>make thread earlier
>dies within minutes
fucking fine, i'll use some tatsumaki clickbait this time
fuck all of you reddit crossposting scum
>make thread earlier
>dies within minutes
fucking fine, i'll use some tatsumaki clickbait this time
fuck all of you reddit crossposting scum
Other urls found in this thread:
Shouldn't the POV be much higher considering Tats is a massive womanlet?
you're assuming its a head position based view point instead of a camera based or just a randomly selected viewpoint.
She's probably levitating since there's no way she would be able to reach the sink or counter comfortably at her height.
First for Fashy Fash!
why is this charlatan in a tats thread?
Do you even know what that means, tourist?
FUCK tatsumaki
God I want to annihilate that
She's looking back in surprise and Genos and Fubuki are sleeping so I can only assume it's from the POV of Saitama. Dude even has a mug of him and tats.
That sounds a bit more plausible but still lacks the green glow.
>that mug
That's Saitama's point of view as he's heading -hehe - for the meal.
Post more
>That sounds a bit more plausible but still lacks the green glow.
IIRC she's not always animated with a green glow when floating. She only glows when she "gets a bit serious" so to speak. Also based on the fact that Tats is a womanlet if she were on her feet instead of levitating the counter should come up to her stomach if not her chest. In the image the counter is clearly at her waist level.
that doesn't mean we're seeing through his eyes.
fuck one
fuck murata
fuck the one punch man reddit
fuck Yea Forums
fuck tatsumaki
and fuck YOU
i want to put my pee pee inside tats
BASED king
she's standing on a box
Not only is he the strongest man, but he's got the best opinions.
the POV is from someone who wants to get a better view of her ass obviously
take it to the cap boys
canon ship
>someone who wants to get a better view of her ass
So, everyone?
Tatsumaki only fucks black sperm's big black american cock
Tatsumaki's got a fine ass I'll tell you what
Unf. My fiery tsundere loli wife who can beat me up is extra erotic today.
black sperm never got close, aryan golden sperm did
in any case Tornado is for Caped Baldy
>fubuki with one eye open
uh oh
Saitama's tiny japanese weeny will never please a size queen like Tatsu. Only big black african Black Sperm cock can.
why do you write shit like this? it's creepy as fuck
Fubuki isn't sleeping her eyes are open she is faking it
black sperm never got close to tats, are you listening?
Golden sperm was the one who passed through
>tfw you reluctantly live in a house where two sisters and a chuuni cyborg all lust after your meat
read it again
Golden sperm is the Aryan
How about you stop typing like an idiot and lurk more?
pedantic autist strikes again
Black Sperm got in there deep
no that was golden sperm
Here, FIFY.
Post more love love.
>Have skinny anorexic body and legs
>show off legs
I don't get this character design
>all that in Aoi Yuuki voice
I want to put a baby in her
The POV is me heading down to take a whiff of her pert musky brapper
>Fucking Genos
No that's gay
Her sister is an actual full-fledged woman, why would anyone want the discount version?
But Fubuki is the sequel discount version.
Hey guys, I’m a new reader of OPM manga, so far i just watched the anime and then went directly around the chapter when season 2 end in the anime.
But i have a question, so far it seem i missed a lot of stuff ? I don’t recall blacksperm fighting tatsumaki or saitama ? Or even golden sperm ?
When did all of this happened ? Last chapter i read was the 115 with atomic samurai vs black sperm...
can someone enlighten me a little ? Thanks guys
>Probably had tons of sex because of everyone lusting after her body
>Borderline Personality Disorder
>Never lived on her own, doesn't know how to cook or clean or do laundry
>Wants to be slovenly and lazy, but desperately counts calories to stay in shape and ride the cock carousel for as long as she can
>Body and personality huge turn off towards Chad Thundercock and Chadarius Thompson
>Classic tsundere, not actually a bad or crazy person, actually cares for people despite not wanting to show it outwardly
>Lives on her own in a mansion, obviously knows how to cook, clean, etc
>Naturally petite, doesn't pig out, frugal
>Willing to put in the work to make a relationship work
Have sex.
The webcomic is the original version. The manga is the updated version, but it takes most of its cues from the webcomic and just makes them look prettier/more intense.
So far, the webcomic, as of chapter 115, has adapted about 67 of the 116 webcomic chapters. The next 30 chapters are dedicated to the S-class heroes + Saitama + Fubuki fighting the cadres + Garou.
