
Top dad is a mirror to symphogear fans. Even if you're a fucking loser who just runs away (escapism) and fail at your redemption arc, you can STILL slowly turn things around for the better. It's baby steps but he's getting there.

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 09 [DE4D9BA4] 00_20_50.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't hate Topdad, I find him funny for just how over the top scummy he was when he first show up. It also the reason I like Dr.Ver and found him so funny because of just how over the top he was..

I'm glad that shitty memes about Gen being stronger than Gears are finally done.

Attached: 67489314_p0.jpg (768x768, 371K)

Why is Tsubasa's family fill with superhuman and they don't even have a gear or relic?

I said this last thread but how butt hurt would people be if Topdad pull the final trigger for saving the World

They are shonen characters.

Doubt most fans have abandoned their own family in their time of need.

Attached: Symphogear.GX.SP2.S00E04.1080p-Hi10p.BluRay.FLAC2.0.x264-CTR.[9810D547].mkv_snapshot_01.18_[2019.06. (1920x1080, 691K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.54.019.jpg (1920x1080, 169K)

Attached: screenshot.2019-08-29-22-55-31.png (323x153, 3K)

Attached: shem-ha cooking.jpg (678x1300, 397K)

Treat your sword well.

Attached: 1567290543986.webm (1920x1080, 450K)


Attached: 1558879490045.jpg (595x1000, 56K)

>AI YO ending confirmed

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.18_[2019.08.31_21.16.46].jpg (1920x1080, 371K)

how did we go from THIS

Attached: 1558842736050.jpg (1997x1997, 573K)

Where were you when Ver was confirmed to be right about everything?

Man, the ED so good, i can't stop listening to it.


Attached: 1567283781993.jpg (2048x1817, 732K)


Attached: miku beheads you.webm (960x540, 1.9M)

We still on track for our redemption arc muh /familia/?

Attached: ourvamp.jpg (5120x3600, 2.38M)

the only arc left is the one that a death ray left on the wall behind them

Attached: 1567292828277.png (1920x1080, 794K)

Imagine if Nana was dock user this entire time.

Attached: シンフォギアライブ2018 01_41_54.jpg (1920x1080, 250K)

I didn't want to hurt you baby
I didn't want to hurt you
I didn't want to hurt you
But you're pretty when you cry

I didn't want to fuck you baby
I didn't want to fuck you
I didn't want to fuck you
But you're pretty when you're mine

I didn't really love you baby
I didn't really love you
I didn't really love you
But I'm pretty when I lie

Attached: 1566527546088.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

Hibiki is BIG

Attached: mpv-shot0034.jpg (1920x1080, 1.64M)

I blame Hibiki.

Attached: 1566803039166.jpg (3416x3842, 1.77M)

Attached: hibiki body.webm (1442x1080, 2.59M)

New season HYPE

Attached: EDdLvNwUYAEQxVf.jpg (1039x583, 110K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.50_[2019.08.31_21.15.57].jpg (1920x1080, 485K)

How is he not stronger than gears? He'd lose to any of the 3 power ups but he can beat base gears.

S1 you stupid faggot.

Try to watch something that aren't CR spoilers on YouTube.

Calm down, user, it's just for the mobage(s).

Attached: mpv-shot0003.png (1280x720, 765K)


Attached: 1565541890512.png (1130x2400, 1.19M)

Yatsuhiro and Tsubasa need to watch movies then, they aren't manifesting any super human powers.

they're busy singing and politicking

EdgeBikki anime when?

Attached: IMG_20190902_081224.jpg (1200x1377, 295K)

Attached: 1567275398044.webm (960x540, 1.82M)

>also my dick was hard for some reason even though vore's revolting to me

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 06 [737490D7]-[11.18.595-11.20.555].webm (1280x720, 186K)

Yes, don't stop believing.

Attached: 1567239437369.jpg (599x505, 76K)

You want Shem-Ku to do the same to you.

I'm sick of this bullshit. Tell us what their secret is.

Attached: mpv-shot0036.jpg (1920x1080, 1.68M)

A physical form of autism

Why is autism so powerful in the symphoverse? Why is Tsubasa, the most autistic, not also the most powerful?

>people actually believe Millarc and Elza are still alive

Attached: 1567268924686.png (2507x3000, 2.59M)

Attached: EDaibddU0AATh5n.jpg (1000x1193, 112K)

She keeps flip flopping between two forms of autism instead of fully speccing into one.


Symphogear Official just posted it on twitter!

Attached: IMG_20190902_075808.jpg (568x800, 133K)

I have a feeling the authorities would take away their kids anyway.

Thanks bro
I can't believe someone actually remembered

I'm going to use this a lot.

Attached: 1536697009615.jpg (1920x1080, 424K)

superior nip martial artists folded over 1000 Qigong.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.39_[2019.08.31_21.12.38].jpg (1920x1080, 365K)

Travel to an isolated mountain and accidentally stumble upon some secret scroll containing the technique to a forgotten kungfu.

