Why not all the MCs fuck their imoutos?

Why not all the MCs fuck their imoutos?

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Because some of them would rather spend their time pretending to not hear what anybody's saying to keep the status quo.

Kobato is prime.

was emphasizing her nipples and c*unny really necessary?

You're fucking right it was.

Really necessary

>Explicit cameltoe
No way that shit is canon

Is canon, JCs are for sex

Tard babies

>imouto niggers
Sena and Yozora are far more better.

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Sena wouldn't appreciate you shittalking Kobato

Sena is a Yozorafag now

>Spoiled Meat and Yuckynoshita-clone
>more better.
ESL fags can't into grammar, quality foods or wholesome imouto's. I don't think I had any expectations but somehow I still feel let down.

i want to fuck my imouto but i found out its ilegal in my country and im going to jail if we do it.

Why not indeed.

Because libido isn't something you can control.

Some are gay

Bad taste.

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So make love to her instead.

>Damn, Kobato looks like THAT now?

Attached: kobato meat fusion.jpg (1280x721, 115K)

>imouto niggers

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I'm so fine with that

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Because that's disgusting.

why you no learn english languge

>You will never be that bunny

Attached: kobato bunny lood.jpg (1536x2048, 546K)

some have teh gay, shit taste, or are cursed with no-imouto.

Even Kobato is confused

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Why even live?

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I can't believe that

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>he thinks "imouto's" is the plural of "imouto"
Looks like you can't into grammar either.

what did they mean by this

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That girl needs therapy!

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Attached: kobato assmeat.jpg (651x800, 117K)

what is the plural then, genius?
imouta? imoutodes?

Attached: blood of a virgin.webm (1280x720, 2.53M)

imouto-tachi obviously

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I still have no idea how one breaks a chopstick with your butt

Like, the idea is that she is breaking them apart? with her ass? how? you pull those apart, not compress them in, how the fuck did she do that?

The plural is just "imouto", you moron. Do you think the plural of "anime" is "animes"?

"Imouto-tachi" is not a true plural. It basically means "imouto and company". You can refer to two imouto by calling them "imouto-tachi", but you can also refer to an imouto together with a friend and a cat as "imouto-tachi". The word "imouto" specifies only the first person and the suffix "-tachi" tells you that the specified person is together with someone else.

she was super fucking cute in the show. Her brother was a dumb ass who didn't protect her enough from the creepy meat pedophile

Very strong anus muscles

Ok but wouldn't you just rather use anatatachi when you are speaking to your sister and another person instead of imoutotachi, which implies both are your sisters? Context is pretty significant here.

>Like, the idea is that she is breaking them apart? with her ass? how? you pull those apart, not compress them in, how the fuck did she do that?
She was just a not so normal girl.

Attached: Kobato and Maria getting along.jpg (1098x602, 228K)

when did this happen in the show?

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Apparently at episode 8, 4:44 but I don't even remember that. Could be BD only?

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>but wouldn't you just rather use anatatachi when you are speaking to your sister and another person instead of imoutotachi, which implies both are your sisters?
>which implies both are your sisters?
It does not imply that. And the Japs rarely use second person pronouns to refer to the person they're speaking to. It seems to be seen as rude. "Anata" is basically used only among married couples to the point that it is usually translated as "dear" instead of "you". Any other use of "anata" or "kimi" is seen as rather impolite, and "omae" is essentially an outright insult.

"Imouto-tachi" used to refer to two or more people does not imply that all of those people are imouto. The suffix "-tachi" is even used with proper names. For example, if you see Shinji, Asuka, and Rei, you can address the whole trio as "Shinji-tachi", which means "Shinji and company". It does not imply that all three people in the group are named "Shinji". Equivalently, you can address the group as "Asuka-tachi" or "Rei-tachi": it's indifferent which person you want to point out in particular.

Gotcha senpai.

