so according to this Jaymes Hanson, the Bleach anime is confirmed to return next year. How successful will it be when it does?

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>so according to this Jaymes Hanson,
Fuck off back to Twitter

watch the video faggot

>white faggot wearing a snap back
how lost is this guy? pasty retard trying to look black ? kek

>all the hype surrounding Bleach is long since dead
>anime return

>Pale scrawny white dork wearing a snap back

imagine if execs hadnt learned anything and MHA, KNY and professor rock would air year-round and have entire seasons dedicated to filler like bleach

>15 minute video
He stretched out a video that should have been 3 minutes tops because youtube lets you run more ads on videos over 10 minutes.
Basically black clover is ending so tv tokyo has an open slot and bleach sold well before.
>bleach is coming back, I don't know when, but it is, and i'm going to get criticized for saying that
That's it, that's fucking it. 15 minutes of him sucking himself off because he predicted black clover would end and that bleach would get pulled from netflix.
Bleach went to shit after soul society anyways why would you want it to come back?

I didn't watch the video but most anime are basically advertisements to sell more manga/LNs. Like how KnY anime is currently helping boost volume sales. Bleach ended years ago. There's nothing for publishers to gain in funding a new anime.

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Not going to give your fucking video views.

according to literally who? Nobody gives a shit desu.

>Basically black clover is ending
Is it? Even if it's true we all know what's the next manga to get fucked by Pierrot. Get ready Jujutsufags.

>jaymes hanson
>the bleach version of double4anime
>reliable source

Incredibly low quality bait. Kill yourself OP

>so according to this Jaymes Hanson
let me fix this up to what you really meant
>so according to this video i made

What about Inuyasha?

So it's fucking nothing and OP is an eternalfag, thanks for the run down.

>black clover is ending
Hope some new studio picks it up and makes it actually watchable.

I was asking too, haven't seen any proof yet. I hope they don't drop it.

I hope they do.
I prefer no anime over the current one.
Maybe if enough time passes somebody can completely redo it.

Kill yourself.

fuck off jaymes

Kek. This guy has literally never been right about anything. If he said that Bleach was never coming back I'd put money on the reverse happening.

stop bumping your thread faggot


wouldnt it basically be pushing sales for the gacha game?

shueisha paid for an ad campaign literally this year called #imstillbleach, they still rake in merch and gachashit sales

It depends on what they're trying to sell.

An ad campaign costs nothing compared to funding an entire season of anime.