Np bro I threw that shit in waifu2x and got this which is definitely good enough for a poster.. hope your quest goes well my dude, take a pic if you end up ordering it

Attached: 60da655e-e00f-4952-aa17-d412d26f1fa1.png (1136x1600, 2.07M)

something something sakimori

I miss these dorks

Attached: 76368416_p0.jpg (756x950, 512K)

Topdad is lucky that japan has shit alimony laws and his wife is too much of a pussy to divorce him due to fear of her godlike daughter going berserk and nothing more.

I don't

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.44_[2019.08.31_21.29.53].jpg (1920x1080, 388K)

Topdad killed YameteTomete.

Oh shit nice
Well say hello to my new phone wallpaper
The poster is so fucking kino

Attached: 1564677761466.png (976x720, 589K)


Attached: YAI HAIYA.jpg (1920x1080, 198K)

>pink Hibiki bending over on the thumbnail




>I'm going to fuck your mom tonight!

Attached: Huh.png (960x540, 1.17M)

>final season
>they just decide to take S1 Genjuro and amp him up to 11 with flying and smashing rocks to pieces

Attached: tanya from nazi magical girl anime.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

Hur Hibiki Hekki Hacchara

Wow thanks dad I'm motivated now it's not like it's the first time I go save a brainwashed Miku




Attached: 1565922332639.jpg (1280x720, 300K)


Attached: 1566958116856.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

Because Gen is voiced by the same Voice Actor who does the current voice of Ryouma Nagare.

Attached: Ryoma_scowl.jpg (1440x1080, 193K)

Are they jannies too?

Attached: custodians.jpg (1280x720, 252K)

The master is learning from his student.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 01 [720p] 00_06_27.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

This really is the week of his redemption.

Ver was redeemed after fucking killing children. Fudou is on track to be redeemed despite being the planner of all the shit Noble Red did.

But oh, sure, Kaneko decided to finally let edge fags win for once and just killed the villains "because they deserve it" with this group of cute marketable girls

No, they're trannies too.

Attached: 1563509905572.jpg (750x750, 106K)

Sure, why not?

>Fudou is on track to be redeemed
I don't sense any redemption arc for him at all. It was just that Genjuro didn't want Tsubasa to be a murderer, like Maria and Miku, Just noticed that the only geahs who've killed both starts with M and murder starts with M. What a coincidence.

Fudou is getting the same treatment Ver got. And I mean the G Ver, not GX and AXZ ver.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_20.51_[2019.08.31_21.36.20].jpg (1920x1080, 438K)

Hibiki is desperate for anything resembling support from her dad. It's kind of cute. It took him all day to come up with that cliche advice, but she still treats it like it's profound.

Attached: mpv-shot0038.jpg (1920x1080, 1.66M)

>a murderer, like Maria and Miku
Miku isn't a murderer.

Attached: 1564363546934.jpg (1200x1600, 209K)



The point is he's really listening to her and trying to come up with some way to support her. Even if it's not much, the fact that he's sincerely trying means the world to Hibiki.

Did she even realize it's no longer Miku? It's shame the interaction got cut short.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.45_[2019.08.31_21.17.27].jpg (1920x1080, 440K)

Which character will be Tsubasa and Chris? Please don't let glasses be Chris.

Junjun only gets good girls.

Attached: 1566928616317.jpg (600x600, 96K)

But can they come up with a song gayer than Eiai Promise?

JunJun and Banana are obviously going to be DMJii.

I can't wait to see Shem-ha turn Noble Reds remains into twisted shambling monstrosities.

Attached: Shem-ha and her malevolent servants.jpg (2000x2000, 583K)

Best fucking song

>elza and miliarc get lazered
>vanessa lets out the most tired, lackluster "oh no" and then dies off screen
>yoshihiro-niisan dies
>tsubasa screeches

Is it just that the director didn't care to make it a long scene with vanessa or what? Also vanessa is obviously still alive since she got off-screened and is a robot with detachable parts.


But that happened with the Dolls and the Alchemists too. Cute girls usually die in this show, the exceptions are FIS.

They'll be offed quick what's the point? Make Hibiki murder someone?

Leave one of them to join Song and have to put down the other two.

First thought was the gears are gonna carry her head around as she gives them advice. But what the hell would Vanessa have to tell the gears, she barely knew what was going on herself.

What's she gonna do? Try to control Shem-Ha again and get slain again?

>vanessa lets out the most tired, lackluster "oh no" and then dies off screen
She's a cyborg, she''ll still be somehow alive/salvaged/revived.
For further suffering.

Attached: Granbelm - 0811.39.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

>But what the hell would Vanessa have to tell the gears
How to mass-produce Faust Robes so animejanai and friends can join the fight.


Attached: symphogear (1).png (1000x1399, 324K)


Attached: 1854427242468.jpg (360x360, 26K)

It didn't happen the alchemist. They had the same type of death as any other sacrificing villain.
It only happened to the dolls because Kaneko was retarded enough to think them being AI and part of Carol would make Carol's ark make up for it. It didn't and as such they came back to get dignified deaths.

Why not? More pointless drama seems like a good idea, there's only 4 episodes left.


I don't like animejanai.

Attached: 1544029319415.jpg (1920x1080, 174K)

Plus Vanessa would be too distressed by the death of the two to give advice. Elsa and Millaarc are stated in the flashback to be the only thing that gives her a reason to live.

