Is escapism unhealthy?

Is escapism unhealthy?

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Depends on what you are escaping from

Want a better life? Live a better life. Stop being so weak.

it starts with escapism and then suicide and then isekai time

How much tea are you drinking from that?

If youre using it to escape from responsibilities: yes
If youre using it to get some sort of esoteric emotional fulfillment its unlikely youll find in your life: no

Are you ever going to be a fictional girl in a japanese highschool? No
Are you ever going to be a fantasy hero in a fantasy land? No
Are you ever going to be the big dick harem lord? No
Can these fantasies help you enjoy and consider these scenarios? Yes

Are you ever gonna get in shape and date a woman that might be your wife and the mother of your children: Yes, it's likely, but not if you escape exclusively into fantasy
Are you ever gonna be disciplined and succeed? Only if you pursue that with everything youve got and get lucky.

Theres a balance, its grey like everything in life

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Tried this, didn't get me a loli vampire wife or magical abilities.

Anyone else desperately hope that we all get isekai'd when we die?
>but if we all get isekai'd when we die, why doesn't anyone remember their past lives?
Because right now we're in the first world.


That's very well made.

>Are you ever gonna get in shape and date a woman that might be your wife and the mother of your children
Divorce laws kind of murdered that dream for a lot of people.

I'm hoping to get a New Game +, where my life starts over but I keep the knowledge and memories I had at the end of this one.


Still waiting on that fox wife.
Any day now.

Haha yeah bro, user should just stop being poor and ugly.

You know the answer

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Maybe if the real world weren't so fundamentally broken and shit people wouldn't want to escape into fantasy worlds? Can you blame some of the people who just want to live their one life happily even if it's bluepilled and sterile?

Marche needs to be the antagonist of every isekai story.

It unironically depends. The unhealthy type is the escapism reinforces the stagnation of the subject; that they need not change who they are to move forward and have the essence of their current character be rewarded instead of the venture forward. The all right type is getting lost in a world with all its wonders and fascinations, immersing yourself and using it as an opportunity to take heart and consideration.

I'm working hard, user, but a loli dragon is too hard to make.

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I take a sip, she pours a sip.

Only if you're going for the "antagonist is actually right" angle.


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>Is escapism unhealthy?
but it is keeping me away from killing myself

Successful marriages do exist, user. High divorce statistics are due to repeat offenders.

Well then it's clearly healthy. Glad we got to clear that up.

Its made it a lot harder, I wont deny that.
But if you can work hard on yourself and elevate yourself above your selfish motivations and desires and find someone mature and intelligent (theyre rare) than you at least have a shot.
Its not easy but its possible, its whats keeping me going

Different situation. Marche's friends were using Fake Ivalice to escape from their lives without sparing a thought for all the people whose lives were made worse by the change

Or you could just do all that self-improvement for your own sake and focus your efforts on meaningful pursuits instead of worrying about romances that likely won't play out

Is the end goal dying alone but beautiful?
Are you a mgtow?

What's meaningful about a life without a legacy?

Watching Senko-san was the worst decision of my life, how the fuck do I go on now without my very own loli kitsune wife? I think about her all day.

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one day user... one day

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I've never thought about it like that, but damn this makes a lot of sense. A shit ton of divorcees I know are on their 3rd marriage if they're young and 4th-6th if they're older. Jesus Christ, how horrifying.

Take heart user, the boomers will all be dead within our lifetimes

There is no meaning in life except that which you give it yourself. You can't take your legacy past your grave, it doesn't affect you what happens after you die.

please tell me to stop playing mahjong and open blender

Keynesian economics would like a word with you.

Okay, well in my purview, living a meaningful life means leaving behind children that will carry on my values

Americanism is a mental illness.

Life without a legacy? We don't remember 99.999999999999% of the people who've ever lived. What kind of legacy are you trying to leave?

Cope harder incel
Its not hard to cum inside something that wont run away from you
Unless youre a post-modern foucault-school nihilist
Would you rather leave it up to everyone else around you to shape the future?
I bet you live in europe, canda or mexico

I guess you should pay more taxes so we can be treated, then.

