Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet 119 [END]

Spoilers soon

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do people still give a fuck?


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Now post the Scott x Char kiss.

mah nigga

Did they fug



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Abe wants you to fuck.

What happened to Leon

This image gave me 8 inches.

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i miss her

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 兄貴「こんな事じゃ議員としてやっていけないぞ」 千和さん「でも吐いてる姿もステキよ露壬雄君」
・シャルは見た目変わったか、なんか髪型が・・・だが性格は変わってない「警備はばっちりよぉ 怪しいやつは即死刑」

・結婚式の客席には王姉妹の姿も 妹「白タキシードかっこいい・・・」
・「サイベルちゃんオレ達も結婚しよう」「嫌です」 サイベルまだフリーだった!
・ダリア学園であなたに出会えてよかった! 完 (結婚式で全員集合写真〆)

What the fuck was that with the last 3 or 4 chapters?

Author thought the last arc wrapped up the main conflicts well, not knowing that he missed out on prime comedic and cathartic real estate with his timeskip panels.

>Somali became a mother with two daughters
>Aby now has to deal with 3 monster rascals
RIP Aby.

The manga was axed.


>scott being eternally buttmad to the end
You could have at least given him some sort of high note.

Apparently you get Scott crying over Juliet's marriage.

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He's been dealing with Somali for years now, he knew what he was getting into.
Although the sex probably left him with bruises.

Meh, it feels like the sort of series that gets spinoffs.

Abe sama is the greatest meme

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Yeah I kind of shipped them, and yes I'm disappointed.

There might be extras in the final volume release, have faith.

Our boy and girl did lads. So fucking proud.

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>It's over
I'm going to miss this manga so much.

It wasn't, apparently it ending was announced back in April. This last arc did feel a bit rushed, though.

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Season 2 when?

Will Juliet die from childbirth?

I wish they didn't have to rush the ending. I wonder if the numbers were that bad...
I'll miss it. Have to find a new weekly manga I'm already reading 5Toubon.

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It was selling pretty decently, so the author probably didn't know how to end it properly.

Probably never, the anime didn't sell very well.

Couldn't the author have shown their final year and have had comfy hijinks like WSS series?

Guess I'll have to pick up the manga

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>Juliet never stopped being best girl until very end
Going to kiss this series even though the author could've handled it better.

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This ended? Only watched the anime. How did Char and that guy with a lock earring end up?

Congrats, Romio and Juliet.
I'm so happy.

Good for them but I still can't shake off the feeling that the ending felt so rushed.

Please translate, cannot into runes

-The wedding ceremony is held 7 years later at Dahlia Academy

-Hasuki is an actress-Somali has 2 daughters

-Leon is a popular teacher at Dahlia

-Romio and Airu are members of Congress/Diet/Parliament in Touwa

-Juliet is the West's first Viscountess

-Turkish and Chiwa reunite for the first time

-Romio and Juliet exchange vows and kiss, and Romio almost faints (LEWD PER CHAN)

-Last page is group photo of everyone

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Is he angry because Romio succeeded where he failed or the usual angry dad in law?

Great, let Hitler indoctrinate the next generation.

Someone dump it.

Why is Nino their mascot?

Fuck, I missed this train.

What about Char?

Well we got the kiss, fucking finally. I still wish we could seem them with kids etc. Sad it's over but there you go.

Don't some manga leave a final epilogue for the tankobon release? We might get something.

Huh, an actual satisfying end. So many mangas with shit endings recently.

I wish Juliet got NTR’d by some random fucking guy. Shit series. Those slutty lolis should’ve won.

She's going to cheat on Romio with a chad muslim, in a few years.

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That’s good. Once Romio sees Juliet’s half-bred children, he’ll go off and awaken his male instincts and dominate various women like the chad he should’ve been.

It was kind of rushed

Agreed. The series was just too short.

Not really, it had a pretty good run. Remember that for about half of its run it was a monthly series. The main issue I really have with the ending is that they skipped almost all of their third year, when they could have easily shown at least highlights of that year or something. While I doubt the manga was axed considering the sales were pretty good, something must have gone wrong for it to have ended the way it did.

Why did it get axed?

Scott, a joke character to the very end.

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Oh shit this is actually ending? It was one of those manga which I imagined would run forever until it gets axed lol

Nice to see Leon go back to her natural hair color.

Anyone got raws? I can't read gook chicken scratches

It didn't get axed fuck off. A 3 million sales manga doesn't get axed from WSM, this isn't Jump.

