Shortstacks are great.
The shorter and stackier, the better.
Shortstacks are great
Other urls found in this thread:
Uzaki would be so much better without the flesh-fang
Nah, Tallstacks are where its at
Does Ochaco count as a short stack?
no, also she's a fat cunt
This guy gets it
Shortstacks sing and dance
who is is this?
Bump because I agree on a spiritual level
Indeed. Girls need legs too. Never underestimate legs.
What so great about these big titted midgets and their midget body proportions?
>d-do you enjoy this?
Said by senpai to Uzaki
How are her tits so big?
Hear me out.
The two greatest stacks in the whole world are:
>shorter-than-MC childhood friend who becomes a taller-than-MC tallstack as an adult
>taller-than-MC childhood friend who becomes a shorter-than-MC shortstack as an adult
Loli form with womanly proportions.
A child is short cause she is a child.
Not cause she is "short". This is not being a shortstack. Even if she is a stacked child.
Because she is a drawing and the artist chose that.
yo check out this stack
That's a stack *of children*.
W I D E-stack
Cute ochako, tho i don't think she counts
Nobody said anything about a childhood shortstack, and are you seriously arguing that all children are the same size-- none are short and none are tall?
The bestest and cutest gear
Not short not stacked
That's ripped straight from Gunslinger Girl.
I meant Grenadier
Shortstack are stupid, you just want to fap to lolis but too afraid of what the normies think so you give tumor breasts to say you're not a pedophile.
You're a fucking idiot. Lolis are children. Shortstacks are short women with big tiddies and ass.
I was about to get very... very confused.
Did someone say "shortstack?"
her haircut is ugly and it makes her look like a boy with tits
>The shorter and stackier, the better.
Words to live by
Actually i always had this doubt.
Is Amelia a shortstack or a loli?
Amazon build it's objectively superior though
>Hey hey people, Seth here
The author keeps retweeting porn of this series.
In the light novels she's supposed to be older and taller than Lina. That is, she was introduced as about half a year older, and about four inches taller, growing taller as the story progressed. It lined up with what we know about her sister, Naga, who was introduced as 19 years-old in the spin-off stories, and was 6'0" herself.
However, the anime really captured this cute appearance of her, and since characters aren't prone to changing in old animation, and since anime as a medium is more popular than light novels, we instead got an Amelia that is younger and shorter than Lina. The influence of the anime has changed Amelia's description in the latest light novel; while she's still technically eighteen, she's now considered younger and about the same height as Lina, who is herself 4'10".
I say all that to say: Amelia is, by definition, a shortstack.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
I'm a proud lolicon who can appreciate little girls of all breast sizes
Also, Rui Araizumi, the artist of Slayers, has changed his art style since switching to digital. You may not have noticed this, but all of the women have erect nipples. So, Amelia is always walking around with hard pokies, with her heavy chest bouncing with each step, all while preaching the gospel of love and justice.
She was the only redeemable part of Slayers.
>shortstacks dance
I prefer the Yaia dance, mate.
But not as well animated.
The best one is the one with Rumia in the black bikini.
I am amazed the Zelgadis fanboys/girls are still alive
If people still care about Ranma 1/2 this far into the future then why not Slayers as well?
Slayers didn't understand fanservice with its anime. Therefore, it has nothing worth preserving. Do you think anyone would care about Asuka if she wasn't introduced with a panty flash and had her naked tits put on the screen for everyone, including Shinji, to jack off to?
The problem is Ranma 1/2 has an extremely memorable gimmick to go with it, Slayers does not since it's a cookie cutter fantasy show and while it was a good series, it's not something that will be remembered..
Look out Mamma! He's going for our pussy!
5ft even with an E-cup
Ah Karin, what a cutie. Never did finish her series though for some reason. Short hair in that style is a slight weakness of mine.
The Slayers fanbase kind of died out fast, after the 2000s. Thus my surprise any remain at all.
Last one that I have that is official art of Amelia.