Have a fulfilling relationship and bring back your fried dopamine and oxytocin receptors that were ruined from years of casual sex
oh wait, you can't
Did Puri Puri Prisoner originally get sent to jail because he's incredibly racist? You can't just go around calling black people "Darky" anymore. Smh desu senpai.
no he went to prison willingly for raping felons and monsters
Fuckin loser, you even read the faggotry you write?
Have sex.
her sister is 100x hotter
>t. manuel gonzolas goblino
I'd fuck both sisters. They are hot as fuck.
My name is master of the obvious.
Lol what the fuck are you on about
>why yes, I do have shit taste how could you tell
For whatever reason, my brain put "my" between "both" and "sisters" there. I thought I was in an incest thread for a second.
>why yes I am from /int/, how could you tell?
'Full fledged woman' = slut.
i do want to fuck her.
The image with your message is from the webcomic ? It’s weird...
Also, one more question, why does the mangaka rewrite some chapters ? It’s the first time i’ve Seen someone do that, it’s quite surprising
Tats no
One rewrites stuff for the new things he added in the story for the manga.
Yeah, the webcomic is in the original artstyle. If you get bored waiting for new chapters of the manga, you can take the plunge. You get used to the artstyle after 20-ish chapters, and it's charming in its own way.
> why does the mangaka rewrite some chapters
Murata, the mangaka for the manga adaptation, redraws chapters when he's not happy with his work. He's a perfectionist. It's why OPM isn't weekly or biweekly, it updates whenever Murata is happy with what he's done. And sometimes he's unhappy with his finished work and goes back and redoes it.
Murata doesn't write the manga. One still does the manga. All he does is illustrate and add One approved ideas and fights.
she's standing on me
I never said he did. You're really defensive there. Something you wanna share with the class?
New chapter on Thursday! What will it cover bros?
You said he was the mangaka of it.
All that's left before the base flip is for Child Emperor to get water'd and for Dark Shine to find Garou.
He is a mangaka and is in charge of drawing the chapters. He often does 2 - 3x as many pages as the storyboards ONE gives him.
Do you think Tatsumaki can extract my semen with her powers out of my balls even when im not hard? I would like to experience that.
I'll never understand this picture: Why the fuck is Tatsumaki doing the dishes naked in Saitama's flat with Fubuki and Genos lying in bed together? Did they have an orgy or something? Is the artist a sexually frustrated pent-up jizzer?
I know he does the drawing.
She's either married to Saitama or his girlfriend, and Fubuki and Genos are living in his house as extended "family"
I look like fuhrer ugly irl
it would be extremely painful
Good luck having 4 people live in one room. Sick fantasy, picture would have been better with just her washing the dishes with empty futons and that cup there to explain things.
Hello, I only came here to imagine the Tatsumaki.
as you wish
>Good luck having 4 people live in one room
You mean like the Mexicans who illegally immigrate to the US and live 5 to an apartment? You'd be surprised how cramped people can live.
He's Honorary Aryan
He's literally a skinhead
>user you´re too tall! how stupid
lmao, she would really say that
>get convicted for raping felons and monsters
>get sent to serve your sentence in a location filled with felons and monsters
He only raped beautiful men, not monsters.
He's only with felons. Monsters are in a separate prison.
I'm a big guy.
no matter where they were to put him he'd still be a sexual threat to the felons and monsters he puts away.
it'd actually probably be best if they were to put him in a prison for one in some apartment somewhere, get his meals delivered and have a guard shift that literally lets him out when he needs to do his hero thing
No, because that'd call attention to her height, which she absolutely detests.
They could put him in an all-female prison.
Which S-class hero do you want to see bug Saitama next? For me, it'd be Bofoi.
I can't wait to see the Garou vs Saitama fight. I'm going to fucking explode from hype in 2021 when it finally gets adapted.
every new season is gonna get gradually worse animation. eventually it's just gonna be voiced manga panels.
In Genos' case the meat he's lusting after is Saitama's muscles. Though I guess that's the case for the other two as well - at least partially.
That'd be better than what we got.
>Thinking posting a lolibaba is going to make redditards flock to your thread
must be a fubukitard
Tatsu likes him because he's just the male version of her, personality-wise. They're both loner tsunderes that are way too strong for their own good who actually care about eachothers' wellbeing. Not to mention they're foul mouthed and like to insult people instead of dealing with them, and they respect eachother.
