Why are headpats so common in japanese animation?
Why are headpats so common in japanese animation?
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One assumes because they are common in Japan and they realize not thy aren't in other places when they're making shit about other cultures; this is super common. Every American film ever that will have a scene on location in another place will have numerous cultural gaffes. Judge Dredd was written by an Englishman but set in the U.S. and had multiple gaffes where the author forgot that in the U.S. they drive on the right side of the road.
I thought pic related was some kind of interesting inversion of gender roles actually when I first saw it; in most parts of Europe it's the gender norm for the female to lie on the male lap; in Japan it's apparently the reverse but the setting is Europe.
Head pats are a nice way you think that person is being cute and secretly show they're beneath you.
Yeah, the same thing happened in jojo part 5 (that is set in Italy) where a character doesn't like the number 4 because it's unlucky, even though the number 4 is unlucky only in Japan
Headpats aren't common in your country?
we just drink beer together desu
Fair enough, but you should know that nothing beats the feeling of getting headpat from your mom or dad. ;_;
Headpats are common in my country and I think Europe as a whole.
Is Vindland Saga worth it? First episodes have a fuckawsome premise but quickly get tarnished by animu tropes.
If someone who isn't like blowjob level relationship tried to head pat a grown man can expect a fist to the face.
Easy to animate.
>any battles, war and people's stories are now animu cliches
Did thorkell headpat him tho? I think he just took his head and moved him or something. Obviously you don't headpat someone random like that, I got headpatted by my uncle when I was younger.
Yeah you pat kids but thats because they dont know any better.
Loving it so far(anime only). It’s bogged down by them adapting the chapters in chronological order (even without having read the manga, I could just feel that the tone shift between episodes 6 and 7 was WAY off), but overall it’s a real fun Viking story
Watch it you fag.
Because nips are all IMAGINE tier.
If I was as tall as Thorkell I'd go around patting people on the head as well.
fun fact: 13 is a lucky number here, it's 17 the unlucky one
It's unlucky in China also, because 4 = shi = death.
I once headpatted a girl in my college class after we were done doing an exposition in front of the rest of the class. I didn't even realize I had done it and afterwards she wanted to kick my teeth in.
>tarnished by animu tropes.
Oh its a shame you are watching a genre thats 90 percent garbage.
she was being tsundere. she wanted the d.
I honestly think she might be a tsundere; she's a Bulgarian chick with a short temper.
To me its pretty dissapointing. I heard only good about the manga and like the studio but anime is so average...
I once got in trouble because I headpat my teacher
I like that they did it that way. I hate long flashbacks when you're in the middle of something good.
superior taste. headpats are great, sadly they aren't very common in my country unless you're a little kid.
Read the manga.
But it wasn't in the middle of anything, there was no overlaping plot.
reee i just hate flashbacks
I never read it
>all this anime only
I really hope we reach the Farmland Saga arc and see all the reeeing
I love when thorkell play american football
nah there's mutual headpats where you do it at the same time.
Si wang.
Go on...
literally dropped the show here
Shi is Japanese user, not Chinese.
Si is still pronounced like shi in Chinese.
manga is very well drawn garbage. dropped it as soon as the mc becomes a cuck. What kind of pussy fucking viking doesnt want to kill in war time. Also the entire farm arc is trash.
Do people headpat IRL?
I do.
Because the Japanese don't do casual hugging.
Just read the manga, it's a great ride. The anime has a bunch of anime-only crap that only distracts from the story. There are even 2 filler episodes that undermines the hate Thorfinn feels.
Girls like it
Poor OP has never had a head pat.
>he's never gotten his head pat
I'm sorry.
Hugging is overrated, headpats are the superior form of showing affection.
On the day of the pat, you will be the first to get pats.
Did your father never ruffle your hair(head pat) user? I feel sorry for you.
>in most parts of Europe it's the gender norm for the female to lie on the male lap; in Japan it's apparently the reverse but the setting is Europe.
Honestly the head lap thing can go either way. Girls I find are either lazy and like to cuddle with you so they lay in your lap, or they like to play with your hair and act maternal so you lie in their lap
>you have no enemies
>except the vikings that will murder you, rape your wives and carry off your children as slaves