Goblin Slayer

Illustrations are out.

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Why did she get so gloomy in the second one?

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She doesn't have red hair anymore.

Attached: 5.jpg (2048x3616, 653K)

We've got guns now.

Attached: 8.png (1434x2048, 2.29M)

>Lancer stealing GS harem

Attached: 9.png (1434x2048, 2.2M)

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I got to mention, these are only half the illustrations. The rest should be released in 10 days when the volume is out.

cute elf pits

I wonder if Anvil will adopt underwear to keep the sand out of her cooch.

There should have been cute elf back too.

>Vol 11

How far are the English translations?

Elf best girl

Looks like flintlock pistol, it would be useless against goblins.

Vol 8 will be released this month. Vol 9 in January.

Attached: DnI0HWWU8AAt-bI.jpg (475x1200, 119K)

She has transcended and reached THAT level far earlier than Goku.

Guild Girl volume when?

The next one. It will be out on valentine's day.

Attached: EDRSHF-XoAIR8ir.jpg (1070x1500, 252K)

Is this the first time we see helmetless GS since vol 3?

HEAs magnificient ass.

Ultra instinct Haruhi. How broken is this character supposed to be? She's the MC of the campaign right. I bet the dnd gm is fuming.

Erufu' magnificent everything.

Attached: D8-zySNWwAEABue.jpg (650x822, 90K)

>GG is 25 now

Attached: Wide.jpg (481x296, 66K)

nice to be young

A cute boy? Finally!

Finally? We already had Negima, not to mention rat slayer.

Attached: Negima.jpg (1429x2048, 1016K)

The player is fucking the gm since you can't get this broken in 5E

She is dangerously approaching cake territory.

>How broken is this character supposed to be?

Attached: 006_1548436898.jpg (900x1350, 356K)

Who says it's 5E?

Only in the anime she had it.

He didn't slay her pussy instead

I guess the one asking for a guard to cross the desert was the girl from volume 5? Also, is this all the illustrations or is just a preview?

Everyone hates Negima, imagine what would have happened if he became a regular instead of fucking off.

>Useless merchant girl.
>In GS harem.
If she was, SM would have killed her that day.

Yes, that's Noble Fencer. They are illustrations, the sample with like the first 2 chapters of the novel was posted and that's where the nips got the illustrations. The missing illustrations will be posted when the volume gets released.

Attached: LN_Vol_05-04.jpg (1434x2048, 359K)

The second covers are usually like this.

Attached: LN_Vol_06-00.jpg (1434x2048, 549K)

Meant to reply to

Thanks, have a Priestess.

Attached: IMG_20190902_122932.png (750x750, 849K)

Oh no no no no. This looks like shit. Changing the artists was a mistake.

What? The LN artist is still the same.

I always appreciate some Priestess.

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That's not Daikatana, user. Btw did you all see the chapters already? What did you think of them? Was it worth sacrificing the girls for better battle panels?

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Since we've got a thread going. Can anyone tell me why dankes v7 rips are so shitty? Like it doesn't seem like a proper danke rips like every volume before then. The images are all different resolutions and shitty quality. Pic related

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Is only SM who looks terribly bad but she is the main character of this story so it hurts more.

Why is that annoying dyke still around?

To have an excuse to not make fighter girl return, also.
That wad sadly a mistranslation, the only one as everything else was correct.

She is having a movie. She is going to be more relevant from now on. Cover girl soon.

Attached: Noble Fencer.jpg (924x1631, 224K)

Fuck off.

Why doesn't he wear any kind of groin protector? Especially when facing foes whose teeth is somewhere in that area.

Because goblins aren't gay.

Monk girl will be back on Vol 12. I am sure of it.

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What about them?

Attached: LN_Vol_09-04.jpg (1434x2048, 389K)

Where can I find the raw chapters?

There are no raws yet. You can read the chapters on MangaUp, the SqEnix app or wait a few days until they release the raws on their online magazine.