>this is what capitalist bootlickers actually believe

Give me another system thats allowed such ease of ascension to the middle and upper classes
Communists will get the rope

>carry on my values
ok big man what were your fathers values? your grandfathers? his fathers values? every person is an individual, you can raise a kid ten ways to sunday and when they grow up the can just choose to discard everything you valued. working for yourself is the ultimate and only goal. that being said I'm not saying be a selfish hermit but don't let others be your guide. If you want to do something do it for you since you are all you have, your children aren't you, society will crumble, and the universe will eventually end. all you can do is be your best you at the end of the day

I didn't say I hate sex. Just that having kids doesn't equate to meaning. I mean its something anyone can do. Also I don't give a shit about the future unless they really get moving on immortality tech which they won't because people live through their kids. If we started working on living much longer maybe people would stop pushing the buck on to their children.

Yup. As I recall, the "50% of marriages end in divorce" factoid was more like "25% of first marriages end in divorce" -- if you get divorced once, you're far more likely to do it again.

>I dont give a shit about the future
Well then there it is, I guess
Self-starting, fiscal conservatism, patriotism, family as paramount importance, its been that way for generations
>society will crumble
Certainly if weak men continue to subvert its traditional underpinnings

Entropy is unavoidable, but it is easily accelerated

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Getting married and having children isn't a responsibility for most people. Unless you're of royal lineage or something, it's something people do for emotional fulfillment. And that emotional fulfillment isn't any different than what you can get from anime or devoting your life to God. Escapism is when you try to avoid your problems by devoting time to an unrelated area, not when you choose an alternative source of joy in life.

Oh gee, why didn't I think of that? Eat a dick, you don't know what anyone's problems are. There's literally nothing wrong with using some escapism to help you through the day.

Are you strong? Or are you weak and using escapism as the salve that keeps you from burning alive user-san

It was about 33% in 1995.
Willing to bet it's at least a little higher now, say 40-50%.

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If I did that I'll be destroying tons of lives along the way like some elder god. Escaping forever seems better for humanity.

just dont be poor, noobs. problem solved

How pathetic do you have to be that your ultimate goal in life is to have your ejaculate placed inside a woman and have the child raised in roughly the same cultural sphere you were raised in? Everyone does that. There's nothing deep or meaningful about it. You're just playing life on easy mode so that you can feel like you've accomplished something despite having no actual talent.

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Living a meaningful life just means living in a way that makes you happy. If having children makes you happy then that's fine. But not everyone has the same definition of a meaningful life and you may not agree with it. There's no point in having children if you don't want them.

Enjoy being replaced by Muslim migrants who will destroy the living standard and cultural modernity your predecessors have sacrificed entire generations for

I guess they're just living more meaningful lives than you.

why isn't there a mixed media anime?

Don't you have a fedora tipping convention to go to?

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>Implying previous generations weren't just as selfish as we are and were just doing whatever they could to have a good time.

Your children will be wearing the hijab.

I didnt realize Yea Forums had been overrun with fatalist Europeans
Please tell me youre all europeans
All of you are Germans right?

I am your Muslim nightmare.

Yeah, so German

You've been watching too much anime Mr. Lebowski.

Is this proof women are gold-diggers?
Pretty sure it is.

Indeed, we Islamized Germans will rule the planet just as Hitler prophesied.

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Not necessarily. Lack of money causes stress and problems. When you don't have that you can spend more time with each other.

the divorce stats in the US are as followed
first marriage : 48%
second marriage: 66%
third marriage: 82%
fourth and plus marriage: 95%
not sure of other countries but I'm sure its not much better

Both of these things are fixable if you're willing to nut up and act.

If you aren't that's fine, but you lose the right to bitch.

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ich bin ein Kinder

>its a reddit thread
please help report

t. born to middle class parents who raised you properly

My dick is unhealthy for the beating it'll give you, fggt.

>get Isekai'd into a world
>living your best life
>hear rumors of a blonde boogeyman who reaps the souls of those "who don't belong"
>no one knows what that means, whatever
>go on a picnic one day with your cat-ear companion and start fucking that boypussy
>feel a chill crawl up your spine, you go limp
>hear a whisper on the wind
>"It's escapism! Can't you see? It's not healthy!"

Ireland here. Overall divorce rate is 14.8% here. You guys are doing something wrong.

Most of Ireland is catholic
Theres your solution
Fatalist pro-immigration euros
Reddit at its worst

Catholic with a preference for gay marriage and abortion.

But still an underlying super-structure of Catholicism in their society leading to lower divorce rates

Could be that. Could also be that people tend to get married here relatively old. Probably a combination of the two.

Its possible.
Faith is a bulwark against nihilism and totalitarianism and meaninglessness
Any commonly accepted philosophy, faith or not, is superior to a lack of one

I haven't really read the thread, I just want you to know that you should definitely kill yourself, /pol/shit.