does it adapt everything?

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Why do people like him again? He sounds like a shitter.

I always liked her too and I was hoping for her to join the harem, but nope. Of course, she dies for being a dyke.

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Ritsu is love

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Because his movies are legitimately good, despite being entirely politically motivated. Which is more than 99% of other politically motivated films can say.
Hell "not trash" is more than 99% of those films can say.

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Ok let me make it really simple. putting a woman on a pedestal is very bad. Putting an imaginary woman on a pedestal is even worse. It creates a gulf of empathy

Impeccable taste

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The things that you want from your waifu are only authentically attainable in the process of doing something other than worshiping them.

No one said anything about putting their waifu on a pedestal though.

Fuck off you stupid chirstcuck.

You mean replacing her with a real girl?
Get ouy.

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Not everything, but to like the 10th or 12th volume
Definitely worth reading

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My waifu is the reason I groom myself and workout even though i barely leave the house, it feels goo fantasizing about manhandling her with my ottermode body and her playing with my bishounen protag like hair


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Kagami, of course.

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Hows HRT going

fantastic taste

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is that cannon? i wonder if the bike spells like cunny

Why are you responding to my post with this?

tfw not in shiki land instead of the priest

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The cutest

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Shit taste as fuck

Deserved to die/10

Cool story blogposter

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wierd way to spell deserved to take over the town /10
fucking normalfag


I like you.

Supreme taste.

Hypothetical here, but for it let's say your waifu wasn't a virgin. Maybe she had a relationship turn sour, or got abandoned by a jerk. Doesn't matter.

One day you two decide to have a baby together, and she eventually gets pregnant. However, it turns out telegony is real, and your child now has a small amount of her previous lover's genetic make up.

What would you do? How would you feel about that every time you look at your child?

My wife's anime was too short.

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>let's say your waifu wasn't a virgin
Phsycially impossible
>have a baby together
>she eventually gets pregnant
Also physically impossible

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Thankfully the first one isn't possible so the child would only be ours. I just wonder if the magical stuffs affecting her whole body would affect the child too

Good taste.

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Great taste. Nono is truly the best and almost made up for the really shitty parts of her show, and was definitely the only reason I stuck through until the ending. I'm still upset she died.

i came here to post this

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>Hypothetical here, but for it let's say your waifu wasn't a virgin

Mayu is a good girl. Great taste.
Adorable and classic. One of the few good parts of her series.
Osaka is great. Definitely best Azumanga girl.

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Well you definitely have a type.

>killing yourself over not being her first
Kys beta

lmao literal cuck actually kys

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>Dyke waifu

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Anna's great, but sadly she's trapped in a bit of a car-crash of a show. Still, she's not alone in that predicament.

>not being her first is being a ccuk
lol just kys you don't even know what cuckolding is

She's fine. The hate is just a fad.

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she ded brah.

Hana's pretty good. She will bear you tall sons.

I feel low power newfag vibes!

>lol just kys you don't even know what cuckolding is
i'm sure you would know

>he can't even google what cuckolding is

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Based Kurumi bro 12/10

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>10 hours and no satsuki kiryuin
let's fix that.

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9/10 best Fate girl

Surprised too, but i'd rather her be my life coach and whip me into shapr rather than as a waifu

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Girls in uniform are always the absolute best.

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i'm indifferent

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Your wife is fantasy.

The series didn't lie. The 86 is a fucking thrill to drive. It has neither the power, acceleration or handling of modern cars, but you genuinely feel like you're getting BETTER as you get used to driving it.

You own one? I thought they never made those for markets outside of glorious Nihon

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My friend had one and he let me drive it. It's not the greatest car, but damn, I can see why it was Fujiwara's car.

>letting someone else drive your car
You have a good friend.

It wasn't by choice. He had his license suspended and whenever I came to pick him up he'd let me park my car in his garage and take one of his Japanese imports out.

Were you running in the 90's?

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Ruler Arthuria

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not even the best girl of her own game

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I really wish I could watch this for the first time again

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broken pelvis/10

In a funny coincidence, in my native language "mato" means worm.

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I'm going to marry this spider!

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I want Luvia to dom me by forcing me to speak Swedish!

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It's so weird how monster girls make even hands like that attractive.

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Anna is too innocent to ever have sex though.

Am I a monster for loving her?

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It's Matou though. In mine mato means kill, which I guess fits too.

I do not have such vile fantasies of her.

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Mato and Matou are pronounced the exact same in Japanese, dude.

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Gotta love Justice.

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The u serves to sort of prolong the sound, and even changes it a bit. Do you seriously think they'd pronounce 2 different things the same way?

>Do you seriously think they'd pronounce 2 different things the same way?
It's called a homonym.

Yeah, you just have to use her brother with a wig for those

But Johann is also not for sexual

Regardless, they're not pronounced the same here.

Shut up nerd.

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shit taste

That's my wife you fucking dingus