Yeah this season ends with Miku's "death".

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.06_[2019.08.31_21.12.04].jpg (1920x1080, 463K)

Who cares, just plug in a usb and read all the data yourself, she can be all depressed and it won't matter. I sure as hell don't care if my computer is sad when I'm using it.

The both before gods and fly off into space together.

Death as a mere friend because Hibiki will confess her romantic feelings at the climax

Attached: 1484775238106.jpg (1059x594, 127K)

They will rebuild Vanessa so Hibiki can have a girlfriend now that Miku is an evil god.

Hibiki was extra cute this episode. It makes me think about going back and watching S1 when she had like 60% of the screentime all to herself. The other characters are too numerous and take up too much time that could go to her or Chris and too many of the other characters suck or just stand around and do nothing but talk.

Vanessa killed Garie. For that she deserves to be brought back to life just so she can be tortured for the rest of her unnatural lifespan.

Attached: mustard.jpg (500x500, 144K)

Garie was a bad doll.

Attached: 1567310194166.webm (852x480, 1.06M)

She probably was in denial there.

cyborg not robot

Top dad is based!!

She made the SSJ Faust Robe, so she might be able to turn the DFS back on again.

It's just weird no one commented on that.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.51_[2019.08.31_21.19.34].jpg (1920x1080, 564K)

>big tits
It's a safe bet.

you can almost see her ass in this shot

Nana recording the songs for the anime.

Attached: OTOUSAMAAAAAAA.jpg (488x650, 77K)

>He doesn't ask if his computer is feeling fine
You monster

That'd be boring as fuck. What stops Shem-Ha from removing that crap anyway?

What is there for Chris to do? She reached perfection in G and every plot since has been so fucking forced.

AXZ was fine development for her.

Wait what the fuck Nana Mizuki is on this show? Isn't that the voice actor of Fate?

Those super computers used to run that system is no more now.

Attached: [YameteTomete] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 [8CC5685C].mkv_snapshot_15.11_[2019.07.21_13.46.52]. (1920x1080, 349K)

Yes. She voices the singing midget.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.21_[2019.08.05_13.19.42].jpg (1280x720, 98K)

I'm going to come back to Yea Forums in 10000 years to respond to your post with a slowpoke.

Can't reach her back.


>uses a bow as a weapon

Wait isn't she also the VA for Ange? I liked her singing in that show.

Attached: ange naked.jpg (1920x1080, 252K)


She's using it to control Miku's body.

Not sure if ironic or dumber than dess

Hibiki will scratch it for her.

Fine soon

Fitting role.


i kill bugs that see me naked

She disabled it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.43_[2019.08.31_21.29.51].jpg (1920x1080, 431K)


non non dayo meek-san

Hibiki will never allow anyone to mess with Miku's body!

Attached: IMG_20190902_201818.jpg (1440x2048, 309K)

What if Shemsham shoots Bikki?



Attached: IMG_20190823_155114.jpg (1226x1066, 126K)



This is the second time she let it happened already, all because she didn't touch her herself.

Attached: 1548935021715.jpg (1920x1080, 213K)

So long as we agree that TENDOU MAIA is the only one worthy of using Ame no Habakiri, the rest is irrelevant.


Attached: bang_03.gif (400x225, 1.53M)



wrong order

Miku is love.

Only if Kuro gets Airgetlam

Of course, she's a weird eurowhore too.

should i write shem-ha x hibiki smut

Listen to your heart. It says yes.

Yes, she's best Fate VA. Just dethroned Kawasumi.

Attached: latest.png (512x724, 347K)

How the fuck is there only 4 episodes left? There's no way this is going to be the last season.


>All these mobage crossovers happening with Madoka, YuYuYu and Gear but never between themselves
>No Tsubasa and Wakaba being dumb wing and bird together
>No Madoka and Hibiki noticing how they have a similar voice

As long as she ate Hibiki's soul to make a world just for Miku and Hibiki's soul, it's heiki hecchara!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.59.243.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

But Aoi is the best Fate VA

Attached: 2672.jpg (512x724, 166K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.00_[2019.08.31_21.36.41].jpg (1920x1080, 518K)

>Hikari using Shen Shou Jing


>go to Granbelm thread
>fucking Fate fags everywhere
>come to Symphogear
>Fate fags won't leave it alone either

Attached: begin exorcism.gif (263x368, 1.2M)

Out of curiosity, but does Hibiki understand how to do sex



Yes, she got embarrassed when she saw Vanessa's big boobies.

She knows what orgasm is.

Attached: Symphogear.S01E01.1080p-Hi10p.BluRay.FLAC2.0.x264-CTR.[CB842BF4].mkv_snapshot_14.25_[2019.06.03_16.3 (1920x1080, 528K)

Mahiru would go after DMJii

She understands fisting.

Mahiru should do Mahiru.

Daiba Kirika

Meek-san will kill that dog like she killed the other dog.

Why she never bang Miku then. Miku is pretty attractive, has a nice body and well-crafted armpits. I don't understand her.

Tojis had one with revue and Yu^3, hell, they are having a 2nd one right now.

Bikki is a dense harem protagonist.

