Is Shinja gay? Why was he blushing?

Is Shinja gay? Why was he blushing?

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He's bisexual

Attached: Shinja-bi.jpg (720x540, 53K)

First mal friend

There are several scenes in the series where he is clearly checking out a female characters breasts and/or ass.

Yes, that's what bisexual means.

Angel magic

gay males relate to each other in almost entirely physical terms; hence the rampant casual sex, grindr hookups, and STD problems. What Shinji and Kowru have is more like a victorian era romantic friendship.

Women have a hot body, but you can’t never relate to them spiritually like you do with a man, this is a fact

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Shinja? is that a new character? Never heard of him? Also-FUCK FAGGOTS

that's teamwork- not sexuality

shinji is just a pervet.

i can not think of one young male who hasn't been succesful yet with girls- who isn't seriously horny about everything.

Kaworu is an angeru not a boy so it's not gay

I am now ill. i wil go to the bathroom. ow up. try to sleep. good ngigh

bromance aint gay bro

kill yourself.

So like every guy?

Shinji is bisexual, in the sense he likes women and angels. He doesn't likes men at all.

When he first met Kaworu he didn't know he was an angel, he thought he was just a regular boy. So that makes it gay.

Men treasure compliments and become endeared to compliment-givers. Most men don't receive them at all.

this x1000 for shinji. poor little fuck been shat on all his life

I don't think he is really gay and Kaworu too.
basically Kaworu was the first person who behaved cool with him for no reasons and openly said he liked him, it actually never happened to Shinji before so he appreciated him.

Kaworu just doesn't know common social behavior and he his following a plan, however he learned to appreciate him, pretty much like his only friend.

To be fair, he was the only thing to give Shinji some kind of positive reinforcement. Guy was starved for any kind of company.

bisexuals are more likely to be depressed than straight or even gay people, why is this? Its because true bisexuals don't really exist. They are straight men who, out of pure desperation, consider fucking other men. This is especially obvious in Shinji's case as he is rejected by every woman in his life and the only person to show him affection is kaworu

>you can call me shinji 2
what happened to shinji 1?


Shinji is a low self esteem virgin faggot filled with self doubt and insecurities so a little compliment goes a long way with him.
Also, androgynous angel specialized in infiltration, charm and seduction powers gains access to the core of the human resistance and uses said powers on the most emotionally fragile human being who by no accident happens to be the chosen one when it comes to fighting angels.

That sounds like every straight guy i've ever known.

He's so emotionally fucked up that he became bisexual simply because Kawaro valued him as a human being and loved him.

Physically he's straight.


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who'se that?

Why does Shinji get flack here?
>the illuminati have psychologically profiled you and plan to manipulate you into being their sacrifice
>they send an alien deity to seduce you just so you can be mentally broken down again later
>said alien has maxed out charisma and has you let your guard down because they are so nonthreatening

Shinji never stood a chance


The only people who think Shinji is gay are tumblrinas. And bisexual men don't exist.

seems gay to me

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The inventor of Sigourney Weaver

I never said he wasnt gay. I said "a guy who sleeps around and ends up with stds sounds like your typical straight dude", not "shinji isnt gay".
Shinji is the gayest anime character who isnt in yuri on ice. He only really loved a boy.

user, I...


He's faggotsexual