I can't believe Overlord is gonna die not with a bang, not even with a whimper. Just one big "I give up" on all fronts.
I can't believe Overlord is gonna die not with a bang, not even with a whimper. Just one big "I give up" on all fronts
Other urls found in this thread:
I cannot say I haven't seen this from a mile away. Overpowered characters, no real threat to Nazarick and a horrible anime adaptation are bound to kill the interest over time.
But the LN/WN is good?
>SAO (the grandaddy of all modern 'trapped in x' genre) Has a 50 show ongoing right now.
>Isekai quartet gets a second season
>Tanya and Konosuba got movies.
>Re zero is getting a second season.
>Slime is getting a second season.
>Shield hero is getting a second and third season.
>Overlord IV announcement was fake.
It was fun while it lasted. But no series is expected to survive, when both the author and the adaptation are shitting on it.
Let's be honest, out of all isekai owned by Kadokawa, Overlord was probably the worst one
It's the combination of the author giving up, the animation studio fucking up and the fanTLs dropping it too. It's just a triple whammy of fuck you
This, an author afraid of threats and hurting their characters in a war and conquest series? what a retard.
>Overlord IV announcement was fake
It was a verbal announcement since they are waiting on that hack to agree, madhouse might not get to do season 4 and beyond.
What exactly is the deal with the author "giving up"? I forgot about this franchise for a while.
Does the Maruyama have any way left to save the series?
>Sell the rights to a better author (literally anyone)
>Finish the series here and either:
>Make a better reboot.
>Make a sequel where there are actual stakes.
Those are his options. And let's be honest here. As much as overlordfans love to look down on anyone who asks for higher stakes, as a shonentard, the truth is that the overall lack if stakes is what killed all interested in the series, besides the small group of dedicated fanboys. And that's not enough to run a series like this. Normal anime, manga and LN readers expect stakes. Even in a power fantasy, the opposition has to be somewhat challenging, in order for the victories to feel meaningful. Here, it's just level 100 skullman mowing down level 30 people. After a while it gets really lame. Also, the lack of character and development for the Nazarick crew is kinda making it boring. All of them are kinky badasses who are all 100% loyal. Amd that's what they have been for the longest time. Maruyama just doesn't know how to write good characters. He just takes away their ability to be individuals and make choices, and just makes them into praise drones. Bland and overpowered characters Killing weaklings can only be interesting for so long...
>As much as overlordfans love to look down on anyone who asks for higher stakes,
Actually, I wish he had introduced other Players by now. It seems like it was set up that way, but it never happened. Instead we got blandness like Climb or the village girl.
I would like more content of my wife Albedo.
I think he said he was losing interest in the series and would be ending it soon or something, but this might have something to do with him getting pissy about fanTL
he ran out of words
Overlord had a fuckton of potential that was utterly wasted because the author took "power fantasy" way way too literally. More Players would have compromised that narrative
She is perfectly pure and virginal.
And very soft!
Maruyama doesn't dare to act on anything he has hinted at or set up.
He hinted at stronger enemies. We haven't seen any of them. He hinted at Albedo's rebellious intentions. Nothin has really happened yet. He set up a kill squad against possible players in that world. The kills squad is sitting on their asses because no players are showing up. He set up a ton of mysteries and mysterious characters, organisations and etc. Nothing has been revealed so far and apparently we are like almost done with the LN. Also Clem's body went missing and nothing came from that.Just one tease after another, with 0 payoff. Maruyama should write a sol comedy or something, because apparently he hates taking risks and disturbing the status quo.
>He hinted at Albedo's rebellious intentions. Nothin has really happened yet. He set up a kill squad against possible players in that world. The kills squad is sitting on their asses because no players are showing up.
Lmao I remember before the last season people were like "No, Albedo's really interesting guys, Maruyama's given her a kill squad. This is totally gonna set up a future rift". Welp
It's mixed and the only good bits are when the focus is on other characters. Ainz is cool at first and is great with the flashy moments, but gets old really fast
>"power fantasy" way way too literally.
well its commercial success is because of that in the first place bro.
>But the LN/WN is good?
Not really. It had good parts, but it's plagued by shit pacing and aimless direction. S3 was supposed to cover the best part of the series, but it was utter garbage.
>the best part of the series, but it was utter garbage.
What do you mean? What do you think is the best of the series and why do you believe it was garbage?
At least there’s Maou-sama
Volume 9 of the novel was considered top-tier. S3 of the anime covered this, but it was terrible. If that's the treatment the actual good parts are getting then it's all pointless.
Yeah I heard this opinion before. I'm asking why you think it was terrible.
A lot of people here say it's bad but nobody can ever articulate why.
i thought it was done well.
>Maruyama doesn't dare to act on anything he has hinted at or set up.
This is the real problem. There don't even need to be any new world players. In fact I can understand them never showing up since it would go against the theme of Ainz's eternal loneliness. But that doesn't justify all the other foreshadowed threats doing jack shit and never amounting to anything. 13 volumes in and the Theocracy, the main threat introduced in volume 1, has done absolutely nothing. Dragon Lords? Also nothing, though a bit more than the Theocracy. Imagine if other fantasy franchises worked like this. 13 goddamn books and the primary antagonists are still sitting on their asses.
Albedo taking over the kingdom, climb, renner plotlines will be finished.
ST will likely be finished too, PDL might just be bitchslapped down or form an alliance.
