Kokoro did nothing wrong

Kokoro did nothing wrong.

Prove me wrong fatties

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Other urls found in this thread:



1. 02fags
2. Ik/u/nofags
3. Nana/Anonfags
4. Mikufags
5. Hirofags
6. Gorofags
7. Zorome/Miku Perfect Tsundere Couplefags
8. 01fags
9. Likes Mitsuru but thinks Kokoro is a slutfags
10. Late Season Ichigofags


12. Early Season Ichigofags


900000000001. Whorekorofags


1. Hiro/02
2. Klaxohime/Franx
3. Zorome/Miku
4. Ikuno/user
5. Nana/user
6. Ikuno/Goro/Ichigo
7. Goro/Ichigo
8. Ikuno/Ichigo
9. 02/Ichigo
10. 02/Miku

A Whole big pile of donkey shit

90000000001. Mitsuru/Kokoro(Worst Girl)


1. 02
2. Loli02
3. Klaxohime
4. Ikuno
5. Young Nana
6. Ichigo
7. Older Nana
8. Miku
9. Mitsuru
10. Naomi

Big pile of donkey shit POWERGAP

10. Kokoro (Worst girl and rapist)

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Not accounting for her taste, she really did nothing wrong.

Are there any good screencaps of lardtards raging?

The best thing to come from this dumpsterfire was the nicknames Yea Forums decided to use in place of the actual ones like FAToshi and Cuckoro

Dunno about this one

I put the rights of the individual over the rights of the collective. So I guess she did nothing wrong, she just followed her own desires and everyone consented

No, lonely and fat incels are just mad because they'll never have the balls to take what they want in life.

cockwhoro and shitsuru BTFO

imagine getting cucked in an anime

Didn't the fatass also get laid though

stay mad fatty

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Someone who is willingly fat deserves to be cucked by a healthier person.

Source: my ass.


fatties forever btfo

He got a girl by some miracle in the end but not from squad 13

To be honest, she just shouldnt have waited for the last second to change her mind. I get the drama to it all, but what she did was pretty human and it wasnt like they didnt got punished for it all.

fatties forever btfo


She was guilty of being in a shit series

>hooking up with a shittier pilot

Fatties just couldn’t handle being rejected. Even Futoshi moved on but the pathetic losers still seethe to this day.

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I imagine having to let a fat slob stare at your ass every day during battle and then still be clingy afterwards
I feel for kokoro

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The problem is not what she did, but what she was: Bland, boring, a one-note-character only caring for falling in love and making babies, and only made for that very purpose. The subject of some random fat guy's infatuation and the love interest for a guy whose defining characteristic was to be the prettyboy she desired.
She was, for all intents and purposes, a non-character who got paired with another non-character and, worse of all, got huge amounts of screentime for no reason whatsoever other than to serve as a plot device for a minor point the writers wanted to make.

DitF is shit anyway

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Just like in real life, you can be great at the art and sciences, but if you're a whiny, fat bitch no one will want to be around you.


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Tell us something we don't know.

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I can't imagine completely missing not only huge amount of information and nuance on the show but doing it purposefully

You mean like you did? Come on, tell me, what was there to miss about MitsuKoko.

Where's us mechagirl fags, retard faggot who's into used goods

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7.Standard Model
8. 9 model

There's too much for me to list
Try watch the show again


I bet Miku has a black boyfriend

>Just like in real life, you can be great at the art and sciences, but if you're poor no one will want to be around you.
Fixed that for you.
3DPD's have a price point.

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Ah, so nothing at all. Gotcha.
Don't worry, they're not the only reason Franxx failed so spectacularly. Just one of many.

Still being talked about 2 years later and most consider it an amazing show

wow you got me convinced there

I don't think zorome would be happy about that

>most consider it an amazing show
The same place where people consider MitsuKoko a well-written romance story?

outside of Yea Forums. where contrarian faggots like you don't exist

Miku needs a real man.

>outside of Yea Forums
No. /m/ thinks even less of it than Yea Forums does.
What does that leave? Reddit maybe? I'm not too familiar with that platform, but I don't think they liked it too much. Or MAL? I don't give a fuck about their abymal taste and I don't know how to interpret their ratings. But the reviews they left for Franxx are ... less than stellar.
What other things are there? Anime Youtubers?
Tell me, what specific echochamber do you follow? Because calling people who think for themselves "contrarian" is very much what you get tought in echochambers, shitposter-kun.

This seems very scientific and I agree with your findings.

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Let me guess you're an eva fag?

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Kokoro is a whore and should be treated as such

not overweight.