Last October Slayers "returned" with a 30th anniversary light novel, Volume 16, which continues from where the story ended back in 2000. Despite its short, limited release, it was the highest-sold light novel in all of 2018, forcing immediate reprints because stores couldn't meet their orders. This shocking positive reception lead to the writer, Hajime Kanzaka, confirming in February of this year that the light novels will now continue as "Series 3", or a third arc (Vol. 1-8 being Series 1, Vol. 9-15 being Series 2), and Dragon Magazine is going to share details about it more either this month, or the next.
In other words, Slayers is making a comeback, and all of the oldfags in Japan are pretty hyped about it. Konosuba apparently can only do so much...
Yeah, I saw all the おっさんホイホイ tweets about it.
>Girl gives the impression of being an Amazon
>She's actually a shortstack
What am I looking at here?
Is this the Eleven equivalent of "IMAGINE"?
>tfw real life "shortstacks" are all obese 4'10'' latinas who look like fucking goblins
Why are you discussing real life on a board for anime and manga?
Mikasayaki is a massive paizuri enthusiast. The chart here explains that Sempai can titfuck her while she stands, as proven in a previous comic that her tits are just at the level of his dick.
Because I want a shortstack anime gf but their real life equivalent is fucking disgusting
Some people want something genuine
I've met one once, she wasnt fat just slim and light skinned. Unfortunelly she had to reduce her breast since they were causing back problems, thats the real dream-killer
when i was in high school i had a chance to deflower a girl who couldn't have been more than 5ft tall. possible shorter.
her tits were great. she had cute short hair and pale blue eyes.
even writing this post is painful.
my punishment is posting on Yea Forums at 2:40am. you can imagine what my life is like.
i am deaf to my own sins, as to the sins of this world.
>no girl will love you enough to endure crippling backpain because you think massive tits on a smol frame is cute
with some muscle too
that's the idea
Were all gonna make it user, 72 shortstacks await you in Valhalla
Even if she did i would feel bad about the pain, its a fucked situtation
If she's 4, 9.
And Senpai is 5, 9 to 5, 11
How can he the standing pan flute work?
There's no rule that says a fake can't surpass the original
diana blake
There's no rule which says a dog can't play basketball... or be a shortstack...
Standing blow job and paizuri!
Remember that once chapter where they ride in a filled metro? She has no issues placing his hotdog in her buns.
>whore who does porn
Worse than a Squatemalan
The calculations don't make sense though
t. manlet
Old school fantasy, without levels, skills, and isekai shit, and with one of the best female lead ever.
How can modern isekai shit can compete?
It can't
>grab her by the pussy
remember Popura?
love stack
Short stacks are useful for washing the floor.
Agree, reason why this fag draws the best short stacks
That's like petting a rattlesnake.
There's no rule in the rulebooks which says that a shortstack can't be 7 feet tall and shove her boobs in my face when we hug.
So... ogre shortstacks?
Is a shortstack about height, proportions or age?
height and proportions
battle mode
I can step on these demons.
docking mode
Coming soon to a Mangadex near you: IN A WORLD where the average height for women is 12 feet tall, this cute little 7-foot shortstack dared to dream big. Featuring the performances of "bland personality-free MC who everyone wants to fuck for no reason at all", "genki tomboy childhood friend", "sex-positive parents who desperately want grandchildren soon" and "wacky comic relief best friend".
Rated R for lewdness, bullying, and gratuitous handholding.
Senpai is packing heat.
The word say it itself: short-stack.
A short and stacked girl. And as already said before childs are not "short" in the strict sense. They are little cause they are still growing. And yeah it's different. A 1,85 meters volleyball player cannot be considered short cause she was short when she was 8 years old.
>Pokemon but with short stacks
Pic related says hi.
I forget the name but there is a doujin with a qt loli ogre shortstack that is 1.5 times bigger than the guy
No thanks.