Because they're just friends.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.04_[2019.08.31_21.12.02].jpg (1920x1080, 729K)

Fudo said Gen was holding back against him,so there is still that.

You know there was a way to scrape it from the website, right?
It lacks a small bit around the top when I grabbed it from there but it still looks great.

Attached: key_190524x.jpg (1920x2400, 993K)

That one was posted a long time ago but check the stars, they are not long enough and the user wanted the full picture to make a poster out of it.

user specifically said he wanted the full meteor trails. moreover that's not a small bit that's like 10% or more of the image

I thought he only wanted the poster without the text. Guess I must have missed that, my bad.

The full picture had the text i think, i honestly cant wait for the BDs to come out with all the music and hopefully the full poster in a glorious morbidly high resolution

I was going to say Nana doesn't voice anyone in Fate but at this point it seems there is no VA not doing that.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.50_[2019.08.24_21.45.08].jpg (1920x1080, 365K)

Imagine if Vanessa was actually serious with Bikky when she began showing off her rocket titties. Bikky's dense nature would break, since it almost did.

oops wrong pic

Attached: shuten.png (512x724, 342K)

She was already trying to take a peek, the dumb homo.

She'll give Bikki a full show when she gets her human body back.

Just for you:

I wish I could remember what this was a reference to

Wait, wrong pic again.

Attached: Dr7WYH1U8AAHA18.jpg (800x533, 45K)

wait aoi yuuki is this evil-ass sword

i'm only halfway through s2

This episode showed us that he's at least trying his best to support his daughter, even with his limited abilities, and that made me unabke to hate him [Spoiler]because that's more than my shitty old man does

your oldman can spoiler better than you

Attached: 1567295531104.webm (960x540, 688K)

Now I need the poster without those dykes

They are friends, user

Hibiki isn't a dyke.

You're right, despite saying the opposite she really wanted to see the jugs.

Chris is fat.

Attached: 76592364_p0.jpg (956x1402, 705K)

I can't wait to see Miku killing the other girls in front of Hibiki

Friends who sleep on the same bed every night is just a step away from being friends who do that with their adopted daughter.

I can't wait to see the other girls killing Miku in front of Hibiki

Murakumo is probably a relic.

I can't wait to see Shemiku killing Hibiki in front of the other girls.

I've long just assumed that the geahs are all mega gay so it doesn't surprise me.

Attached: 1567158622588.jpg (783x622, 90K)

Meek-san will kill her again

Finé's going to return to bitch slap Miku.

Attached: 1563994174976.gif (444x250, 2.42M)

Shem-ha will be their adopted daughter then.
Just like Vivio and NanoFate

God I wish that was me.

It's probably just a low-tier philosophical weapon. Something like +10% damage bonus if you're true to your nationalist ideals.

reminder miku is alpha enough to stand up to ancient babylonian priestess in powered armor

Finé's going to return to NTR Miku.

All thats human left is brain

how would it feel like to get a hug from each geah?

Attached: __yukine_chris_senki_zesshou_symphogear_drawn_by_nyanmaru__7bf24a36591e3a1de01f086bccca2741.jpg (859x854, 79K)

But Hibiki is a boy

I still find it hilarious how she slap Miku, grab her up by the collar, then slap her again.

>getting shit talked by a little girl
Fine is such a fuck up.

Fine's gonna finish what Ryouko started with Bikki.

Hibiki is Hibiki

Hibiki is a hibiki.

Shem-Miku reviving Enki to NTR Fine.

>CR doesn't have meme localizations
>commie sounds more natural
You just can't fucking win. I should just learn moon already.

Attached: Symphogear XV - 09 [720p] 00_19_32.jpg (2560x720, 307K)

What does YamateTomete do?

Wait for YT.

Attached: [YameteTomete] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 [8CC5685C].mkv_snapshot_09.46_[2019.07.21_13.39.37]. (1920x1080, 525K)

>another literal who

when the BDs come i hope someone takes the commie typesetting and colors for the songs and fixes the subs again

What gets me is that Ame no Habakiri/Murakumo aren't uncommonly used in stuff that takes from Japanese mythology and I've literally never seen them translated like that anywhere else.

Mexicans. Hundreds upon hundreds of Mexicans

She already did that.

How could Ver be "redeemed" when he never did anything wrong in the first place?

Attached: 76007ad39f6e14848ac1c1ecbcbe80ab1377150104_full.png (640x360, 395K)

>The Murakumo, which I value highly as my own life.
Is this world building?

Attached: 1567399909508.png (528x548, 609K)

did i fucking stutter bitch?

Hesitation is defeat.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.06_[2019.09.02_07.30.22].jpg (1280x720, 48K)


You'll be crushed
Like being hugged by a sheet of metal
Extremely fluffy

I want to get hugged by all of them

Seriously what the fuck was that?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_20.27_[2019.08.31_21.35.56].jpg (1920x1080, 496K)

>next episode
>fade-in with a POV from Vanessa's severed cyborg head, staring helplessly at the chunks of Noble Red strewn all over the room
>footsteps and robot noises approach
>a clawed hand picks up her head
>it's Cyborg Ver

Attached: hero.jpg (800x450, 36K)

>Extremely fluffy
Nice. Imagine the cute smell.

