Do robots deserve love?

Do robots deserve love?

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I don't know, but they deserve our remembrance.

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robots are more desserving of love than a human could ever be

Nobody "deserves" love.

No. They do need to be replaced with a newer model though.

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beatless had such potential only to be ruined by constant delays and crappy ending

Fuck no

>it's a gook JerryRigsEverything

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Absolutely not. You can admire the craftsmanship behind them or appreciate their utility, but existences without emotion should only be interacted with based on logic.

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Yes robots deserve our love.

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Treating a machine with human level sapience as anything less than human will ensure you'll be slaughtered rather than uplifted in the inevitable robot uprising.

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This show was surprisingly great

Not a single Ryan in this entire thread? Disappointing

Only if they're one of the ones that actually has a soul.

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Everyone deserves love except people I don't like

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Is this the thread where we sadpost about
>ywn find a discarded robogirl, take her home and fix her up
and other things like that?

Everyone in this thread NEEDS to read the doujin "Believe Machine" if you haven't already

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please, no more

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Do they have a human brain? Yes.
Are they a AI? Maybe.
Are they Crushatron 3000? ...I'll think about it.


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it hurts


Wholesome slice-of-life/light romance about a sapient android learning how to exist as a person by living among humans when?

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plastic memories is boring trash

Speak for yourself.

the robot doesn't have feelings so the emotion you feel for it is a reflection of your own. basically robot love is masturbation, much better than real women which are basically a black hole.

Some of the trash that don't deserve love is also human so it's not off the table

Nah, she may go and commit seppuku. Oh wait, she already did.

They also need appropriate equipment and modules to make love.

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A reminder that you will get your own AI waifu in a couple of decades or so.

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Artificial womb is already thing.
The problem is the AI

Wouldn't it be trivial to copy an AI one (or thousand) times?

It's not a question of whether they deserve love, but if they need it. Because if something that needs love doesn't get any, it's gonna start hurting people. And robots can hurt a lot of people quite easily.

You have the full access to robot code and data, you may dumbify it to the necessary level.

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Just nuke Korea already.

Why? You know it's gonna happen.

If only Beatless wasn't huge piece of steaming shit.

This, everyone in asia hate them second, the most is China obviously.

What is love?

This, not in an edgy nihilistic way but love is not about desert. How awful that would be.
>It's not a question of whether they deserve love, but if they need it.

>so the emotion you feel for it is a reflection of your own
Did you mean to say that the emotion you've deluded yourself into thinking it feels towards you is a reflection of your own? Also, keep your trauma on /r9k/, it has no bearing on the subject at hand.

No idea about robot, but this doll deserve some love.

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but everyone needs it.

No wonder robots wiped out humanity. You people deserve it.

I sure hope this doesn't end in nothing but suffering for her

If the machines will get to the human-level sapience, they will surpass it in no time.

>author died from stroke at 29

Of course!

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I want to be the robot

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a 1993 hit single by Haddaway


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>Red fluid like blood
It went to the R18-G tier now

I wish we could do this to all 3dpd

Post robo girls that got a happy ending in their series

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you are the robot

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Is the source translated?

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They were all dead.

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sure, but they are unable to love you back
(like females)


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Like 20 years ago, more or less.

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what kind of idiot would put her factory reset button in her vajayjay

was this intentional

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The kind that wanted to match her up with someone that loved her for more than her body.