It seems to be that Rin doesn't knows how to sit straight

It seems to be that Rin doesn't knows how to sit straight...

Attached: EDT2K_xU8AERbB7[1].jpg (1080x1920, 285K)

She's straighter than she sits.

Why did you had the need to clarify that?

Before the yurifags made a joke about her degree of 'straightness'.

Her butt hurts.

Based bisexual icon Rin Tohsaka.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-02 Bisexual people can't sit on chairs properly, says internet.png (1051x799, 263K)

But she's straight.

Rin's straight as spaghetti and so am I.

Attached: smug rin.png (477x530, 428K)

I guarantee the artist who drew the OP image had zero idea of this supposed 'meme' and that it's merely a coincidence, as Japan knows better than the west that Rin Tohsaka is an entirely heterosexual woman.

>I guarantee the artist who drew the OP image had zero idea of this supposed 'meme'
I know, but it doesn't stops being an amusing coincidence. Rin still is bisexual as fuck, something I love of her as a bi man.

Uncooked spaghetti ofc

Wait until it gets hot and wet.

She's straight and always has been. Even Takeuchi said as much when talking about her potential romantic partners.

>always has been
Grasping at straws.

Attached: Rin Tohsaka realizes shes bi.jpg (812x612, 134K)

Rin is a Christian, and Christians can't be gay.

Yurifags begone

No she isn't.

Me too.

>she isn't
She wears a huge fat Cross on her red shirt and lives in a western styled vilalge, it's time to accept facts.

Her father did, but she doesn't. There's a line in HA explaining that.

That explains why she can't use the toilet properly.

Attached: thatthing.jpg (1280x720, 208K)

probably because she is airing out the Mana from the most magical place

>keeps checking out girls and talking about how hot they are, plus joins in on a threesome so that she can get some pussy

Remember how Rin's last thoughts when Saber was about to cut her in half were how beautiful Saber was? Imagine if Shirou went "oh my, what a handsome man!" when Lancer stabbed him though the heart.

She needs some training.


Saber is beautiful in a fae, ethereal way. Almost everyone reacts to her in that way. It doesn't say a thing about Rin's sexuality. What is more telling is that in every route she goes for a man in the end.


What happened?

She did the same with Rider.

I can't sit normally. I like to sit like that in the image.

maybe her butt hurts

She also keeps going on about how beautiful Rider is. Also see:

It's a western thing?



Post the line

Bump for the line.

then i get long and hard

shes just sevanto-sexual.
consider how she acts around archer and lancer.

maybe her butt hurts

Then she should be lying down, not sitting.

>"I'm special and unique! Look at me! Look at me and my silly antics! Teehee!"

Why does her butt hurt?

Well if Lancer had a sword he definitely would


This desu.