Is Konosuba a modern classic?
Is Konosuba a modern classic?
No, but Asobi Asobase is
No, but it's still a good show
No. Its just another unfunny and lame part of a fad.
Started good, but to appeal to plebs it became the very thing it was parodying. It'll end with a whimper rather than a bang.
>fantards: n-n-no it won't!!!!! X
Found the salty Aquafaggot
How many years has it been since season 2 ?
Megumin and Aqua totally steal the show, the rest is meh
You mean Aqua and Kazuma.
Megumin is as boring as the rest.
This, add Kazuma as well
Darkness becomes relegated to a background character every time the arc isnt about her, and the secondaries are pretty much cliche characters in any anime
Im sorry you had to live your life with shit in your eyes
I think it'll be remembered in the same way that people talk about shows like Lucky Star. Not as anything that's amazing or revolutionary, but as something that's on the boarder between entry level stuff and more hardcore otaku affairs. It also helps that, as a parody of the isekai genre, it reflects the time it was produced in very well. Though I wonder how well the premise and the comedy would hold up when devoid of this context.
modern classic is forced bullshit
How can i marry aqua?
The face of suffering
I enjoy konosuba but darkness is just too much.
thank you user. asobi asobase is the peak parody of CGDCI genre.
CGDCT* im sorry i had a stroke
I just want to make her happy and stop her suffering
Ironically the parody of the isekai genre came out before the actual isekai trashes started getting their adaptations. Now it makes sense in context the shit it was parodying, like the Kenja no Mago and Death March bullshit that they make 3 of every season now. But back in 2016 at the time I didn't really see it as a parody
I also have several friends who didn't get what it was parodying back then and they didnt enjoy it because they actually expected shit to happen. disappointing because they probably would have loved it if it came out now
this tbqh
>2 people dont agree with me!
>of course, its just a semfag!
Flawless logic of Meguhaters, no wonder why they are the most autistic kin in this board
>most autistic
Megumin's great and all, but Aqua's the revolutionary character. She wasn't an expy of anyone, she was completely original.
Good god no. It's a meme and will be forgotten by the next one.