Ok Yea Forums, how do we destroy this motherfucker and its gang to erase them from existence once and for all?

Ok Yea Forums, how do we destroy this motherfucker and its gang to erase them from existence once and for all?

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shameless self bump

Kill yourself, underage retard.

Swing really hard


Forgive him.


you didn't pay attention, did you?

people who claim to hate Griffith are such brainlets for fucks sake.

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Don't make me slap your rapist ass again.

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Why would we want to do that? He's a great guy!

You can't. They can manipulate causality.

Rickert is the right amount of hate you should have for Griffith. It's dissapointment and sadness, it's the acknowledgment that Femto is not Griffith. That the white hawk is not his commander.
I'm no apologist but all the people who go around hating Griffith and making stupid threads like this miss the whole point of Griffith's rise and fall.
This is a tantrum and the brainlet answer.

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unironically through the power of friendship and love

We don't. Griffith is a hero and a savior of humanity.

By giving the Idea of evil a cardiac arrest, and going mano a mano with the hand

Based Rickert.
Based Rickertfag

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Griffith cannot be slain before the situation is reversed. He is the only one keeping humanity alive, because of what he did to the world. The situation really begs the question; what is justice? Humanity is united at last under a truly benevolent ruler, but through immense suffering because of said ruler. He should pay for his crimes, but that would doom all or at least most of the survivors.

I'll leave it to Skull Knight to solve this shit.

Guts needs a new power. I say give him something in his eye. Maybe some kind of power to see the weak spots of his enemies, or maybe he can absorb their power and buff his healing. It would be interesting for him to get even more powerful the longer he fights, so he snowballs out of control and becomes unstoppable

You have a point, but most people see the Eclipse from Guts' perspective, also if Rickert himself was present then he'd likely have the same hatred for Griffith, but I think Guts should acknowledge that Femto, isn't necessarily Griffith, it might be the same awareness and consciousness, but heavily altered

also I really liked this guy's design

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