Daily Sketchbook Chapter

May Queen

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Other urls found in this thread:


静電気 seidenki: Static electricity.
静 sei: Stillness. Quiet, peacefulness.

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Can anyone actually read those tiny light gray notes?

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omoitatta ga kinjitsuchuu iimasu monne
When you've thought of it, doing it in a few days is fine.

omoitatta ga kichijitsu tteiu monne
There's no time like the present, Lit. They say when you've thought of it, it's a lucky day.

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That's all for today. To me, Kamiya's invention seems like the "keep you awake bed". Cold and silent is better.

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Thanks OP.

What's their Brutus budget? Why hasn't sensei been banned from touching them yet?

Seems like the kind of bed you'd find in a love hotel.

Static electricity makes a noise? I never heard it.

>40% off
Does that mean it's 40% out of date?

Thanks OP. I'm such a poor sleeper I need a rhythm to hypnotise me to sleep, usually sound, so that rocking sensation might work.

There's a reason why the art club can't afford summer training camps.

Sensei is about to break another bust.
I called it. Thankfully the Sekkou Boys will never met sensei. I wonder if anyone else in this thread watched that anime.
Thanks as always, I usually fall asleep when I'm on a car or a bus after a while. But when I'm on the bed any sound starts to annoy me, so I want silence when I go to the bed.

>Static electricity makes a noise? I never heard it.
Of course, didn't you ever play with a van de graff in school?

No. I've heard it make a crackling noise in videos, but there's nothing like that when you pull off a jumper.

Try a cheap polyester one. Especially in the dryness of winter.

Slow day.

Sora is so cute.

>Cold and silent is better.
Depends if the weather is cold or not.

Cold weather, cold room, big mofumofu blanket. But breathing cold air is important.

thanks yet again, user

I think Kamiya would spend all her savings on whatever project she pops out into her head.

No, she'll sell the idea, then design the next sca--- invention.


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I wonder how much time Hazuki spends for each shopping trip.

So much that she has dreams about weird shopping situations.

sank ju


I have a similar experience like Hazuki
>go shopping for protein bars
>in huge letters "52% protein"
>even on the back it says "52 gram protein per 100 gram"
>the bars weight is only 50g

I've only seen the opposite like the classic
>Just 5g of sugar! *per 15g serving

I know this feel in winter, many a time ice has embarrassed me.

This is perhaps why I've never heard it, bongland is never dry.

I can't believe Hazuki is color blind.

>I can't believe Hazuki is color blind.
I know that poking your eyes with sharp objects or exposing them to extremely bright light can make you blind.
So ... does poking them with coloured sharp objects or extremely bright coloured light make you colour blind?

I can read all the notes except the one that is obscured by the panel, one of the words is 'spotted' maybe?

>sexy school teacher gets a face full of cock.jpg


It's like seeing faces and patterns in nature, a useful ability, but spooky at night.

Not unless you can poke very precisely. Or if you poke the brain and give yourself some mental diseases.

A sou desu ne!

>It's like seeing faces and patterns in nature
I often see faces in nature. And the more people are around me, the more faces I see!


But Pii-chan is a hen, right?


All the weirdos graduated, we're normal now!

>we're normal now!
I doubt that.

What would be needed as proof?

A human sacrifice or something like that. That's what normal people do.

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Keito knows what's up.
That's why she summoned the satanic 888 trip!

Kuga is helping with the satanic part.

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but thats the garb of a white wizard.

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August is distant.

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Japanese plates always have one kana then four numbers.

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Be careful of all the hidden notes here.

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haven't been in one of these sketchthreads in a while, did something happen lately or you all still just chilling?

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The strongest

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been a few years since I read it and I still think of this boot strip constantly

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Tama is the stereotypical cat name.

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That's all for today and the end of this volume. Everyone! Seek you own individuality and come up with you own catchphrase!

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It's hard, all the good ones are already taken!

>all the good ones are already taken
So that's your catchphrase now?

Cute blind dork
Why not just use the other end of the chopsticks at that point? Then again this is Sora we're talking about.
Impressive as always Asakura-sensei.
"Thanks OP"

>Why not just use the other end of the chopsticks at that point?
Judging by the kotatsu, she's at home. She could just use real ones.

Ah true, but unless she brought real ones from the start it would require getting out from under the kotatsu.