If it continues then good but ainz will have taken over the human zone during the 17 volumes.
why has there been so much doomposting about Overlord recently
>over 1 million words
>almost entirely devoted to fodder
what are you saying
Have you been living under a cave?
>author is an autistic sperglord getting mad at fans for translating his shit
>in a fit of autistic rage he "loses interest"
Good riddance, don't hire retarded people.
in a sense
no. I don't get it.
>under a cave
>13 goddamn books and the primary antagonists are still sitting on their asses.
Laughs in GRRM.
>In fact I can understand them never showing up since it would go against the theme of Ainz's eternal loneliness
But think of the bitter irony.
>Some of the players show up.
>Ainz is super happy to see them.
>They are disgusted at his actions.
>They want nothing to do with him and leave.
Now he is more lonely than ever.
1) Season 3 of the anime was disappointing. So much so the author doesn't want to renew for season 4.
2) The author sperged out about fan translations. He used this as a excuse to end the series prematurely, likely to end at volume 17. In reality it's because he's a hack and lost interest in it. He wants to make a high-school wrestling novel instead.
3) Nigel (the primary translator for the novels) quit due to the above reasons. So the only option for the last few books is reddit or the slow-ass YenPress.
My dearest wish is to join in wedlock to my lovely Albedo.
1) season 1 was disappointing too, as was season 2
2) Maruyama has been complaining about series fatigue for years, and fan translation whining is a Japanese past time. nothing interesting here.
3) Nigel was a shit translator anyway. learn Japanese.
thanks for clearing this up. so this is basically just EOP whining and nothing else.
I mean at least stuff has happened in that. Shit has literally barely changed since the first volumes
>season 1 was disappointing too, as was season 2
That doesn't make sense. If they were as disappointing as S3 was received, the anime wouldn't have gotten to S3 in the first place
>2) Maruyama has been complaining about series fatigue for years
The point is the series is going to be ending with barely anything happening for over 14 volumes you dumb fuck.
except S2 and S3 sold very well, and the series is still topping the LN charts.
Maruyama has been talking about ending the volumes for quite a long time. and then he introduced an extra volume here or there, prolonging the series. for instance, Vol 8 and Vol 10 weren't supposed to exist, and 12 & 13 were supposed to be just one volume.
what I'm getting at is that many authors have no idea how the future is going to play out, and so far Maruyama has demonstrated the tendency to put in more volumes that he wants. I imagine that the series will probably more than likely get to 20-22 at this rate.
CZ > Shalltear > Lupusregina > Aura > Nabe > Yuri > Albedo > Bug-chan > Solution
>except S2 and S3 sold very well, and the series is still topping the LN charts.
Then where is S4?
according to some sources, it is coming though there are no details.
unfortunate, honestly. I'd prefer it if the anime would just die
I won't worry about Haruhi though. I heard that they were going to finally make another pachinko next year
>I can't believe
Did you miss years of crying about how he doesn't want to write it?
Nobody tops my Albedo except me!
Ehh I think it's all just baseless fearmongering.
This series still has a good chance of moving forward given that the creators weren't literally burned alive or anything lol.
>SECOND post is a bump
jesus christ you people are pathetic
The Overlord fan base is small but dedicated.
Can't say it didn't work though
More like months but I didn't think he would nuke the thing
So did he officially quite? No new volumes?
I think Ainz is wary of Slane Theocracy, which is why he hasn't really attacked them. When he killed Clem she mentioned something akin to Godkin & how his strength paled compared to ZZ's. It might be a long shot but he might be under the assumption that ST has players, which is why he's feeling his way around.
The Kingdom stuff has gone on way too long. At this point he controls everything in the Kingdom. I think next volume should have Albedo go head and tell Phillip that he can be king if he kills fatso. I think they're gonna give him an item so he can kill fatso, then Renner will be the Queen. She'll have Phillip & rest of the new nobles executed for Regicide. Renner will probably then ask to be a vassal state of SK, like the Empire did before.
Rest the book should focus on dealing with the Dragon Kingdom. I think it would be a cool book ending where Ainz faces off against the Brightness Dragon Lord. His duel in the bonus novel was offscreen and said to have ended in a draw because Ainz withdrew.
It would be funny if Ainz & BDL actually ended up becoming chummy with one another. Seeing how Ainz has lots of hotties at his disposal, and with BDL being a pervert. I could see them come to an arrangement.
like your dingus
Size matters not! Love is what really counts.
I'm pretty sure it's the same person making these threads over
No, literally years. Also, he isn't nuking shit. If you weren't a newfag you'd know that Maruyama has always acted like this. The truth of the matter is that Overlord is the most profitable Isekai at the moment and no one is going to let it die.
Albedo is a creep.
Please don't slander my wife like that.
>shalltear wearing kiddie swimsuit but not aura
She's a creep and smells bad.
Ahh my eyes!
Ok what the fuck???
I demand this image be deleted.
My Albedo takes perfectly good care of herself and would never be such a smelly slob!!!
>The truth of the matter is that Overlord is the most profitable Isekai at the moment
Hilarious joke
it died because people realised that we are only gonna see the exact same shit done differently over and over again
>better sales than even SAO
>but it surely is not profitable at all
>it died
>volume 13 sells more than every other light novel
>but it is totally dead because people don't want more of the same
It died because maruyama is a lazy ass who has spend over a year with no proper book release.