Gentle, big titty, short girls are a miracle of the universe
What's the context of your quote OP? Depending on your answer I might look into it. Not pic related.
No joke, she would be more at place in a nukige, not a manga about tabletop strategy games.
Is there a shortstack tag?
Asking for a friend
oppai loli and ロリ巨乳
Isn't there another idol with even larger breasts? And younger even?
Nana's charm is that she's 27 but can pass for 17 and pathetically refuses to grow up because she's terrified of the thought of getting older, you swine.
And then there is Kirarin
Clothed paizuri is Gods gift to the world.
I will never not be mad. Is it just me or are you guys posting this more often.
162cm isn't shortstack tier, it's average sized titty monster.
You don't have to be a manlet to appreciate shortstacks user.
Midgetlovers need to learn this lesson.
>All these tall girl fags
It's only ok to be with a girl if you're 20 cm taller than her. You manlet tall girl fags will never get one.
>absolutely fantastic art, posing, and scenes
>wasted on rape shit
Any japanese on this board? DM me and I'll kick your fucking ass
>me at the bottom left
I sprained my finger scrolling up an down those magnificent legs.
Short stacks are for men.
Amazonians are for young boys.
There has to be some way to tie this into the Golden Ratio to find the perfect balance.
Height difference doesn't matter, what matter is how much you love your waifu.
One of the previous, complete experience with sound:
Making love to Amelia until she cries and begs me to stop!
I'm going to fuck Uzaki!
I want Iowa to pin me down and rape me so hard
What's the height cut off?
Or is the art style?
Such a 10/10, wasteful that she never got any action.
Still too tall to be "short". Average female height in Japan is 5'2. I'd say under 5'0.
Truest words.
>Average size
That's below average even in Japan
158cm is average Japanese female height.
That would make Orihime one by an inch, so I'm gonna have to say too tall.
t. drunk senpai
Height cutoff for a shortstack for me is 154cm maximum. Anything taller than that would just be average to me.
thats 4 inches taller than me... fuck
>the shorter and stackier, the better
There IS a line
and RIP
Are you 12?
He's probably a dwarf, an Asian or a spic or both.
I wish im 5ft
Imagine if slayers had Satoshi Urushihara as illustrator and character designer...
Why the HELL do you guys always forget about Tama? I don't care that no one watched her show. She is the ultimate shortstack.
She sure wormed her way into my heart.
Guess I'll just have to keep posting unfairly forgotten shortstacks until someone stops me.
OK, just one more of Misaki.
She's over 155cm (156cm in this case), she's too tall to be a shortstack to me.
Does anyone remember this adorable zombie-obsessed shortstack?
Wow, one centimeter is the difference between life and death?
Also, two forgotten shortstacks for one in this pic.
The true beauty of short stacks lies in their slightly chubby tummies
Oppai lolis are grand.
Shortstacks are great, westerners ruined them with goblins and gnomes.
Anyone remember these subs?
I can't find an official height on her, but she seems short and is definitely stacky,
At least her body proportions look noticeably more Japanese than the average Japanese anime girl and it shows.
I'm just starting to get kinda sick of Japanese characters being drawn with largely European body structure.
Wait... goblins and gnomes are supposed to be westerner shortstacks?
Who could forget such fun times?
Not stacked enough to be a stack.
superior anime genetics
>cucking yourself to a drawing
The state of Yea Forums
No whining about her "natural" height now, it doesn't matter.
Also, if you know who this is, I love you.
We must save some more of these.
t. dating 5'2" black shortstack with great tits and ass
Oh shit gotta go to bed
WoW goblins and gnomes are disgusting. But I'm not gonna call all art of goblins and gnomes bad.
An absolute fucking miracle of a shortstack that everyone has forgotten.
Shotas aren’t safe around there predators
Based Shuz posters
oh no this shota got preyed
i dont understand the appeal
I miss her so much(all of them actually)
Is it Shuz time?