Tomorrow when they come out I'm dumping them like usual.

>nobody fucked Char
What a waste

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Hasuki didn't get any D either

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Someone get me the raws I'll have the chapter out in 2 hours

There's no raws until tomorrow.

So in the end, Maru became a bigger bro to Juliet than Scott (or anyone else but Romio for that matter).
Damn, I hope he found a good White Kitty waifu to marry himself.

the irony of char calling hasuki a titty monster

>typical onions/pol/tard insecurities

Crossboarding is cancer

neck yourselves

Was the anime worth watching? I didn't bother when it came out.

Well funny enough it seem the Tankōbon version IS gonna have an epilogue chapter with another TIME Skip, seem like Romieo is gonna get the D after all!

PS: it didn't need it but I'm glad it getting another chapter. unlike most manga i like that DIDNT get on in the Tankōbon know which series LOL

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oh man their daughter is super cute, as expected of persia superior genes

What a dumb hat.

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That's not their daughter, that's elementary school Juliet. Right is Ragdoll.

superior ragdoll genes then

How long will we have to wait.

The last arc was massively rushed. The Leon arc felt like the natural narrative conclusion to most of what the characters were struggling with, so there was nowhere to go from there that would feel natural except a slow-burn showing the countries as a whole changing and accepting each other, maybe with some new rivals like politicians or Char's mom in the spotlight, but instead we got "school trip that ends in one volume and uses the most contrived daddy trope in media". Saving Papa Persia for after Leon was a mistake.

>Juliet's dad saw this everyday.
>Didn't quit his job to become a full blown family man.
A faggot he was. Thank the Lord based Romio will give Juliet the love she deserves.


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Will scans for that be uploaded at some point when it's out?

>seem like Romieo is gonna get the D after all!

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Well sweet. When does it release?

Sure, I'll upload it.

I swear to god it looks like Char is preggo

Look how handsome Scott is, he didn't age bad at all. Fag is wasting way his looks.

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Oh awesome. Thanks user. Any idea when it releases?

None of them really aged. They all look about the same.

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AmazonJP says 9/17 so the 16th in PST. Luckily that's a day off so as long as it released in the same distributor I use for WSM that same date the dump should come that same morning.

It's a myth. He wants to introduce immigration to the japanese and isn't doing shit to rise the birth rate.

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I think I would've preferred Turkish and Leon's arcs to be solved simultaneously (Leon symbolizing a future Turkish could've had with Chiwa but would've been even more unprepared for than simply being torn away from her, and Ragdoll + Juliet's presences in his life assuring him that what he has now can still be enjoyed).

What was the sex like

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Who could have ever seen this coming?

>that Persia, Char, and Hasuki in the end
Someone needs to draw up a doujin of the honeymoon with Romio breeding all 3 of them ASAP. Like, holy fuck, you can't make it more obvious that they all want it.

Is it safe to say this went the way of Soma?

There's only so many ways you can write a Romeo and Juliet story. The only glaring criticism is the repetitive early chapters.

Of course not you fucking idiot.

Hell no, Soma was a disaster case and this was just a bit rushed of an ending, but still perfectly acceptable.

What happened in soma? Fill me in just came out of a cave

Why does Chartreaux rest in that position?

Constant escalation for the sake of constant escalation. Eventually suffering from completely deflated stakes, blatant gimmicks, and reversing character development just so they could do the same thing again.


Cooking Nen and NTR

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You know that El Hermano thing from DBS threads? That happened

the quints in general are, they swap about once a week.

>going to
they dated 3 years
she waited 7 years for him to finally marry her
Am I really supposed to believe she didn't already?

with a twist, was supposed to be Souma's EL Hermano was Erina's

I actually don't know about that, what is it?

El Hermano = The Brother
So in DBS Jiren, who was considered the strongest fighter, was fighting in a team tournament against the main characters (Goku, Vegeta, Frieza).
Of course Latin America is full of shitposters so they started coming up with ideas of what asspull character could show up or power up or plot twist could happen during the tournament.
One of those is that Jiren's brother (OC) would show up and battle Jiren and be easily beat him up.
one of the earlier power level charts, there were a lot more made with more characters (even outside the franchise) including the addition of Shaggy (Scooby Doo), Cell Dorado

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And Soma did that unironically

On the plus side, this meme spawned the Ippo chart which is at least funny.

How did it happen in soma exactly? I think I left the manga after Soma himself attained the 1st seat.

Then El Hermano showed up to start the shit arc and ended with El Hermano being revealed to be someone else's Hermano.