Tatsumaki is endgame.
pretty much, even just a friendship would make them less lonely
Weird, innit? The more I reread the Psychic Sisters arc, the more I realize that it's a masterpiece in story telling through sub-text. What Saitama and Tatsumaki say on the surface goes counter to how they really feel about one another (friendship through empathy, not relationship).
I hope to see Tatsumaki showing up more often, since she's a much better character to bounce off Saitama than Flash, who just seems like an asshole trying to guilt trip Saitama and pulling a "WELL ACCCCKKKCHULLY YOU DIDN'T HIT ME THEREFORE I WIN" before he gets bodied by the series' number 1 joke character.
I agree, I was just meming about Genos wanting his master's STRENGTH MEAT. Well, I don't think they're exactly the same - but they wouldn't work together if they were and they have a fair amount in common.
Genos, I think, has also developed as a character and doesn't so much as care about Saitama as a teacher, but more like an idol and friend. He was really disappointed and dejected in chapter 106/7 when Saitama clowned on him again and Genos realized he'd never catch up to Saitama, but decided to stay in the HA simply because his best friend Saitama was staying.
Though I wonder if Genos will realize it's the fact that he's a robot that's preventing him from growing like Saitama, and he'll eventually meat-it-up and start chimping out on the training regimen like Saitama.
Do people really want them together this much?
>The more I reread the Psychic Sisters arc, the more I realize that it's a masterpiece in story telling
ONE is honestly a genius writer, I just wish he wasn't so lazy
Not romantically, but as friends. I don't think ONE can write romance, as seen by Mob Psycho, but I think he's really good at writing relationships and making them interesting. Platonic relationships, at least. Mob Psycho might have had a shit ending and cringey "romance", but the underlying and surface level relationships between Shigeo, his brother, Reigen, Dimple, and Teru were masterfully written and only get better with multiple viewings.
Saitama and Tatsumaki would be a great parallel to Shigeo and Teru.
He is one of the best writers I know of. One Punch Man and Mob Psycho are a master class in writing comprehensive worlds and still making the characters enjoyable. Many series that go into great detail about their worlds fail to make their character interactions interesting, fruitful, or unique, and the characters acting within the world are written in hamfistedly and/or never experience character growth.
With ONE, however, he manages to make you not only empathize, but also sympathize with literal gag characters, from Sonic to Reigen, from Dimple to Puri Puri Prisoner.
Goddamn, thanks for the new background OP
Will the next big villain match Boros and Garou in power?
Complete the following sentence
I want to ___ Tatsumaki's _____
straighten, hair
Use this instead
I think Tats and Saitama makes sense for either a romance or just a friendship, romance is just friendship with intimacy both physical and interpersonal.
I don't think they'd be good parents however some people can surprise you with that... maybe being a dad is what Saitama is missing.
Appears to have worked.
Do mods delete only good threads?
I want to dick Tatsumaki's cunny.
It wasn't really a romance in Mob. They were all platonic relationships. Hell The girl he liked got bored with him and didn't really hang with him much. She at least fave respect by staying to give him an answer.
As for tats and saitama I guess as friends. Most I seen want romance in OPM even though it won't fit Saitama's character or the series.
Probably not or will be around now Orochi and Golden sperm. We probably won't get a high tier until the six months end.
Is zombieman the only hero besides satitama that can withstand her femdom abuse in a relationship with her?
Cum inside, Cunny
>being bald is what makes you an aryan
Based retard
There were two distinct "romances" going on in Mob. Didn't like how either were handled, so I don't really want to see ONE try his hand at a third one. Puri Puri x every criminal's booty ho'e is enough romance for the series.
>Most I seen want romance in OPM
If it develops that way, I'm fine with it, just like I'd be fine with him dating Fubuki and befriending Tats in the process, but I'd prefer all 3 just remain friends.
And most people are only surface-level readers and just enjoy the ships.
bang, sister
Bang during his golden years or Blast could too, probably. Maybe Genos and Drive Knight doing to being robutts.
Would he regenerate if she crushed him in to nothing?
holy shit that ass
just finished the anime. is the manga worth reading or should i wait for season 3?
