How does he asspull so much economics bullshit?

How does he asspull so much economics bullshit?


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It's fiction dude


Who fucking autistic can you get? Do you wanna debate economic theories on a fiction market??

If it bothers you that much, just assume Holo subconsciously influences it through some supernatural bullshit

Daily reminder that the Hong Kong economy is overleveraged by 800% of their GDP and most of the spending and borrowing is going to real estate. Daily reminder that as soon as the next recession hits, Hong Kong-- and by extension China-- will have enough debt up its ass to fuck them over for the next 50 years.

Hong Kong is going to implode very very soon.

It really doesn't bother me that much. I just like to scream at asspulls like in Death Note or Code Geass keikaku shit. I think it makes anime very well written and interesting.

I also want to sniff Horo's panties.

All they have to do is default on the debt. Only cuck nations like the US get into recessions.

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>All they have to do is default on the debt
Being this retarded must run in your family

Congratulations for this retarded post.

I know this is retarded but I don't know enough about economics to dispute it

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Defaulting on debt causes hyperinflation and literally every country has recessions. Not sure if this is a magic money fag or just a retard.

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Enjoy it while it lasts user.

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China has complete control over its finances, because it's not run by globalist banks. There would be no hyperinflation, that's just a meme to trick nations into paying debt.


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Also the first guy is a retard too. HK debt to GDP is like 1/4 of the U.S.

Attached: HKDebt.png (971x91, 18K)

who the fuck said you could post that

>China has complete control over its finances, because it's not run by globalist banks
Back to >>/pol/ faggot.

defaulting on debt is good for nations so long as the debt is external (like USA).
china owe substantial amounts to foreign banks (british, swiss) but most of it is internal, so it would be a poor choice to do so.

>You've activated my Hyperinflation trap card

>defaulting on debt is good for nations so long as the debt is external (like USA).
1/3 of U.S. debt is "external" retard.
Defaulting on any debt cedes control of monetary sovereignty and loss of faith in fiat currency.

easy peasy. just replace worthless dollars with (worthless) crypto.

Is this the stealth /biz/ thread?

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We are talking about medieval market.
That is much more localized and easier to influence.
Also, in all instances Lawrence manipulated the market, he had external help.

If that's the case, can you clear something up? I keep hearing we're supposed to enter a recession in the USA soon, but I'm not clear about the details. What are the warning signs I should look for, and what can I do to prepare?

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>econ major
>watched 3 episodes of this
>got bored and dropped it
Convince me to actually watch it.
Is it actually good econ or is it high school level stuff?

there has never been a market crash that has not been preceeded by a rally.

It's not complicated macro shit. Just microeconomics with an emphasis on medieval currency conversion.

It's not terribly complicated, since it needs to introduce the concepts and apply them to a scheme in the same arc. It's also limited to medieval scale as was mentioned earlier, so you're not getting ultra-complicated world-scale shit.
Watch it instead for the cute wolf girl. S&W is a solid romance story that actually builds up their relationship over time. Holo and Lawrence both have fun personalities and great motivations, including ones outside "Fall in love with love interest". This manifests itself in some A+ banter.

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eh, it's just a trader buying from here and selling to there and buying from there to
>right, in 24 hours I will be enslaved for my debts. I have nothing to lose, and that gold trade looks juicy as fuck thanks to the church banning open trade. let's go smuggling, bitches!

I need a pic related for Spice and Wolf

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From an economics view point, it's not complex. It's just simple microeconomics in a medieval setting. It's really a romance story, but the romance starts a bit later in the first season.

Here you go.

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>want monetary sovereignty with stable inflation.
>change currency to crypto.
Cryptofags are literally worse than boomer goldbugs.

Oh ye of little faith

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Yield curve on 2y-10y and 3m-10y bonds inverted. There is no convincing causal explanation for it but whenever this happens recessions usually occur within 2 years.
>what can I do to prepare?
Nothing? Your primary personal economic concern should always be increasing your own human capital i.e. make your labor valuable to employers.

Is /biz/ infatuated with Holo like /sci/ is with Kurisu?

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Holo's surprisingly popular on /k/ for whatever reason.
I don't know a lot about /biz/, but I just checked its catalog and it's almost entirely Pepe-Wojack, so I don't think it has a collective waifu.

