Is Togashi a hack or a genius?

Is Togashi a hack or a genius?

>takes the guy literally less than a week to master a special type nen
>space-time hack

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I've never read HxH, but through pages like the one OP posted, I've come to the conclusion that this series is unimaginably up it's own ass and fucking retarded.

>isekai nen
he is a hack

Literally Observation Haki

Stick to Naruto and snk.

Holy shit, Araki barely explained KKKing KKKrimson and it still managed to be less confusing than this.


You read this series to pretend that you're intelligent. Read a real book.

How much of a range does this have? If I was watching murder man here through binoculars, will I also be effected by this nen ability?
Was there any other ability that actually effected time and space like this?

I wish I can be a hack like him and sell millions.

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>needs a chart and a wall of text to explain an asspull in a cambodian cartoon

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That's just King Crimson but overexplained to his brainlet audience

Yes, because the ability does not have a range. It does not affect you. It affects the user by granting them future sight and allowing the user free action. It's comparable to Sharingan and the Isanagi.

>and it still managed to be less confusing than this
But people still to this day don't understand how King Krimson works?

So... he has to be with the eyes closed for 20 seconds in middle of a combat in order to see 10 seconds of the future? I guess that's quite useful if you are not immediately killed while you cannot defend yourself.

Rate my Nen

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>I've never read it, but came to x conclusion
What about killing yourself? Just get a rope and hang yourself, seriously.

Why are you here? Why are you posting?

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Guess I too can be an expert now and rate all series I haven't watched.

Let me rate your favorite anime that I haven't watched.

He stands still, closes his eyes and immediately sees 10 seconds into the future. If he keeps his eyes closed, he now observes the next 10 seconds of the future, while the first second passes in reality. Whenever he opens his eyes, he gets to intervene the perceived future in real life for 10 seconds onwards while everyone else acts out the future sight.
So if he opens his eyes immediately, he can immediately intervene 10 seconds during combat, then re-use the ability. Currently it takes him a little while to get the hang of the ability, which is why he must practice. In another panel, he tells his teacher: "When you see me open my eyes after 1 second, start sparring with me." He realizes that if he can master activating this ability instantly, he is practically invincible.

Not only that he has to be already in zetsu mode.

That’s standard the of shounen, you retard.

I think that it's fairly obvious that the point of it is for you to have fun trying to understand his power and the situation it created.

One of the themes of this arc is to be a homage to jojo's like CA was to DB so the fact that people have the craziest powers gained "out of nowhere" and the status quo is constantly changing fits perfectly with what Togashi is trying to do here.

And moreover, the complex explanations aren't just because "he wants", but it's needed to create the sensation that everyone is a player and things are unpredictable and chaotic. Like when Cami went batshit and killed ben's guard.

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So the nen beast are basically stands?

He just fell again for what battle shonen mangaka always do, powerlevels.

He did it once in YYH and he's doing it with HxH too

Togashi has a problem with too many geniuses. There should only be 2-3 people in the manga that can be such incredible outliers like Tse, but there's a large number of people that are this incredible. It's lazy writing to make people super special when Togashi wants them to be.

I read it for like 200 chapters, I concur. Maximum rectal view.

I knew it would go to shit the moment the royal guard ants appeared. If you make an enemy so strong compared to the main cast you will have to keep pushing the powerlevel to bullshit levels just like DBZ, naruto etc...

The only way you'd be able to recognize rectal views is if you've spent your life with your head up your ass, which explains a lot now that I think about it.

more or less but the users don't have control over them

The scope of pure strenght has already been fully explored and resolved in the CA arc. We're not going back there. The SW arc has a completely different theme. Togashi has been switching from genre to genre in each arc and if you can't tell that this arc ain't gonna be about who punches the hardest, then you're hopeless.

>if you can't tell that this arc ain't gonna be about who punches the hardest, then you're hopeless.
It doesn't matter, giving a character a god tier ability in literally a week is bad writing. Oh my special nen abilities aren't suposed to be pulled out of togashi's ass everytime someone needs them.

Whelp, this arc clearly isn't for you. You should stop reading it right now if you can't handle this exposition.

nailed it

You're right, don't let the fanboys try to convince you otherwise.

>if you don't like the things that I like you're dumb
I'm still waiting your arguments.

