I just watched the latest Fire Force episode and it's been a long time since I've cried watching anime... Please watch Fire Force.
I just watched the latest Fire Force episode and it's been a long time since I've cried watching anime...
Other urls found in this thread:
>crying over a 2/10 anime
Shit taste
>crying over a shit anime
I just finished Soul Eater yesterday. The last chapter was a bit off putting but everything up to the second to last chapter was pretty cool. What problem do people have with it?
Dragon ball did it better.
Looks like a reliable gym partner
My problem was just that the ending felt a little sudden. It felt like there was more room to explore the Great Old Ones and Maka's mom never even showed up in the end.
>crying and begging because no ones watching your dead show
I already watch fire force.
Shit I thought the ending was great too, but I was not that invested into Tamaki as a character to cry over her getting beaten up by her idol. Next episode is gonna be fantastic though.
>flop force
You need to go back
don't ever reply to me again you scrawny little faggot.
i watched a few episodes and planned to at least finish the first season. are you serious or are you trolling?
Chad Force is AOTS by far.
>crying over fireflop
>Cringe avatarfag
Flopforce is generic trash and you're genetic trash for liking it.
i've never even seen anyone post the original but me and yet you had this masterpiece all along?
I'm pretty sure he was trolling, nobody is going to cry about the worst part of the show getting the shit kicked out of her.
I don't watch it but read it.
Best girl.
Based Goku.
Everyone likes Soul Eater's ending though just maybe not the final final chapter.
>he says as he posts doctor flop
I like both and I don't get why people keep forcing a rivalry between them, they are barely even the same genre
waifu of the season
That's a Yea Forums meme with hundreds of variations, it originated with shreck.
>Hey guys, the most recent episode of anime X really emotionally touched me
I also notice nobody posted an anime/moment that actually made them cry. Could that be because this is a board so full of negativity that any positive opinion of any anime instantly exposes someone to ridicule and mockery?
Crying becouse it's bad doesn't count.
Soul Eater was an okay series for me but goddamn, I couldn't bring myself to enjoy Fire Force. There's something about it that grind my gears.
It was around the time the author was very obviously bored with the story and so decided to try and wrap everything up as best as he could so he can spend more time doing something else
Yeah and it seems to be getting more negative as time goes on. If something gets even a bit popular it’s instantly got people saying it’s trash and always has been.
Has there been any delicious musclegirl since episode 2? That's the only reason why I was watching.
She has had some scenes, but nothing of the magnitude of episode 2. It's criminal that the tanktop isn't her standard outfit (or rather worn under her standard outfit).
So which is worse, Fire Force or Soul Eater?
i might start watching that, thanks for the recommendation
I wish I had a Tamaki to beat up. Makes me cry.
not even on my watchlist
I think people have a problem with the anime-only ending and not the manga
I remember Soul Eater anime was very high quality despite original ending and content. Always reminds me FMA;B
Is it normal to get hard at this moment?
LOL Get out of here Yonkounigger
I like fire force
You have to go back.
Soul Eater Not was vastly better
Yea Forums still has not explained to me why they did not stop the Kyoto animation Arson
You have to go back.
>You have to go back.
You have to go back
Just go back to reddit you sad little vermin
lol no
made in abyss made me cry. fire force is just really boring.
hi Yea Forums
It was shit.
Dr Stone and Fire Force are fuxking shit, especially in a season with Kimetsu and Vinland Chad.
Or you could watch people say it's not shit and see how shit the shit you are watching really is.
Stop crying shounenbaby. It's just a generic shounen with terrible OST, cuts and directing and a cliche story. The animation is fine that's all.
You fucking shounenbabies just grab the latest thing and forget all about it next season. Can't wait for that.
Everyone talks about the animation like it is god tier but there's a lot of clunky CGI n shit, Kimetsu and MS100 2 absolutely crush it in its best area.
The cars are CG, I haven't noticed it anywhere else.
And Kimetsu also had clunky CG.
There is nothing wrong with the OST, cuts or directing.
How the fuck does Aoi Yuuki manage to voice so many best girls?
Really? The direction is great but everything feels very one note. Simplicity is fine but Fire Fore is outright shallow. It's not as though we really got to see much of Tamaki's idolization of a guy who got like four lines prior to this. The drama is constantly undermined by the show wanting to provide fap material instead. The entire process leading to the payoff of finding the traitor could have used another episode. Shinra and Arthur just happen to see the guy going about his business sloppily and just stumble onto revelations from there. Rushed writing that robs the leads of agency. Shinra in particular is the quintessential MC-kun who ostensibly acts on autopilot. Not devoid of personality, but still frustratingly mechanical.
It all gets the job done, and I actually do enjoy checking out the series each week, but it's as rote as shounen can get. It's fine if the episode really resonated with you, since by no means do I think the show is bad, I just have trouble rationalizing feeling overwhelmed by the show's events.