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Yeah, I know /k/ loves Holo but I just thought /biz/ would like her too.

>for whatever reason
Spice & Wolf. S&W. Smith & Wesson

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Why wouldn't we love Smith & Wesson?

Lawrence's only real success is the pyrite arc. He spends the rest of the novels getting held down while someone shits in his mouth so the author can artificially drag out what started out as a fun series.
The only modicum of success lawrence has later on is eventually seeing through other people's plans long after it's too late to effect them.
Of course after the novels descend into trope overladen garbage when it's finally time for them to end Lawrence simply borrows a ton of money to open his shop. This is of course a blatant out for the novels that have failed to progress for 10 years.

>ivanposting outside of /k/
I didn't even know this existed
>Holo's surprisingly popular on /k/ for whatever reason.
Spice and Wolf=S&W=Smith and Wesson.

Attached: spice and wolf merch1.jpg (1984x1488, 391K)


Something something lower investment into the economy
Something something less job creation as a result
Something something Thrift Paradox

>I don't know a lot about /biz/, but I just checked its catalog and it's almost entirely Pepe-Wojack, so I don't think it has a collective waifu.
Did you know that Iris Heart (pic related) is actually the most reposted non-wojak/non-pepe image on /biz/? I think Iris Heart is like the 5th or 6th most reposted pic on /biz/. I kinda forget why, but iirc it was because this one time some guy's (an investor or whatever) computer/file/something got leaked and /biz/ anons saw that he had a folder full of Iris Heart pics.

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>ignoring supply shocks
>ignoring real business cycle shocks


Before the recession hits it'd be a good idea to transfer your funds to something that will retain value, like crypto. If you're not an investor you shouldn't give a shit.

/biz/ died due to crypto, surprisingly considering it was made to get it out of /g/ in the first place. It was a fun few months.

In that instance it wouldn’t be a “shock” would it? It would simply be a decrease in production.

I see. Speaking of investing, during a recession is a good time to start, right? I assume the stocks will be cheap, and regain value later on.

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Yes chink strongar that ever was makes the best animu

>crypto retains value

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>just default on the debt
Defaulting doesn't cause hyperinflation (though nations may choose to devalue their currency so they can pay off the nominal amount of the debt at a fraction of the real value, but other countries will hate you for very obviously operating in bad faith - hence the whole drama with the Chinese yuan dropping in the middle of the trade war), but it means your sovereign credit rating goes down, which makes it harder or more expensive to borrow money in the future, which constrains your ability to invest, to build infrastructure, to service other debts, or to respond flexibly to other unexpected costs. Other nations will also be more reluctant to deal with you, which can further impact your economy if, for example, you're no longer able to import/export your goods to certain markets or invest internationally.
>what are the impacts of a recession?
Rising unemployment, decreasing consumption, decreasing economic output, decreasing corporate and government revenues, increased debtor insolvency, et cetera et cetera. All interrelated issues causing a bad feedback loop that makes things worse.
>what is the bond yield inversion all about?
Short term bonds have a higher yield than long term bonds.

The bond interest rate is supposed to compensate for the risk of lending money - the greater the risk (for example, if the bond maturity is longer term), the higher the interest rate. So, when investors think the economy is going to crash, interest rates for long term bonds rise, along with demand, which pushes the price of these bonds higher and the bond yield lower as yield is inversely proportional to price. When the ten year bonds have a lower yield than the two year bonds (reflecting lower demand for short term bonds), it's a sign that Wall Street's negative sentiment has reached a tipping point that, analysts say, foreshadows a recession.

t. Not an economist

So shonen gets shit for having asspulls, but if it's non-shonen with a cute girl then "it's just fiction dude"

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Isn't nyamota just mostly Purple Heart though?

it goes longer than an episode without some screeching faggot giving everyone watching tinnitus, i can find it in my heart to forgive SnW


Sell me on the spicy economics

It has Korbo.

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I love s&w

>pic related
Where's that from?

How long until VR sequel?

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>majoring in law
>can't understand economics for shit
are there any anime/manga law students could relate to? No, ace attorney doesn't fucking count.

s3 when

You could try Defence Devil, it's kinda okay, but I don't think there is large amount of courtroom fiction outside of the West.