Some random fucker showed up, revealing himself to the secret adopted son of Jouichirou who had already defeated him in a shokugeki and was the leader of a secret underground mafia of "dark chefs" with cooking superpowers who worked for the mafia and shit. He then spent several dozen chapters literally trying to cuck Erina away from Souma to satisfy a paper-thin inferiority complex and mostly succeeded in downgrading her into a damsel in distress before the worst tournament arc in manga history reduced every character but Soma into jobbing fodder

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>literally trying to cuck Erina away from Souma
funny on it's own, but later it's revealed that he is actually her half-brother

Did soma end with Erina already? Did they get any kind of development in their relationship? Or still the same old shit where nothing happens

No, no and yes.

That's fucking disappointing.At least there are some delicious doujins with erina

You forgot to mention that there was no foreshadowing and the author just randomly decided to drop that news in the 2nd to last chapter for no reason other than to make the last arc look even worse in hindsight

>the world's most racist country

No. Hayama's the only one from their class who got married.
Yes, to the extent that apparently they can both admit to themselves that they're into each other. But it doesn't seem like they can admit it to each other so.

Somali married Aby?

Good enough for me

and got busy.

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She sure had kids early

Wait, char get pregnant?

kinda stopped reading after 90th chapter or something, it was too much of ecchi bait for me

It's like 5% ecchi if that, what are you on about?

Based. Thanks.

To think we were 70+ chapters behind a year ago, it was a fun ride.

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I think it would be less of a case of "haha, lesbianism doesn't exist" than "you can pry this crown from my cold dead hands and I'll get artificially inseminated to ensure it's MY bloodline that stays on top".
Though it -is- Japan, so you never know.

Yes, I had fun.
Thanks, guys.

Need I remind you of how utterly loyal the OTHER blond scheming lady in that show was?

Somali raped Aby probably

Does best girl get a happy ending? I stopped reading this after romeo beat his brother.

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>nobody dicked the lolis

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Naturally. Can't trust the filthy halfbreeds.

I'm planning to read this series. Was it any good? For reference I enjoy shits like 5Toubun and hate majority of Nisekoi.

I wonder if the father is one of her suitors or someone she picked.

Unless they say something in the chapter, it's probably just the dress.

It's literally a reverse Nisekoi. The MC and main girl start dating at the start and then spend most of their time having to hide their relationship from the rest of the school.

I wish I was abby

it's definitely not a nisekoi or a toubun. It's not a harem, since the mc confessed his love to the main girl literally on the first chapter. it's Aoi Yori Aoshi, but all the rivals actually know they are dating (minus the loli).

So it was good? Gotcha.

The last chapter has Souma saying that Erina is the one he wants to cook for forever and Erina saying that she was upset whenever he fucked off to a random country because she wanted to spend more time with him, but as far as actual romance there was nothing.

Even if user doesn't deliver, the official English release is up to volume 11, so I don't think there's a high chance they'd quit 4 volumes from the end. At very least we're gonna get it eventually.

leon spin-off when


What about Char spin off?


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They won't.

This manga kind of sucked.

Don't say that, user. I gotta believe.

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The people who work on Juliet only work on Juliet.

Been trying to get early raws, but we can't. We whipped the translator a bit, so let's see what happens tomorrow.

Fuck off and kill yourself rhino.

I don't know why but this disappoints me so much. The one chapter he got was about improving himself but the author just makes him the most pathetic person. This makes me more butthurt than it should.

WTF. Did that guy just cook using a fucking chainsaw?

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I'll miss best girl

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it was a good ride

Cute. I'm glad it had a somewhat proper, and quite cute, end.

Being a childhood friend is suffering.

Did Hasuki's bro fuck the White Cat or Romio's sister?

I'll laugh if someone snipes this from Dropout.

Where is Hasukifag

This one didn't become a slowly decaying zombie series before getting mercy killed so no

Kinda glad they didn't get to quickly marry, makes things more realistic. Also, the time-skip provides good fic fodder.
But marrying at your old high school? I don't get it. I know it's the place where they met and everything, but...

I still can't believe the West was Italy, not Britain.

It originally was but they made it an amalgamation of Europe.

Does 'they' here mean the manga's creators, or in-universe characters?
Because everything I've seen of the White Cats implies they're conquer-happy bastards.

Was it Somali Longheart or Longhair?


This kind of story now becomes my favorite.

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Leon is too good a character not to have her own story.

Whatever happened to her being Romio’s mistress?

I'm gonna be making a new thread when raws come out to dump them.

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