Pop a squat, user, and watch me play Skyrim

Pop a squat, user, and watch me play Skyrim.

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Dumb girl who probably died in the tutorial.

>Skyrim on console
No thanks, Yui.

Play it on PC with mods, you dumb cunt.

The controller is disconnected and Ui is the one actually playing on PC.

I don't think I've seen a single Skyrim mod add anything worthwhile past an alternate start.

Time for some assrimming with Ui.

>Standing Ui behind the couch and fucking her from behind while watching Yui play without her noticing
For some reason I really want to do lewd things with Ui and try to go as far as I can with trying to do it in the open without oblivious Yui noticing.

>Pop a squat
Is this Japanese? Never heard this phrase before.

Is this bait or autism?

Which K-ons would shave their pubes and which wouldn't? I know Yui would definitely have a massive bush.

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why I would absolutely love too, and afterwords we can play Fallout 4™

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Well, is autism. is either bait or retardation.

This user knows what's up.

No thanks, onee-san invited me to play Sekiro.

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I like the way Rodd thinks.

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Given much of the mods are purely graphical.

How about you vote user, democracy is a cornerstone of our world.

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I didn't buy the Fallout.

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Yui, your series takes place in 2007 to 2010. What's a Skyrim?

I was looking up the phrase origin and found that "cop a squat" (d. 1970s) meant to take a seat, and it seems "pop a squat" branched off from this to to mean taking a piss or dump outdoors.

My wife Yui is so good at vidya.

Ritsu could beat her ez.

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i'll beat her genki ass if she does

Don't let Todd know but Japan loves New Vegas

Try it bitch

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Your spouse is a retard.

but what about Old Vegas?

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I hope you’re playing Vigilant


Camping/Frostfall, Ordinator (perk tree overhaul), apocalypse (magic overhaul) and armor remixes arent for you then?

Who doesn't?

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She's playing the elder scrolls arena and is in the province of skyrim within that game.
I didn't even know arena had controller support though.

digits confirm, Yui is an emulator master.
Mousefags backed the fuck up.

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Vidya is cancer
Don't let it ruin anime

Open world sandboxes is the most boring genre to watch, you dumb bitch. No thank you.

I couldn't watch keion because it makes me so horny and lonely

>Pop a squat

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I know this doujin
I also know someone on deviantart made it into a fanfiction

>A fanfic of a doujin of an anime adaption of a manga
What a world we live in.

Regardless of the subject or object of this post, Yui's eyes must be mentioned: How they seem to see beyond what they're apparently fixed on.

It is the gaze of awareness, of transcendent knowledge, in specific, the gaze of the artist confident in measuring the conventional representations of truth against truth itself.

These eyes of hers are limpid black pools beckoning with placid bemusement urging one toward the joy of yielding to the pursuit of creative inspiration, however peculiar or potentially unprofitable.

But her eyes, in contrast to their magnetic effect, are like the silent center of the storm. Around her all is tumult, but she, as tumults overarching agent, as the sub-atomic particle directing matter's shifting outward veneer, merely acts in harmony and so without effort, by the laws of the universe uncommonly obvious for her to see.

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What's Ui gonna do about it?

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Girl does a thinking face for five seconds and you faggots are like hurr durr she is a sage of cosmic wisdom

Please do not bully Yui. Thank you.

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I just heard "pop a squat" for the first time in my life a couple minutes ago. My fate must've been sealed when I read this thread.

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>First I pop a squat!
>Then I spread my legs apart!
>Then I hop, hop, hop!
>Rub my nipples and then shart!

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Best girls

>There's a rocket in my ass, so at this final part
>I BLAST OFF into outer space with my fart!

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>The gas from my hot fart turns into a star
>and it burns brighter than all of the others by far!
>The cum from my bum caused a milky way path
>I'M A GOD! Galaxies are born form my ass!

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Mio so stupid, she suck my dick after being tricked by me as fake doctor. I told her it was medicine for her cold

that was the last game I played,I haven't played a video game since; didn't even finished it. should I get back into vidya? bear in mind my pc probably isnt good enough for gaymz and i dont own any consoles

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Not really, the base game is fine to me.

>using apocalypse instead of forgotten magic

Is Yui the type to sing Romeo and Cindarella without knowing the context?



You're still missing out on the fan patch. Makes things much more stable.

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It's fine, I'm lazy and the game runs fine and never really has issues on my end so I'm not too concerned.

I want to rape Yui so much

>haven't played a video game since
how does one "stops" playing games? it's so weird to me when people say things like "I haven't played a game in X many years" or "I haven't watch a movie since X" seriously how do you manage this?

>should I get back into vidya? bear in mind my pc probably isnt good enough for gaymz and i dont own any consoles

yes I guess? a console is cheaper than building a gaming pc but with a pc you can download the games and test the waters before you dive full into gaming, I guess just download some games with your current set up and work up from there

I never get used to the gunplay so I always quit after the tutorial missions.

Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.

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Has any of you set one of your screen vertically just to read manga?

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LMAO enjoy having no sex mods and having your game looking like shit.

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That's called Occam's razor. You've heard the phrace a lot of times before but for some reason you only registered it now and u shook when u heard it 4 d 2d time,