>i dont like tits
>i like dicks
i wonder why
just how big are they
>still not scanned
What's better, oppailolixnormalman or oneesanxshota?
My vote is olxnm because of how easy it would to pick up their bodies and carry them around like footballs.
The only tits that I actually think are too big
i wish she never grow up
Best one is oppailolixshota but if I had to choose between those two then oppailoli
She must be so soft and warm, FUCK.
i need to watch this
Long hair > short hair
Prepare yourself. It will either heal you or break you.
Nah. Shotas belong to horny onee-sans, oppai lolis belong to plain looking dudes.
i hope shuz goes back to these two in the future. They're jist begging to be sandwiched together
my only fear is that the Mc is a fag shounen protag
Light blue hair > every other color.
>ctrl + f Nene
>0 results
Really? Especially when we have clear visual evidence?
who taste better?
hes just a regular salaryman
she could crush you with these
No place is safe anymore
So, what make this shit stand out from the billions of NTR shits that infest the internet? Why i see this spammed everywhere?
I've seen better drawing styles, and better characters in shitloads of hentai.
This is a nice one.
I love oppai lolis but holy shit is Dylan the most blatant gary stu self-insert O've ever seen.
Nene is pure sex
I'm still mad that the anime was so garbage which leads to Nene having almost no porn. Look her up in pixiv and boorus and the amount of images are literally double digits ffs. And iirc there's like only 4 doujins of her, one is a cg (admittedly a really good one), one is part of a compilation so there's only like 4 pages featuring nene, one features exclusively gyaru nene which is inferior to normal nene, and the last one has a mediocre artstyle. My only saving grace is someone made a pretty good koikatsu card of her.
see better
post some gyaru Nene
is it weird if i'm more focused on her hips and thighs?
you are like a baby, watch this
by the dark gods what is this... don't know if I should seppuku myself for liking this or not
fine i will do it myself
>tight skirt
>jiggly breasts imply jiggly thighs
You're a man who can appreciate the woman form.
>ywn be stuffed in the busty onee-san cart
Nice edit btw. Thought the jannies got you.
>you're ten times worse than a molester
by being a beta dicklet shota?
>busty girl train
where is the loli train please
short stack body but 10' tall minimum even better
Because that show was forgettable. I only remember it because of how forgettable it was.
here before FBI come
>oneshotas invading my oppai loli thread
Begone oneesans. All your shotas are belong to us!
wait its a uzaki / short stack thread
Dont bother, its one of those who think that shortstack means oppai loli.
Erotic Japanese Zel/Amelia fanfic is so good. They always emphasize how petite and childlike Amelia looks and how her pussy is so tight.
did he cum from his ass?
>he doesnt wanna get smothered by a cake
Nice try you fagolinni.
Has shuz ever given his characters measurements or am I just blind?
I'd imagine the onee-sans are no taller than 5'5" or lower.
>posting inferiors
Ah, I see you are a man of culture, as well.
what the fuck is this abomination
Homer Simpson, sir. One of your grotesque ghouls from Sector 7-G.
Thank you for the giggles.
Weapons of
is this the one where the guy gets age regressed and shota/trap has his way with him
>girl with giant jugs has breast envy towards a girl with even larger jugs
Nothing better
I would too be shaken if someone involuntarily demonstrated their utter genetic superiority to me
>shortstack thread
>already halfway through, while I was at work
>not even single Ariane-chan
You fucking suck Yea Forums
Arienne is old and busted.
Shuz's girls are the new hotness.
silo9 needs to get back to work.
>Arienne is old and busted.
She is fucking not!
Best shortstack!
What the fuck is that? Please tell me someone didn't make shuz MMD models without me knowing.
Never mind.
already ordered
Asanagi needs to get out of my mind
>kissanime watermark
go back
get OUT
and he also needs to do more one_male FFM stuff. Less gangbangs
almost perfect. now no NTR
It was a beautiful story where a faggot got what he deserved.