Horo sleeps around to get inside trading knowledge.

Just read the light novel

Wizard barristers. I was a legal trainee when this shit came out. It was fucking hilarious but I had to drop it after the second episode because it was too fucking dumb.

Do you think he will invest in precious metals and bitcoins?

dont bother watching it, its really trash and for someone that would give 8/10 to seasonal trash isekai, it should be telling much
i though that the first scene with the train chase looked cool and thats why i watched this garbage show, i usually finish everything that i started but this wasnt worth it

Maybe if you understood that there enonomies arent as complex as the ones today. And, this goes without saying, if werent a brainlet

Go to school kid.

America will go to war with China way before that.

>He doesn't understand economics
You have to be 18 or older to post in this site


he bought?


Hahahahhahaha. hahaha. ha.. ummm. hmmmm. *sob* (;-;)

YOU are damnt right
Thats why he took so long to switch completely to a wolf loli, he tried with magdala and failed and retried with holo 2.0 but still was to late couse he don't know shit about economics and even less of his own "market".

>Spice and Wolf Yea Forums shitposting thread
Jesus Christ

How long until VR nude mod

The VR game was honestly too short. I was expecting like a seasons worth of content considering it was just motion capture and voice acting but that's fine because if the sequel. Which may get Kadokacucks to make a S3. Just keep buying the figs and games and merch fellow S&W brothers.

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>didn't crash

Except you missed the fucking part where most of his bullshit is inspired by what a literal 500 year old hag tells him.

Like nigga live for 500 years and you will be able to tell when another Amazon happens 30 years in advance


It has a wolf waifu so it gets shielded from criticism

Stop talking out of your ass you imbecile.
Like seriously, it's clear you never touched a book on economics in your life. Maybe skimmed a Wikipedia article once, and that does not entitle you to speak.

I want a new one with nudity already included.

That will hurt their profitability and I don't mean that in an anti-semitic way like I normally would.

Nippleless naked Horo was in the anime, LN and parts of the manga so it shouldn't be a problem to bathe with her.

>bathe with her
That would be really amazing.

/biz/ you retard

Especially if there are enough interactions with her.

Splash fight with Holo in a hot spring!

And washing her back.

Unlike Lawrence

Found the fucking greek!

>implying Yea Forums is just not a plebbit circlejerk but anti shonen

Now your learning, now take a hike spic.

Now this is a quality thread.

shoneniggers are the most annoying thing in the world.

Myuri feet from the latest chapter of W&P manga

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This is aquality anime.

>but then footfags appear

Are legs ok?

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Sounds like an UPGRADE

The previous manga art style was better.


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Do I need to finish S&W first?

Well it's a sequel of s&w so probably yeah

Here's your trophy

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I think Koume even wanted to do W&P but got signed onto his current project first, so now he's adapting a book of historical accounts. I'm sure he'll do fanart or pinups or something, though.
What if W&P got Rokkaku instead?

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I wasn't sure if it was just Koume wanting to try something different after working on it for so long. I hope that more fanart is still permitted, but I don't know how long any contract might apply that could possibly prevent any.
That would be better art, but probably at a loss of more great nudity and sex.

That isn't true. He may be able to predict or shift a market for a time due to shear luck or chance and once you get big enough you become a market mover. This kind of thing happens regularly with highly successful stock traders in the real world. Where they made a series of good predictions initially that just happen to be correct and once that happens you get big and then suddenly you don't need to make predictions you just do stuff and the market shifts.

You can put it down to writers don't really cover the perfectly average stock traders who neither fails catastrophically or succeeds greatly but just makes a perfectly average performance over time. That would not be an interesting story. So obviously a story would be about great success or failure. I'm pretty sure if you dig deep enough there will be situations in the real world that sound more outlandish and full of random predictions becoming true.

Myuri is cute! CUTE!

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How are her novels, by the way?

Keep in mind he is usually predicting or manipulating markets in smaller towns filed with dumb peasants while being a experienced traveler.
Also clearly he is inhumanly smart otherwise he wouldn't be able to keep up with Holo.

