It wasn't good, at all, but it's not nearly "worst anime ever" material that people like Digibro make it out to be.
SAO wasn't THAT bad
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Yes. They suck. But they're popular for some reason otherwise they wouldn't still be making more of it. Like the Transformers movies.
>It wasn't good,
Meh, I liked SAO, maybe except second part of 1st season, but still, it's pretty well executed anime.
It's pretty funny that people hate on SAO but praising trash like Tate no Yuusha.
The issue was never that it was bad, the issue was that it was, SOMEHOW, insanely retardily popular.
I like Sugu's sugus
It was okay whenever it wasn't about "muh kirito" and "loli AI is now our daughter, let's start a family". But sadly majority of the anime consists of that.
Movie was alright though.
Its pretty god damn bad
It wasn't absolute ass. And anime lately has been absolute ass. That's all it takes. Just don't be fucking terrible.
Yeah I don't understand people saying shit like "IT'S LITTERALY THE WORST ANIME EVER MADE".
Shut the fuck up. It's really bad but it's not even close to being the worst.
user this thread is years late
and fuck off with your ecelebs
It's not the worst, not by a long shot, but it does have a truly horrendous ratio of quality:popularity
Asuna best girl
While it was airing I thought it was quite bad, but with the Isekai boom, and all of the actual, completely worthless literal shit being made since, it doesn't seem nearly as bad anymore.
As with all adaptations I liked the LN a lot more but the seasons weren't horrible. A 6-8 on average between them.
The biggest problem with the series, both LN and the anime was that the first volume was shipped as a complete package since there was no guarantee the author would get a publisher for a second volume. As such the beginning is a cliched mess.
>it doesn't seem nearly as bad anymore
This is called "The Star Wars Prequels Principle."
I fucking hate SAO. I watched every episode on release day and it was so fucking terrible, I don't know how anyone can tolerate this shit without killing themselves. There's some mangas too, which are all shit, especially Progressive (which the author hardly ever writes, so I seldom get the change to see just how shit it is). I've also played through all the SAO games; some people pretend they're okay, but after a few hundred hours of playtime, I can attest that they're unbearably dull crap too. I can hardly wait until the next season of the anime is out just so I can shit on it as I watch rewatch the entire season every time before a new episode airs.
I fucking hate SAO.
it's a problem of being mediocre and wasted opportunities. Also Kawahara is a shitty and lazy writer
but of course there are worse anime than sao, but most people simply don't watch them
It's below average, it's mind numbingly average, it's not even so bad that it gets interesting, it doesn't have a single good quality.
SAO was legit great. Only wannabe critics and people with shit taste hate it.
gave it a chance when it aired
dropped at rosalia fight which was hurr durr u parrot eceleb
kill yourself if you either watch any of those or this is your best retort
weak bait
this desu
>It wasn't good
yes it was
Nothing funny as SAO could be considered bad
Is that the pedo guy?
the problem wasn't how bat it was but how something so mediocre could become such a world wide sensation
just as pedo as Yea Forums
I like SAO, and I still rewatch the first season every year
>It's pretty funny that people hate on SAO but praising trash like Tate no Yuusha.
this, really joggin my noggin
>some reason
You mean because most people are niggers?
Something that is kinda bad or just mediocre but has unwarranted mass popularity is far more infuriating than something that everyone acknowledges as bad. Because the mediocre thing will get replicated due to popularity, giving us more mediocre shit, where as the bad shit doesn’t get replicated because everyone knows it’s bad.
Nice edgy racism
Kek yea. People are fondly remembering the prequels even though they are shit, but the new trilogy is just that fucking bad
Nothing with this top tier boys can be bad in any capacity.
n jxhsvshceohvvrqvoufxe ud Im fhckcux im cumming oh fack stop dont stop i mean dont stop Agghsgahaghagah
But it was absolutely trash. Terrible writing, terrible characters. It sells on fanservice alone.
now post the webm version.
It's not THAT bad.
It's just a case of many lost opportunities. The first episode had a great premise and people expected it to fulfill that promise. Instead, we got a terrible love story between the designated scapegoat that everyone hates unconditionally and is the epitome of suffering and getting BTFO and the true mary sue, "perfect wife", rich oujou-sama who everyone loves unconditionally.
Compare Aincrad and parts of Fairy Dance with Phantom Bullet, Calibur, and the first half of Alicization (minus the info dumps).
Unfortunately, the mistakes of the Aincrad arc were detrimental to stories that came afterwards. Even more so in regards to Alicization.
Also there is a reason why people love the game universe more than the anime and LN. The game universe does a great job of capturing the setting and placing the characters in stories where they can shine in their own way while at the same time playing to the strength of the respective settings.
