Yea Forums suddenly hates Tanya

>Yea Forums suddenly hates Tanya
What happened?

Attached: [Eliuna] Gekijouban Youjo Senki (BD 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_01.04.48_[2019.09.02_08.43.22] (1920x1080, 1.08M)

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What are you talking about?

She kept lying about potential subs.

She speaks Japanese without subs. She deserves it.

They accepted the bad loli they were lusting about is an old man.
And there is no reincarnation excuse to patch it.


>Yea Forums is one person
just delete this shitty bait thread

try this

Nip to Chink to Spasibo to Anglo. Sure.

When the anime adaptation came out

nowhere near perfect but they are quite watchable since someone put in the effort to correct some grammar and other shit.

tnx bro

Why do you care about grammar when the subs are completely different from what is said.
It's japanese to chinese to russian to english and at least two of those steps were google translate.

I am Yea Forums and I'm married to her. Don't shit-talk her ever again.

Attached: Tanya.png (1920x1080, 1.85M)

I don't know about the Chinks, but Russkies from 2ch didn't use google translate and neither did the guy translating it to English. It's really far from perfect in terms of meaning, but it's definitely watchable
At least the imperfect translation will give me a reason to rewatch it once Crunchy's version is out sometime before the heat death of the universe

user is singular

don't reply to inane bot threads

Are you high or something? We love the little duck.

Eh, I find it serviceable

>literally Hitler
>but Hitler's a little girl now so it's alright

you people are disgusting

Hitler is great.
Hitler as a little girl is perfection.
But you're mistaken, Tanya isn't Hitler. Not even like Hitler.

Don't you have some cosplays to ban?


i'd bet my left nut that CR will change it to something else.

they both hated Commies

>go to a movie theater
>see this
Wat do?

Attached: 547457.png (1676x937, 1.22M)

Don't marry my daughter without my permission and get away from my wife.

So do I, am I Hitler and/or Tanya?

Attached: big think.jpg (651x612, 73K)

That's an easy one

Attached: 1497708496509.png (860x640, 467K)

Of course, don't you know how this works?
>hating commies makes you a nazi
And subsequently
>hating nazis makes you a commie

Commies are the good guys

Eh I'm waiting on CR to release the movie.