>Kimetsu no reddit
Kimetsu makes great use of cg.
last ep was garbage tho, both visually and story compare to earlier ep
>s-stop molesting me, y-you pervert
I dropped it early on, but I remember some bad CG when the MC was running in the woods.
The only thing I really dont care for in this show are its excessive insistence on wide shots and its mediocre cinematography in general which is awkward next to the excellent animation and medium to solid character designs.
Well that and some of the plot beats feel extremely safe/uncreative.
I get that it isn't all that great, but there is no way its bad enough to actually cry about. Don't be over dramatic like that.
It's not my post though. Read the thread
>The direction is great
>but Fire Fore is outright shallow
The squad is doing a secret investigation secretly, BY ENTRUSTING IT TO THEIR RANDOM FRESH RECRUITS. C'mon, what is this?
The sadistic bimbo sudden conversion was also beyond dumb.
I get the impression they were delibritly sent the 2 recruits with the strongest sense of justice
They were sent in because recruits are exchanged often and that made for a good cover up story for their investigation
MFW people think that Tamaki will get the character development she deserves and will be super important... And then they will discover that her only purpose is pure and mindless fan service. Cant wait
i'm liking it a lot too
You are missing the point, neither of recruits should be trustworthy enough for the squad captain. It's equivalent of CIA granting Top secret clearance to two janitors and sending them off to Russia to bring down whatever the current boogieman is. I'm blowing it out of the proportions with that example, of course, but it's still unbelievably dumb & that's just a small nitpick.
Yes it was all right out of the playbook where the protagonist disarms the villain with his simplicity, but it's lacking what would make a moment like that more of a crowd pleaser. Feels like they leapt to the conclusion they wanted without taking the necessary steps to get there.
Daily remainder that fire force is gay and homo
Don't even need Asanagi for this one
Sorry but using fire to stop fire is stupid. The show is shit.
>neither of recruits should be trustworthy enough for the squad captain
Nigga what? Shinra is the Captain's pride at this point cause he resonates so hard with his justice boner and he's proven himself multiple times in the short time he's been there already.
Arthur isn't as trustworthy, but the point is to provide an excuse to get in there and having multiple people in means more options.
>they leapt to the conclusion they wanted without taking the necessary steps to get there
Pretty much this. Rather than calling show 'terrible', 'shit' or 'bad', I would go for 'lazy' instead.
Shinra is bitch, like every fire fag in existance
Fuck you, pyromancy is based
wise a best
Well that is just shonen kids saving the day as it happens in shonen and a lot of media directed to a younger audience. Naruto has kids going into spec ops, super hero comics have teen super heros fighting world ending threats and that is ok. Complaining about this overanalyzing a cartoon
Back to hood.
This ain't event pyromancy, this is negrosinthesis at best
How far is the anime gonna get?
They got 16 episodes left.
>9 is likely the whole Rekka fight
>10 is likely the White Clad showing up and the wrapup for the arc
>11 will probably be Origin of Company 8
So going from episodes 12-24, the next three arcs are Asakusa, Vulcan and the Netherworld. Asakusa is a mid size arc, Vulcan is a shorter arc, and Netherworld is fucking huge with how many individual fights happen.
Seems too long for just Asakusa and Vulcan, but too short for all three.
With as little spoilers as possible (some are fine), how much are we going to see of Muscle Dork?
> post BCshill
go back
They really forget about kyoani quickly, with the burning kid.
Exactly. Only the ED remains covered.
You know life goes on, right? They already paid their respects by editing the ED and delaying their episode that aired in that week. The KyoAni fire doesn't mean that fire is suddenly no longer allowed to be used in anime. Hell, I doubt even the victims of the fire themselves would want their deaths to bring their entire industry to a screeching halt.
Really depends on how far we get. I think she does a couple small things in Asakusa, but nothing major.
She's not in Vulcan at all since that arc is about Shinra, Arthur and the nun going to try and recruit a mechanic.
Only way she'd get some good shit is if they cover Netherworld this arc, because that's when she gets a fight all to herself and her cute owls.
Who else got a boner at the Tamaki sounds at the end of the episode?
They aren't extinguishing the fire. They are just killing monsters.
But that's a real thing
Reading about irl spontaneous human combustion is pretty spooky.
Blyatiful drawing. If the guy upped his writing game people would go diamonds reading his stuff.
How many chest x-rays?
He should just do a collab. It's not really that rare.
Not much. 100 is where it starts getting nasty
Why is a musclegirl allowed to be this cute?
>Crying over the latest episode
Maybe if you're a nance, which you most certainly are.
Ok since you have superior tase, recommend us an anime that's not shit please. I don't even watch Fire Force, you just come across as a spiteful and obnoxious person. But seriously, give me your favourite anime, I'm interested.
