Baki Thread

What the fuck was his problem?

Attached: Waterbottle.jpg (1224x750, 102K)

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>Baki dad bad

Attached: Yujiro.jpg (648x1016, 204K)

Author is a liberal and can't help convey through his characters his personal animosity towards the Right, especially U.S. Republicans.

>Bush and Donald Trump depicted as childish bumbling cowards.
>Obama and Hillary Clinton depicted as frighten but composed leaders pushing on ahead stoically and wise-like.

One of the few gripes I have with the series: not a fan of the author sneaking his/her political views into a story.

>thinking a blatant japanese nationalist like itagaki is a liberal
You Americucks are so fucking stupid.

What the hell is this manga even about? I've never been exposed to it at all, but the art style and batshit over-the-top-ness interests me. Isn't it about fighting tournaments, or is that Kengan Asura?

Baki the Grappler is simply about "fighting". It covers all forms of fighting. Fighting against nature, fighting on the streets, fighting on a battlefield, and yes even fighting in a tournament setting.

>Doesn't suck American dick? Must be a liberal

Attached: Thanks Itagaki.jpg (580x867, 151K)

>The moment Motobe became the coolest motherfucker in the Baki franchise.
>Straight-up seriously tells the Strongest Creature on Earth he'll protect him.
>Baki's imagination training

How homoerotic can Baki get? Also, is it true that the Beastar mangaka is Itagaki`s daughter?

>Also, is it true that the Beastar mangaka is Itagaki`s daughter?

2 minutes of Google-searching got me this:

>The moment Motobe became the coolest motherfucker in the Baki franchise.

Attached: Motobe vs Yujiro 2.jpg (646x1016, 242K)

>This guy ends up jobbing to a fucking Sumo
Was this foreshadowing?

the few political views itasan has put to text are solidly democrat.

That explains why Baki is so good then.

Based retard who thinks Japanese man bases his politics off of America's.

Friendly reminder that Memetobe singlehandedly saved us from the shittiest arc in the manga.

Attached: Handsome Memetobe.jpg (640x640, 117K)

Except it’s shit now with characters jobbing for no reason.
Just stop. The motherfucker portrayed Che fucking Guevara as a good dude. Nobody besides commies and trannies do that.

Oh yep it's a retard. Back to Yea Forums you go.

>The motherfucker portrayed Che fucking Guevara as a good dude.
No he didn't, he was unashamedly a huge egotistical asshole. Yes, he cared about his own people, but that's it. You're confusing Itagaki's Anti-American politics with American liberalism.

>Guevara bad because
>Itagaki bad because he says Ninja Guevara good
Get the fuck out of my Baki thread, underages.

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>He displayed a good dude as a good dude
Don't see the problem here

this entire fucking series about 'that's bullshit and I DONT believe it'?

Based Itagaki criticizing US imperialism, how will poltards ever recover?

Attached: baki bush.jpg (524x810, 151K)

>Be Murican
>Muh Liberal
Why are you guys so retarded ?
The mangaka is japanese he doesn't give two shit about your stupid political two sides war...

It's not just Itagaki it's the majority of Japan who dislike Bush and Trump but like Obama, can't say Hillary though since I'm not sure. The reason for this is because Bush and Trump are clowns who constantly out themselves as fools everytime they do anything, meanwhile Obama at least knows how to come off as a respectable person. It has nothing to do with their politics.

Author is a deluded ultra nationalist who writes fantasies about a single jap defeating the entire US navy in WWII

Obama became the laughing stock of asia when he bowed to the japanese emperor like a faggot

But I suppose it's fine when fictional American characters are able to take on entire armies by themselves?

>Deleting an on topic post

Attached: US imperialism BTFO.jpg (524x810, 151K)

I'm going to put a stop to this because I'm really quite sick of it:

Shut the fuck up, you stupid fucks. You don't know jack fucking shit about Itagaki's politics and you never will because he has no interest in politics and has *never* made any public personal expression concerning politics.

Let us observe the absolute; let me condense the Japanese posts on the matter:
1. Uyoku dantai have expressed that they hate Itagaki. He's clearly a hardline sayoku. He's one of their devils.
2. Sayoku dantai have expressed that they hate Itagaki. He's clearly a hardline uyoku. He's one of their devils.
3. Itagaki is regularly accused of having a communist allegiance. It's fairly obvious from his work, isn't it?
4. Itagaki is regularly accused of having an LDP allegiance. It's fairly obvious from his work, isn't it?

You know nothing and you will always know nothing. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

When it's not a pathetic attempt at historical revision, it's fine when any country does it

So what is it?

Also, in Baki, it's not the Japanese army. It's a man. A SINGLE man

translate the dogeza manga


>Historical revisionism
Itagaki has literally never done that

>Itagaki isn't a leftist

So when do you think Jack will make his appearance so he can job again?

He was gay

he had sex with girls though

He is bored and lonely. No, like seriously, that's the main problem with Yuujiro.

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Yujiro is a filthy democrat voter who doesn't realize GW Bush Jr is the greatest president of this century

Yujirou bullying the president of the United States is a tradition. There's no problem at all.

I for one am looking forward to Itagaki have Yujirou bully whoever gets elected next year