The manga is unironically better than the anime and I don't usually think that.
if she mushed him into paste, no
if she just squashed him broke all his bones and bunched him up like playdough, yes
he has to be entirely ground up into hamburger to be killed according to one, so if a monster were to miss like a chunk or whatever
that chunk would regenerate
You can either read from chapter 38 to better enjoy what Season 2 adapted, or read from chapter 84 where Season 2 left off. And yes, the manga is worth reading, easily. Every chapter out of the last 20 or so has had at least one beautiful full page spread. The art is amazing, the fight scenes are fun and easier to follow than in Season 2, and you can read the characters' lines in your head with their voices.
consummate marriage
I don't remember any romance. All his relationships were platonic. If your speaking of the fake romance by the girl who made a bet that doesn't really count.
Which one? S2? Because you did yourself a disservice. Read the manga.
From that angle, it looks like Spidey shat or farted those webs out.
He probably saw Galactus again and that was his reaction.
don't get triggered for a manga, user
why am I just now finding out about Saitama vs God? I just decided to look up OPM on Youtube, and a video on the fan manga has 250k views
Yamcha could beat Saitama in a fight
Hes not that bad, I mean, he just likes the linguistics with the poorest evidence (chomskys), the psychology with the poorest evidence (evo psy) and blend all these stuff with a biased selection of historical facts for supporting his political views.
ok no. He is basically a /pol/fag, hes fucking bad
But I thought Galactus is the lifebringer now.
Thoughts on the OPM fighting game? I'm salty that it's a shitty 3d fighter and not a good game.
thanks fren, i'll make sure to read it.
Why not paste? As long as there are chunks of him left he can regenerate no? If he turns into dust or even less? Then maybe not, but paste is still thick and gooey.
u u u u
Oh, and the anime didn't adapt any of the side chapters, all of which are canon and incredibly good reads. Just look for all the chapters with .5 at the end if you don't intend on rereading the earlier chapters. You'll be missing out on about 20 chapters worth of content otherwise, including the chapter pic related is from.
ONE said hamburger
That's right he is the lifebringer now. Then again I try to forget a lot of Nu Marvel stuff.
It's made by the same guys who did jump force...Nuff said on its quality.
The money shot
It blows. Even a 3v3 DBFZ style fighter would've been much better.
The best solution would be to make it a musou where you can play as all the S-class, Saitama, Sweet Mask, and Fubuki, since musou games are already about overpowered units going through a horde of shitters and slaughtering them until you meet another overpowered unit.
You could even keep the Saitama OHKO and invincibility premise by making him have an "interest" meter instead of health meter, and it drops whenever he gets hit or kills something, so you have to just expertly run past all the weak mobs and save your punches for boss mobs.
Why is One Punch Man so good, Yea Forums?
I expected a musou game for OPM or none to ever come and just stay in Mobile game territory. But yeah this was garbage. Though its potential was gone from the get go as soon ad the same guys who did jump force and probably every other bland 3d anime fighter. It will be forgotten just like that My hero academia one.
>let's just fucking shoot the guy who just fell out of a plane without a parachute AFTER HE FELL.
But why? Is she a chunni?
I mean, it could also work as an RPG where you start as a rank C hero just joining the organization and train until you get into the S-class, but that'd take too much effort, and no one puts effort into licensed anime games that aren't Dragon Ball related anymore.
it distills battle shonen by not even disguising the fact that the main character is going to fucking win.
No. I want romance VN with Tats and Fubuki love triangle, with occasional gag fights and story on the side.
she's superior FBI
You could romance them in an RPG too. Or you could just write one yourself. Ren'py is free.
>fuck all of you reddit crossposting scum
OPM is reddit
His name is Darkshine, and he's not black, so there's no problem.
Whats the difference? dumb S class and their ego gags must end. At least Amai knew when to stfu and acknowledge true power when demonstrated. Flash will eventually have his moment with Saitama as Tatsumaki, and if not then that's really not where the arc is heading
The difference is no one said anything similar to the second thing. Tatsumaki doesn't pull any bullshit on Saitama in the end. She just calls him an asshole and leaves it at that. Flash is a pest.
I wish ONE didn't cuck out, we'd probably be at the end of the ninja arc
He didn't cuck out, he's sick. Japanese illnesses are no joke.
>I like Tats, I don't like Flash
All I see, both are annoying cunts with inferiority complex.
its been three months
And he uploaded 3 chapters at once. He's done longer breaks before and still updated, even discounting the 2 year break.
why shoot a man after throwing him out of a plane?
She didn't want bloodstains.
Gonna ask again since this thread seems to not be dead.