No. Try again, retard.
How about you substanciate one single arument of yours instead of just spouting shit. Come on, tell me where a majority of people think that Franxx was "an amazing show"!
Tell me why Kokoro supposedly is such a great deep layered character!
Something, user, anything. Just make one substanciated point to prove that you're not a massive troll that's just baiting me right now.

Is Abe backed this show

Most people that have a problem with the show either didn't pay attention or salty about hiro2's ending.
The point of mitsuru kokoro was to show that they were growing up/Had a purpose beyond being pilots and to show that the adults had lost their humanity
I don't really give a fuck about all the narrative shit you used. Not all of the characters were able to be fully fleshed and that's fine, what we got was fine

>Not all of the characters were able to be fully fleshed
So much for the multiprotagonist drama.

Lack of characterisation doesn't mean there's no character


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>Most people that have a problem with the show either didn't pay attention or salty about hiro2's ending.
No, the remaining few had a problem with the contrieved ending. Most people gave up on Franxx way before that. It's as if you don't even remember how the threads collapsed soon after the ragestorm of episode 14.
And you still haven't told me where your magical place is where people all adore Franxx.

>The point of mitsuru kokoro was to show that they were growing up
No, it wasn't. And had it been, that'd be a retarded point to make. Coming of aga stories are never about showing "that they were growing up", they are about showing what that means.

>Had a purpose beyond being pilots
Exactly. Making babies. That's what I've said before. That was their only purpose in the story.

>to show that the adults had lost their humanity
They didn't show anything like that.

>Not all of the characters were able to be fully fleshed and that's fine, what we got was fine
Those two had the most screentime of anyone outside the main pairing. It was not a lack of resources that they weren't "fully fleshed" (out). It was bad writing. And, no, what we got was not fine. At least you now admit that they were bland and shallow characters.

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>Lack of characterisation doesn't mean there's no character
Yes, that's exactly what it means.
Characterization = Establishing a character
Lack of characterization = Not establishing a character

Obviously, if you don't establish a character, there won't be a character. The less characterization you have, the less character you have. It's directly proportional.

I finished the anime like 2 weeks ago. I completely missed the shitstorm
>Exactly. Making babies. That's what I've said before. That was their only purpose in the story.
>They didn't show anything like that.
The immortality drug took away the adults reproductive ability and they heavily suppressed their emotion as they saw them as unessacary. There was a whole Scene where nana scolds kokoro about the only reason they still have the ability to reproduce is because the franxx requires it

>Those two had the most screentime of anyone outside the main pairing. It was not a lack of resources that they weren't "fully fleshed" (out). It was bad writing. And, no, what we got was not fine. At least you now admit that they were bland and shallow characters.

90% of the show was spent on Hiro zero two and ichigo.
During what we saw of mitsuru and kokoro they had Feelings, desires and flaws. It wasn't a lot by saying they are shallow is being retarded

There are plenty of people who have low-income jobs and still find 3D. It's really just having a shit personality and ignorantly jaded opinions that fuck you over. For instance, thinking all 3D have a price point and only care about money.

>I finished the anime like 2 weeks ago.
Great. But apparently you're an expert on why people dislike it and which part of the internet don't dislike it at all. Impressive.

>The immortality drug took away the adults reproductive ability and they heavily suppressed their emotion as they saw them as unessacary.
That isn't "loss of humanity". It's as if you completely bought into that "reproduction is the only use a human has" meme that buit around Franxx because it seemed as if it tried to push that message.

>90% of the show was spent on Hiro zero two and ichigo.
Ichigo got shoved to the sidelines the very moment Mitsukoko took over. (A shame, because she was the best-written character of the series ... which isn't saying much. She still was not THAT great a character.)
And, yes, a huge portion was spent on the main duo.
The rest went to MitsuKoko. Some full episodes, basically, only for their non-conflict.

>During what we saw of mitsuru and kokoro they had Feelings, desires and flaws.
They had mainly one feeling towards each other. They had one desire (or rather, Kokoro had), and their flaws (or rather, Kokoro's) were glossed over and excused.
That doesn't make for complex or compelling characters.

Read first, then assume.
>3DPD's have a price point.
>All 3DPDs only care about money
Matter of fact is after a certain amount of money owned, a man can get females no matter how much of a whiny, fat bitch he is.
This is a non-disputable fact of "real life".