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Why is Erufu getting cucked by Purveyor all of sudden? She's stealing Priestess cunny and her heart.

That's a threesome.

Dunno, I was talking only about Negima.

>tfw just read Year One and all the side stories
GS and CG better have a fucking sincere and open heart to heart soon. And he better not answer with just "I see" over and over. She needs a good and long "crying on your shoulder" session. So does he really, but I have no hopes for that.

I mean they are also cute boys. Not talking about Erufu and Apprentice Priestess of course.

Right? The cowgirl from year one who was so afraid to talk to him and the one who hugs him every time she wants feel like a totally different people now

Attached: 018.jpg (900x1350, 521K)

she's ready now.

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The only thing I didn't really like all that much was her recognizing him immediately in a crowd through his helmet after 5 years of no contact. I'd much rather that he had recognized her first, maybe even scared her at first because "Holy fuck this bloodied, helmeted thug is stalking me", or maybe that he had taken his helmet off at some point for some reason so she could realize, WHATEVER, but not that. It seemed too much of a stretch. "Hey, THAT completely armored up adventurer hanging out with all the other adventurers is my childhood friend from 5 years ago who I thought until right now was dead! I can just tell!".

Still, despite my gripe about that, I really do like them. All the girls in the GS harem are actually pretty good, but she's won me over.

>She needs it.
No, he needs it, regarless shipping GS does need to let out all the pain.

That's why I wrote the spoiler user. Nobody needs it more than him.

>The only thing I didn't really like all that much was her recognizing him immediately
I take that as a way of the author saying that it was meant to be.

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No, she didn't recognize him, she just took a chance as he was the only one in the crow which face she couldn't see.

Do you like the Valentine Day volume cover?

I'll wait until the limited edition cover to say something.


>Purveyor and Priestess are wearing the same swimsuits

Is the author hinting Purveyor being a legit relationship with Priestess. How can Erufu take this and not know she's feeling screwed.

What if she was going crazy and checked every adventure that could even barely fit the bill?

>Is the author hinting Purveyor being a legit relationship with Priestess
I sure hope so. That would clear the way for best girl.

Attached: Goblin Slayer - c033 (web) - p015 [Digital] [danke-Empire]___1553503131.jpg (900x1350, 451K)

Yes, with her goblin children by her side.

I wanna see that dress in color

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Huh, for some reason I had imagined it green.

LN version

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thanks user

Is that the waitress behind them? Damn, she also has some milkers.

Don't be racist, user. They are different people from the same race.

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I want to fug Elf.

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Wait in line.

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I read that Priestess may get another promotion this volume.

What's after obsidian?

GS and CG own a lot to Arc Mage.

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It's a very long line.

Steel, Priestess was already promoted to that during vol 6.

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Is there rape?

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Post the fixed version.

I don't have it.

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Bunny ears is a girl

We need a cute boy for Priestess

>Bunny ears is a girl
Oh my little cute user...

Priestess can have Lancer

Does she have a chance at endgame? Give it to me straight.

She has 50% chance, the other 50% goes to Priestess.

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He's also a Fighter/Ranger, and if I'm not mistaken (according to what limited knowledge I have of editions other than 3.5e and Pathinder, anyway), Fighter/Ranger is really only a worthwile combination in 5e.

Nevermind then since priestess seems to be the main girl. I'll pass.

>childhood friend

Wow. Now that I think of that, it is kind of fucking weird she was able to figure out that man in the grimy leather armor and a cheap-looking steel helmet was her childhood friend...

That's a 5e sheet? Never actually seen one myself.
Also, those stats, holy shit.

I want to rape that elf!

It may have been that way in the beginning but the author started paying more attention to her since year one was made so I think she actually has a chance.

I love my dragon wife.

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Is she really a Dragon?

>We need a cute boy for Priestess
We've already got LP tho

She was tutored by a dragon (according to herself).