Technically yes, but the important thing is that it's thematically significant.

Attached: Symphogear.S01E08.1080p-Hi10p.BluRay.FLAC2.0.x264-CTR.[99EDEF89].mkv_snapshot_09.07_[2019.08.26_19.0 (1920x1080, 360K)

>Genjuro still fine after stab, piledriver and amalgam killing blow
Better give him another fight in the 4 last episodes.

Can I get hugged by Chris and Maria at the same time?

Let's rev up those opinions, then.

>but you were supposed to be dead!
>A. I. DESU YO, my dear

Shem-miku ascending to godhood or something

Attached: deep.jpg (800x600, 54K)

The red light doesn't seem to fit Shem-Ha now that I think about it

This. I bet she masturbates to Miku when she's asleep, though. And Miku does the same.

Elfnein's stinky cunt

Attached: pussy smell.png (1500x500, 460K)

I bet Tsubasa would be way too shy and pretending to be stoic to initiate cuddles from Maria even if she secretly really wants physical comfort when they're sharing a bed so she would just awkwardly sleep all the way on the edge of the bed. Then when they're both asleep Tsubasa would subconsciously shuffle closer to the warm soft thing and half asleep Maria would just grab her once she's close enough because she's used to doing that with Shirabe and Kirika so the next morning Tsubasa wakes up with her face smothered between big fat cat tats

Attached: 1567417060451.jpg (707x1000, 100K)

It's probably similar to what Enki did. The effect on the moon structure was also similar. Maybe she was just booting up the system.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.32_[2019.09.02_11.47.06].jpg (1280x720, 102K)

She just wants some lightworks to herald her return.
Red's a bit gaudy though.

God I wish that were me


Attached: 1552379137368.gif (600x338, 1.1M)

>yfw global servers don't get it because licensing issues.
Time to go back to my nip accounts

>red beam
good catch

>The red light
Doesn't look like the moon beam either. Gotta be something else although it's clear she deactivated the curse.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_23.32_[2019.08.31_21.39.21].jpg (1920x1080, 531K)

I want a Symphogear strikers
>Hibiki and Miku somehow magic a daughter together who's name will probably be associated with light ("Hikari" is the low hanging fruit)
>daughter "inherits" Gungnir from Hibiki
>small cameo where Hibiki uses Gungnir again and the daughter sees how awesome her mom is

Attached: 1567268775767.png (740x864, 621K)

Will Shem-Miku turn everyone into a cute lesbian with her purifying beam?

Attached: 1565061219050.jpg (960x540, 147K)

You get to do that all the time Kirika please calm down

Which one

You know what? Maria's hairstyle is worse than Tsubasa's. Is she trying to be a cat or something? It may work for a young girl but she's a goddamn hag.

Attached: __maria_cadenzavna_eve_senki_zesshou_symphogear_drawn_by_mokutan_mmmm__efbda1726a058a871fcabbd721774 (1600x2238, 2.26M)

I need all the future magic lesbian babies to get their show with Chris as their commander because she's now the eternal auntie.

Stop wanting that



Nigga, that's literally the plot of the Boruto movie.

Attached: 1564612290721.jpg (393x374, 48K)

>Is she trying to be a cat or something?
That's just a side effect of radiation

Fat old lonely eternal third wheel auntie.

There's global servers? I thought the gacha was completely untranslated.

Attached: gaybies.jpg (500x281, 73K)

And the Boruto movie is one of the very, very few good things to come out of the entire Naruto franchise.

I wonder what kind of personality would hibiki and miku magical lesbian child have by being raise by them?

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It reminded me of when Hibiki held hands with Tucchan.

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Will there be an anti-bully team

Vamp's pussy juice is probably as thick as honey.

>not liking air intakes

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why didn't the alchemist trio just turn themselves into Genjuros and watch movies?

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Why'd it take them so long to realize everyone had left the sub?

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Whoops. Sorry, I meant to reply to .

Have a Chris.

Attached: kurisu.gif (500x278, 1.71M)

He was talking about the Revue game

Busy watching OP with Elfnein.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.39.086.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

Yes, led by Maria and tsubasa’s kid

Reminder that Kirika and Shirabe's family lines will die with them

>DMJii are their senpai and instructors

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Can vamp chan even produce body fluid?

Reminder that all anons' family lines will die with them

>is this behavior...normal for human females? I see humans aren't quite the same as I left them

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custodian magic will find a way

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Fuck off.

Thank god.

They'll fuck it up and kill the kid through sheer retardation.

All you gotta do is expend blood points user

>World of Darkness is now basically just World of Trannies

Why remind me on Yea Forums of all places? Look how they massacred my tabletop system.

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Kid? You mean their two daughters named Kanade and Serena

>air intake
>in the back

Do blood points even exist in v5?

If they do that they're gonna end up fucking their own daughters.
That's hot.

Sometimes negative times negative resulting on positive, DMJii's baby still has some hope.

Not entirely shocking behavior if you’re part of the kazanari family...

Meiya vs. Tsubasa,, no superpowers, who wins

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Fuddy only fucked his son's wife.


