If you had to choose one girl in Goblin Slayer to get raped, who would you pick?

If you had to choose one girl in Goblin Slayer to get raped, who would you pick?

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By Me.


Look at those whimpy arms and flat ass, how is she going to restrain you?

Elf, by priestess

Neither, but I'd gladly hump both of them.

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Sorry, she's busy right now

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By goblins.
The more disgusting the goblins look, the better.

cowgirl, because she has the best body


guild girl



Guid Girl but I'll take responsability.

I choose GS. Technically not a girl but it won't matter afterwards.

Priestess just to see Goblin Slayer's reaction

elf. no reason to be virgin after thousands of years

I choose Sword Maiden.

The Priestess while Goblin Slayer is forced to watch.

All of them.
But by me.

Goblin Slayer while priestess forced to watch.

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Guild Girl
Read volume 09 of the LN

Based Donochad.




Dont tell me she got fucking raped

murder elf

Oh user, you don't want to know.

All of them

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Alright I will bite. If she DOESN'T get raped you will know my wrath

Fighter for the second time

I think she should be raped by gobs.

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Sword Saint.

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All of them.

Based and Donovan-pilled.

GG again?

Let's appreciate the mad lad who suggested the guild outfit involve fishtail skirts.

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He really knew what he was doing.

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Female knight. Poor thing is doomed to be a cake if Heavy Warrior doesn't step it up.

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Goblin Slayer. By an orc. It could help him grow as a character

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I thought it was a series about slaying goblins


It was never about that, the series is called Goblin Slayer so it's about his life.

Eh. If personally prefer not to see rape fetishized, and I don't really trust Goblin Slayer not to so that.


Better read and its totally classy way of showing rape.

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Farm girl.

Female Goblins by humans while the male Goblins are forced to watch in tears

Is it me or does the one in the middle look like she's enjoying it?

She is.


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What did my wife ever do to you?

Sorceress by Futa Arc Mage
...Or reverse

Definitly the priestress . By me

Are you a 7ft tall fat goblin with a 12inch long 1 inch thick cock?

The monk from chapter 1.

Well those two do kill some of the bigger goblins at one point.

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Damn shame

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Kill yourself

Sword "Maiden"

I still think they're being set up for a spectacular failure and subsequent gobbening.

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Fighter, but by regular soldiers and mercs instead of goblins.

>Bitch you think we are here to rescue you? We are, after we pass you around with the rest of the women in this nest.

I want to see them get raped by succubi.

All of them of course.

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they are women afterall

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Not all heroes wear capes.

when is season 2 coming out? I want more gobslaying


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he'd make air born stage 4 goblin cancer to kill every single one

Probably 2021. I am sure the reason it just got a movie instead of a season 2 is because White Fox has its 2020 filled with Re zero and some other shit.

They must be that deprived to settle for gobbed sloppy seconds.

Witch should be gobbed.

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Cute long hair Cowgirl.

Cow girl