Season 5 confirmed
Are your bodies ready for more mana transferring?
Season 5 confirmed
Are your bodies ready for more mana transferring?
why are you lying?
Im ready
>mana transferring
What did he mean by this?
>Prisma Illya "Season 5" Footage Teased In PrismaPhantasm Post-credits Scene.
every man is a lolicon by nature
Seriously tho, I wanted to finish the Pandora arc already, fuck.
but user, you already are
You just drew sexy petite girls with large heads and called them 11 year olds. That's cheating. It doesn't count.
That's no proof. The OVA wasn't ripped yet.
>more mana transferring
I haven't been keeping up with the manga, but has there even been any SoL, let alone ecchi, content since the snowball fight?
I sure hope there will be more SoL and fanservice. If I wanted to watch FATEshit, I'd have much better (worse) and chuunier garbage to choose from.
>another season about all your favorite little witch cunnies all want to fuck insufferable harem protag #4141231 because the majority of the fanbase is retarded and lacking in self awareness
Yeah, I'll pass. First few seasons were unadulterated kino though. All the bitch had to do was write a manga about three little girls who like kissing and fondling each other, but nope. Not happening. Always has to be some fucking annoying teenager stealing my sweet rokunensei manko. If you enjoyed the recent seasons then you should be ashamed of yourself and honestly just go on pornhub right now and fap to "bbc DESTROYS white pussy while whitey hsuband watches" or whatever the fuck because you are a cuck and you unironically don't know that you crave nigger dicks yet.
Don't mind me, I'll just go back to rewatching sakura trick and yuru yuri, like anyone with a BRAIN would.
This post is so close to self awareness but then it just had to go off the deep end without realizing he's just sitting on the other side of the same garbage spectrum.
Is this pasta?
While I generally agree with you, I still liked 3rei for specific reasons.
mana transfer by 'rubbing' each other is the only way to go.
Just read the post as if all the parts that seem to be lacking in self awareness are actually sarcasm and/or semi-sarcasm.. Main message is fuck harems I wish more people appreciated yuri.
I have a lot of respect for those who appreciate pisskino. (That is what that scene was, right? Literally haven't seen 3rei since it aired whenever the fuck that was.)
I think so. And sexualized spanking.
Such a waste of a good concept on such a shitty story. I mean it's not just Shirou that pisses me off, the story is utter shite as well.
Made me laugh at work you degen bastard I love you.
It's a good way to start at least.
Great post.