That doesn't make her a Dragon though.

I don't know but I like calling her that.

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What's the story of bunny girl?


Cheese boy.

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They are made for breeding.

thanks for posting

Requesting translation.

She looks better in the anime.

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I've been thinking about reading Goblin slayer. Is the LN any good?

Way better than the average LN at least.

Do you need to read the side stories as well as the main? I have no problem doing so, if needs be.

Not necessary but they are good reads on their own, especially for the characters with little screentime on the main story or if you want to see GS without his party.

Her role is mostly as an advisor, she pushes GS & Priestess when they didn't know what to do about their alien feelings.

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While Priestess role is being GS and CG daughter. Of course She has to tell him to take care of her.

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>Another manga where the childhood friend loses

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>That doesn't make her a Dragon though.

This fag born in 2000.

Attached: DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS Kino casting . Brazil comercial.jpg (1080x1339, 266K)

She is going to win, user.

Good thing this will turned into Usagi Drop then, what a cuck.

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Guild Girl a cute.

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How could anyone want to get in the way of this?

>Priestess sad while still having to go on adventures with him
>Cow Girl sad as she just stares off into the distance at her empty farm with only her uncle there to say (unintentionally) hurtful things
>Guild Girl sad and having to force herself to smile whenever he comes asking for goblins
>Sword Maiden turbo sad holding her daki and crying until she has to take the blindfold off
No matter who wins, I'm going to be sad. Is it wrong of me to hope the story ends with it being left ambiguous?

GS really enjoys adventuring with Priestess though.

Attached: 61.png (558x648, 39K)

If anything, that particular extract you just posted is making me think GS is going to dump everyone to spend more time with his beloved toolkit...

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Monk vs Hob round 2 this week.

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Pls no give Rance a break.

It's ok, they have a useful Priest this time unlike OG Monk.

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Well, Priestess loves it too, maybe the hook & rope can be used in bed.

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Don't know, they were in bed already and they did nothing. Unlikely that it happens again.

user, anything beyond cuddling should be done after marriage.

Attached: then she get isekaid as an orphan.jpg (600x899, 113K)

Is that Juliet daughter?

Yeah, it ended, but there will be one more epilogue chapter, again, with time skip, again.

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Being a GGfag is suffering

It truly is but at least we got the Valentine's day cover.

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Being a fag of any girl that is not a CG or Priestess is suffering, since deep down we know that the only possible winners are the two of them, and even the CGfags have had moments of suffering

Being an Arc Mage fag is great, though.

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Because I like you.

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Dusty vagina! Barren womb!

Don't be rude to my wife, user.

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A mary sue can change his hair color at will

What is so dangerous about that?

Yen Press initially published an awful quality version. Looks like that's been rectified, I'll see about pushing out a v2 tonight or tomorrow.

I doubt SM would have gone that far.

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Because she's forced to wear underwear.

It's 5e sheet, but i remember some info about 2e(when this campaign happened)

Who do you think will get the next 2 illustrations? I am betting for Lancer and Witch.

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It's a long way from Yharnam.

Don't mind me that much but this is what I think it says.

Rogue Trick
1 My heart beats
2 Road Warrior
- Mud, stars and prisoners
3 "What would you do if you were?"
- Great battlefield strategies
4 The observers of purgatory
- Persian princess
5 Demon Slayer in the Land of Sand
6 The "trick" without making a mistake
7 Move forward
- A new hope

Attached: GGsmile.jpg (855x274, 80K)

Why don't you try to be nice and get her that way?

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WTF I love HEA now

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You acquired good taste. Too bad you are a fucking goblin.

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this bunny in particular cannot breed, but I am pretty sure she will make YOU breed instead

A new Priestess.

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Are you really too dumb to recognize his other works that you confuse a piece from last year and another series with goblin Slayer?