He is in Zetsu and even then it takes some time until he can use it. Basically he is extremely vulnerable.

Based and shounenpilled.

based narutard

I've read this one

It's exposition.
Tserriednich is the big bad antagonist for Kurapika's arc. Of course Theta would never succeed in assasinating the prince. The whole reason Theta exists in the manga is to develop Tse's character (for the readers), in order to build suspense and anticipation for the climatic showdown between Tse and Kurapika.
It wasn't "an asspull" because Tse was never actually in any danger at this point of the story. It would've been an asspull if Tse suddenly revealed this ability when fighting Kurapika 300 chapters from now.
I'm telling you user, if your IQ is in the double digits, don't bother speaking your opinion on this arc.

What's the appeal of Killua as a shota? Gon gets almost no attention in DJs.

Killua is canon gay. Reminder:
>Togashi previously wanted to write a sports shōnen with a canon gay crossdressing boy as the protagonist, but Shueisha shut him down.
>Togashi would then go on to write Yu Yu Hakusho, a hugely popular series.
>as thanks, and because Togashi had worked himself halfway to death, Shueisha allows Togashi free rein to do whatever he wants with Hunter x Hunter (hence his erratic schedules that would get any other author fired).
>Togashi also has full ownership over Hunter x Hunter, giving him absolute control over the story.
>now that he has so much power, Togashi plans on getting revenge on Shueisha for canning his gay sports manga all those decades ago by making Killua gay and they can’t stop him.
Further reasons:
>in chapter 286 (episode 121), Killua literally says he and Gon will commit "shinjū," otherwise known as "double suicide" — a term connotated with lovers.
>Togashi clearly has an interest in the "weird," as seen with Hisoka and Alluka.
>Togashi is married to Takeuchi, author of Sailor Moon — a series that features canon lesbians. In addition, the current Hunter x Hunter arc features a lesbian kiss between Morena and one of her followers.
>Yu Yu Hakusho has a gay couple: Sensui and Itsuki, showing that Togashi is willing to include gay characters and relationships in his stories.
>everything Togashi does is for a reason. When he includes scenes such as Killua's "Gon, you are light" and "shinjū,” he knows how fans will interpret them. To say otherwise implies he’s ignorant.
>to claim this is all bait is to insult Togashi, because that implies he's a hack who has to resort to the lowest form of writing: pandering. He is not that desperate.
>as seen in chapter 323 (episode 139), even Hisoka thinks Killua’s most “beloved” is Gon.
And the main reason:
>Togashi is a mad man.

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Like a lot of commercially successful artists, he's a talented person that let their projects outgrow the perspective and context that made them successful in the first place. leaving them in a situation where they're riding more on reputation than ability.

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>Succession War is bad
It's just different from the previous arcs. If you want less talk and more punching, go read a different manga at this point.

This has never happened, though. This page is like 40 chapters after the last time there was a battle in HxH.

No. He has to close his eyes to see 10 seconds into the future. He also has to enter Zetsu, which means his defenses drop to zero while he does it.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand HxH. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical metaphysics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Hisoka's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike HxH truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Hisoka's existential catchphrase "Oh, my rubber nen" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Togashi's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>i'm an evil greedy mysanthrope that kills prostitutes muahahaha therefore I will master nen and king crimson in a week(after a 2 years hiatus)

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Holy shit 3 seconds into reading this and I said "isn't this just King Crimson?"

Look at the image.

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Tserriednich isn't even that strong. Senritsu, Genthru and Hisoka could all kill him if they knew his ability.

Not to mention any Royal Guard could just use Ren for 11 seconds while attacking him and destroy his Aura nodes.

What's next, claiming the King looked like Cell?

>all these assblasted hiatusfags
blessed post

Thank god I didn't read the manga.

But it is

Tserriednich is one of the worst characters Togashi has created, at least so far, imo, but:
Out of 10 Specialists who have appeared in the manga, 3 learned their hatsu before learning Nen.
Tserriednich's learning speed has been about on par with Gon and Killua.
Tserriednich is obviously part of the Hannibal Lecter archetype of "Evil Genius who simply considers himself above morality" from his introduction. He is the Ubermensch. Probably the smartest person in the world, at least in terms of learning speed.
That user is probably wrong about Kurapika being the one to beat Tserriednich, at least physically, and about Tse being the big bad. It has been hinted heavily that Nasubi will actually be the final boss and Kurapika has little personal reasons to kill Tse so far.

