Was he gay or asexual?

was he gay or asexual?

Attached: alien sounding ass nigga.jpg (210x240, 18K)



With that hair color? Gay.

He was a self-admitted sociopath who was incapable of 'human' love. He says as much himself, speedwatcher.

Came for this.
I don't remember, did they ever explain why Rakshata always called him Earl of Pudding?

Attached: Earl of Pudding.jpg (1280x720, 40K)

Hes mech sexual

If I recall in the movie he ends up fucking Rakshata and making a ton of kids.


He can't love and is only aroused by science. Still one of the most moral characters in the show.

Neither, he was best

He is an Earl. His favorite food was pudding.

I suspected it was something that stupid and yet I'm still disappointed.

Attached: 1305585934708.jpg (801x720, 79K)


He was the best character in the series if I'm dropping the real shit on you. For a background character he had his finger in a ton of pies, got away with everything, had a well-off woman attached to him for marriage which he gave zero fucks about and then on multiple occasions he shamed the nobility around him into doing what he wanted due to sheer dick size.

So, asexual.

I thought he stole her purin

I fucking wanted to be him when I watched this show. Not Ledouche, who acted like some shit-nosed undergrad that just read Edward Said for the first time. Not Suzaku, who just got shit handed to him without working for it.

But Lloyd, who fucked with everyone and just stayed where he was without ever risking his skin.

Is he a plant?

Underrated character, he's my favorite after Lelouch and CC.

He wanted to fuck around with mechas

>LLoyd Assplunged
What do you think

>rich polisci undergrad thinks he's king shit after a year of study
>chad gets everything handed to him just for being a chad
>well-off nerd is a sociopathic asshole who never has to put himself in danger or give a fuck about corporate because his intelligence is too desireable
Wait I thought this was supposed to be anime. Is Code Geass the most realistic depiction of modern society in anime?