Can modern anime work as black&white?
Uzumaki thread
Can modern anime work as black&white?
Uzumaki thread
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also the teaser trailer
Ito can only be in B/W so if this anime works, yes
I think this is the only options, colour would only take away from the experience
I hope the animation itself will also be outputting to showcase the weird, hypnotising movement of the spirals. That and adequate sound/music may be the only advantages this adaptation will have over the original
Horror never works in an anime medium with the standard anime aesthetic, so being in black and white will hopefully play into it's genre where Junji Ito collection never even dared attempt using dull color scheme, for some reason. This one is already more ambitious
Yes but this looks like some cheap photoshop thing where they just take the manga and move it around with effects
Ito stuff isn't scary.
Sometimes it might be a bit unsettling, but for the most part they are just simply entertaining.
Suddenly, i find myself wondering why there weren't more anime in black and white. Hopefully, this one starts a trend.
My wife
The actual anime probably won't look like that
I can't really describe this adequately but I think Ito's stuff is horrifying conceptually but only creepy visually. My favourite Ito work is "Long Dream" just because I find the idea behind it so fucking scary despite the fact that the art is just creepy and not actually scary
I hope you aren't implying only westernshit can be scary.
he means pictures on books cant be scary you retard
Final ep of gunbuster was black & white, it made it so much better
I wanted dororo to be in black & white before he got his eyes...
That's factually false.
Itou's work are specific phobias ramped up to 11
Hole was done to scare claustrohobia
Gyo = ichthyophobia
That blood fruit = haemophobia
Western films are all about thrillers, survival, and jumpscares. That gets tirring. But if the horror was specifuc, the ride is going to be long
I sort of agree. I basically binged a bunch of his manga recently and apart from a couple noteworthy ones like layers of fear, not much stuck with me
being unsettled /=/ being frightened.
I like the music.
Ito's one shots are scary, but Uzumaki is just absurd. After around chapter 5, all possibility of it being scary is ruined by the fact that the plot only advances because Kirie is willfully retarded and chooses to stay in a town where people keep getting horribly murdered by an unknowable force
Tell me your fears, user. I can guarantee that Itou has that covered specifically for you
This is embarassing to admit but his story about Floating heads actually brought me 2 sleepless nights. And I was 22 years old. Everyone was laughing at how stupid it was and my head agrees but I was just that scared till I remembered, I have a fear of chocking. Being hanged is nightmare incarnate to me
I legit hope this opens a door for a plethora of Ito adaptations like this. The Gyo movie sucks ass compared to the Manga
i am scared of spiders. even seeing a spider web gives me dreadful anxiety and my stomach sinks. that doesn't mean i get scared reading a story/manga about spiders doing weird things. i haven't unironically been frightened by a story since i was like 10 watching scary movies.
I don't remember any Itou chapter for fear of spiders, yet.
Sorry bout that.
Also, fears changes. I used to fear blood but got over it. Now I fear chocking and fecal matter for some irrational reason.
But the most disturbing part of Uzumaki is the hospital, which is later on
and it has nothing to do with spirals other than the stupid mosquito hypnosis, it could be a one shot entirely removed from the main story without anything changing (and it'd probably be better that way)
It's a teaser. That's what they do
Of course not, you fucking moron. There are plenty of great japanese horror movies.
>japan vs west
Not this shit again. Can't we like both?
What is that Ito story about some freaky shadow female silhouette that is extremely tall
fashion model i belive
No not that one
Maybe it's not Ito
It's a black silhouette extremely tall of a woman with noble clothes
I can't say I remember one like that, might not be him.
god i hope they animate this
So [AS] said 4 episodes.
Which stories do you want to be animated? (assuming they will be doing a story per episode)
episode 1: the first 2 chapters
episode 2: chapter 3-5
episode 3 and 4: the final arc
the forest and the tunnel disturbed me the most, so that
Fuck off moetard.
So what's the relationship between Uzumaki, spiral power and the spin?
Seconded, that music was fucking cool
Holy shit that music is good.
Nice wife, bro.