They hated user because he spoke the truth.

You might be severely retarded.

It would be awesome if Togashi let someone irrelevant like Machi or Nobunaga kill him.

Did you forget that there has been a lot of eugenics in his family for the last centuries?

The guy literally has kurapika's family eyes

>talking about the looks not the blatant copy of the use of the stand's ability.

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How does togachad get away with it on jump?

Do you know what a homage is? He even has a jojo pose in the op image

How is that a reason to kill Tserriednich or even fight him? Kurapika even said at the start of the arc that he hasn't had to kill anybody to recover the eyes so far.

A personal reason Kurapika could gain to kill Tse is if Tse kills Senritsu or Oito/Wobble.

>homage when literally this arc introduced S T A N D S

"giving a character a god tier ability in literally a week isbad writing"
There is no logic in what you are saying, since everything has to be put in context. Firstly the kakin royal family is the result of an eugenic selection on several hundred of years, so it is not surprising that the poportion of geniuses among princes is absurdly high, and secondly it is also possible that the ritual boost their ability to use nen.

Nen Beasts have existed since Greed Island and are a very natural application of Nen.


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How did she die?

yeah so far, as in he might, either way his entire goal is to get them back and Tse has them so there will obviously be conflict between the two

The general assumption is that her daddy killed her because she became useless.

Tserriednich also has a head that suspiciously looks like Pairo's

in quality series things like this would be explained in special guidebook
but because it is just fanservice for neckberds with superiority complex, no matter how mediocre they are, they need the feeling they're reading superior intelectually manga, they are like 15 yo who discovered machiavelli

>my [STAND] is called Deep Purple & has a sub ability called Purple Haze
>I'm a super evil guy that has the power to control time & see the future

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too brutal
I think she most likely suicided herself knowing she couldn't live the luxurious life anymore. Also another user in other thread pointed out she might have recovered her ability somehow, since kurapika is still working for nostrade and they seem in good shape economically

So what? It is no like he killed Pairo. It could make Pika angry and break down negotiations if Pika sees it mid conversation, but I don't see why it would lead to Pika attacking Tse. That would only get him, and Oito arrested.

Yeah, but compare that to say:
Theta: Tse will probably kill her friend Sarkov. Or maybe even give him a "Fate Worse than Death"
Benjamin's men: Tse will probably kill Benjamin.

Unless Tse kills Senritsu, people like Theta or Furykov would make more sense as the ones giving him the finishing blow.

Technically we don't know if she has died, we just kind of assumed it. However it's also possible that Chrollo doesn't have her ability anymore because he violated one of her conditions, namely that the user of the ability doesn't read the prophecies, causing the ability itself to cease functioning. Though that isn't very likely, she's probably dead, or they somehow recovered her ability from Chrollo before he could use nen again, but still more probable that she is dead.

He doesn't even control time like King Crimson. He just creates an Illusion with an AoE.

>Queen Unma > un (1)
>Queen Duazul >dual (2)
>Queen Tang Zhao Li > ????
>Queen Katrono > cuatro (4)
>Queen Swinko-swinko > cinco (5)
>Queen Seiko > seis (6)
>Queen Sevanti > seven (7)
>Queen Oito >(8)

Is it only me who saw it?

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Fucking BASED

Togashi is a competent mangaka whose passion and form are clearly behind him. He now gets paid for doing half the work thanks to past success and he's milking it hard.

Take that how you will.

But his ability is too powerful. Not only he can see the future he can also teleport as when Tetha shot him and he disappear and reappears somewhere else. Tetha would have seen him move even if he already saw the future but he appears behind Tetha.

>I think that it's fairly obvious that the point of it is for you to have fun trying to understand his power and the situation it created.
Yeah, I don't get why people don't understand this arc is about information warfare between people employing very specific and rules-based powers and Togashi the characters differing levels of intel is letting us anticipate how shit will break down in the future. Like how Kurapika wants to get off the ship but we just found out that doing so is instant death for any of the princes at least.

And that's a big component of this idea of spreading around info. Even giving us the reader intel no character knows can keep us in anticipation for things.