I heard people who don't like NTR exist but to see one for real in a thread......are you real?
most people think NTR/ cheating is a repulsive fetish if you climb out of your stink hole for a while.
right.........which is why I would have preferred he wasn't in it at all.
>those tits
>on that small frame
Standing paizuri ready.
We are real. Nothing is better than consensual sex between a man and his harem.
Don't give me that shite about being the bald, ugly, fat bastard. I'm a toned, fluffy-haired, 7/10 looking dude.
It felt like he was only there to give an excuse or his loli imouto to show up at the end with a title drop. I hope there's a sequel that gives her some more focus.
Buddy even as a horrific mutant its awful
Uzaki is built for all kinds of paizuri.
>5kg of tits
how much more she will get with pregnancy
No man, it’s all about the power play. Being confident enough to watch someone else fuck a girl you want. I bet you guys just can’t handle it
can she do the famous oyakodon paizuri with her mom
make my day user.
>rail thin
>short stacks
source on manga?
was the imouto also in the anime?
Bible Black
>watching a man fuck my girl is a power play
Nah nigga, you just a gay.
I didn't like this one. How can I self insert as the chad when he get's put into a hammerlock by the white knight?
old school
getting cucked is confidence now?
Look Having it happen to you is fucking shit. and being in a position to ruin other persons family life wasnt exactly fun because most people are not evil degenerates with the morals of an animal.
Uzaki chan
Thanks user.
anything to spread to joy of the smug shortstack
Every fucking time. In a short stack thread, of fucking COURSE some faggot posts this bigger faggot
>smug shortstack
i want to see one as a gyaru
think that would give most people heart attacks user
Does Japan like shortstacks cause they fit easily on huggie pillows?
Shishunki na Adam.
Start good and then turn yaoi. Fuck this gay shit.
That's oppai loli
>flat girls drawn Huge
grade A fetish
Not necessarily mutually exclusive.
unironically based
The hottest tag
You can tell that there are still faggots that can't tell the difference between a loli, oppai loli and shortstack
get you stick ready for this January
That's why its good tho
I want a sequel where the white knight decides he should treat women like cattle too. He has the potential.
Anyone else like different extremes when it comes to body types? I end up liking shortstacks and tallflats a lot.
I wish I had a shortstack wife waiting for me at home
Legs can be good, not the body type that support them is typically called "statuesque" and IRL comes with slender overall proportions, meaning smaller tits and ass. Now there is a reason that body type is for models, it's hot as fuck
But sometimes you want some tiddy at crotch level. Or wide hips. Shortstacks usually have both.
You could say "why not have everything at once?" but you are a fool. Such a creature becomes boring in its perfection and unrealistic proportions are boner killers for anything but a short fap session
>Female Fetishists
Mikasayaki is massively based
why is she laughing at me?
How much bigger do you think they're gonna get?
That curiosity is basically the only reason I follow the manga at this point. I hardly even care about the plot anymore.
I don't know, I can already see it being heavily censored
I agree, it's refreshing and spices things up.
This is the shortest and stackiest of them all
Too bad she got fisted and goatsed by the worst girl so hard she had a prolapse.
source? before i forget
Saki is a show about mahjong
Its images like these that make me glad I have a 27" 1440p monitor in portrait mode.
Her areola are too small.
I don't think Ritz quite understands how nipples work
>flat girls that get huge from BE
Top tier
Who is this girl from?
Nigga you best be joking
that model is scary
hope you can read Japanese
Scary for your little dick maybe
I don't like his original character much but his 2hu models are god tier.
>no penetration
This level of cockblocking happens way too often. I know that paizuri is great and all but the dick needs to go inside a hole too.
>goblins and gnomes
I fucking hate it.
Too be fair with shuz I fell like he doesn't spend enough time on each sex act. Even in that one where that was no penetration each round of paizuri is over way too fast. Penetration or not, I wish he'd spend some time doing some detailed panels for one sex act for at least 2 pages.
I don’t know user.
what did he mean by this?