Will this be a genre-redefining, trope-subverting, atmospheric, dark and eerie, emotionally draining, gut wrenching, aesthetically heavy craft by post-horror auteur with an arthouse edge, dread-inducing, suspenseful build up with strong character development and gradual feeling of escalation, bone-chilling slow burn with “say more with less” approach and soul-shaking, blood-curdling, skin-crawling and nerve-wracking exercise in persistently looming dread where tension and anxiety permeates every frame as movie reaches its nail-biting, jaw-clenching and paranoia-inducing final climax, free of any cheap gore, cartoonish CGI or infantile jumpscares anime?
Why would you write this post? It's not very good as far as posts go.
Good , can't wait for some bone chilling atmospheric slowburn that uses a 'less is more' approach and doesn't have to resort to infantile jumpscares horror.
Are you that basedjack spammer on Yea Forums?
Anime is not capable of that which you describe.
Nothing actually is. Stop watching horror.
Wait, they're doing Slum Queen Gorgo? When was this announced?
>Ito can only be in B/W
Based and redpilled.
I fucking love this music, anyone knows any more creepy shit like this?
Everything else by Colin Stetson.
it reminds me a bit of a lighter, less bassy Sunn O)))
you and everyone like you should leave this thread
Hope its not a fuckup like the live action movie
low bar there..
I think I remember one like that by Ito. Was the protag of that story a girl or a boy? I feel like it might've been a girl
The girl with the spiral eye reminds me of that one pic of Beksinski
Is it woman next door (extremely tall dark silhouette) ? or the window next door (the lady has noble clothes)?
I don't get why the forehead spiral girl is so prevalent when people think of Uzumaki. Why is she the poster girl, again?
Like another said Colin Stetson. If you like horror with dope ass music, Watch "Hereditary" Stetson did the soundtrack for that.
people who haven't read it go ooo look at that and repost it
It's not an anime if it only comes out in America.
because it's the only spiral kill that isn't just a mangled body
It's coming out in Japan later.
Marketability. creepy but not too horrifying.
pic-related is a lot more memorable to me, but this is way too graphic.
>uzumaki ojo
the tunnel.
and certainly not this, spictard
Which chapters were filler?
I can only think of hospital, jack in the box and the lighthouse right now.
Yes Woman next door ! Thanks man
Can't wait for 100% 3D with only cross-hatching as shading.
>[AS] 4 episodes
I shouldnt expect something from those faggots
I'm looking forward to seeing that part
Because she looks like that one Beksinski painting. You know, the one with a bald guy with glow eyes in a suit looking at 45° (horizontal) from our PoV. And Japs really like him so it must be popular over there.
Look! He posted the it!
well i don't like stetson but i'm dumping in case someone cares
dark ambient
Animating in black and white used to be much more difficult and expensive- the last episode of Gunbuster had a much, much higher budget than the others for that reason. With anime being done digitally these days, that's no longer true, but the people in charge are slow to adapt. I'm sure there's also a sense that audiences probably wouldn't appreciate a black-and-white anime, since there's been an upward trend of anime having brighter and brighter colors over the past few decades.
black and white is slowly coming back but only in impact frames and a few heavily stylized scenes.
No way, by far the most disturbing was the spiral of entangled bodies in those houses. That shit looks terrible.
>file corrupted
My guess on what will be cut
>jack in the box kid
>pregnant women
>couple who becomes entangled
I hope they keep the hair chapter
a honest question: Did you look at the picture and make the judgement of derision and switch off promptly, or did you read the accompanying text too?
I read it sometime around 2005 and that was one of the big things I remember still
someone else mentioned the tunnel, the part where the reporter lady realizes it's sloping down further and further while trying to escape back through it and she's about to fall is terrifying
jack in the box is so iconic though, after the bitch's eye rolling into her head it's the thing the most people have seen some part of
it's only 4 episodes so they're going to have to focus entirely on the main plot but I hope they referene that part somehow
Yes it can work but it need to be heavily detailed and fluid.
>He doesn't remember aku no potato
Retarded gimmick, perfect excuse for animators not to fill in the color. Yeah yeah, they're doing gray-scale which of course requires effort, but nowhere NEAR as much effort as getting an actual color director to determine scene by scene moods and atmosphere. Not filling in the color is the ultimate disrespect to the source material, Ito constantly colored in the cover pages for chapters.