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That sounds like what an otouto is for.

Kamiya has been training Kuma?
"Thanks as always."

I love it when I just nick the corner like this.

>The branch of a stick insect
Is this an unintended english pun or is this meant to be a joke?

Do you absolutely need that top bit of the chopsticks?

I do the exact same thing as Kamiya whenever there is a stubborn lid

That's some Robin Hood-tier skills with the rubber band.

C'mon Ryo, you need to be at least this good at thinking on your feet if you want to be a manzi master.

It is clearly a donkey on steroids.

This is some weird Ghibli cat. At least the face is not as fat now.

What have balls got to do with cats?

My catchphrase will be "Thanks OP"! Thanks OP.

Maybe he meant "It's hard", followed by a wink.

>What have balls got to do with cats?
There are several theories. The one I personally think is most likely is the way they curl up into one when they sleep.

Further cemented by several famous cats named Tama, like the one from Sazae-san and the one who was put in charge of a train station.


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What happened to Kate's mouth?

I once actually caught a boot.

I do that everyday to my coffee lid.

What a disturbed cat.

What could've happened?

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maybe Kuga borrowed it

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She should return it, it doesn't suit her.

>I once actually caught a boot.
Did you react just like on that page?

How can future arcs ever hopte to top this?

She shows no mercy even to lids.

>What could've happened?
at worst, just anons chilling
at best, more information about the group that maybe would scan more chapters

In my mind, yes.

>more information about the group that maybe would scan more chapters
It's somewhat in the works, but no promises. It would be good if more people wanted to help.

You know what they say, the lid that stands up gets hammered down.

Damn, I'm late today.
Thanks, user!

Oh no ... more cats to remember ...

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>a cat is stronger than me...

>did something happen lately
Sketchbook is no more.

>my fetish
>sudden grin

From fact, cheat sheets are called "cunning paper". Engrish is fun.

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A shame the anime didn't adapt the comedic faces like in the manga.

O my rubber band

Damn, Sora has an even bigger brain in the anime?

Walking garbage, etc.


You'd think that you'd get the two symmetrical halfs of the fish together when you are ordering the machine.


I don't think most people wouldn't notice.


Sketchbook has the best male case I can think of in any high school manga.

No useless, stagnant romance. No getting beaten up for cheep laughs, they talk to the rest of the cast without gender or perversion being a thing and they're all get screentime to show how they're interesting in their own massively autistic ways.

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I especially like how Kamiya and Negishi can tease and fight each other like siblings.

>blocks your path

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Sell me on Nichibros.

I'd rather sell you on eBay. Are you in good condition?

its like JK shows but you won't have to hide it from your imaginary friends.

i meant you, i can't even shitpost right.

I would notice. Sora would notice.

Nothing more than animals

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That's all for today. When I was in first grade I got in trouble for playing with straw wrappers like that. I'm still upset at how much the teacher overreacted.

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Doku looks hardcore.

At least until Sora forgets her name.


I thought highschool kids didn't have time for things like that.

Kuga is an animal in bed

I thought she'd be a demon.


Is this an Asakura-sensei's trick?
Is Sora looking at walking garbage?
Thanks as always, OP.

>Is Sora looking at walking garbage?
No, she's in shock after seeing sensei's intelligence level.

Sora is pretty competent

Pure skill right there.


That's really easy to get and quite witty.

Is the curtain Kuga's default place in the club room? I think this is the 5th time we have seen her in the curtain.

Thanks OP. It's amazing how the attitude of one bad teacher or student can change you.

Missed opportunity for a king of fighters xiii combo input for panel 2 tongue twister 2.

>Is the curtain Kuga's default place in the club room?
Yes. Doesn't it make you want to try it?


looks like we get to see Minamo soon

Negishi is angry about this.


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It looks wrong to have the mouth.

She needs more mouths

Fixed it

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that mouth doesn't match the expression at all, we need to go back to no mouth.

Fine but now she can't blow you a kiss.

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nooo, i was so wrapped up with if I could that i never stopped to asked if I should.

That doesn't seem to be a very Kuga-like thing anyway.

What's a Kuga-like thing she would do with her mouth?

Summoning chants, drinking potions, casting spells to turn you into a newt. Normal things.

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President has no imagination



Why? Just let the thread die.