>It died because maruyama is a lazy ass who has spend over a year with no proper book release.
But then how come GRRM gets to go decades without any new books and people still love his shit?
People still love maruyamas books just because Yea Forums is filled with doomsayers doesn't mean that overlord 1-13 are suddenly not loved by those who bought them.
They should have made an ecchi overlord, more like a supplement than an adaption of the shitty novel. And you'd get many more seasons to come. Prove me wrong. You literally can't.
I would be happy with just more Albedo content.
There's always fanart.
>virginal succubus
Fucking stupid
"Objects once measured in meters have become so small that they cannot be seen by the naked eye, with revolutionary applications across the board. Gentlemen, forget what your courtesans have told you: size does matter!"
CEO Nwabudike Morgan, Morgan Industries Annual Report
Indeed, size matters! Thankfully Albedo-sama has a generous figure unlike certain flat undead creatures.
No, new vol late this year or early next year.
It will end on vol 16 or 17, don’t expect any players or any threats, likely a filler volume too for vol 14 being the training dungeon for adventures.
There can never be enough Albedo-sama.
What would a recount of all the volumes from Albedo or another Guardian perspective look like?
We get a fair amount of narration from the perspective of the guardians throughout the series already, no?
... What
I thought only Nigel gave up, not the author as well? Is this bait? The side story was so good though, it gave no indication that the author was losing his touch.
>higher stakes
But you know, the way I see it in Overlord are the "antagonists" (Nazarick's enemies) who are playing with high stakes, whereas the "protagonists" (Ainz and friends) are Eldritch abominations. Overlord always seemed to be about anthropomorphic Lovecraftian monsters fighting powerless humans. I always considered it a kind of comedy anime because the monsters are supposedly the "good guys" of the show. What ruins Overlord in my eyes is the whole MMORPG premise. If it had been a standard isekai anime with a proper magic system instead of lazy video game mechanics it would have been much better. Also, it has great female characters like Albedo and Shalltear but they aren't used to their full potential, since the plot is always all over the place and the best girls never seem to get enough screen time.
>What ruins Overlord in my eyes is the whole MMORPG premise
Nope. The entire point of the series was Maruyama feeling sad about losing his old DnD MMO buddies. If it was a generic fantasy it wouldn't have a premise in the first place.
Overlord is over?
well that's gay. Couldn't they at least finish the anime? I wanna see how they deal with the Slain Theocracy
Nigel was blackpilled right out of the fandom BY Maruyama's whiny bitching and doomsaying.
Fucking macacos
Dumb frogposter if you haven't got a clue already Overlord is nothing happens the series, it doesn't matter if nore stuff gets animated it will go nowhere.
>The entire point of the series was Maruyama feeling sad about losing his old DnD MMO buddies
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and sometimes the opposite is also true. He started with a shitty premise but created something decent. I'm sure that most people barely care about the "loneliness" premise at this point. It's just that the world he created seemed interesting. You may be right that the premise was necessary in order to for Ainz to be Ainz (for better or worse), but I think it would have been better to keep the game elements to a minimum (and admittedly Overlord isn't as bad as some other isekai shows in that respect, but still).
Ha... They never dealt with Slaine Theocracy even up till the latest volume. He does go and conquer 2 kingdoms with his 300IQ negotiations and showboating though. It's very much worth reading, especially the holy kingdom take over.
This is coming from someone who's watched hundreds of animes and overlord was the only one to make me go out of my way to read a light Novel for the first time.
It doesn't matter if it doesn't end properly, the whole journey for me was a blast. I love worldbulding and seeing stories told from perspectives other than the main character, overlord did that perfectly.
For someone who despises humans so much, she sure loves looking like one.
She looks like a succubus.
Author's anti piracy rant pissed of Yea Forums who is full of pirates and the translator who does it for free.
>The side story was so good though, it gave no indication that the author was losing his touch.
That was bad because it was better than the main story, actual NW creatures being potential threats and not just lv 1-20 humans.
Even then it's still contained to the human zone, he's scared of going to other continents that will actually hurt ainz.
Most Normies love him because they heard that he created the GoT
Shalltear is best.
>grandaddy of anything
god I fucking hate modern weebs with every fibre of my being.
>when both the author and the adaptation are shitting on it.
Why does Maruyama hate everyone and everything so much? He even hates his work and himself.
he is human
High IQ vampire.
That's cute.
>SAO (the grandaddy of all modern 'trapped in x' genre) Has a 50 show ongoing right now.
how literally underage you are to say that? Im not even going to mention the stuff that was out well over 10-15 years prior but there was similar stuff just like a year prior
they mention she is a gap moe character and not the only one
>Konosuba won't get a 3rd season
>shield hero gets a 2nd and 3rd
it's no fair Yunyun bros
at least He made it clear He is giving up unlike someone else
>Konosuba won't get a 3rd season
Urusai! Urusai! Urusai! Urusai! Urusai!
The main thing I don't understand is why the story is plodding along like it is if he intends to finish it in a few volumes. Shouldn't he be rushing to a finale if that was the case? The way he's been exploring the world and issues like runecraft and its marketing, adventurer guild organization, diplomatic relations, all at a leisurely pace feels more like as if he was planning to continue writing this forever. Does he intend to just leave all those set-ups unresolved? Will just resolve them all at once in a time-skip / epilogue? It boggles the mind.
