With something as cute as her to protect, nothing could possibly go wrong for the JSDF

With something as cute as her to protect, nothing could possibly go wrong for the JSDF.

Attached: 21.jpg (1080x1536, 400K)

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Is it a her?

ah my goddess

Attached: ahmegami.png (896x594, 175K)

Gate something


Close enough

I think so. pbs.twimg.com/media/EDdQ3b7U4AEYXG3.jpg:orig

Beast loli joining Itami's harem when?

Never, and he doesn't even fully appreciate the harem members he already has. If someone did have to join, Tyuwal might have been a better choice.

Attached: 34.jpg (1080x1536, 382K)

Thanks user, you've been a real help.

Attached: ichihime-0.png (240x240, 97K)

Rip birb

She probably wished she was still getting paid for sex instead.

Attached: EDbSP4qU8AADDvX.jpg orig.jpg (1000x750, 215K)

>you will never ally with a cute knight girl's nation and get married to enhance the relationship between two states

why live

I think advancing a relationship between those two states is secondary.

Attached: 75241738_p0.jpg (707x1000, 185K)

It is the primary reason. I have to consumate the marriage many and multiple times.

That would happen even without an alliance.

But I would be recognized as a hero of both the states. It's a minor bonus.

There are more than just knights for that too, with a different set of positives.

Attached: i-img1200x1200-1534496401pegtyd107001.jpg (1200x1200, 162K)

Now I want to see Rory with Skuld's face marks, or Skuld carrying Rory's weapon.

Is this Killing Bites?

That's what Killing Bite is.

It's a better kind than this: pbs.twimg.com/media/Do9EmQWUUAEACgF.jpg:orig

Another nyagger, on my Yea Forums???

Attached: ichihime-7.png (240x240, 97K)

Attached: ichihime-1b.png (240x240, 98K)

Attached: superb.png (1745x1400, 842K)