Starts with an I and ends with an A.
Midna is the only good "western shortstack", and even then they rarely draw her in model.
I did it and regretted when she became pregnant with his child. So dont do it folks
I disagree based on what I see at /aco/'s shortstack general on regular bases.
>even then they rarely draw her in model
I have no idea what you're talking about.
I prefer my Midna to be pear shaped.
Those faggots can't tell the difference between a loli and a midget
Are you implying that distinction matters with shortstacks?
Yes, Midna is for the ass.
At least midgets are closer to shortstacks, than loli.
What the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums
Shortstacks can apply to both oppai loli and adult midgets you whiny retard.
Western shit is always full of bad proportions and ugly faces, so i stay away from /aco/
You get it.
Well at least Shuz makes sex pages from time to time such as the pic related. Also this says it all.
I'm more pissed at Syun's doujins. Like, there's only one that I know that shows actual penetration. The rest is all paizuri which isn't bad at all, but still...
I think like anywhere you go, you need to filter through shit to see some gems.
I like going to ssg because the threads are slow, and it's fun to have some discussion, instead of just image dumps. If I wanted to look at images, there are much better places for that.
too off model, and I was never into giants
Thankfully enough most of his works have penetration, I'm talking about it more in general. Here's another recent example that felt a bit disappointing:
He needs to cut the guro bullshit and the abuse. I don’t mind domination but he goes too far and makes my dick limp.
I agree, but I also understand there are plenty of people who are into all that, and that's part of the reason why he is popular.
>This gallery has been removed or is unavailable.
Well the exhentai/e-hentai trick didn't work with this one
It works for me.
It links to: [Akaao (HiRoB816)] Hisashiburi ni Atta Imouto no Musume ga Kyonyuu de Osumashiya-san ni Nattemashita. [Digital]
>felt a bit disappointing
>no penetration
No shit
Midna's not Western though. Nintendo EAD is a Japanese company. She's not anime, but she's still of Japanese design.
Weird, mine didn't show it. Still thanks for it
>no penetration again
Yeah you were right, it's kind of dissapointing
What shithole do you live in? I just tried it on every country my vpn supports and they all worked, and that includes Canada, Australia, Japan, and several Euro countries. If youre country is worse than those you're probably getting a lot of galleries invisible to you without you even knowing.
Loli is one of the tags you can't see on e-h
God damn I hate it when artists just draw huge tits like they're massive gravity defying balloons. Call me a fag if you want but this does literally nothing for me for the simple fact that because no person can naturally look like this its impossible to realize the imagination. Am in wrong here like you could draw a huge cup size without making them look like two eggplants stapled to a girls neck.
Hence the "western" user.
Also we were talking about /aco/, so western fanarts of Midna included, and how most of them are off model. You just misunderstood.
I want to see more chibi shows like that with fanservice, or designs like image posted
Isn't the one in the middle a crossdressing boy?
It can work for me sometimes but I agree in general. That image does nothing for me either, it's boring as fuck.
It may be that your account is not as old as mine.
I know some galleries are not visible to newer accounts, so it is not due to location
Well no wonder if wouldn't work, it's loli and you can't see that on E-H.
That's some padding
right is better
It makes sense if she got this big from surgery.
I think you have fapped too much to their doujinshi
>some galleries are not visible to newer accounts
You're kidding, that's hilarious I didn't even know. Good thing mine is from 2012-13. I don't mind that they hide galleries for certain countries or even brand new accounts when they have to, I just hate how opaque they are about it. Like just show the goddamn name when it would normally come up in a search to let me know that it at least exists, the ones that don't come up even with expunged on are the worst. Ever since I got the vpn I realized how cucked some countries like Canada were, and Japan is one of the worst.
And you don't have an account why user?
Of course I do, I'm the one who posted the link in first place.
Also let me thank Moldova once again.
Ah yeah, that one is pretty great. I like how EVERYONE gets bigger, even the big girls. More BE needs to be focused on that.