Uzumaki deserves pastel colors. It adds to the dizziness of the spiral setting.
>4 episodes
Jesus fuck how can they fit all 20 chapters into 4 episodes? There's only one answer. They won't. You can say goodbye to some of your favorite arcs.
>Tweening bullshit
Don't even get me started.
This shit is going to be garbage from day 0.
Modern anime is complete and utter garbage. This is inviting all the normies on earth in to Ito's work, I've already seen lesbian degenerates climb all over this IP from that artsy hippie trailer. That may even include posters in this very thread.
>Jesus fuck how can they fit all 20 chapters into 4 episodes?
by cutting all the filler chapters that don't actually have anything to do with the story
Black and white is what anime was made for.
I like the pronunciation of Uzumaki at the end, they went out of their way to make it as uncanny as possible.
Song in trailer is Spindrift by Colin Stetson.
Maybe. Maybe not. Ito is arguably best in black and white but it's still an animation so they might sacrifice a lot of detail so they don't die animating it, and detail is where most of the horror comes from. It might just end up just being a simple animation of the manga panel for panel in which case, why even bother? I doubt the sound design will be that good though the music seems promising.
it sounds like Microsoft Sam
Why did he buy the shit, lads?
too /devilish/ for his own good
>first short is immediately unimpressive
>no budget
>looks flash animation-tier
what the fuck exactly were you expecting from 12 seconds of a slow psychological horror story?
Why would they make this. Why does the west have to ruin everything. Anime is dead.
>made by japanese people
>therefore it is japan cartoon
>conclusion: anime
Meant to say "first shot"
I had no idea it was the same person, I fucking loved hereditary.
I think the choice to make it black and white + minimal gradients is smart because that means that less focus can be spend on coloring and instead that focus can be placed on the linework that Junji Ito works are known for.
What's the point of this?
Uzumaki already had color.
what are you trying to say? since it had a colored cover it can't have an anime without color? are you a retard?
This is going to be exactly like the Junji Ito Collection Adaptation and I am embarrassed for anyone that can’t see that.
hopefully they learned from that...
limiting it to 4 episodes kind of gives me some hope, like they know not to bite off too much
I don't want to be down on it immediately like some of you here I really want it to be good
No I mean this seems like its directed at hipsters.
Did Richard Kuta make this trailer?
>any kind of creative direction choice means it's only being made for hipsters
excellent criticism that doesn't sound retarded at all
Sorry for not being an idiot like you.
The trailer looks like shit.
Honestly, I don't understand why they would get Stetson for this. He's really good at creating horrifying soundscapes and Uzumaki is like, 90% hilariously goofy horseshit. It's gonna come off completely wrong.
no it doesn't fag, the only worry is they'll do too literal of an adaptation panel for panel and lose what advantage you can have with going to animation
like the other anons have said. check out colin stetsons other stuff
i recommend new history warfare volume 2 as a good starting place but honestly all of his stuff is good
Modern anime will never be this kino
Based and Gunbusterpilled
user ito is by fucking far one of the most normalfag mangaka.
every retard on twitter has read the enigma of amigara fault and seen a plethora of uzumaki screencaps
ito hasn't been obscure since social media became a thing and people could share a panel going "wow look at this spooky drawing"
Found the song
What about Remina
Being alone
The Hanging Balloons
there's another that's even better for that I can't remember the name of
>Colin Stetson as composer
The young couple whose families hated each other
and i thought shITO couldn't get worse
Because you can do a lot with B&W.
...fuck, I might actually have to watch Castlevania now. Is this the dawn of American anime? Avatar doesn't count, fags.
>the part towards the end where the townspeople are meshed and entangled into a mess with the only intent of finishing the house building
>only other female character trips over when they decide to try and cut through, getting built over in the process.
Nurse with Wound
>Gunbuster is pretty much relegated to nothing but being posted by [LE HORNY AND AESTHETIC WEEABOO] normalfag Facebook pages just because it has some nips here and there
This fucking sucks