But an anus is a muscular ring, it can only contract and compress
no matter how much you compress a chopstick it won't break them apart

maybe shes using her asscheeks

Damm moon


Kobato could learn a thing or two from Sora

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Incest is bad.

no u

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Nips are creepy pervs that sexulize everything

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Too soon


Isn't she a kid?


She's 14, only one year younger than Maria's older sister.

>Why not all the MCs fuck their imoutos?

Attached: vD5wjH1NwFZf4ltqOuWKVYWroAXLbnHQAAjRNS-ooOU.png (1024x576, 684K)

Post that loli in Sena's game that resembled Kobato.

Carefull you can get banned for that image,the mods don't watch anime.

What did they feed the older sister?

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Oh god i wish that was me

Bless you DESU. Curse this moe nightmare world. Fuck mods and jannies.

God I wish that was me too

What's even the point in censoring some words here?

God i wish i was that tree

There is a lot of Kobato lewds in the anime.


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Why would she do this in the living room?

She's comfortable around her cool onii-chan

Attached: [Mazui]_Boku_Ha_Tomodachi_Ga_Sukunai_NEXT_-_09_[E19E0537].mkv_snapshot_05.29_[2013.03.08_23.21.56].j (1280x720, 88K)

There's no point to a flashy transformation sequence if no one is watching it.

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You shouldn't be so comfortable that you get naked in the loving room.

Not all are fuckable, like this one

Prude. Next you'll be wanting individual changing booths at the beach house.

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That bikini is not approtiate.

Getting naked in front of others is wrong.

>14 year old
>Outboobed by 10 year old
God Kobato is so god damn perfect

>Those breasts

That's why it's so much fun.

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Welcome to eroge, where lewd words get censored and genitals get mosaics.

It gets worse.

Attached: kobato_magic.png (1268x2332, 2.67M)

Oh God i want to Fuck Kobato.

No wonder Kobato is fucked up.

How come little sisters are always the best girl?

Because you don't have one.
I hope, for her sake.



Attached: BwTgSN_03_0003.png (1280x720, 1.03M)

STOP user

Can't get worse than that.

Kobato is too fr*ckin CUNNY

You CAN'T say that.

Oneesans > Okaasans > Imoutos

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Gets out yours old hags of here.

Not for a bit.

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Women doesn't need to sleep in the nude. Only men do to keep their balls from overheating.

>Women doesn't need to sleep in the nude.
How to spot the user who has never spent a hot night with anything female.

Alright you guys made me pick this up. I only know about the bullshit NANDATTE ending but hopefully the lolis make the journey worthwhile.

Like you would know either.

Unfortunately, the BD got a lot worse at times.

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Of course the pedo is an ESL

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The animators working on the BD version of that scene just phoned it in.

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Someone delete this.

No pubes

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Yozora has a great body and a shitty personality. For some reason, lots of anons really like that combination.

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None of them have any, which is a shame.

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why is pervert genius looking at her like that?

Rika claims to play for both teams, so she's probably a bit jealous of Yozora's body and a bit turned on by it as well.

I have but she's ugly lol

I bet she looks just like you.

i haven't watched haganai but i am planning to after seeing this. Is this actually shown in the anime? what episode?

she does lol

Attached: kobato.jpg (1920x1200, 1.06M)

Season 2, episode 2. The TV airing had a slightly censored version of that image, pic related. The proper one with Kobato-clone getting fucked is from the BD version.

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Second season, second episode.

Attached: BwTgSN_02_0001.png (1280x720, 1M)

owwwshit. These maria and kobato duo are getting on my dick eversince my friend showed their nudes to me from the blu-ray release. Thanks user i better restrain myself from degeneracy and watch it to my heart's content!

I wonder how often I've jerked it to this one.

Attached: haganai_choco.jpg (1500x1058, 464K)

which one?

The doujin in the crop he posted.

Is amazing,the best kobato doujin.

>the best kobato doujin.
The best ones are the ones that you create in your own head while thinking about the show.

Attached: kekeke.gif (422x233, 625K)

No that one was really good,never seen before.

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For someone whining about too much skin that is worse.