Too bad SOMEBODY won't let us re-experience it again.
Mine is even older than yours. I don't remember what the threshold was. I only found out when I saw a thread on /h/ before and people were linking galleries that were know to not be visible to everyone to compare. Everything was visible to me.
I agree there are many things they could do better, it is still the best we have.
Hail Moldova
As someone who had family members who had breast reductions this isn't appealing at all. The amount of back pain this poor girl must have. A girl can look good as a b, an 8, or an I. Never as a P. When a chick is so lopsided with no hips/core to support her it looks disgusting
left, though right gets full points for being a hate fuck target
the lopsided boobs are gross but fuck handles on the head are too good to pass up
same as before
Is that one of those south american countries in the northeast part with funny names, or is it one of those southeast asian countries? But no you really should consider getting a vpn, pirate something simple, you never know when the panda is jewing you.
The only way I could understand locking newer accounts out of "sensitive" galleries would be if they were a week or two old or less, with the thinking that they could have been made by someone outside the site specifically looking for galleries to report. If any account older than 6 months is locked out of anything then that is fucking bullshit.
Fubuki is best girl but it wouldnt be the same without the ass to support her look
>shortstack in the op
>reeeeeee these aren't realistic
You're in the wrong thread retard.
>back pain
Irrelevant in 2D.
>muh backpain
That girl was weak and did not deserve the breasts god bestowed her with.
Same goes for girls with big asses needing hip replacements by their 30s, but this is 2d. I sure don't want to be wasting time how many of my sexual preferences/fetishes don't work in real life.
Come on man
I disagree
Ah fuck I got posts mixed up and forgot that the servers moved there, but I know where Moldova is m8. I'm also shitposting in the /pol/ hurricane threads since I live in Florida right now.
Read the thread
>154 is the cutoff
>wtf thats 4 inches taller than me
>I'm 5ft
Either you don't know how to convert feet and inches to cm or you are retarded, maybe both.
I did it wasn't posted
so you mixed up /pol/ with Yea Forums?
No I just mixed up posts and who made them because I'm also posting in other fast moving threads.
fair enough
Shortstack is all about proportions. If you put Haru-tan next to the other Trash girls, she's actually about the same height as them and maybe even a little on the tall side, but the size of her boobs and hips compared to her torso and head make her look very short-stacky.
>reverse search that image for the full uncropped panel
>reverse search the panel for the artist
>either find the exact doujin from the reverse search or look him up and find it on the first page of the panda with the english tag
Maybe I'll tell you in an hour if you haven't found it yet, it should take you less than five minutes.
Also, her head. Forgot that.
Legs are too long. Even real life japanese are known for short legs.
Spotted the German.
I hope the manga becomes a success, shit's fun.
Go buy it if you haven't already. There's nothing stopping you from buying digital copies from the Japanese sites, and I'm sure that you could figure it out with physical if you want an actual book.
>I'm a basement dweller.
Then get a job.
women in the middle height ranges are boring
fat tits a given, 170 is the sweet spots of unicorns and dreams
No matter how great the design is otherwise, fleshfang ruins everything.
It's because people don't want the boring normal.
Short fatties, tall amazonians, short muscle girls, tall skinny volleyball players and so on are much more interesting.
but a girl being plain is kinda moe too basically 2d girls are superior no matter
>muh back pain
I wish I could strangle people through the internet
>pay for digital
Die. If I pay for it then I'll buy a physical copy
Some people just like short women with big tits that actually look like adults.
Yeah but most Midna fanart posted anywhere is western shit.
And some western artists have perfected the craft of drawing shortstacks.
Not with those proportions.
Frog is 153cm, but only mildly chested.
Still, a modest chest does seem much bigger than it is when on a tiny lady.
Nigger, who the fuck said I don't buy it?
I'm loving my volumes and I mean physical copies.