Would this be a better story if Peroroncino was the MC?
>top Yggdrasil guild arrives in New World a hundred years later thinking they're hot shit
>tens of thousands of half-birdman godkin everywhere
At least something is actually happening in the ASoIaF books. Overlord novels pacing is 10x slower.
Good riddance. Creating a story without a conflict gets old overtime. The only time you could pull it off is in a comedy series like Konosuba.
You should enjoy little detours, you know.
This. I understand why people have dropped it because of this. Maruyama being a dick about fan translations would obviously make even more quit too, even the translators themselves. I'll always like the misunderstandings and world building so I'll keep following it until it loses that shit too but people who want plot happening faster (which everyone would probably like) are being teased with shit but having no real conclusion that is satisfying so far. With the slow pace the story is being told along with the slow pace he is actually writing new material, it's like he's trying to kill Overlord early so he can just write his shitty wrestling LN that no one will read. I mean shit, that last volume that was translated was supposed to be exclusive so it's been even longer than the last actual volume. And even then, 12 and 13 were fairly weak volumes. The last good volume was 11 in my opinion.
Also I'm never buying Yen Press unless they hire a translator who isn't a retarded tranny who has lower quality and slower speed than fucking fans.
I just wish Nigel would at least translate something else I like that has no fan translations like Youjo Senki or something.
Yen press actually has a fucking tranny doing this translating?
It's trannies all the way down.
Yep. At least for Overlord (and the translations from it are poor as well). I don't even want to give them money because of it. It's the only reason I don't have physical copies of Youjo Senki even though the translations aren't Overlord tier awful and it's the only translation available apart from the first two volumes.
SAO have games and more under it´s name, LN probable is the less profitable fount of revenue
that's a lot of text just to whine about things that will never come to pass and bemoan the loss of a shitty ESL "translator"
At least Haruhi kinda have a ending (?)
did the novel ended?
film wasnt an ending an the manga even goes further than that but as far I remember it didnt had one either because again, this guy just quietly gave up on finish it
He could create from dust a fucking teleported guild that can rival Nazarick, leave all slice of life in the background, focusing on it and if he likes make some fillers with all the world building so far.
As you said, he could write forever but for a quick end, he can make tons of money for an epic last well built fight against someone stronger than all his guardian.
Fitting for its pacing.
I hope Overlord ends with Touchme coming into the world and just assfucking Ainz's entire crew of psychopaths to death before giving Ainz himself a big talkdown and smashing his skull in
>Touchme coming into the world and
>Ainz, this thing is bad
>Stop doing this thing immediately
Is MC's name supposed to be a play off of an own goal in soccer or is that just coincidence?
No. The novel won't end.
Nah once he finds out what ainz has already done and sees what a bunch of viscious monsters the guardians are, I don't think he'd stomach it.
Remember Touchme is most like the butler, except unlike the butler he's not programmed from his core to be unflinchingly loyal to nazarick and Ainz.
I don't think he would just go along with the fact they murder people and use their skin as clothing material, or any of the other edgy shit they've been up to.
TouchMe would 100% kill them all.
brainlet here, what am I looking at?
>Remember Touchme is most like the butler
His MMO persona is most like the butler. He is an officer in the dystopian cyberpunk future.
He certainly saw some shit and he is most likely crooked out of necessity.
>TouchMe would 100% kill them all.
Why? He can just tell them to stop and they will listen.
Wait what? What happened? Nigel is no longer translating? The series is ending? Can someone fill me in?
Your newfaggotery is leaking
>Overpowered characters, no real threat to Nazarick
So what? That's never been a flaw for the series.
Do you people think the only conflict possible is combat?
Its funny how despite Overlord's popularity and the fact that its pretty big internationally, it's got pretty few doujins and most of the ones that do exist are shitty (mostly heterosexual sex with ugly guys).
It was trash anyway
Who needs many doujins when Komagata drew a perfect one?
If that's not a flaw then why did the series stop its continuation?
Checkmate atheist!
Because the author likes wrestling.
>horrible pace
>aimless plot
>author reveals to be a little bitch
Disappointed, but not surprised.
Any fanfic from fellow fourchannel will be better than watching this series 2nd and third season
Maybe he's lying to get people more invested in it.
Kinda like Runecraft.
The Overlord side story was sold under a really dumb policy - basically only people who had already bought all the anime BDs were allowed to buy it, using promo codes that came with the anime. Needless to say the Japanese fans weren't too happy. Second-hand copies sell for $1,500 online. Meanwhile foreign pirates got it for free which made Maruyama very, very upset.
Maybe they should blame the guy who came up with that retarded policy instead?
>>SAO (the grandaddy of all modern 'trapped in x' genre) Has a 50 show ongoing right now.
where you born on fucking 2011 or what
Why would you ever blame yourself when you can blame others?
Butthurt ojisans. Don't you have grandchildren to take care of and wills to write?
The author threw a hissy fit over fan translations for his overpriced side story thing that made Nigel stop translating. See
it doesn't need to be a fight, smile mind user.
It's enough to introduce a competent antagonist like Lex Luthor, even a weak one, but intelligent enough to outsmart Demiuge and psychologically cunning to understand that Ainz is very powerful, but basically just a a coward who relies very much on his subordinates.
it doesn't have to be a dragon ball battle.