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>reproduction is the only use a human has" meme that buit around Franxx because it seemed as if it tried to push that message.
Really don't care. The worldbuilding matters more to me
>Some full episodes, basically, only for their non-conflict.
I can only think of 4 episodes that were dedicated to them. Are side plots not allowed to exist? would you have preferred the entire show been about zero 2 and squad 13 just existed in the background

>That doesn't make for complex or compelling characters.
I didn't say they were, I said they were more than the one dimensional cardboard cutouts you claimed they were

>would you have preferred the entire show been about zero 2 and squad 13 just existed in the background

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She went from one pussy loser to the next. If she had a semblance of taste, she would've pursued Goro.

>Really don't care. The worldbuilding matters more to me
You were the one arguing that meme point, not me.
And Franxx' "worldbuilding" was confined community and surprise-aliens-out-of-nowhere. Then off to space because fuckwhynot.

>I can only think of 4 episodes that were dedicated to them.
>only think of 4 episodes
>4 episodes
Anything else I need to highlight? That's a sixth. 16% of the whole show. Dedicated to nothing.
Remind me, how many episodes did Miku and Zorome get? They were way more interesting as characters.

>would you have preferred the entire show been about zero 2 and squad 13 just existed in the background
It basically was that. Other than for MitsuKoko, who wasted time on nothing.

>I said they were more than the one dimensional cardboard cutouts you claimed they were
But they weren't. Kokoro had ONE desire and ONE goal. ONE character trait and ONE "flaw".
That's exactly what I called her out for: Being one-note.

It ended just about over a year ago, and the hype died immediately. I don't know who considers it an amazing show but that's definitely not on any part of the internet I browse.

Hir02 didnt progress beyond separation/reunion ad nauseum. Ichigoro was the most forced. Goro travelled around the world and in between got her pregnant somehow. Mitsukoko isn't particularly well written but at least progressed, from sex to marriage and then raising children together.

You're honestly both wrong, just gotta be hot and tall

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I would have preferred if the space shit didn't happen but meh
>Miku and Zorome get? They were way more interesting as characters.
I agree. They only basically had one episode
>It basically was that.
They had a purpose regardless of what you think of it
>Being one-note
Of what we saw of her.
It's almost like the more screen time someone has the more that can been shown about them

>in between got her pregnant somehow.
It would have been in-between his trips. They say he came back every now and then

>Mitsukoko isn't particularly well written but at least progressed
Is that really the standard you want to hold them to? That they showed some progression? I mean, obviously, Hir02 was just Daaarin all the time, and obviously, IchiGoro was an afterthought (arguably, Goro himself was). But that doesn't mean that MitsuKoko stood out positively just because it came in phases. As you've said, it was badly written and ultimately meaningless. Making a film about some nameless guy who peels potatoes also shows progress, that doesn't mean it's a good narrative. Let's not start lauding and applauding the absolute minimum effort.

Would you like 100 more 12 episode isekais?

>Of what we saw of her.
Shit, I can write deep characters like that too.
My OC is called Faggot-kun, he constantly argues with retards on the Internet about who's the strongest character in fiction and that's all we ever see of him but when the cameras are off he picks up chicks right and left and no girl can resist his smooth-talking. Trust me, he's the coolest. Pic related.

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Skinny Chad>Fat cuck

>They had a purpose regardless of what you think of it
That kind of purpose (which the show could have done without) could have been dealt with in half an episode. Not over multiple where nothing else happened.

>Of what we saw of her.
Of course of what we saw. Her whole character is what we saw! There is nothing to her other than what was written about her. She's a character. She exists in the limits set by the writers. What's not in the script is not part of her.

>It's almost like the more screen time someone has the more that can been shown about them
She had lots of screentime. You said 4 episodes. That's a lot. I've seen complex side-characters established within a five-minute-scene in other shows. 4 episodes are over 80 minutes. The runtime of a short Hollywood blockbuster. You can manage to write a dozen of great characters with that much screentime at hand and you tell me there was no way Franxx could write two?

Mitsukoko's story is simple, the closest to reality making them relatable. It's not the unhealthy obsession that marked Hir02 or the 'settled for second best' vibe that Ichigoro has.

The only chad was the old guy.

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I'd prefer 12 100 episode battle shonens

>the closest to reality making them relatable
Their relationship progress is close to reality, their characters aren't. That's what makes all of it negligible.
Of course, empty (under-defined) characters are great for projecting yourself into, if you're into that kind of thing. So I can see why some people would find them relatable. The only problem I see is that you'd only project into one and the other still is bland as fuck.

it became important to the story regardless.

You can extrapolate shit from characters beyond what the writers come up with. She was established as the nice girl of the squad, later we find out she can be a bitch.