It was a joke, user, take it easy. I know it's another LN with the same illustrator as GS. It's not like if I were an unironic Priestessfag posting Juliet or Chitoge and claiming it's Priestess.

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I'm dying here, bros. Gimme some rape

So she is infertile. Too bad.

Priestessfags have been insufferable since V6 came out.
Now I'm rooting for CG because of them.

There is the link to the trial version of the novel of somebody wants to read it.


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Does 5e go back to spells per day vs 4e with the simplified at will/encounter/daily powers?

"A harem means this, right?"

This is now an Elf thread.

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Hey guys did anything happen to GG in volume 9? Some fag in another thread mentioned something bad happened to her but I can't find anything on it, please I want her to be ok bros

She got raped


Isn't he spearman? Wasn't lancer the woman with Sword Maiden and Samurai?

Does Lizard ever find out there's more than one kind of cheese? How hard will he explode when it happens?

we just call him that because pics of Fate's lancer were used in the WN - and the spiky woman in Dai Katana is called female warrior (女戦士).

>pics of Fate's lancer were used in the WN

Priestess is gay for Noble Fencer, Guild Girl wins Autistbowl confirmed.

Why does he call it sweet nectar anyway, cheese isn't sweet or has any remotely nectar-like quality.

well, ascii art, not really pics

「T H E W A L L 」

big fat cat tats

please no


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2000 years old cake.
That's not Christmas cake, that's ghost of past Christmas cake.

isn't she like priestesses age in elf years though?

Stop justifying your cougar fetish user.

have a gyaru fetish and a slight milf one, cougar no... also elves are exempt from "cake" rules

Thanks man!

>Archmage is in Year One
>She's not in the main story

She's gonna die isn't she?

probably goblins...

No, she just fucks off though a portal to follow her investigation dream, never to be seen again.

>GS spreads his autism to her
>She goes from extroverted, flirtatious wizard with contacts and a reputation to a completely taciturn wierdo that never takes off her hood and relentlessly pursues one single objective

It's the other way around. Priestess has her own harem, males included.

Attached: priestess' grip.jpg (527x456, 85K)

>Disappears from the story
>Never gets brought up
>GS still has the ring even though she wanted it so badly

She ded son. Ded or retired.

He has several of them, no?

Is this supposed to be some japanese cultural thing? Because it sounds fucking retarded. If I died and my brother was taking care of my daughter, I'd be offended if he DIDN'T take it upon himself to act as surrogate father and purposefully kept his distance out of "respect" for me.

Speaking of which, he seems autistic as fuck too, considering he seems completely incapable of seeing why both of them might feel or act as they do.

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GS has shitloads of those rings, he gave one to everyone in volume 5.

He is fucking retarded, seriously who the fuck says "maybe he is with whores" to his obviously in love nephew?

>Is this supposed to be some japanese cultural thing?

No, you could say is a form of guilt, because he's making himself the father of CG when he has no qualifications and just ended up in that role because they died. You niggers see everything in white or black.

God damn, this uncle is seriously dumb. Not mean spirited because he obviously doesn't try to hurt CG on purpose, but he's almost as socially retarded as GS. Maybe even worse, at least GS is just quiet and that way he doesn't hurt anyone, this guy just says the most hurtful thing every time he opens his mouth.

I am seriously baffled about that pic though. "Oh no I am worrying about my nephew, how dare I disrespect my dead sister like this." Are you fucking kidding me right now?

If he was going "I'm worried I'm not good enough to be her father" or "I don't know how to handle this situation and I'm worried I might disrespect my sister by accident" I'd fully understand it, but he's going "Do I seriously care? Wow, what a scumbag I am." It's not even like he stole her or something, her parents already trusted him with taking care of her for a long period of time when they sent her to work with him, so he should at least be confident in that he was at least worthy to try.

At least it seems he grew out of that retarded mentality with time since in the main story he had that conversation with GS about not hurting her feelings.