It'd be a laugh if the sasuga bullshit was ever to result in genuine confusion and problems for the smarter guardians. I mean it already kinda has in v13 with the 'five simple reasons' gag, but what if e.g. Ainz-sama thought that some (actually perfectly ordinary) New Worlder was really smart when they actually aren't and shared such an opinion with the Guardians?
If Ainz-sama says so it must be true, but to their eyes it would just be an ordinary, dumb humie. Which clearly means they operate on a level beyond their comprehension while feigning stupidity *sweats in demiurgese*
>renner will never open the box and become a monster
I was so excited, what happened?
His MMO persona was his true persona though, or atleast what he truly wanted to be. And remember, no one is as autisticly devoted to the other members as Ainz. He's probably the only one who wouldn't kill his friends if they did shit like this. Touchme's justice boner would rage way too hard for him not to use this chance and "save" the world from it's evil Overlord.
There are so many ways to put Nazarik in check, yes, one is that Ainz overestimates someone, for some reason, and the guardians start to go apeshit, overestimating this enemy too and going into genuine confusion.
But the author does not want to do it. If he wanted to, he could have used the World item to full brainwash Chair, making her an unknowing mole at the service of the Slane T. that unconsciously passes information without knowing it. There were so many ways to create some threats.
Too bad the author went full bitch mode this is what happens when they think they’re hot shit.
Sasuga madhouse for killing this series
that pic really fucks with my sense of proportions since Lupusregina is usually depicted as one of the tallest of the Pleiades so if she's a head shorter than Albedo then they're all fucking womanlets
and that's without getting into the fact that she's standing while Demiurge and Albedo are meant to be seated in that scene
.hack sign predates it
Maruyama barely cares. He already got his money from all the success and was planning to drop it anyway which is indeed a pretty shitty attitude towards his readerbase.
Sure it would be something of a threat but I'm thinking more of the comedic potential since Overlord is at heart a comedy series.
There's still a way
Anfucing prequel but it's about the MMORPG that ainz and his guildies was playing
They were at the top but not actually the strongest so there will be stakes
We will see OP vs OP kind of bullshit
Flesh out the personalities of the members and somehow relate them to their own NPC
it kinda starts off good and some of the arcs are great but they are also self contained and the larger story is just not very good nor is it really that different from other isekai
I swear the illustrations and character designs sold this novel alone
>learn Japanese.
It probably won't die with a bang, but will with a "BANG! BANG! BANG!" to Maruyama's head, guaranteed.
It's kinda poor bait for doujins really.
A lot of the best girls either get no screentime or have some fairly serious character flaws that put them firmly in a niche. Add to that the main character is a skeleman and it's not surprising the most common doujins are Narbarel with rando humans or yuri/futanari Shaltear.
Hadn't heard about Nigel giving it up. The author's twitter tantrum must have hit him hard. hope he finds another series worth picking up. I'll miss the day to day Overlord threads we had when a new volume came out and Nigel would get it all translated in the space of a week.
Makes sense since it was a 'videogame'. Nigga get tired and just quit the game.
Must be a really botched suicide if it takes three shots.
A prequel OVA would be need. The guardians should watch it.
The last two volumes were maybe my favorite part of the whole story. The journey of deeply insecure scout squire becoming the pope of a new religion worshiping an Isekai MC who is manipulating the situation like the heartless monster he is slowly becoming while simultaneously having no clue what he's doing and desperately trying to pawn runecraft shit? That was great. But yeah, now I'm far more invested in the story of Pope Neia than I am with the Nazarick shit Maruyama just doesn't seem to have any desire to progress.
fuck, my spelling is going
good night
You are what ruins everything.
Conflict is not combat. It's dramatic tension, elevated stakes, audience investment.
Conflict is shorthand for drama. It is crucial for engaging story telling.
If nothing is happening that is worth seeing or hearing then why would anyone stick around for it? And I am not even talking about a body count heavy wizard war with a snake faced evil unknown. Things have to happen and mean something in the context of where they should be happening.
um some of us are in it for the lizard aquaculture ok?
>mfw Aqua didn't just cast Turn Undead on Ainz but on his entire franchise
Well, their aim is as bad as their driving, so that's expected.
and that's a good thing
>this might have something to do with him getting pissy about fanTL
That was a big part of it. He and the publisher saw how wildly popular it was. They saw the lines develop for people who purchased the initial book products. But then reverse imports killed the sales. With the popularity high and yet the sales are far lower than expected for a popular product, it's clear that reverse import is a problem. The "fans" are simply waiting for the pirate issues to appear instead of buying the product.
In some cases, the fans are good at trying to protect the author by keeping the publisher's interest in the author high. So we don't publicly distribute fanTL, scans, and OCscans of the published works whether it be WN or LN. Of course, the private sites have it, but memberships to that are limited to a few hundred people because members are those who have proven they are fans such as translators, people who run distro, and site staff. It's one of the perks of running a fansite and gaining some credibility as a person. For example, OCscans of Log Horizon's latest raws and official english versions are available immediately, but you don't see the english one spread anywhere.
The real fans respect the author and the publisher's right to publish. At the same time, we certainly know we can't afford to buy everything we want, so a little distro occurs but only privately. Sure, I downloaded the latest Log Horizon raws and english. But then I go in and buy the latest issue at barnes & noble too eventually because I want Yen Press to keep on paying the author for sales above the floor requirement. Interest can be high, but the author needs sales to be substantially above the floor to make royalties worthwhile. Otherwise, it's better to quit if unrepentant pirates are camping an issue.