Progressive was pretty until volume 5 and 6. Those two volumes were pretty fucking awful and its going to get worse since volume 7 is going to be the designated beach episode. The only interesting swimsuit characters are Argo (goes commando at every opportunity), Kizmel (giant elf tits), and Kirito (best midriff and a chad who rocks the bull printed underwear). And we all know who is going to get most of the ink.
fuck abec to be honest
>No page time for Eugeo in the latest side story
>Or in the side story before that
>Insists Eugeo should have blue eyes when green looks 20x better
>Only tries when they're drawing Asuna
are you really going to listen to a guy who did my little pony analysis? c'mon man
imagine being a tsundere towards a franchise
Dem tiddies
The pic you posted just say what really interested you in this serie.
>Only tries when they're drawing Asuna
How did I not notice this while reading Progressive. I think she is drawn more than Kirito.
In fairness, the Prequels had SOME (not a lot) good ideas, it's just the acting and writing plus occasional fuck ups from Lucas bogged it down. Had he cut some fat, developed important characters better and retooled events the prequels could have been good. George Lucas wanted to tell a good story on the creation of the Empire and Darth Vader but tripped all over.
Unlike Kathleen Kennedy who wanted to empower wamen without any regard for story telling or what actually makes a compelling character and tells all the fans who wanted the Expanded Universe as movies to go fuck themselves.
I was pretty upset when they skipped the whole dungeon part that made the premise fun. And the stupid mommy and daddy thing with that AI girl.
It starts decently and goes to absolute shit, and that's worse than being bad all the way through if you ask me.
Also who the fuck is Digibro?
The key reason why I enjoy the prequels is they're trying to tell a story. Admittedly they fucked it up hard although I consider 3 the most enjoyable film in the franchise.
The sequels just... aren't doing anything, they're completely bereft of balls, could you imagine something like order 66 in episode 9? No, it's legit just retreading the originals to the point where solar system genocide wasn't memorable or affecting in any way.
TL;DR The prequels are bad but entertaining (3 at least) sequels are bad and mind numbingly boring.
eceleb with hours and hours worth of videos on how much he hates sao he's also pedo and a horse fucker
This is a classic. He upped and jumped to anime not soon after
Shield hero is a better pile of shit than SAO though. Like, 4/10 instead of 3/10
>caring about digibro
SAO is in the same boat as Love Hina.
It's bad, but it's made worse by what it causes.
Love Hina started the god awful Violent Tsundere trend that still permeates and poisons series to this day, what 25 years later? Not to mention the concept that """Harems""" can have monogamy ends and that all the other girls are losers who stay forever alone. Also that you can forcibly extend your series with melodrama bullshit. How many fucking episodes were dedicated to 'Who is the promised girl?'
SAO created the 'trapped in a (video game like) alternate world where MC is a god' trend. Where the MC has no challenge or the challenge he does have are offscreened and he also gets a harem that he just monogamys.
Both also have simple hooks. Love Hina? 'Man what would it be like to be surrounded by same generation women?'. SAO? 'Man what would it be like to be inside a full VR MMO RPG? Also surrounded by women.'. Making it broad enough that people who don't watch more than 1 anime a week can get into it especially since SAO came out now when the 2nd big VR boom is happening and that .hack was a generation away so nobody could remember that came first
Fuck I hate the way he talks man, so self important and serious. Like he's re-inventing philosophy while talking about a little girls show.
His K-On video series is the worst/best example of this. Pure autism.
The dude seriously spits out the most retarded shit, but I can at least appreciate that he doesn't seem to give a fuck about others' opinions
>caring what e-celebs think about anime
You are the cancer that is killing Yea Forums.
The series sucks, but Sugu is sex.
>5 years later she's still getting doujins with top tier art
Why is she so perfect
The second half is not that bad.
The first half is offensively bad, and I mean it as in: Mars-of-Destruction level of bad, except for the visuals
>SAO wasn't that bad
We have a board for historical revisionism, it's called /pol/
Facts. The SAO fujos are the true winners. I guess thats what you get for tragic gays.
It was my second anime series.
I probably won't be watching the new season any time soon but it was fine
Reki Kawahara, the writer himself, has apologized for the first arc of Sword Art Online and asked people not to take it very seriously because the writing is so messy. He regrets some of the choices he made that still set the foundation for current arcs, which are admittedly better written, but Kirito and Asuna are still bland characters. Also who gives a fuck what some eceleb thinks. Disconnect yourself from that.
I actually really enjoyed the first half of the first season, it should have just had an open ending with Kirito stumbling out of the hospital.
It's like your typical 6/10
>but praising trash like Tate no Yuusha
At least Naofumi has some sort of personality.
At the very least SAO actually tries to have a plot instead of just moving arc by arc by expanding the protagonist party every time without actually progressing the main story, if there was one to begin with.
Sugu just hits everything right
*bails out your shitty series*
god hes lucky