Does anyone have the saitama and tatsumaki picture with tatsu holding a baby mob?
after a three week break
Thank you
Speaking of which, An Amai arc would be Kino since he'd be the one person out of the "good guys" that can really piss Saitama off enough to get hit (causally of course).
Now that Saitama is almost at the door of S class, Amai will either have to let him pass naturally or ,stay with me, act a villain to further highlight Saitama as a good example for a hero. This will backfire and instead make Saitama have even less public respect making Amai rethink his vision on beauty.
Fanfic aside, Neo heroes vs HA heroes will also be great. Fuck this Ninja story needs to be over quickly.
Would Tatsumaki chill out as a mother, or would she be just as aggressive?
>this Ninja story needs to be over quickly
plot twist, ONE continues it for another 20 chapters and 3 years.
Tatsumaki would probably be a great mother but a terrible wife.
you have to tame her with good dick. Satisfy her needs to keep her docile.
I feel like she'd be the type to completely shun her husband in favor of her child.
I want to feel my dick between Tatsumaki's glorious thighs
I want to properly dress Tatsumaki's childish body.
Was Boros the god-level prophecy? If not, is the prophecy still even a thing in the webcomic? Or did he kinda drop it?
according to ONE, no
cum inside
No webcomic chapter for 3 months because ONE is sick with AIDS.
I want to put my dick in between Tatsumaki's thights.
Guys, how do I get Aoi Yuuki as my gf?
Longterm plans welcome.
Warm heart
I intend to breed her until she literally runs out of eggs so that seems understandable to me, taking care of all those kids will be tough.
Step one, kill yourself.
Step two: Pray you reincarnate as a rich Japanese
Step three: Court Aoi Yuuki
Are you a shota?
If not you are shit out of luck, user.
Who fucking cares ?
pat, head
I hope this meme never dies
He didn't mean the anime. The redraw has been on the MA arc for about 5 years at this point when it's a short arc in the webcomic.
According to hews, she was supposed to be standing on a box.
Fubuki > Sonic > Tatsumaki
Boros isn't the prophecy but the six month threat is still a thing as Stich mentions it and psykos talks about seeing the end of humanity like shibabawa.
As if Dragonball games besides Z fighters, budokai games and some of xenoverse 2 have effort anymore.
How is murata able to create such breedable goddesses?
Psykos didn't talk much of anything (yet)
but it drove her insane and resolute in creating the MA
last time we had an interesting discussion about what the heroes do in their spare-time
imagine FF going shopping in baggy clothes and messy hair
>Amai mask shit-posts on /hoe/ the board dedicated to heroes that the S-class sucks and he's the best hero
At least you can talk.
No I mean the flashback when she stated see saw the end of humanity.
AFTER throwing him out? Seems like quite the hassle to find whatever remains of the body
she didn't say that, she just instantly started screaming that humanity deserved to die and went insane
found it
we don't know what she saw until Fubuki helps her remember
dark saitama when
Somebody is asking for their pit to be licked...
JC Staff apologists and people who act like Season 2 was good are scum
Genos is hear to incinerate all the shippers.
thank god
Based, also thanks to drawfag for this one.
which hero fucks?
Can I ship DO-S's face with Mask's fist?
PPP, Mask, TTM and Bang in his younger days.
King has fucked every breedable female on earth they just dont know it yet
like there could be a single woman in the world worthy of his grace
he only gets fucked over by whatever the new Big bad is
>DO-S face/Amai mask fist
the OTP, but I think he would also go for the neck
He should be stronger, it's time to test Serious Saitama
Hmmm an unlikely ship though the neck would better suffice. That way its easier to sever ties literally and metaphorically.
We've seen some parts of serious saitama and even then it's just him with a little more effort.
In the webcomic he crushes Goddess Glasses's skull but in the manga I think the symbols imply he snapped DO-S's neck.
We need to see Saitama jobbing tho
That's probably not going to happen. He fought a planet destroyer/conquerer and a martial artist who almost broke his limiter. Yet both he beat with little to no effort. Hell worse with Garou since he had no intent to kill him and just beat him around. Were gonna need either galaxy level or literal god to do that. Even hen that depends how far his new limits has gone or if he has any limits anymore seeing as how Genus describes breaking a limiter is. He's only been hurt once ia fight and that's supposedly in Boros fight which even then his third form did shit to him and the web it was Boros narrating him getting a response from saitama.