>His MMO persona was his true persona though
Yes. And it clearly was inspired by the Kamen Rider, not the Punisher.
So I think that killing left and right is when other options are easily accessible is unlikely.
Shield hero is undoubtedly worse user
How would you explain the concept of players and what sort of being Ainz is to the likes of Jircniv or Calca to help them act on the threat appropriately?
I really liked overlord, it has its problems sure but i enjoyed seeing the demon lord take over the world perspective plus the characters were all memorable. Why is it so hard to get a decent long spanning fantasy anime/manga thats not riddled with moralfaggotry? All thats left now is to erase any memory of the show and LN
>They should have made an ecchi overlord, more like a supplement than an adaption of the shitty novel.
There's always Butt Attack on Titan.
yeah but It didn't try tricking me into watching it.
>The author threw a hissy fit over fan translations for his overpriced side story thing that made Nigel stop translating.
More like the japanese fans felt put out as they had paid a lot for buying the official works to qualify for the special offering. But the self-entitled pirates got it for free.
It did you just didnt fall for the bait. I did.
>His MMO persona was his true persona though, or atleast what he truly wanted to be.
That's the point. Sebas is what he wants to be, but not what he is. Touchme is a high level police officer serving a totalitarian regime in a cyberpunk dystopia where human modification is the norm. The kind of nightmarish experiments he and his colleagues do daily on their fellow citizens will make Demiurge's farm look like a charity center. His bugman body will also affect his personality. If transferred, he may even lecture Demiurge about how to run the farm more effectively.
I'd tell them they're dealing with a creature from a race that destroyed the world it came from and amuses itself by creating new worlds to have something to explore and fight over just to kill time. Ainz is not actually an unfathomably powerful undead being, but something otherworldly that created an unfathomably powerful undead body for itself to wear. In its spare time, for fun. And it doesn't hate the living, they are just beneath its notice for the most part.
Basically bump that shit up to cosmic horror levels.
Also tell the same thing to the NPCs.
Was it true MC's real world is some weird eldritch-inspired society, and that he ended up inside the game because of a ritual or something?
Not that we know. It seems like a perfectly mundane future dystopia.
its kind of fitting.
Just tell them he is an undefeatable force of nature and their only option is bowing down to him, swearing eternal fealty to him and praying for his mercy.
How would Neia react to this description? Is Cosmic Horror Ainz still Justice?
Not at all, especially the web novel. Looks like you have consumed so much shit you can't tell what is good anymore.
user told me its shit it must be true
man its hard to find good anythings nowadays haven't seen seen a single thing in like a decade that user hasn't called shit. luckily this user is here to tell us we're dumb for not evaluating things ourselves then immediately tell us what is shit
I came in this thread to celebrate the death of garbage, and to laugh at the shitters who are confused as to why their garbage has ended. Good riddance.
Jircniv never considered defeating Ainz outright though. You could tell him players come.every 100 years so surviving that long is his empire's chance.
>by the way, there are more dudes like Ainz coming soon
why do you hate Jircniv's hairline?
whats the problem with telling them the truth?
Fuck off and kill yourself, disgusting frog-cancer.
>You could tell him players come.every 100 years
He may outright kill himself to end the suffering in the future.
Can Ainz become as happy as he is in the spinoff?
Ha! Get fucked Mr. Skeletal overpowered faggot, die with your world!
I doubt it, he acts like's still poor and should go back to wage slaving in the office.
He likely sold off most of the IP early on and is only getting the bare minimum royalties now.
how far did the plot go? I remember there were quite a few things to cover
>how far did the plot go? I remember there were quite a few things to cover
nothing major was every covered nazarick just subjugated a lizard village, goblin forest, kingdom criminal underworld, e-rantel and empire just said fuck it and became a vassal state and now there subjugating holy kingdom dealing with level 1-20 beings no major plot point such as other players, dragons, slaine theocracy, and the other threats to ainz were ever covered and now the writer expressed no interested in the series anymore
keep in mind that overlord now has 2x the word count as the lotr books
at least it gave us this sex bomb
>and the fanTLs dropping it too
When did Nigel quit?
theres no real conflict so why bother?
I'll miss So Bin's illustrations. I really hope its just an excuse because he doesn't know how to continue, but with his current reactions/reasons Maruyama is just shit.
Wait so we’re not getting anymore volumes?
This is another case of a writer not planning out at least the broad strokes of his story. I'm guessing the guy who wrote this has been going along with the flow of his own story instead of at least directing it towards certain key points and an ultimate resolution.
This is much more common than you think, especially among neophyte WN/LN writers.
I don't understand the people who complain about the lack of conflict or challenge.
From the start it was about loss, leadership, being forced into things due to expectations and internal conflicts which hold the characters back.
It was never bleach or naruto or whatever where the goal is to perpetually meet new enemies and fight them.
Where the series failed was in expanding on those original themes and having interesting evolution of characters.
The problem wasn't that external enemies were not introduced, the problem was internal turmoil never became a credible threat.
Things that still need be resolved:
Elf King
Dragon Kingdom
Slane Theocracy
Dragon Lords
He could have PDL basically sit out and hope for new players to arrive in 100 years to use them like he did before. So all he would need to do is make 2 volumes. One making the Dragon Kingdom his & the other volume would be about destroying the Slane Theocracy with overt military force. End with a timeskip of a 100 years with arrival of the rest of AoG.
