Should I watch EoE straight after episode 24, or watch episodes 25 and 26 and then EoE?

Should I watch EoE straight after episode 24, or watch episodes 25 and 26 and then EoE?

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Yes, or watch 25 and 26 during the intermission in EoE

Okay thank you

The latter.
The last two episodes aren't bad or anything.

Why would you skip episodes, you absolute retard?

Technically the chronological order would be to watch the og ep 25 and 26 right after Komm Susser Todd stops playing in EoE, however in the end you could watch it any any order and get most of the message.

They are alternate endings where one is the biggest plothole in anime because of issues during production, the other is the greatest work of art in anime. So on the first watch you should definitely just go from 24 to EoE to get a full, seamless experience without the confusion of a double endings that don't go together well at all. Whenever you rewatch it just watch the whole thing then.

Technically it would be suesser, which is incredibly awkward since it substitutes two fancy letters in a row: ü = ue and ß = ss

t. brainlet who didn't appreciate the slideshow

Just watch the entire TV show and then watch the movie, like everyone else did. Preferably the director's cut versions of the episodes as well.

Movie then 25/26, movie is the plot resolution, 25/26 is the emotional resolution.

Watch 25/26 and then End of Eva. 25/26 are interesting, but EoE is the emotional catharsis you want.

DC adds details that hadn't been present at all in the series to set up EoE. That's the memed-on viewing order for tricking yourself that the movie was the story that was intended all along because 25 and 26 didn't address apparent major plot points.

>"intended" ending is the one where the artists were pressed for time and resources being forced to shit out something to meet the broadcasting contract
>"unintended" ending is the one where the artists had all the freedom and resources to realize their vision
The cope is off the charts.

EoE = End of Evanglion?


Ok so now I'm even more confused, half the people are saying one way and the other half are saying the other way. Can someone outine the advantages and disadvantages of either way?

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Fucking watch this shit in the order it was aired, Jesus. I don't understand why even overcomplicating it.
Watch the series, all of it, 1-26. Then, after you have digested it, watch EoE which complements the original story and expands on the ending. Nothing more.

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Download sephirotic off nyaa and just watch 1-26 then eoe. Make sure you have DC. It's symbolized by an ' after episode number

Seconding this. Can't beat Sephirotic's release.

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That's kind of awkward I'm already on episode 21 on Netflix.

Watch it all at the same time and report back to me.

Finish the fucking show as intended, you fucking troglodyte.

Oh, so you didn't watch Neon Genesis Evangelion. You watched Netflix Genesis Evangelion. Easy mistake to make. Like when you tell your mom to buy you butter and she brings pic related home.

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are the rebuilds literally a continuity after EoE.
It's hard to understand if there's any great meaning behind why some events are the same as EP1-26, while others aren't, and further why some things line up with EoE having already happened.

you watch it in air order. you dont stop watching the series to watch a movie. thats stupid

Dude, just go wiki-diving if you have questions. People have asked and answered everything already ad infinity for over 20 years now.

Here's evangelion.fandom

>The film is divided into two approximately 45-minute episodes, each given a secondary English title by Gainax, just as with the original series episodes: Episode 25': Air and Episode 26': Sincerely Yours. They are regarded by the producers as an alternate ending to the the television series, or a more detailed, "real world" account of the series' original ending in episodes 25 and 26, which takes place almost completely in the minds of the main characters (the style being largely shaped by time and budget restraints).[1] Gainax originally proposed to title it Evangelion: Rebirth 2.[2]

>is a 1997 anime movie by Hideaki Anno, created as an alternate ending to the series Neon Genesis Evangelion. The film is divided into two episodes: Episode 25': Love is Destructive and Episode 26': ONE MORE FINAL: I need you. They are meant to either replace or complement the original ending in Episode 25 and Episode 26 of the original series with a more "real world" account of the episode's events.

wasn't asking about EoE.

everything is about EoE
in my defense, i'm under intense pain and medication right now

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Are you alright, user

No, but this isn't the time for blog posting. All I'm gonna say is, always disinfect wounds. Especially on your feet. Shit sucks.

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I wish you you a fast recovery, based Kaibaposter.

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i think i see what you were going after, i left it open to interpretation. my bad.

>It's hard to understand if there's any great meaning behind why some events [in the Rebuilds] are the same as EP1-26, while others aren't, and further why some things line up with EoE having already happened.

am i meant to hate every single one of the main characters or empathize with them


How is it that different? The subtitles are just slightly different right, shouldn't change the quality of the show.

You have two endings. One is the original TV ending where the animators ran out of time and made a surreal, more or less powerpoint version of the end where they give closure to character arcs but leave pretty much everything plot related in the air. Then there is a movie made to compensate for the original ending that is proper continuation of the plot and character arcs. The advantage of skipping the last two episodes is getting a better flowing story. The disadvantage of skipping the last episodes is less Evangelion as the last two episodes are still good and missing out on a slightly different take on the themes and characters which could make the show click for you if you did see them. Whatever you decide to do just make sure you watch the movie.

explain how netflix version is so trash

Worse TL and the colors look like ass.

There's a website called Evageeks. You might find your answer there. Feel free to visit the forums too. They're generally pretty helpful.

The character and story articles are pretty good but the forums are full of self-inserters and legitimately insane people that interpret the story and characters in such strange ways that are just believable enough to make me want to argue with them but ultimately involve insane amounts of mental gymnastics to come to their conclusions. That Tines, NemZ and Bagheera dude especially come off as extremely grating

Couldn't really find any hard info that this wiki is aware of any connections between the Rebuilds as taking place after EoE.

I think the strongest theory that a few people seem to agree with is that the Rebuilds happen after EoE, but much beyond that simple assertion is hard to put together. Probably can't make many assumptions without the last film. Seems like some kind of soft-reset occurred on humanity but left much of the world unaffected - the oceans are blood-red like the end of EoE, there is blood on the moon which happens at the end of EoE, most of the city is demolished with destroyed buildings and ships on land with a ton of unkempt overgrowth of trees taking over the city, along with outlines on the mountains that look like the mass-produced Evas from EoE.
It's hard to not draw the parallels, but it's pissin me off as to why many of the same events would have turned out the same, like a reset with (some) predestined outcomes where of course everything goes off the rails at the end of the second rebuild film.