The POV is from somebody sitting at a table waiting for his freshly prepared meal.
If it is what's with the weird angle? He's twisting his neck or for some reason the room is titled. Also his table isn't really high to see the counter.
Saitama jobbing is not getting there on time.
Saitama definitely didn't get hurt during the fight, that was just Boros believing he'd done damage.
>evo psych
>poor evidence
You sound like a social constructionist slimeball to me. How about you go back to writing that paper about how evolution just goes up to the neck and never get it peer reviewed by anyone outside your ideologically motivated field?
Anyone worried Murata will hold back on this scene so his waifu isn’t hurt. More importantly, how man doujins will this scene spawn?
If do-s x Mask doujins haven't popped up yet, I only predict one or two max for it. Tats is one of the favs so she'll get them but people like using Saitama or other humans more than monsters
I did say supposeldy and also mentioned the web it was just Boros spouting as he did. Plus when he goes into his stronger form there is no response from Saitama. Hell he didn't even notice he was knocked to the moon.
I doubt he will fall back on it(besides he said Fubuki best girl not tatsumaki). It it won't be as rough looking like the web unless he surprises us again like with Amai massacring those mercs.
>MHA gets new sessions like clock work, god knows what chapter the manga is in
>OPM gets a few chapters a year for the web comic, about one every 3-4 weeks for the manga
Fuck bro's there laughing at us again. Why don't we get that kind of love, we have cute girls to
MHA doesn't look as good or detailed as OPM and is serialized so obviously it'll come out faster. Not to mention Murata does other stuff so he doesn't spend all his time on it.
Do you want rushed art? Because there are chapters of MHA having very unfinished art or rushed.
Here bro: www.imgur.com/a/G6rU8
Two decades spent on the internet and i still can't believe people have that much shit taste
the manga is biweekly and the art is 10x better than mha's art on a good day.
lmao no, we already hit rock bottom with s2, that shit is borderline unofficial.
Season 2 was bad to the point that I hope JC Staff loses business over it, but I know they won't
He's talking about the webcomic like a fucking retard, who wants to read spoilers for the actual manga that comes out regularly with God tier art and not the unfinished crap? God I still remember that chapter he meets Chiasaki or whatever his name is.
They should have canceled it with the many pre production problems it had.
i still want bonus chapter of the average day in the S class
Rewatched the fight and man it was bad. Also realized the sound director who did this is doing fire force anime as well. How the fuck is he getting work!?
Corporate greed won out as usual, it won't even matter either since dumbass redditors will still buy the blu ray and act like there was no downplay in quality
I didn't finish S2 and I don't intend to ever watch it again unless the blu ray fixes everything, and even then no way I'm fucking paying for it.
I hope he add's a x-ray to this. Like when Dio got Knocked.
The blue rays don't even fix everything. The animation is the same they only remove blurrs, dimming or do some art corrections. Other than that most of the technical aspects stat the same. Of course redditors will if they are butthurt to downvote people telling objective truth's about how bad OPM S2 was.(which they think that does anything)
the exciting life of paying your taxes and buying groceries of a superhero
>I am not even sure if Zombieman needs to eat
>or sleep
>or if he even has a home
He probably does undercover work 24/7 with no breaks unless called to the association.
Where? Zombieman was supposed to take a lot longer to regenerate but thats not the case now in the redrawn manga?
I wish goddess glasses and do-s were both in the manga so Mask could have his scene killing the mercs with the former and do-s would run into another hero like Fubuki Group 2.0, PPP, or even Saitama
Zombieman's regen got a significant buff compared to the web. I remember one once said his arm would take 30 min just to fully heal yet the manga has him healing wounds in seconds and minutes upon contact with damage. The only time now it takes slow is when there is a lot of damage taken like when he fights multiple monsters or homeless emperor
fuck, head
I wonder if the association pays all the S-class the same amount or varying amount
>You know working for the HA is basically advertising for Bofoi and the association pays for his toys so he shouldn't get paid on top of it for basic hero work
I am sure there are many more ways the HA can cut their costs
Spank, Buttcheeks
Is new chapter out yet?
>all that detail
>face sticks straight out
face needs more detail but it's 10/10
I doubt they get paid the same especially depending on rank. Apprently Metal knight had a stock and it dropped greatly around the time of the MA invasion all the way to the end of Garou.
