what does Yea Forums think of gundam wing? or any mecha shit in general?
What does Yea Forums think of gundam wing? or any mecha shit in general?
Gundam Wing was the entry level for lots of Westernfags originally in the 90s.
i know it was my entry point ive been watching it for the past month and its really good
I couldn't get past the second episode, it was really bad in my opinion.
Gundam Wing is overrated, in the sense that it is a middle-of-the-road AU Gundam series that is only exceptional for being the first one that has ikemen everywhere. That said, Gundam Wing is very useful as a yardstick for AU Gundam series. Any AU series that is worse than Gundam Wing is not worth watching, while any series that is better is probably pretty good.
>regarding mecha in general
It's my favorite genre of anime, but it's also one that has the same problem as westerns--it's a genre that's all played out. If you count Evangelion as a mecha series, then the last time there was a truly groundbreaking mecha series was in 1995. If you don't count Evangelion as a mecha series, then the last time there was a truly groundbreaking mecha series was in 1979. Even if you lower your standards from "groundbreaking" to just "notable," you are left with only two series from after 2000 that were not Gundam, Getter, or Mazinger: Gurren Lagaan and Code Geass. How sad is that?
what did u not like about it user?
God here.
Wing a shit.
what series is this bad boy from?
The dbz of gundam. Ironically the spiritual successor was total shit in build fighters try.
What on earth does "notable" mean? If you think any of the post-2000 Getter or Mazinger entries are "notable" then it's ridiculous not to consider many of Bones' mecha series, or Tetsujin 28 which had an entry far better than anything Getter/Mazinger got, too.
There's only one thing worse than people who don't like wing, and that's women.
Basically a gundam series for little girls
Take away all the militarism, realism, camaraderie, basically take away everything that makes gundam gundam and turn the real robots into super robots that look like gundams and make the characters edgy pretty teenage fujo parodies of actual gundam characters and voila you have gundam wing
the wing gundam does look kind of cool though, better than the double zeta at least
wing is like the most popular series among women
it’s bascially capeshit pretending to be a gundam series
Nobody asked for your opinion, bitch. Women shouldn't speak unless spoken to.
>What on earth does "notable" mean?
I was defining it there to mean a series that have a persistent positive presence in public memory. I liked Star Driver, but I find it very hard to believe that anyone will remember it or go back and watch it 20 years from now. It is Trider G7 tier.
>If you think any of the post-2000 Getter or Mazinger entries are "notable" then it's ridiculous not to consider many of Bones' mecha series, or Tetsujin 28 which had an entry far better than anything Getter/Mazinger got, too.
The main reason my qualifier included Getter and Mazinger is because they are mainstays of the Super Robot Wars series and will always be such. Your point is ultimately well-taken about their more recent animated productions not making much of an impact.
>implying girls didn't get off on this shit
Come on now. Eureka 7 not only got a second season but multiple movies too. I haven't dabbled in Fafner but it's been a consistent if lowkey presence too.
The whole theme that Wing had about drones and how they are a new evil that removes the limiting factor of human cost from the battlefield, which thereby propagates meaningless wars was actually incredibly ahead of its time. It's a shame it was unfortunately buried under a mountain of garbage.
Yeah, no. That's probably 00.
Tomino said in an interview that 0079 itself was surprisingly popular among women because of Char and Garma's relationship.
The tryhard minimum-personality MC, the generic-shoujo-tier main girl, the one-liner-spouting boy-band squad, the "watch these nameless mooks shoot an unintroduced guy pew pew pew" fight scenes. I should mention I'm not big on Gundam in general, but this was still definitely one of the weaker ones I've tried.
>We surrender.
>But we will not hand over the Gundams
This was basically the "Oh! Shit!"-moment of my childhood.
teenagers with expensive robots trying to tell everyone how to live. The exact formula evangelion is making fun of
Women have been pretty big Gundam fans since the beginning. People acting as if it hasn't always been popular with them is stupid.
Zeta is good
love how mundane heero especially is about just killing himself he doesnt do out of desperation hes just following orders
thats funny cause i actually love it WAY more than evangelion