>They saw the lines develop for people who purchased the initial book products. But then reverse imports killed the sales. With the popularity high and yet the sales are far lower than expected for a popular product, it's clear that reverse import is a problem. The "fans" are simply waiting for the pirate issues to appear instead of buying the product.
The hell is reverse import? You some coon who hasn't even studied piracy properly despite all the studies out there saying otherwise? You're so full of shit you probably don't even know who Gaimon is. Look it up even the EU kept their study hidden for 7 years before someone scrounged it up cause the study actually proved their claims of piracy hurting sales were bullshit.
Overlord wouldn't even have any fame overseas without Sky and Nigel. If anything it's because the Yen Press version reached NGNL levels of notoriety and coupled with the fact that all the extra content like CD dramas or the Evil Eye book wasn't even available to the western market no fucking shit you'd never gain any loyal customers. This isn't vidya, you can't cover up your extremely poor translations with gameplay.
Pic related is one of the best selling Fire Emblem games in the franchise, tell me do you think the fanbase thinks they did a good job? A translator who can't even tell the difference between lamprey and rabbit already proves themselves as assembly line tier shitters who don't read what they translate, they just go through it line by line without taking in the context.
>that made Nigel stop translating
Is he really stopping his translations? Who is taking over? It's absolute bullshit to let that garbage guilt him when he translates better than Yen Press does objectively and subjectively. Only the biggest Yea Forumsfag shills who nitpick about retarded prose > accuracy would ever claim otherwise.
Is that picture real? The English version they just stare at one another and nothing else?
Of course it's real.
>I don't understand the people who complain about the lack of conflict or challenge.
> the problem was internal turmoil never became a credible threat.
The point is that there was absolutely no challenge in any regard external or internal. The entire story sets up all this cool stuff that 'could' happen but those things never come to fruition
Also note by Japan it's not Japan's localization or anything, the right side is fan translation modded in from someone who actually knows proper moon runes. "Localization" is just a license for polished MTL and even when you have good translators they end up having to censor and over localize real hard, just look at Stephen Paul and CCC's work when they were fan translating and then their work when they were being paid. It's no longer smooth and no longer natural and hell CCC even turned into some social justice warrior so it's clear the culture in the localization industry is cancer.
Wow, why are localization such shit? Why not just translate what the moonrunes are?
and why should they?
Why does this surprise you? Absolutely nothing has happened in 13 novels. The protagonists haven't been meaningfully challenged at any point. Assuming there are five volumes left, what could possibly happen that would upset the status quo?
Because setup for a lot of nothing leads to the situation we're in right now
>Needs challenging things to be imteresting
The fun of the series is to see the antagonists win and to see how Ainz manages to stumble his way across the New World. Also the enjoyment of seeing the New Worlders struggle against Nazerick.
The real threats are the Dragon Lords but because they got their asses handed to them by a few 60s back in the day, they're scared to confront Ainz. Also part the fun is seeing the various personalities of Nazerick interact with one another and world at large.
>Is he really stopping his translations?
>Who is taking over
No one
That's called depression.
Because localization fags tend to be part of the tumblr/twitter culture and think they know better than the author. It's effectively retconning/censorship but they justify it under localization not realizing that trying to pull the same shit when doing high profile negotiations internationally would literally get them sued up the ass or even jailed depending on how hard they fuck up. But since all they are doing is vidya and they get paid peanuts compared to real translators, nothing is expected of them.
So really, why would anyone respect localization translators when their employers clearly don't? Why would anyone defend Yen Press or Kadokawa or Maruyama about not supporting the official product when the people working on localizing it are not even half as good as the top of the line translators? Where is the integrity of the market where consumers are supposed to vote for their wallet to get a better deal?
If you ever visit old Overlord threads in the archives, you'll find people like RiskyAnon posting their merchandise so it's obvious that it still sells.
Just look at the music industry nowadays. Which artist still fucking complains about piracy? Almost nobody does. Musicians learned that the way business is done changed, and instead of purely relying on sales of CDs and mp3 downloads it's about using your songs to market yourself so when you host a concert or merchandise you make big bank on tours, and no it does not require a pretty face or a good body. Even some literal who in China who only got famous for composing music for TV station live dramas has managed to sell out concert after concert and tons of merchandise and he literally looks like a 40+ year old virgin basement dweller minus the neckbeard.
>The fun of the series is to see the antagonists win and to see how Ainz manages to stumble his way across the New World. Also the enjoyment of seeing the New Worlders struggle against Nazerick.
This would be totally fine if he didn't also introduce all these other interesting factors that could potentially cause problems for Ainz but he did and now we're just left with nothing happening with them. If Maruyama wanted his thing to be a pure power fantasy and nothing else, there would be no need to add those extra elements and yet he did. So what's going on with them? Nothing because he can't bear to have Ainz be challenged
Tell me, what exactly is going on with Albedo's kill squad everybody was hype over? Oh right, a whole bunch of nothing.
That's a shame, hope he comes back or someone does step up.
Are there even any goddamn players in the New World? Maybe the Elf Lord, but that's all.