>It would be nice if there were a bus from my house directly to the school.

Yes, if only there were some mode of transport that can bring you directly where you want to go without waiting or transfers. I guess such a vehicle would be too extravagant to exist.

>Just let the thread die.
No. There's no reason to.

Why is Sora confused?

She doesn't recognize her with her hair down.

She never seems to recognize people with their heir down. Strange, because she herself has her hair down. Would she recognize herself?

Yes, but she wouldn't recognize herself if she put her hair up.

That's strange. What about halfway up?

Still confusing.

As confusing or only half as confusing?

Any change is 100% confusing. Autism is weird like that.

>Autism is weird like that.
Autism is my favourite season of the year.

With Sora, you get that all year.



I had the strangest ban the other day only just regained posting.
Asou with her hair down is cute.

>Asou with her hair down is cute.
Of course she is. It has nothing to do with her hair either.

>almost 3 days already

Oh no, Aria-dog is about to get crushed. Or thrown into orbit.

She doesn't recognise the other person. Neither do I, by the way...

I think we bump maxed a thread at 6 days a month or so ago

Hi Sora.


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Don't believe her lies.

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That's all for today. Kamiya should just buy one hot and one cold and mix them.

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Kate's a damn serial killer.

>Kate's a damn serial killer.
Really? What serials did she kill?




I need a Kate in my life.

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damn that's comfy

So comfy she's turning into a blob.

did you steal that mouth from kurihara sempai?

Stealing is so harsh. Let's call it long term borrowing.

I want to be that comfy beside buggirl.

That's gross, did a 5 year old boy name this dish?

So wait, Kate is only pretending to be dumb?

Quite a dark sense of humour too. She's perfect!

Wouldn't lukewarm be room temperature? That's basically an ordinary Western vending machine.

Thanks OP. But think about poor Tori-chan who can only afford to buy one. Can you imagine her suffering from thirst when she has to buy a hot one and then wait for it to cool down? Only then does she realise, she waited too long and now the drink is too cold.

I think lukewarm is around body temperature.

Then Tori would get a cold can and hold it under your armpit for an hour.

Under my arm? Well, it might be worth it if I can join the art club.

alright, did you exercise your long term stock options for kurihara sempais mouth?

Asakura is OP

Is Asakura good with computers? Could she post here?

How the hell would you pronounce "vvv"?SOU NAN DESU KAA
Thanks for the chapter.

>How the hell would you pronounce "vvv"?
Like 'w' but more 'v'y. Think like Misao and her "va".

Are kurihara's mouth stocks a good investment?

any news on the new chapters?
These threads are a last ray of joy for this great series?


what group is it?
I do TL's for /ak/ maybe I can lend a hand

No official group or anything. Contact [email protected] if interested.

emailed them, thanks

Keito finally shows her full colors


Thanks, user. I'm late.

Reminds me of driving through France, where practically alls signs just say "toutes directions".
In this case though, I'd probably go left. After all, the guy on the sign itself is running leftwards.

Asou is so cute. Asou is so clever. She's the best!

Thanks OP!


Fucking title drop.

>title drop.
It's not the manga's title though.


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Yeah, yeah, I hear you. Title raise.

she could learn pretty fast.

Well, if you say so, Satan.

I think she can handle a few daemons.

I doubt she can handle server management, user.

I think I'd actually expect her to be better at server end than front end stuff.

French Canadians sure are snobby

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>Japanese feels guilty for not speaking more than one language.

She might indeed be. But that's not saying much, is it?

How would you nerf her?

I feel a lot for Kuga and Kamiya.
There's just something about them that I related to.
Maybe it's the sacrifice of self for the amusement
and joy of others.

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But French Canadians also refuse to use English whenever possible.

>But French Canadians also refuse to use English whenever possible.
To be fair, so do most people on Yea Forums.

There's a difference between "refuse" and "incapable".

Is the title of that a pun on Aso's name?

I refuse to accept that people on 4channel are incapable of speaking proper English.
Erm ... I mean, I'm incapable of accepting it.

if someones living in a country with decent education system and is under the age of 30, there is absolutely no excuse for being incapable of speaking English.

badly spoken english is the world's "lingua franca"

There exist non-english countries where some children are taught german or french as a secondary language instead of english.

>non-english countries where some children are taught german as a secondary language
Yes, Bavaria, for example.

