Ugly waifus

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your mom

No yours

Both your moms.

No yours
And yours

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Waifu does not mean anime girl.

Contradiction. Waifu is always beautiful to the one who sees them as such.

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Mary is cute

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OP too brainlet to understand that their over the top reactions is to show the ugly side of humans.

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To be fair you have to have a high IQ to enjoy Kakegurui


haha i don’t like popular thing, look how cool i’m

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This guy gets it.

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Your bait is even worse than OP's, user.
I don't even like Sakura, but know that she's not ugly.

The only good things of the show the faces and the pop star girl.

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This. Fucking normalfags thinking waifu means anime girl ruin the meaning of the term