Bvllying is bad

Bvllying is bad.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Of course it's a hentai, why did I get my hopes up?

Who was in the wrong here?

Do females really work like that

What is the name of this manga?

>Is porn exactly like real life

If they see you are a beta they will leave you for alphas

What else did you expect it to be?

Unironically yes

They won't automatically lost respect for you for getting beat up, but they would if you then start begging and apologizing to the guys that beat you up. It aplies to any situation were you act submissive towards another man.

>it's porn
>but not the bully fucking the shit out of the guy in front of his girlfriend

yes they cant resist bbc

It’s their biological drive to find the strongest male to provide for them. If they see their man get his ass beat they realize he isn’t the provider that will keep them alive

Whats with all the race baiting threads on Yea Forums recently?

Yes, stories about woman getting hot and bothered by the guy who beat up her boyfriend right in front of her are as old as humanity.
They don't necessarily act on those feelings but still will think about it alot.

in this case its NTR baiting.

unironically the little shit, he was the one starting a fight when the girl obviously wasn't being bothered by the nigga when he's just a friend of her

is spamming it

Putting a V where a U goes doesn't automatically make you a patrician, plebe.

it's not even NTR, the girl wasn't even his girlfriend and he doesn't know she's getting blacked

Good morning I hate women



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how about the minorities?

>giving the guy clear warming that you are going to fight him

Do it proper my man, grab a metal pipe, wait for the opportunity, and bash his head with everything you have from behind, bring some friends as well, four guys delivering a few good hits and he is out of the fight.

>being a sneak in front of your girlfriend

Almost as bad as being beaten up yourself

This. Doing shit like that in front of your girl is pure bitch-made bullshit.

its his girlfriend

No, he didn't confess and was planning to if he wins the fight after joining the boxing club

Is this a bully thread or a nigger thread?

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>black student
I would even say it is a guaranteed NTR, am I correct?

Yes you are, hentai manga are just so fucking predictable.

I guess gaijin negro's trying to shill his fantasy material

It doesn't have to be his girlfriend to be NTR.

And why the fuck do they like NTR so much, it is everywhere.

they are cool

>not fucking the boy and the girl together

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Yeah it is.

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Worse would be getting your head smashed open by a brick throw by one of the dude friends who got behind your back because you were distracted.
I only needed to learn that lesson once, getting some sharps kicks to the ribs while I was down on the ground, having trouble focusing my vision, while everyone around me just laughed, later almost no one cared that it was an unfair fight, or that I got attacked with a brick from behind, people only cared about who won.
My only advice is if you are going to start fights, bring friends who are willing to hurt people for you, otherwise you will find yourself on the ground getting kicked by guys who just want to hurt you as much as they can without getting in jail and see nothing wrong with going four against one.

Do females really cave to BBC this easily?

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>be black
>enjoy a little hentai once in a while
>every hentai with blacks is raping or NTR
>i'll never see a hentai where one of mine are hugging a cute waifu...
why even live.

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That's it?

Bobobo - Graduation, from the Meaty Minxes book

Learn to draw just like me
Nobody know you fetish better than you

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I didn't post the part where the handsome childhood friend is actually gay, possesses her body and fucks his best friend.

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but it's not a hentai, it's on mangaplus

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Oh my bad then, I'll take a look.

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The fuck? Why can't we ever have a good story about overcoming shitty bullying.

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Forgot the fucking pic

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Why's there randomly a middle-aged looking girl among them? Wouldn't she be the one getting bullied?

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Oh fuck no

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droped if it was hentai it would be greto des wa

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They rank males on a winner-loser spectrum. They each place different weights on different metrics, but the sort of drunk girls you find at bars often place brawling very highly, and will sleep with whichever guy comes out of it looking cooler.

tl;dr yes

There's Koreanshit that's not too bad though it's not the MC who overcomes it because he's wheelchair-bound. Luckily, he makes friends with a psychopath who ends up being nice to him and much worse then them. Called Save Me if you give a shit.

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>this thread

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The content of this thread is starting to hurt me physically, why does this happen.

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Evil that preys on weakness exists.

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It's like a train crash, i just can't stop looking, WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN

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I bet you hope for a happy ending or something

Shit happens

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Post the Narutaru one

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Oh shit, Hina Change. This manga is going to be super fun, I can already tell by the latest chapter.

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No, women hate me. It sucks.
The porn is even worse, it's totally dehumanizing, basically on the same level as bestiality.

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nips view niggers as animals so this checks out.

What the hell is this?
Is the entire thing about pissing?

ahahaha source?

So niggers have feelings too, huh? What an astonishing discovery.

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You need to be more ghetto.


It's about a yandere who likes to torture a lot of girls.

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Just type Komi-san on the panda. Non-H of course.

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No. Incels just want it to be true so they can have an excuse for women not liking them.
Same thing for nonsense you see in japanese porn like “losing to cock“. It's just sad little excuses of men trying to make themselves feel powerful.

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What's the next step of her masterplan?

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>believing anything on a Malaysian racing forum

Good one

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