Hell, not long ago just got the copies for Slave Harem manga and currently waiting for more volumes to come because unless you import in bundles it's a bit expensive.
More stylized proportions are needed too in my opinion. It depends on my mood
Not that user, but I stopped buying manga after I ran out of space. I have over 600 volumes and no place to put extra furniture.
I'm a buyfag but I'm going the same path, might just buy dakis and books since figures begin to take too much space and 2 of them have a broken pin at the base I need to fix.
Yes it is.
Anyone who's been on Yea Forums for long enough should know how to search for sauce in multiple ways, and recognize either that art style or panel immediately. Come on, please put in some effort.
Vampy is a girl.
There's no point. I literally told the other guy the exact method to find it in the other reply chain. I even told that guy I would tell him the sauce in an hour, and this new guy was too stupid to pretend to be him. Not that I'd have given it anyway.
>Is that one of those south american countries in the northeast part with funny names, or is it one of those southeast asian countries?
Moldova was formerly part of Romania, guess where is it.
Japanese Shadman.
That's all the sauce I'll give you.
How does /shortstack/ like lactation?
I misread that as 'Moldavia'
>Japanese Shadman.
I laughed. I thought that would be ShindoL
Where's this from?
Same thing
Imagine fucking not just a shortstack, but five separate severed pieces of a shortstack.
No bra and tank top is great.
>not washing with their tits
Whats the point of those useless sacks of fat?
The great combo.
RIP Zelgadis
Her tits are too small if she can still move!
Ugly girl with ugly hat.
this is some /d/ tier shit
>those tits
>/d/ level
Oh you naive user
The second pic of this one is great.
How big is too big?
I'm an ass guy
Now THIS is some prime shortstack
>too big
>Draws Oppai Lolis x Adults
>Draws OneShotas
>Draws Oppai Loli x Shotas
How can one man be this based?
When is that dumbass senpai finally going to make those boobs bounce up and down?
>he needs to cut the guro bullshit and the abuse
His stuff is garbage even if all that went away.
Massive niggers being the focus should be a turnoff unless you're an equally massive faggot.
There's actually barely any guro in most of his works so I have no idea why people are so fixated on that point. It's just like that time when he did a trap doujin and people acted like he only ever did trap stuff.
anybody have the high res of this?
patrician as all hell gearbro
please Kazuma / lina crossover
why is there few oppai loli in manga (not hentai)
Japs cant into shortstacks thats an absolute fact.
(Most of this thread too apparently judging by all this oppai lolis spam)
That's because oppai loli is a really niche taste because big tiddy lovers usually prefer cakes and lolicons usually prefer flat chests
You said not hentai but even in hentai oppai lolis are rarely drawn outside of stuff by the very few artists that are dedicated oppai loli artists
I know a couple of non-H titles that has oppai lolis (Kodomo no Jikan, Seikon no Qwaser, Kobayashi-san no Maid Dragon)) but hardly any H-OVA that has them I can think of.
the only one i can remember is Cleo from Broken Blade
She isn't a loli and despite being 10 has the look and face of a curvaceous highschool girl and falls into the less used "younger than they look" category.
All the lolis should look like this
Sugoi dekai's sugoi dekai is sugoi dekai
she is 12 and only 153cm so technically she's an oppai loli
12 looking like that
Based on her face and proportions I could clearly tell she's more of a shortstack than a oppai loli, age is irrelevant seeing lolis usually tend to be shorter, childish looking (both in face and proportions) and are relatively slender framed than the typical bishoujo.
I want to fuck Uzuki wearing pantyhose
that came out wrong
Loli is a body type not an age. Why do you think the whole 500 years old loli meme exists
Example: Hotaru is 11 but I wouldn't call her a loli
what about Kagome
Coolkyoushinja is full of it
Hotarun is a oppai loli
sad that the anime made her flat
What was this from?
153cm, but I refuse to accept someone who angles their hands outward when doing push-ups as a shortstack, a qualified fitness instructor, or a fellow human being.