Why didn't guts just join griffith

why didn't guts just join griffith

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because he's the opposite of Griffith, a guy who litterally has everything at hand whenever he wants, a dream, a purpose, and friends. Guts has been alone and struggling his whole life, even since his fucking day of birth, he has no dream nor purpose, he has to fight just to survive another day, and when he finally got the chance to be truly happy, it all fell appart due to his so called friend who was destinied to be a nearly invincible and powerful entity becoming a demon taking everything from him just to make him suffer, his battles and suffering will never end. but he will keep going, because it his nature, he will never give up even if he has to defy fate.

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griffith sounds like a real jerk, why did he do that

because his nature is evil, he's a sociopath, but he doesn't realize this, he'll do anything as long as he is the center of attention (disguising it under a mask of good will, like becoming a benevolent king and ruler) He believes hes doing the right thing but unconsciously he only does it to fuel his ego.

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cuz griffith is evil

why is griffith pretending to be human still?

t. speedreader

The epitomy of speedreader. He's just an autistic homo with big dreams

Fate is the crucial thing here.
Griffith was been fated to become king of the world.
And he did it.
Guts has been fated to die.
But he did not.

Griffith is pro fate, Guts is anathema.

>muh dream

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Because it works on Guts really well.

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So the moral of the story is never befriend a homo?

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Yes. They fuck up everything.

Not if the homo in question is widely known to be a one in a million individual.

Because he cucked him and killed his friends.

why did he do that

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You remember how he tried to force hisself onto Casca despite being a cripple after seeing her and Guts get along so well?
He just tried again.

Because Casca fucked his crush first.

I feel like Guts won't have the strength to cut up Griffith in the end..

why doesn't he just kill him

That won't really resolve anything either, certainly not enough to end the manga.
Griffith would just go back to being a God Hand member.

At the end of Berserk in 2200 Guts will kill the idea of evil and then Femto's exoskeleton will melt and reveal that underneath is still the skinny and crippled Griffith from before the Eclipse and Guts will decide to let him remain in this state because it's worse than death

is the show any good?

KIlling Griffith wouldn't resolve anything either. The core problem is the IoE and humanity that keeps feeding it with its negativity and superstition.

Well, the story definitely is heading into a direction where there will be a big cataclysm involving the god hand.
A hand only has five fingers; the reincarnation is a once-in-1000+ years thing.
Their cycle will end.
Skull Knight actually predates the god hand somehow, so they are finite.

Reading Berserk and seeing this horrible depiction of dreams and fate makes One Piece seem fucking oppressive in comparison.

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really, nigger? how is grif not evil.

Griffith doesn't think he is doing the "right thing" because that's not what he cares about, he wants to fulfill his dream and he would crush anyone to fulfill it, doesn't matter who or what. It's what alpha males do who only accept other alphas as friends and when Guts found out that he acts like a beta by living for another man's dream, he left

>and in the end, it turns out all I had to do was to not go: Berserkā„¢
you guys said this manga was good

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>It's what alpha males do who only accept other alphas as friends
>loses it when Guts breaks free from his control and pursues his own dream
>so mad, that he actually has sex with the princess just to make himself feel a bit good after he was obliterated
>gets tortured for being a retard sissy
>blames all of this on Guts
yeah a true alpha

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After all this time, there is no possible satisfying ending. He should make 10 separate endings and people can choose the one they like best.

Alphas get destroyed by bigger alphas. But desu suffering like he did after this without losing his dream was somewhat alpha of Griffith

Berserk Visual Novel? Griffith for TRUE ENDING.

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He's GRRM'd his story with so much irrelevant shit, it's impossible to finish without plotholes the size of jupiter.

I feel like Skull Knight is the final boss here. And he is just using Guts to push his agenda to settle the score with Void. I fell like Skull Knight was the big man but Void somehow fucked him and took his place.

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>idea of evil
isn't it already retconned? Miura already removed the chapter from official releases.

he almost lost it, until muh causality called him with visions into that river where he found the egg of the king, and then he sacrificed all just to have unlimited power to fullfil his "dream" and to make the one who almost took it all away suffer. he could have learned from his mistakes and could have just accepted death with dignity realizing how much of a cunt and a sociopath he was in life, but muh causality had other plans for him and his fist was so deep inside his own ass that he actually believe his own bullshit and became a demon just to fullfil muh dream.

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I think he is just to Void what Guts is to Femto and in Guts he sees a potentially useful ally to kick the God Hand's ass but first he needed to put him in the Berserker armor even though nobody knows better than him what it does to a guy

>Implying " causality" is not just Void behind the wheel steering

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Episode 83 (which included the explanation of pic related) was but not the heart's existence itself. Miura himself explained that he did it to keep the limits of what he can do with the story more lose. So unless we see anything in the new releases that is incompatible with episode 83, i think it's safe to assume the content in it is still more or less what Miura is going for.

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I think he was part of the God Hand himself but Void did something to remove him. Maybe they bout want to lead. I mean literally everyone is scared from him beside Zodd. Also there was one free spot in the God Hand for Griffith that maybe belonged to SK.