There is most likely a Halkenburg agent hiding in Luzurus' room now given how we know the rooms have identical layouts and halkenburg can shoot through walls, meaning if that infiltrator suddenly spots an object of his desire we'll know he's about to take the wrong kind of bait and get fucked.

Tubeppa is desperate to get Kurapika's aid which will fulfill the conditions for her Guardian Spirits' activation and she can maybe synthesize even a single compound which could be of great use to protecting her from Benjamin's men. Specifically Rihan who is a linchpin in the counter nen beast strategies.

Camille is an autist but if she ever stopped being one long enough to get out of zetsu, her Guardian Spirit might actually allow her to get people to do what she wants.

It's not that he's able to teleport, he's still there by all accounts but people are locked into the visions of the unaltered future so Tser seems to "teleport" from their perspective. He's still very much so vulnerable to harm unless there's a caveat we don't know about, it would require an attack that doesn't require the user to specifically target Tserriednich like an AoE attack or something that tracks regardless of conscious effort. Like how Melody's ability still affected him

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It's not a teleportation it is his word mixing with the real world until the last second as explained in that chapter


>people still harp on this as asspull
>oh he should have brain damage
>in a world where a SMOKER said he could old his breath for hours
you hxh fags annoy me

>its nothing silly like teleportation lol
>no, it something even more op
World mixing huh. So this nigga is a reality warper. Jesus fucking christ

Yep nigga is bending space-time and shit

The user is being obtuse with his wording. The "unaltered world" is just a thing that exists exclusivwly in Tserriednich's mind that he projects to people around him when he exits Zetsu. Tse only has a Laplace's Devil and an Illusion.

And this guy is just retarded.

Morel said he could hold is breath for 20 minutes. Which is exactly 15 seconds beyond the world's record for holding your breath.

He is a hack. HxH is just a bunch of silly bullshit.

>So this nigga is a reality warper.
No, it's an illusion he casts and nothing more. We have a side by side between two chapters showing how this plays out and I wish I'd saved the image someone made comparing what Theta sees to what Tserriednich sees.

Morel didn't say he could hold his breath for only 20 minutes just that he's confident his lung capacity is the best around. It was Leol who speculated 20 minutes and after that he also thought Morel's capacity could be that of a whales.

>he projects his reality onto other people
Isnt that reality warping? His restriction is he cannot move but this nigga also can see the future. It is a shittier version of reality warping.

He appeared almost completely behind Tetha with like 10 feet of distance when Tetha was in his face a moment later.

No, he just turned invisible while an doppelganger of him act his “part”

>He appeared almost completely behind Tetha with like 10 feet of distance when Tetha was in his face a moment later.
Read chapter 387, he isn't teleporting or randomly appearing. He walked to that spot while Theta was stuck in the illusion, and also Melody's ability put everyone into the trance which further fucked with Theta's perceptions of what was happening.

Don't listen to hunter fags. Togashi just makes Araki's stupid Jojo powers more powdered up with details. In the end it's still wishy washy bullshit.

The funny thing is as much as hunterfags praise the nen system for being balanced most of them's favorite arc is the chimera ant arc a.k.a. the dragonball z arc.

>general assumption
No, that's just you're retarded theory. Most common one is Hisoka killed her because he'd be fucked if Chrollo could use the ability

>Isnt that reality warping? His restriction is he cannot move but this nigga also can see the future. It is a shittier version of reality warping.
No. It is just perception warping. Ie. An Illusion.

"OMG!, Goku's hair changed to ANOTHER color!!!!!!!!!"

who is that guy?

this is what is happening when Theta is under the influence of Tserriednich's ability.

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That's a retarded theory unless Hisoka has teleportation powers.

unironically better written and more fun to see than anything from gay x gay desu

Not that I think that happened, but Chrollo said that the ability just dissappeared one day from his book. No indication of when, but it wasn't recent, so it could have happened weeks or months before, and Neon was never particularly careful or smart.

He opened his eyes and still kept zetsu...

Yes. Zetsu is one thing and closing your eyes is another. Both are required to occur at the same time to see the future, which is why Tse is training to synchronize his entering/exiting Zetsu with his blinking. Also, the Illusion is produced by exiting Zetsu.