I wonder if she's making Yozora dress up as Kobato.

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Imagine a threesome with Kobato and sena.

Kobato doesn't look into it, user.

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With Maria then

She'll come around.

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Not if Sena keeps smothering her with too much attention.

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Maria is best as part of a sister act.

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Don't mind me.
Just staring at the outline of that underage clitoris' hood.

I wish i was that bunny

God i wish kobato was me , the guy is really fit

That bunny gets around.

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Somebody help, my lolis are too territorial and won't stop fighting.

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>The best kobato doujin
Not even close.

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Holy shit, look at the size of Kodaka's dick. It's nearly to his chest, it's longer than kobato's upper arm.

They're feeling insecure, user. You need to vigorously demonstrate that there's enough of you to feed, clothe, and satisfy both of them. If you don't they'll both just keep trying to drive the competition away.

Why did you think all the girls were chasing him?

And maria, Maria has a bigger bust than Kobato and complains about kobato's clothes being tight in the chest.

Attached: Maria bathtime.jpg (814x1198, 252K)

Lolibutts are for spanking

>Why did you think all the girls were chasing him?
Of course, I should have known.

Attached: Yukimura molests kodaka.jpg (843x1200, 472K)

Such good girl.

Give them the dick

Kate and Maria don't have the cash to eat lots of meat, so they're getting plenty of extra phytoestrogens in their bean curd dishes.

Attached: Kate_benched.jpg (1280x1450, 413K)

imagine the smell

Maria's head is for patting.

Attached: kodaka loli maria.png (1082x1600, 447K)

Improved your Kobato.

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Why is she standing so close if she hates Sena's boobs? Train's not even crowded.

Now they're fighting over which one gets to use the strapon on the other first.
Honestly, you anons aren't very helpful.

Watch the episode, user. The bus was packed.

Still flat, just like her mom.

The Church and Vampires will never get along

Attached: [Mazui]_Boku_Ha_Tomodachi_Ga_Sukunai_NEXT_-_03_[9EF5A349].mkv_snapshot_04.48_[2013.01.26_12.41.04].j (1280x720, 93K)

>author clearly has a huge fucking sister complex across his works yet never actually goes full oreimo
>meanwhile oreimo author is a calculating asshole who writes and breaks love interests for no reason but wish fulfillment drama actually had the balls to go incest and become an Yea Forums icon
What did japan mean by this?

On the contrary, Watari is the sellout who uses siscon for appeal and then quietly shelves them for the yamato nadeshiko classmate, while Fushimi is so in love with little sisters that to him crushing the hearts of non-familial prime JCs is like squashing an ant compared to the joy of properly dicking your imouto.

What it would feels like inside of Kobato-chan?

Like 10 to 15 in the gray bar hotel, user.

Can you imagine heaven?

No. What's that like specifically?

Hot, wet, and tight fitting.
Loud too.

That sounds nice. I'd definitely put it in.

I was talking about your jail cell, user.

I want to lick Kobato-chan "down there" just to see how she would react and what kind of cute noises she would make.

Is Kobato a JC or a JS?

I need the name. reverse search shows nothing

she's 15

JC, but she still fits into clothes from her JS days.

What would happen if you undress Kobato-chan?

Yozora still prefers to dress in a masculine way. The main reason she liked Stella so much was because of the butler suit. Still, sometimes Yozora can be even more femenine than Sena and act girly when she feels embarrassed.

Most, if not all, of the neighbors club dedicates themselves to your swift demise.

If the two of them agreed to tag-team Kodaka at college, I don't think that he could hold out against them.

She's 13 and turns 14 during the second season and 15 in the part that never got an anime, which is good since it became absolute shit.
She's just flat like her mom.

Attached: kobato mom.jpg (673x1184, 330K)

>and 15 in the part that never got an anime
so she's 15? yes, i already say it

No, user. She's thirteen, fourteen, or fifteen, depending on what part of the story anons are talking about.

Isn't improved, Kobato's belly isn't swollen.