Shounenfags are the people that hate it though
Did you cry because it was that bad? I'm disappointed in this anime too but crying?
100MS is still far from a lethal dose tho, just blood transformations starting so the risk for leukemia or other cancer types start increasing
It's time.
>Sorry but using fire to stop fire is stupid.
user, that's what actual firemen have to do to control intense fires.
It can definitely fit all 3 arcs with the current pacing
SnK is a 1/10
Unfortunately not everyone can be 10/10 in both writing and art like Togashi
not even trying
We're 8 episodes in and reached Chapter 27. That's a bit over 3 chapters an episode.
At 24, we'll reach around 81, which is right at the start of SEVERED UNIVERSE. So they'd have to increase the pace or cut more stuff.
I haven't read the manga, but it's not like adaptations are always consistent like that. At some point there could be a chapter that's more wordy or more action-heavy that takes up more/less time when adapted to anime and end it before/after that.
Wasn't it going to be a 4-cour split cour anyway? Shouldn't be a big problem if they end up in the middle of an arc that way.
I forgot. Is that lightspeed?
>triggered Forcefag
Fire Force is a 2/10
Finally a series more intelligent than HxH
Unfortunately Yea Forums is trying to live up to the putrid anonymous reputation that was forced on it years ago It wasn't always like this
Why are witch hats so hot?
It's a shame because the anime ending might have kinda worked if they had framed it a little better. Both the anime and manga (ch111) discuss how he legit doesn't understand courage, and while punched-to-death-by-courage was kind of stupid, it would make sense that a seemingly illogical, mindless opponent like endgame Maka might ignite the latent fear he's been working against his whole life. Rather than going "so this....is the power...of courage..." and exploding, I would have bought it if he'd completely regressed back to his terrified earlier self over the course of the battle and retreated back into his bag of skin, effectively resealing himself.
It's worth noting that he didn't really bother killing people, preferring to send people mad instead. Finding someone that this shit completely failed on and hellbent on murdering him should be enough.
Man it's so obvious your dogshit at chemistry
>genetic trash
Yes you're genetics are trash, the proof is you not understanding that statement
>Yes you're genetics are trash
>Crying over some generic shonen
>"long time since I've cried watching anime"
>worn under her standard outfit
It is.
Yes, what problem our your having with that statement?
Agreed. I think people just see the fire / Shinra's movements and form the opinion that the animation is overall outstanding. If you read the manga then you notice all the shortcuts they take, both out of laziness and in favour of the director's obsession with long static shots.
It's unbelievable. If you cry at mediocre stuff like this, I can't even imagine how much you cry when watching feelsbait crap like Kimi No Nawa or Clannad.
>Daily remainder that fire force is gay and homo
But it's the best homo show airing right now.
It's unbelievable how much you're seething over someone not liking a bad anime/manga
What are you talking about? I just called it generic and mediocre.
Oops, I replied the wrong comment. Kill me.
This guy is toast.
and I dont mean the knight
Wrong. It was basically the same ending: abrupt and unsatisfying. The details don't matter. Just... lol, the end.
why do Japs suck so much at making proper endings?
People have a problem with both.
>genetic trash
Takes one to know one.
zoinks! user over here is a big faggot, huh scoobs?
Go back.
Arthur is the best
*laughs in kitaro*
lmao that dollar store "chunin exam" """arc""" and the knockoff "orochimaru" made me laugh. The show is so derivative lol, the animation, plot, characters are all wasted on this forgettable garbage. Everything happens way too fast, for me to give a fuck lol. the shounen/action part of the show to me is the worst part of the show. I do not give a single fuck about the overarching narrative/story. it is too fucking contrived. skip the action and the story, up the fucking fan service and sol moments. if the show runs long enough might even get some quality hentai out it. Is this zoomer shounen, stick with mha lol .. 4/10 dropped.
>dollar store "chunin exam" """arc""" and the knockoff "orochimaru"
The first was just a sparring match and you couldn't be more wrong about the second.
I remember Soul Eater went all the way to the end without bothering with any romance development or conclusion to the main cast, but the Fire Force anime so far seems to be somewhat building a harem for the protag.
Could some mangafag answer me if this series is going to waste time with that in a substantial way or is it closer to how Soul Eater was?
I'm on chapter 146 of 186 and so far the only one who wants Shinra's cock is Hibana.
Soul Eater is one of the few anime series that nobody hates.
Only flaw was the lazy final episode.
Nah, that chapter title sounds like a Burns chapter.
Why is the art so bad? Isn't this the Soul Eater artist?
SE was monthly, this is weekly
Still though it's not that great even by weekly standards
>Implying SE art isn't bad
good ryona scene, getting a boner from it is a good sign famiglia
I don't give a shit about this show but I love this female gorilla.
Kimetsu is shit too.
My stars!