So what about Japan?

Japan has an indecent education system.

as far as I understand, most japanese understands english, they are just too autistic to speak.

I've also met russians who were like that.

Russians who were like Bavarians? You mean ... drunk?

I mean, they knew russian and german languages, but not english, because schools they were in didn't teach english.

>because schools they were in didn't teach english.
Well, that's understandable if they were in school before 1990. But nowadays, not teaching it would be stupid.

In the 90s there was this big friendship between Friend Boris and Friend Kohl, so german language was fairly popular as a first foreign. Not as popular as english (because of Friend Bill), yes, but still noticeably popular.

I think you'd be surprised by how little they can actually understand.

>Friend Boris
>Friend Kohl
>Friend Bill
I'd rather not be friends with any of those three.

Friend Kohl is always trying to say things are worth more than they really are.

Friend Boris would be a funny drunk

Oh, I'm sure he was drunk for most of his political decisions.

That's racist.

Since when is "egomanaic career politician" a race?

Bump for the next chapter.

>Maybe it's the sacrifice of self for the amusement and joy of others.

A lot of strange people.

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That's all for today. Most of what I remember about the warring states period comes from anime and manga. I'm sure it's completely accurate though.

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Didn't realize she was a she until that last panel.

Thanks, user.

>I'm sure it's completely accurate though.
Anime and manga are always accurate.

I wonder how Sora runs from predators.

Reminds me of Böll's "Anekdote zur Senkung der Arbeitsmoral".
I guess that could be interesting for all those Russians in here who've learned German as a second language ...

>I wonder how Sora runs from predators.
She uses her lack of presence to hide.

Kamiya will make a great teacher.

Does she have the patience for that?

Things are getting too spicy for the pepper!

There is no "too" spicy.

I've watched enough Sir David Attenborough shows to make me question what bug-girl is telling Sora. Please don't tease our cute gullible autist.

Now you can play freely without that damn nagging conscious.

Here's one sales tactic I don't really see where I live, though it is actually helpful to compare prices when they tell you the per 100g price.

It's like celebrities lecturing plebs on CO2, then flying off in their private jets. The ego pun would describe them perfectly.

Thanks OP. Most of what I know come from anime and one of the best books I've ever read, Shogun by James Clavell, where Tokugawa plays a white man like a puppet. Very, very loosely based on real people and events, but otherwise, a good fiction.

>without that damn nagging conscious.
Isn't it hard to play when you're unconscious?

I mean the small voice in your head that tells you to do your homework before playing games.

Wait OP. how many chapters are there?

Suddenly MAngadex is claiming 149, and say t was added a year ago, even though ive never seen it before.

I can relate to this very well.
Thanks for the chapter.
>Most of what I remember about the warring states period comes from anime and manga.

I don't think I have one of those.

Please see a doctor if you're hearing voices.

Up to 145 was done as a proper release. 146-149 were posted here, but I think they were waiting for QC so never got "officially" released. There's even more that were never typeset.

since fireden died are the images still reachable?

I don't think they're lost, but I'd have to do some digging to get them.

desuarchive still archives Yea Forums

The classmates finally show up. If I remember right these are the last new characters, unless you count Sora's dad showing up for a few chapters near the end. But wait, we haven't seen Minamo yet. Weird, I could have sworn she showed up earlier.

Anyway, this thread's going places.

desu has loads of broken images

Where are we going?


I hope it's to an onsen.

I fear we can't take the whole thread there. Sorry.

Why not? Every series needs an onsen episode.

Wait, we're a series? I din't know!

Does that mean you're a background character?

Propably. We all must be, considering we'Re not even named.

We've got a vague name and a number. We were just named by Sora.

>We were just named by Sora.
Oh no! Let's hope she'll feed us well ...

You'll get some nice expired fish.

Squid isn't a fish!

You gottta be squidding me.

Isn't it inkredible?

this is just bait now.

Live bait?

I always thought it was a guy before reading it and just looking at covers and raw chapters.

There's another one. The part-time girl.

"I want to die." Oh wait, I guess that's not original.

Do you look at the raws without being able to read them?

I can kind of read it, my Japanese is good enough to understand half of what's going on without going to a translator.

But when half the jokes are language jokes, is it still fun?

It's actually easier to understand than in English.