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Ookami to Koshinryo has little to do with weapons or economics; in fact, it presents an anti-capitalist message about relationships and the environment being more important than money. I hate every one of you for your tired, nonsensical memes.

It's literally based off of a book about how capitalism created the renaissance and spread enlightenment throughout the world.

>I also want to sniff Horo's panties.
>implying she wears any
fucking retard

>because it's not run by globalist banks.
confirmed retard

How much insider knowledge on e economics can you get from a pack 9f wolves?

WHY would anyone buy those 3DPD american translated manga?

Sure you can, especially with such small markets.

It's nice having a hard copy for your collection. The real question is why some of those LN's are the ones with the 3DPD covers.

Attached: 61393359_p0.png (1240x1754, 2.14M)

It follows a sad peddler who focuses on work so he can eventually afford to settle down. He doesn't take good care of himself. He fantasizes about talking to his horse. He has to be told directly by multiple partners that they consider him to be a friend, because he himself has never considered having friends. He gets together with a literal manifestation of untamed nature, who repeatedly comments on how silly the economy is. The whole setting is depressing; everybody has fucked circumstances that can be directly tied to human greed, and the last books focus directly on the wolf's homeland being stripped of resources. Eventually, the main character realizes his favorite part of the job is helping people by providing the supplies they need, and in the end, he opens a therapeutic hot-spring spa.

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That art is really bad.

The original covers is how you show your friends you're an OG.

Especially compared to what was used before.

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The shading made me think that Holo was really tan for a moment.

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I would a tan wolf.

Holo should go to the beach more, and then she'll get a nice tan.

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Spics are less annoying than you SEA monkeys. You get to fuck off first.

I see the same moefags screeching about shounen every day. Keep projecting tho.

Did anyone scanned this yet?

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Is not "bad" is just a lot inferior to Koume's, wish he had also made this manga.

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All their heads look like eggplants and the thighs look like drumsticks. It's bad art. Fundamentally bad.
They need to go back to school.

Says the seamonkey.

someone post the holo drink recipe

the smile that can melt a million hearts.
why is she so perfect?

Here you go.

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No problem. Here's some food to go with the drink.

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Yes they can, but they're never shown in your anime.

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Korbo is a miracle of the universe.

Funny, I began to have fun again, sadly there's still cancer and the 2020 elections are around the corner so who knows what will happen.

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Gets me every time

>better than Koume
Hahaha no.

Did this ever get a sequel?
Did it sell well?
I really hope it did, but I didn't buy it because I don't have any VR shit

>When you realise that holo has the eternal body of a 14 year old and now she's a mother of a 14 year old

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Myuri is 12 years old.

Economics is a pseudoscience anyway

/k/ is the reason i became a weeb

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Imagine that awkwardness, when Lawrence will be old man.

They announced a sequel like a week ago, so I think it did well.

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Check out his VN if you want more of that good economic asspullery

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Microeconomics is pretty grounded, macro on the other hand is more voodoo, most of the textbooks had to be rewritten after the 08 crash. But it comes from it's nature that you can't really run controlled trials on something like money supply's effect on employment rate and inflation.

Important question for sequel. Who would be playable character? Again Lawrence? Col? Or somebody else? This would be important for experience.

oh wow, this looks great. now just waiting for my apples and pears to ripen

I meant better than the sequel's art.

They announced where?
Is this manga monthly or weekly? If its monthly he has not excuse for this art.

Always pay attention to the Y axis.
>it's literally nothing

Why the fuck didnt Holo have a litter??? Shes the goddess of fertility and shit she should have popped out like 10 of the pups.

am I the only one who wasn't really impressed by this anime? it felt like the character progression was minimal between larry and holo, and nothing else but the relationship between those two was worth watching it for. maybe it's to the anime's detriment that it only goes to season 2 instead of giving us all the source material (which I haven't read) but as it is it felt very unrewarding to watch.

Kid was half human.

Yeah so she should have had a litter of half human half wolf god pups.

Lawrence comments that they where waiting until her got older to have another, having to take care of various kids and the hotel/hot springs is probably hard.
I wonder if the spring logs will show holo pregnant again.

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If I were Lawrence I would have a hundred little wolf pups by now.