Maria would happily listen to your bed

Tsubasa is shit without super power.

Anglerfish song?

No stakes: Meiya
Stakes: Tsubasa

She’ll just use her infinite supply of motorcycles as s weapon

what a weird line

it's pretty hot

Her bikes will explode before they can do anything noteworthy.

>The deep sea dwelling ‘basa
>Never has to find a mate
>They are always there together
>When it's time to procreate

>DMjii's daughter ends up being more smarter and more compentent than her parents

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Attached: kirichan.png (1920x1080, 451K)

>Vanessa next episode
Are you ready for the revenge arc?

Attached: rebooting.jpg (946x397, 331K)

I probably didn't mean that, but okay.

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Is commie still trash? I remember back in GX they translated 仏 (hotoke), a Buddha, into "the sun." In fact the entire line was changed from, "God, Buddha, and me I won't forgive you." Into whatever shit this was.

Sure they have type setting and pretty colors, but most of their "lyrics" are made up.

Attached: Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX - 02 720p BD Eng Sub 00:06:36.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

Oh wait there’s another anglerfish song? Are you suggesting Maria is going to devour Tsubasa in bed?

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Wait a minute. If Vanessa is frankenstein or a ciborg, does she need the same amount of blood then doggo and Milaarc?

So is she fat or anorexic?

Attached: [AnimeKaizoku] Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX - 02 720p BD Eng Sub [Apognwsi] 00:05:39.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

What are some weapons that could be used without overlap?
I can only think broadswords and naginatas.

I only know one anglerfish song, it starts like AH AH AH AHN AH AH AH AHN

Where did Fudo get that gun?

He bought it back in the 1930s.

From his time in the IJA.

They're still trash because it's the same "translator."

Absolutely user.

>muh nippon

Attached: nice luger.jpg (1440x810, 132K)

Do it

yes, it fuels their superpowers as well as their bodies via alchemy

>nice luger
Is this a stupid meme or are you just retarded?

It's bait.

It was hiding between his cheeks the whole time

Only if you take inspiration from this image.

Attached: 1567200232791.png (781x814, 330K)

I commissioned Shem-ha x Hibiki smut so it would be wrong of me to tell you no.

Is homosexuality a requirement to be a geah or just a side effect?

Chris is very straight

The gay comes first.

Requirement for sure, or at least have diverse sexual experiences like Chris

Chris is bi

Yeah, that guy is dumb. It's clearly a desert eagle.

Nunchucks are always cool, and can be modded, reshaped and resized into all sorts of crazy shit with enough imagination.

Pretty sure that's a FAMAS.

Is the work finished? Would you mind sharing?

Why does Chris keep doing this? You don't have to point your fully extended arms to the sky! She even does this with her fucking miniguns ffs.

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 [FF8D23CA]-[08.47.151-08.49.404].webm (1280x720, 1.59M)


Attached: dance.jpg (727x600, 120K)

Kirika is smart.

It should be done some time this week I'll share it then.

Kirika is suicidal.

Because fuck trigger discipline and no-muzzleswept rules. It's magic and shit.

Will it have futas? Asking for a friend.

Attached: elfneyes.webm (834x720, 356K)

Given Fine made them, yes.

Kirika eats Shirabe's pink butthole.

Where on earth do I watch the OVAS????

Wasn't Enki a dude, though?


At home.

Fine had to have fucked a lot of dudes for all those descendants user

The bear shits in the woods.

Not this time.

Dudes can be girls too.

Attached: 1500991648830.gif (612x726, 503K)

Hopefully next time then, frend.

Attached: my favorite geah.jpg (1280x2160, 393K)

...t-t-this time? You mean you have other works with futas?


Bikki doing enjou kousai

Attached: anus analyzer.png (1200x1200, 873K)

>toned abs instead of a 6 pack

Attached: 1565047633609.png (446x384, 232K)

>not a dikki
you done goofed

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>this time
it shouldn't have them anytime

Attached: 1567084839896.jpg (1920x1080, 181K)

>Edgefags used to be for Noble Red a d anti-edgefags used to be against them
>Due to them getting sliced the table has changed and most anti-edge people are hoping they are back to be redeemed while most edgelord want them dead for good
It's curious to say the least, of course these are far from the only two factions at play.

No but I'm sure Shem-ha will continue to inspire me.

Who would fuck this tranny ?

Good, user. Godspeed


I guess you could say that Noble Red's pretty... divisive.

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>more smarter



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>2 bluescreens

i am pro-villain killing

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Sex is so boring without the penis, would you rather have a faceless male


Attached: SCREAMnein.gif (360x360, 335K)

I got you covered user

Attached: Bikki's Dikki.png (643x645, 79K)

Stop thinking about men, you one-futa loving homo.
Give them both dicks or don't bother.

the song of my heart tells me to make a CYOA prompt for futa or not

Now you reminded me of a suffering concept of HibiMiku family I read from Twitter
>Hibiki and Miku got married and have two daughters
>They lived happily together until Hibiki went MIA when the first kid was 5 and the second was 3
>Miku raised them alone for another 2 years until they got caught up in a fire accident while going shopping
>Miku got stuck under a pillar after trying to save her kids
>The kids went to get help but when they returned Miku had lost consciousness and went into a deep coma
>Chris and the rest of SONG took turn to look after the kids since then
>Fast forward a few years, the older sister is now 14 and the little one 12
>Due to the accident, the little one is very timid while the older one turned a bit edgy trying to protect her imouto
>Then out of no where, Hibiki returned with a missing arm but refused to tell them where and what she was doing all those years
>Drama ensured, Miku woke up but they got into some accident again, older sister somehow transformed with SSJ, etc.

