*310 pt Vinland Saga

>*310 pt Vinland Saga
Based Japan not caring about gay vikings

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Flopland Flopga

BD sales doesn't matter.

They really don't since the series is available on Amazon Prime. People don't buy blu rays if they can watch it anytime they want already

It's hot garbage that normalfags who watched Vikings and whose frame of reference when it comes to anime is limited to SAO and Naruto would cringe at, shounenbaby. No views on Amazon Prime will trip you out of any hope for the second season.

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Nobody cares about 14-years-late-to-become-a-shitty-Gonzo-anime Saga anywhere, not even China.


Second season is probably Farmland Saga, so I would stop caring at that point

love dipping into the worst threads in Yea Forums sometimes.

>3 dudes in a room reeling at the success of a viking show by tearing at its BD sales in 2019

>thanks for the rofls

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>Hunterfags were behind all the floplakd saga spam
It all comes together. Rent free and obsessed.

>anons only use pics of series they watch
literal 80IQ post

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Huntertards are chronic shitposters.

You sure seem triggered by having your dead series called out.


Get better taste, you wounded shounenshitter.

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Tate no Yuusha will be getting a sequel despite low BD sales. It really doesn't matter much in the streaming age.

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TNYNN is popular with Chinese streaming platforms because it's similar to wuxia novels. Vinland Saga flopped everywhere.

Living in your head at the moment.

Making (you) reply at the moment

Fucking westfags and their shittaste

Shield Hero is funded pretty much entirely by Crunchyroll.

Vinland is pretty much entirely funded by NHK.