>They send her to work with him.
This shit again? She was just visiting!

Was she? I doubt it would have been such a big deal to both of them if she was going for a few days.

And in any case, that's still a sign that they trusted him enough to let their daughter go with him for a while.

Yes it was, she was just visiting and she wanted GS to come with her but the way she "invite" him was so stupid and with both being very stupid kids it end up in a massive misunderstanding.

Damn, I never thought we will get a fan art of charmed Priestess so soon.

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>charmed Priestess
Magically charmed or "my hips are moving on their own" charmed?

That is during the battle with Ice Witch, she gives Priestess the illusion of her most desired thing, which is her being naked under a blizzard being head patted by GS.
If she didn't broke the illusion, it might turned into "my hips are moving on their own".

the big thing was:- she was going to the city a place neither of them had visited, he got jealous and lashed out.
wasnt she going to watch a cow have its calf?

>naked under a blizzard
Kind of a wierd fetish you've got there Priestess but I ain't no one to judge.

Does she do that to GS too?
How many dead goblins does he see?

Fuck, Marry, Kill, Befriend, Adventure With

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Sword Maiden
>Adventure with

Fuck SM
Marry CG
I am so, so sorry GG
Befriend Elf
Adventure with Priestess.

It didn't help she boasted about her going to the city in a very retarded way of "inviting him".

No, GS didn't participate during the witch hunt.

>So soon.
Don't you mean so late? Volume 9 has been out for months.

GS wasn't there, that is the reason why Priestess was acting so "weird".

Well at least it will spare her some awkwardness at not having to face GS while still being in a headpat craze mood.

That illusion only confirms her bipolar nature.

A while back I lost interest in the manga since it slowed down with a slice of life festival arc.

Is that arc over yet?

Not so much over as the slice of life has turned into slice of goblin once again.

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Lesbians are shit, hopefully is just friendship

some of the nicest people ever met were lesbians, also the worst person I had to work for was one too

I haven't read the LNs. Does SM ever become relevant again?
I have literally 0 hopes of her winning the autismbowl, and I don't even believe she would be the best option anyway, but fuck she was hot and also kinda cute in how desperately she fell in love.

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She's the main quest giver, so yes, even more than GG.

he escorts her in a later novel, and her affection for him borders on full-grown obsession.. wouldn't be surprised if she went full yandere by the end of things.

does GS ever acquire super basic offensive magic

Please dont have a red scarf

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>d her affection for him borders on full-grown obsession..


speaking of Goblin slayer what novel is the movie adapting?

Goblin Paladin, so volume 5.

>have to wait for rape

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wonder if thats the one where Priestess goes beastmode. have to re-read it.

It's when Priestess purifies the blood of a gob and her goddess got mad at her.

i figured it was because she recognized and missed him the first time he came through.

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No, his only magic is a ring to breath underwater (or snow, with added benefic of protecting from cold) and one use scrolls.

>or snow, with added benefic of protecting from cold
Isn't that something what the snow itself is good for?

I dunno, in any case the main purpose of the ring worked and saved GS from drowning, unlike the goblin paladin.


Wait, shouldn't he be able to cast spells as a ranger?

Magic items doesn't need casting, just "use them".

Unless this was changed after 3.5, using scrolls does need appropriate caster levels (which also would allow you daily spells) or the use magic item skill, but that one is restricted to rogues. And yes, using a scroll means that you do cast the spell yourself (and it uses your caster level), unlike using a wand (which uses the creator's caster level).

Lesbians are making Goblin Slayer more interesting since Priestess is the absolute chick magnet for girls while GS only hooks up with Cow Girl.

Attached: Goblin Slayer - 07 - Large 04.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

It probably tastes different to lizards which is why he has such a boner for cheese.

Yuri delusions are really stupid

Or maybe in GS world they are just items anybody can use.

They already put in the weird daily spells system, why stop there?