It never gets old.

Attached: what a thrilling development.gif (267x200, 308K)

Do it now, user


>Bikki following in topdad's steps

How are they gonna kill Nihonman? Just have him die to inconvenience the final boss, I suppose. Can't have the heroes put him down, even though his villainy surpasses many of the actual villains throughout this series

The Emperor is going to shoot him.

>Give them both dicks
I like your style.

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it defeats half the point of being girl on girl if you force dicks into the equation. when I want yuri I want fuckin yuri

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Too edgy but does have a point, kek. I'd honestly prefer them rehashing the Boruto movie for Symphogear Strikesr.

Too lewd.

What or who was bikki doing all those years? Was it that no good sanjeruman?

then its just 40 pages of scissoring

I want to be Maria's son.

That is just an euphemism

Her and Vanessa.

what the fuck

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i am ambivalent towards edge since symphogear's quality has not scaled appreciably either way with edge (besides early s1 outlier)

Bikki dikki rubbing against Miku niku.

Confirmed. Maria tops

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Do you think mamamaria will make you tendies on demand?

Miku is the root of all evil

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Look at how assertive Miku is, she is already planning on how she will ravage Chris's tiny body on the lower bunk

Why is Chris so mad in this? Her friend miku is lovingly feeding her a sandwich. What more could she possibly want?

Is Tsubasa a wimp by her family's standards? I haven't seen her perform superhuman feats without a Symphogear.

>by the same guy who made the fusion comic
I like him.


Yatsuhiro got cucked and died to a bullet.

FIS gives the best hugs!

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oh the irony

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I want to be the crystal on Maria's chest plate.

Maria is ugly

If I've been a good kid or need to feel better I'm sure she'll do it since she has a natural affinity to support her children.

Attached: best_mom.jpg (796x800, 643K)

I thought that Shemiku liked humanity


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Gay? Pedo? Both?

God the dumb references people make are great

Attached: y7ff2Sb.jpg (300x225, 12K)

Which geah would be the best:
>in bed

Attached: top dad.jpg (290x301, 22K)

Top Dad for all of them.

Maria, no contest.

A close triple draw between Shirabe, Maria and Chris

Hibiki, again no contest. She's the friendest friend who ever friended. For better or worse.

>in bed

I'm gay for Hibiki and Tsubasa

We all are.

>Hibiki, again no contest. She's the friendest friend who ever friended.
She'd also be a great workout partner.

The sandwich smells like Bikki's crotch.

>Hibiki, again no contest. She's the friendest friend who ever friended. For better or worse.
She loves befriending people, but when it comes to maintaining that friendship...

>kirika not chris
shiggy diggity doo

Hibiki is an awesome friend. Just don't ask her about love stuff.

>mass-produce Faust Robes
We have Carol for that

XV just showcases how awful Kirika and Shirabe are as characters. They've had nothing to do all season and nobody interacts with them. They just sit on the sidelines and say stupid things. You could have killed both of them last season and nothing would have changed.


they're comic relief

Getting shit faced with Hibiki

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.37_[2019.08.31_21.37.19].jpg (1920x1080, 462K)


>anyone but Kirika
shiggity diggity dess

Attached: 1563363567652.png (250x250, 116K)

Issue of screentime user
Kiri has a lot to do and say but they wont give her 5minutes to deal with her desspression and everything, Shirabe got her episode in the last season.

>having drunken sex with Hibiki as she overpowers you and pegs you

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How do I survive till piccies?

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to be fair kirika is like a 9.9 while chris is a 10

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Attached: EDeCehwUcAEct6H.jpg (550x1320, 98K)

Hey, not cool. Leave the Gaybies alone.

loop NR laser scene for the next ~88.5 hours

They're both 10s, but Chris has intimacy issues and would go stiff from panic in bed. That shit is not as cute as doujins make it look like. I bet she can't even climax.

you're supposed to heal her with the d, it's part of the appeal

Based Topdad

The writers are willingly ignoring the gaybies. Pretty sure most episodes have them only saying a line or two.

Kirika is smarter than you

>Cag almost odorless

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>would go stiff from panic in bed

Attached: 1566232947403.png (365x729, 282K)

Would be like hugging one of your buddies after you won a softball game, quick, energetic and she would pat your back pretty hard.
Tsubasa isn't used to physical contact so it would be awkward. She would be silent and have a hard time going in for it, like shifting between trying to have her arms under, over and diagonal towards yours. Would awkwardly pat your back.
Extremely soft. She's really short so you'd get a whiff of her hair no matter if you like ot or not. She would be the one to back of first, since she's shy like that, but she wouldn't dislike it.
She'd lean your head towards her collarbones/neck are, kind of cuddle your head with her chin and cheeks and pat your head. She'd make it happen even if you're taller than her.
Hard to tell, she could either be like Hibiki or be really shy and get kind of flustered. Soft to the touch.
Would be like hugging a little sister. She'd probably nuzzle into your chest.