What more would you fucking add to her script? as much I like details, it is a show and they can only so much in. Isn't one of the rules of writing don't fucking add it if it's not relevant later on

>Matter of fact is after a certain amount of money owned, a man can get females no matter how much of a whiny, fat bitch he is.
Anyone can pick up a prostitute or hire an escort, you don't need to be rich to do that. More to the point, that's just a shallow relationship based solely on money, not a healthy relationship built on trust and mutual affection that, realistically, almost anyone can find as long as they're not a shallow, jaded asshole who doesn't give a single thought to their well-being.

>Characters have to have 10 hours worth of development for me to care

>Isn't one of the rules of writing don't fucking add it if it's not relevant later on

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>shows us that Zorome's idealisation of adults is bullshit
>not relevant

>not a healthy relationship built on trust and mutual affection that, realistically happens to 1 in 10
Fixed that for you.
Go check worldwide divorce statistics.
Females are fun to observe.
This guy for example sounds absolutely disgusting.
>shallow, jaded asshole who doesn't give a single thought to their well-being.
Let’s change something.
>Good looking and tall, rich but shallow and jaded asshole who doesn't give a single thought to their well-being.
This is a description of main love interest for a shoujo protagonist.

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>You can extrapolate shit from characters beyond what the writers come up with.
You can only extrapolate what's there. Whether it was intentionally put there by a writer or not - it still has to be there.

>She was established as the nice girl of the squad, later we find out she can be a bitch.
Yes, so what? Being nice is not a real character trait. We don't know anything about her and why she is nice. When we learn of her ONE motivation, we see her ONE flaw, that she's self-centered and "a bitch" about it. That's it. Not much of a character.

>What more would you fucking add to her script?
Motivations, backgrounds, an internal conflict. How exactly that would look would depend on what role in the story she should end up playing.

>it is a show and they can only so much in.
How many two-cour shows have you seen? Is this your first one? Because, as I've said before, other anime (or live action series) manage to fully establish characters in a few minutes. It's not that difficult: Throw them into a situation where their morals have to be applied, their values have to be demonstrably tested. Illustrate their inner conflict with an outer conflict. Make them take a stand. It's easy ... IF (and only if) you have those values and morals and conflicts ready to show them.

>Isn't one of the rules of writing don't fucking add it if it's not relevant later on
What you're thinking of is Chekhov's Gun. And it doesn't work that way around. It says that if you want to use some plot element later in the story, you should in one way or another establish it before, and that if you establish something as a central part (important distinction!) of a story, you should not drop it later on. And even that is not a rule that can't be subverted if you're clever about it. It basically says that you need to keep your plot development consistent. Nothing more and nothing less.
It does not say that you can't add any flavour to your characters.

I've seen enough of them.

Anyway it's late for me, I don't know why we are arguing. All the focus went to Zero two and hiro in the end and mitsukoko pretty much let the plot advance

Imagine being Hiro in this scene and having to be all like "damn, Ichigo, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your flat, midget body and incompetent leader skills. I will totally listen to you, both as a person and as a pilot." when all he really wants to do is initiate the smooch on his hot Oni girl wearing the modest one piece swimsuit in the ocean. Like seriously imagine having to be Hiro and not only stand on the cold beach while Ichigo flaunts her slutty 2 piece bikini, the night sky barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just stand there, second after second, line after line, while she stammered out her beta orbiter feelings. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her bossy attitude as everyone on the beach told her she's A COMPETENT LEADER and DAMN, ICHGO LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to stand here and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been locking lips with the pink-haired dinosaur girl for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Plantation 13. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her stupid haircut as she starts walking in your footsteps like some creepy autistic stalker, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to listen to her childish feelings and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then she starts talking about the kiss you hated and trying to be the homewrecking slut in your relationship, and you know you could continue ignoring her go find 02, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Hiro. You're not going to lose your recently appointed position as Strelizia's stamen over this. Just bear it. Interrupt her confession and bear it.

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>I've seen enough of them.
We've all seen more than enough of them!

This is an actual statement from 'The Name of the Wind'.

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This. Surprised she liked the edgy girly boy, but well, her choice. Imagine that guys, muh feelings isn't enough to win someone over! How dare they put that shit into my escapist media!

>good looking
>doesn't give a single thought to their well being
Contradictory, divorce rate for 1st marriages is only around 43% in the U.S., less than half, and that also doesn't mean you can't find another person to have a relationship with that is, at the very least, not shallow and based solely off of money. People can fall apart, but just because they eventually do doesn't mean they didn't at one point have a healthy relationship with each other.

Honest question: Do you imagine that a girl would ever pick the fat guy? I mean, the only story I know where that happens is Accel World, and Accel World is even more about wish-fulfillment than Sword Art Online.