Considering GS can disable and set up traps, open locks and cast from scrolls, I don't think it's too farfetched to think he has at least one rogue level.

Just checked the 5e rules and yes, you still need to have the spell on the scroll on your class spell list. Though rangers now learn spells at second level. And apparently, rogues now need 13 levels before they can make use of "use magic device"

So they probably just handwave it in GS.

Well I'll have the gs RPG in a few days so I can check then

>Harem delusions are really stupid

>11 volumes
>Still no armor upgrades
The author is a hack

Because this is from Year One and he doesn't get it yet. By the main series he's pretty much given up on dissuading her but still busts GS's ass about keeping her safe and happy, like during the farm raid, which was honestly an impossible task before he begged the guild members for help. I'd say he's still obviously weary, but if he really thought GS would harm CG in any way he'd have kicked him off the farm and forbade contact with him long ago

>Jesus, that's a lot of dead goblins

Bruh there's been more straight goblin killing going on in the last few chapters than ever before

I must say i really like how he quickly understood that GS was insane and that was what was upsetting CG and not that "he jumped on her (which is, ironically, exactly what she wants)" like he thought.

Upgrades? We're lucky GS hasn't found a way to downgrade his equipment.

He's a legit good dude

Haven't you caught the memo that he keeps his gear purposefully shitty so that when he inevitably dies fighting goblins they won't steal anything that actually helps them at all?

Honestly his look is too iconic at this point but realistically since the farm raid and Water Town he should be at least open to the idea of better armor, if not weaponry. He's almost regularly fighting shit way stronger than gobs now and can't tank hits for shit. Maybe HEA can call in a favor and get him some good elven shit that keeps him light on his feet but still protects better

Fuck CG
Marry SM
Kill Elf
Befriend GG
Adventure with Priestess

I don't think he'll actually consider getting an upgrade until the day he actually decides to start actually living his life instead of dedicating 90% of it to goblin slaying and the remaining 10% to waiting for more goblin quests while doing whatever. He might not be as suicidal as before thanks to realizing there's people that would be sad if he died and that he doesn't have to fight completely alone, but he's still in "I live for nothing but goblin slaying" mentality, and he probably knows his death is just a matter of time as long as he keeps going like that. Even the few times he accepts non goblin related adventures it's just simply because someone he owned a favor to asked him.

Having said that, if they ever do convince him to start actually upgrading his gear, I'd love to see him with similar but actually well maintained armor. Kinda like how SM already sees him. Also I feel ironically if he had already started to actively upgrade his gear he might actually do a better job at goblin slaying, since he's not gonna fall for any of their dirty tricks anymore and he knows exactly how dangerous the full range of goblin fighters is, getting gear on par with the other Silver adventurers might actually let him close the gap to be able to fight all those bigger gobbos safer and more easily. It's not like he's gonna randomly die in some nest anymore.

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There are better chances to introduce a full armored or tinker character.

But he is fucking stupid.

Whats wrong with his armor anyway?

After his last ditch plan against Ogre 2 failed he was ready to die fighting, he even thought that, even if people (read: the girls) get sad, dying at that moment wouldn't have been a waste as he managed to at least put CG and the girls safe. Then a mary sue appeared in the horizon casting a massive blinding light...

When will GS face tougher missions besides Goblins? I want him to face against Dragons and possibly Espers?

... why the fuck are you still reading this? You obviously don't get the point and are only setting yourself to disappointment.

GS is that one that loots everything and sells or throw away the shit, keeping the usual armor.

>having a horned helmet ever again
come on now

Goblin bump.

I like that dress.

Nothing really aside from it being explicitly stated to be ultra-low quality.

It's perfect for goblin slaying, problem is that he has to kill other things besides goblins now.

>useful Priest
His only spell is Cure Poison, and nobody in that party actually got poisoned in the first place.

I love this line because it shows deep down inside, a little part of the boy GS used to be still exists.

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