Chris has fake tits.

And, besides the kazansri last name, what will papa tsubasa contribute?

It's to show that Tsubasa actually got her revenge despite not killing him.

The money

Oh god, why. Oh, the humanity

You can't say they don't care about DMJii. They gave them a lot of great fun moments and a couple of excellent fights in the beginning to compensate for their lack of presence later on. I'm not going to complain, there's not much more you can do with them without cluttering the already insanely paced plot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.52_[2019.09.02_13.44.24].jpg (1280x720, 157K)

I'm embellished by Maria's assertive kindness.

If I turn into a woman, I'll do everything to be the cutest, which include taking good care of my pussy.

>They just sit on the sidelines and say stupid things.
>You could have killed both of them last season and nothing would have changed.
Don't you see how you're contradicting yourself, user?
If they died then who'd say stupid things?

Imagine all the acrobatic sex they have when they are at home.

Hibiki and Maria

Salaryman tsubasa makes sense I guess

It’s hard work, user. Don’t forget to get in between all the folds!

Axe, shield, three section staff, reverse Hibiki with focus on legs/kicking

I'm surprised we never got a hammer gear No Prelati Pepperoni doesn't count that's a Kendama

Yeah that's why Fudo got pissed at her

God they're so fucking gay and adorable.

Attached: 1566929338939.jpg (1451x2048, 424K)

Translate, weebs

a flail maybe?
whe didnt really see that much of Maria's cape so that could work.
claws and a real spear

so spin off when?
what about close range and slower firearms?

Ching chong gay nong

Too bad Mjolnir was used and destroyed in XDU.

Only if you ask nicely.

He only has his poor genes to blame.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.15_[2019.08.31_21.28.45].jpg (1920x1080, 545K)

here have bang_04

Attached: bang_04.gif (400x225, 2.14M)


Do it. Now.

Attached: 903913263.jpg (1920x1080, 432K)

The problem with Kirika, Shirabe and Chris is that they don't have drama.
However this doesn't mean they are bad, it just means Gear became too closed to the idea of careless SoL scenes. Its mostly thanks to retards like you who want everything to be plot relevant.

Please, translate it, user

Kirika didnt get hear shit cleared out but she probably wont get her episode anyway

The beam did remind me of the light in AXZ when they arranged for Tiki to absorb the divine power. Maybe she is leaking?

>M: I can do it myself.
>T: No... let me do it.
>T: Please.

>M: Ow

>T: I'm sorry. All because I...
>M: Don't worry.

>M: I'm glad you came home to us.
>T: ...Maria.

>M: When this is all over...
>M: I know.
>M: Let's go out and eat something nice.

Anything for my Goddess!
>I'll do it myself.
>No... Let me do it. Please.

>I'm sorry, it's my fault...
>It's okay.

>I'm glad you came back.

>Once this is all over, I know, wanna go eat something nice?

There's a 3rd page that hontobaka forgot.

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>Miku is leaking

Attached: 1564417112311.png (438x486, 112K)

>M: If you want...
>M: We could also go for a drive or to a karaoke.



She did it. She found her strength. Maria really found her strength.

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You'll be spared for now, human

Attached: 841820389.jpg (1920x1080, 618K)

The Yea Forums roster poll for the Autumn Babby Cup has begun and Nana Will It and Determination to Fist is up for voting, drop them a vote to join the team as well as any others that take your interest, or even come up with any of your own ideas.

Attached: 14892009483712.png (318x386, 167K)

Remember when Yea Forums was good? Haha...

Attached: 1565477212707.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

I will post this every thread until they dock.

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It's all a distant memory.

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I burned those memories away.

Attached: 1566059204347.png (800x600, 108K)

>Maria leads
Sasuga catmama.

Fuck I don't know the 3rd and 5th memes.

Will Elf9 grow or she's an eternal loli?

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If its any consolation, Yea Forums was one of the last boards to go to shit.

She and Carol will be teenagers and attend Lydian high school in the epilogue.

What did he mean by this


you fucking nigger

It's a good thing Symphogear stops here. Otherwise we'll have Maria successively docking with every member of the cast.


Good, I also hope Maria and Tsubasa will adopt them

Dumb fucking idiot.

HEY me and your mom are still bangin! You should get a boyfriend already!

Shirabe won't be so lucky

dess yourself retard

Hibiki having to deal with her family still not totally getting along and now the Miku business; topdad just wants her to focus on the one thing she can do right now.

What did she tell him anyway?
>my gf ascended to godhood
>you lost me there

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I wonder if Hibiki's parents know she's gay.

>"Is that what kids are into theese days?"

I wonder if Hibiki knows she's gay.

Imagine how badly top dad would beat her if he knew

I wonder if Hibiki knows Miku is gay.

I wonder if Hibiki knows she's gay.


Why do you think they divorced

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I'm pretty sure she's well aware if her reaction to Vanessa's tiddies is anything to go by.