Its a pointless argument dude. Shippers dont care how little substance their couple has or how poorly written they are in reality, they've built up a delusion about them that they'll defend to the death.

Why? She did nothing wrong.

You can actually see how bad she wanted him.

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There's nothing wrong with the nice girl picking someone else. I can't imagine anything worse than staying with a guy out of obligation. Sometimes, you have to pick what YOU want.

>Kokoro forcing herself to connect with Futoshi for the good of the plantation
>thinking about puppies and pretty flowers
>doesn't work, can't get her mind of the fact she has to become one with this incoming mass of blubber
>barely avoids vomiting
>meanwhile futoshi is so fat he can't even see his own stamen anymore
>"What's wrong milady, Papa will be mad if you can't connect and you HAVE to connect with me"
>Kokoro suddenly feels like she got stabbed with a small pen
>she remembers Mitsuru who was writing poetry the other day and calms herself

Thank god for Mistsuru, eh lads?

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Regardless of the % of success of relationships most people just want to find someone to love and be loved in turn, someone to grow old with even when passion dies and the body gets weak and sickly. At least that was the hope of most people who marry. They didn’t do it so they could divorce 2 months later. Irl relationships aren’t dramatic or over the top emotional as portrayed in most shows, because of this mitsukoko can appear bland or lackluster, however they also represent the simple dreams of lovers who only want a quiet life with their loved ones.

>hey also represent the simple dreams of lovers who only want a quiet life with their loved ones
Sounds like escapism to me. Aren't they supposed to be realistic?

This situation is perfectly fine. He's just not worthy.

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who's the best boy and why is it 9'α?

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Theres plenty of couples in anime are fat guy skinny girl besides Accel Saga. Stein's Gate, Dr Slump, One Piece, Air Gear, so on. And thats not even bringing real life into this.

>anti social brooding guy with the shy fluffy girl that warms his heart
>double tsundere that argue like an old married couple
>stubborn bossy womanlet with the patient and gentle tall guy

This show was shit but trigger knew what they were doing.

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>is only around 43%
Not even going to argue the number.
>People can fall apart, but just because they eventually do doesn't mean they didn't at one point have a healthy relationship with each other.
This is called "dating" or more commonly known as "pump and dump" and out of all who did this few end up married, and out of that group, 43% outright fail.
43% is more than enough to confirm my point. Calling it “only” is stupid, it’s a horrifically colossal number.
>doesn't give a single thought to their well being
Yes there are naturally good looking people that can stay that way without any effort.
At least when they are young, well, males that is. Maybe you should have added “fat” and “smelly” to that list.

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literally the only reason people talk about this show is because of the cucking lmao

please refrain from avatarfagging


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Based Beardman was the best part of watching DitF on a weekly basis. I miss him.

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Realistic in the sense it’s easily achieved, nothing fantastical or extraordinary. It can only be escapism for people who are in horrible situations. To others it’s the closest to reality. People who are happy in their lives can easily relate to the happiness of others even if fictional.

You forgot that the 57% left aren't necessarily in a happy marriage.

Honestly this, I would have swapped some plain fatass for Kokoro any day too.

what is WRONG with you people?!

Do ants even have a concept of netori?

unironically based and red-pilled.

only mentally ill self-inserting trannies and roasties like kokoro.

Kokoro a best

Fuck the bitches they'll get NOTHING from me

he didn’t disappear, you know


>haven't watched the show
>see clips of this girl and fat guy
>think they get together
>through osmosis learn it ends up as one big cucking meme

This is probably the first time I've felt jibbed out of something without ever feeling invested to begin with or knowing anything about the characters. And I'm saying this as a biologically female girl that doesn't have a bbm fetish.

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>female girl
Changing your dick into a cunny doesn't make you a girl, dilate.

I guess not elaborating that your chromosomes are XX isn't enough anymore.

Post husbando
Also bbm?

>jibbed out of something
i think you mean gypped. jibbed means you didn't accept or don't do something.

In the anime with generic MC #13256 (a.k.a hiro) getting the hot girl (hell two of them) because he's nice to her the fat guy is the only one who gets flipped off for doing the same thing but nah screw you because you're fat. Fuck that.

Hiro gets rejected a couple of times
Goro gets cucked untill half way through
Ichigo gets cucked untill goro puts a baby in her
Mitsuru gets Cucked by kokoro who cucks futshi
Ikuno gets cucked goro
Zero two cucked by Virm and APE
Remind me again why it wasn't called NTR in the Franxx

There are more options than that, and I'm not forced to watch whatever the japanese animation industry comes up with every season anyway

80IQ post

That's some null nigger magic right there, brotato.

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