That's not healthy user
I love how Garou even if he didn't win still won in a way
he and MA basically destroyed the HA and the HA keeps receiving blow after blow
>MK's stock dropped
>Bang retired
>Metal Bat, CE, DS left for Neo heroes
>Tats got her massive ego cut down to fit her size
>Flash gets punched by his inferior past friend
it keeps going and going
tats and foobs need more doujins, at least foobs has hurricane
Yeah I'm glad the arc had a huge impact. Plus it added on of problems with the public eye on the association. Stuff that was mentioned in early arcs and then it leads to another hero association and more distrust.
But weakening the Heroes Association is the opposite of what he wanted. His own shitty plan backfired in every possible way.
His entire plan backfired when Saitama stepped in and the MA.
They aren't the only ones
Psykos and Do-S dominating a chained up garou and double teaming him
I dunno, but Jobby Job is definitely an incel
Pure maiden
>garou eventually powers up and starts to dominate them
user you might be on to something here
It's only a matter of time he gets terrible anhedonia from never feeling struggle again
Well the good thing is Genos, King and mumen and other people he meets help him not to feel as bad as he used to before.
Where's the anorexia, retard? She's petite and has very cute legs.
I really have this feeling he only considers King a real friend, in the meaning of someone he likes to spend time with
Probably admires Mumen Rider as well, but about Genos I think he is only worried about his well being and that's all
>She's made to appeal to retard lolicons
why is she so perfect?
>anorexic legs
are you blind
fuck, pussy
Shouldn't have used an image where her thighs are slightly bigger than her calves
Because you don't shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Is it wrong that I'd be breeding this 24/7?
Mumen he does have drinks with as they hung out during one of Mumen's patrols. Yeah king is the only real friend.
Mosquito girl died too quickly
Fubuki have an inferiority complex. Tatsumaki’s is more akin to superiority complex.
would Amai mask win? or would he get too tired after one or two hours and go home?
how cute
CE v phoenix man is better than every garou fight.
Mosquito Girl and DO-S were made to be defeated and turned into maids, but alas
She's alive though, the anime made it look she got turned into paste but in the webcomic and manga you see her get sent flying crashing through the building.
it's the same in the anime, you just have to pay a bit of attention to it.
T.Child Emperor
I'm happy it's not another "first one to get hit suffers a 30 hit combo" kind of game.
Just because her body was intact doesn't mean she lived though, Beefcake shows that. If the little monitor which showed her vitals still going was intentionally added by ONE or Murata I'd believe it but seeing as she still hasn't shown up in the webcomic or manga despite the takoyaki shop being seen a couple of times I doubt she is.
This image was a thousand times funnier without the sex part.
it wasn't that great
how's this image allowed?
How is it not? No genitalia showing, not even breasts. Stop being so prudish.
>not wearing white panties
fuck outta here
>standing on a box
When do you lot think we will see more of that "God" that gave powers to homeless emperor? Feel like that is some next level monster compared to everything else so far
The only good OPM doujin is the one where espers are wives
I enjoy this but it gets tiresome when the buildup is 99% of the manga/webcomic. I get that that's kinda the point of it all. That we build and build and build only for the "One Punch Man" to just beat everything in one punch, but it kinda gets stale after a while.
Maybe Genos should stop jobbing to everything or something
>want a buttjob from her
>my penis is small, but her butt is also small so it doesn't seem like my penis is that small anymore
I love Tatsumaki
i wish i could draw like murata so i could make proper nude tatsumaki images.
Start working on it.
i mean i'm kinda trying, but it's not so much practicing to be like him as it is me trying to just get good at drawing collar bones and shoulders. i gotta make them the right kind of slender.
What the fuck did saitama do with all the rent money genos was paying him? He only had ¥90 in the bank
That's the spirit!
Probably blew them on repairing the street in front of the apartment
a sprite fighter would have been nice (e.g. m vs c)
3d always seems kind of stupid and gay (sorry tekken fans).
its a gag video game for a gag comic/manga/anime what did anyone expect ?
i dont think theres anyway to make it fun for more than one playthrough. unless its saitama fighting all of his enemies (plus challengers like sonic, flash, genos) in a row where they monologue and send henchmen and stuff to waste your time...
now that could be fun game. no saves due to saitama being over powered. so you just play until the game is done. but the enemies keep tricking you into wasting your game time hah
i wish teh anime would have skipped the tournament and just moved further into the MA arc. saitama taking a shit is real important...
probably prostitutes.