>Elf King
ok here's my headcannon
>Ainz sends twins as diplomats to elves, to them socialize among their kind
>King sees Mare and lusts for him
>when they're alone, TRUTH revealed for King
>he angers, scolding Mare for wearing girls closes and acting like a girl
>Mare gets really angered and first time without an order, by his own volition he attacks
>Elf King becomes red vapor
>Aura discovers this, twins tryin to cover shit up
>but elves praising them, calling them new rulers
>Ainz visits shortly after, sees scared of his reaction twins and other elves praising twins
>He glad that twins now can act on their own accord, approves making them new rulers of elven kingdom
>then his head explodes, when he realizes that now he supposed to teach Aura and Mare some basics of kingcraft
>not realizing that trying to pull the same shit when doing high profile negotiations internationally would literally get them sued up the ass or even jailed depending on how hard they fuck up
Funny thing, I've personally seen several incidents of business negotiations between British, German, and Chinese companies (I speak all three languages, Chinese natively) becoming very tense or breaking down once stuff gets written down after extremely positive initial talks (generally with the help of a live translator / interpreter) due to how loose even absolutely top tier interpreters tend to be. I'd listen to the conversation (understanding both sides) just wincing at the inaccuracies, then mention them to my overly optimistic British boss who interpreted a VERY liberal translation very literally, he'd ignore me saying the interpreter is a well payed professional, the a week later he'd be FURIOUS that the Chinks are trying to gyp him again after receiving a quote enumerating the exact same terms I have personally heard them outline a weak earlier.
Face-to-face verbal communication through a language gap is unspeakably harmful to business yet extraverted Chads in sales keep insisting on doing it.
contrary to what you think nip authors only see foreigners as a source of money and don't care about them at all as proven when nasu and takeuchi retconned saber's name cause 'it sounds better to me' despite the logic only applying as a nip reading the engrish and not a westerner reading the engrish
>Tell me, what exactly is going on with Albedo's kill squad everybody was hype over?
It's like you people missed the whole point of the killsquad, it was never meant for conflict it was meant to kill other players in case she ever came across any which the readers at that point should know there won't be any.
Just because a bunch of idiots get hyped over something the book never implied doesn't mean it's the failing of the story.
you mean high sales?
haha belka means squirrel
It's clearly intentional.
I like it to where they reveal their gender when they’re alone. I think the Elf King would act all kind and deceitful, then manages to get Mare alone. There the Elf King will try to pounce. Only for Mare to casually stop him. He doesn’t become red vapor instead Mare & Aura contact Demiurge. Demiurge takes Elf King and sees he’s an impressive specimen, Demiurge makes Elf King his stud for his happy farm.
Other players were around but died, elsewhere that isn't the fucking lv 1-10 zone will have players and godkins.
Can't have that though since the guardians might get a scratch and ainz starts crying.
Author shitting on the series because he can't hurt the characters, lost potential.
>because he can't hurt the characters
>entoma and chair don't exist
>Overlord IV announcement was fake.
Satoru in the side story spent a century exploring the world in all sorts of exotic locations and it there's no indication that he ever found any other players. All of his new companions are New Worlders and far lower level than him.
>The Virgin Momonga
>The Chad Touch Me
Even their isekai adventures reflect all of this.
I'm trying. Just wish I had a learning buddy or something.
What would Lakyus or Remedios think of Touch Me with his constantly billowing cape, dramatic poses with giant runes in an incomprehensible language exploding behind him when he strikes them, and level 100 paladin feats?
The former would get wet while the latter would get confused cause Kamen Rider is an insect.
Maybe you should watch it so you can form your own opinion instead of being spoonfed what to think. What do YOU think about the 3rd season?
No, but neia would undoubtedly pull some mental gymnastics
He wears a full head helmet though. Looks human enough all dressed up and superheroes don't remove their masks lightly.
Remedios has ultra instinct and gets her xenophobia straight from Maruyama so there's no way an insectoid would ever bypass her radar.
He wasn't on a warpath like the main story so the high levels would leave him alone like pdl.
>Actually, I wish he had introduced other Players by now
This was always the logical conclusion i came to when i thought about the later arcs in the series.
Especially if those other players where from other games/worlds and operated under different rules in combat.
It's so fucking easy to spice things up like this, im actually mad for once i don't have the autism to write my own fanfic.
Maruyama did, he even lampshades it with Runecraft.
HeroHero doesn't wanna leave his comfy isekai and join Ainz though, he was overworked remember?
Honestly. The interactions between Ainz and Jircniv were the best thing in the LN. The sheer difference in power between the two and the comic horror themes are great.
I don't know of any other series that does this and I wish I did.
Invisible Dragon.
OPM pulls it off just fine. I think the major issue with Overlord is a lack of interesting characters, or at least the interesting ones don't get enough focus. Good characters can carry even the shittiest of plots.
>He wears a full head helmet though
That's his head...
Source? Cause if so it's quite the matching head.
Have you heard of One Punch man nigger? There's no challenge but it sure as fuck is fun to see things from the perspective of vastly inferior characters that cant one punch everything effortlessly. The politics and diplomacy Ainz employed despite being capable of oneshotting everything was fun in it's own right. The fear and the horror the Npcs felt was a better treat than any of your shitty shonen action.
He could just laze about in the bath together with Solution, two piles of jelly lovingly mixing in the most intimate cuddle you can imagine.
God dammit that shit is so badly translated and a hilarious shitshow. I wouldnt put it up to overlord's level though lmao
>is so badly translated
Actually that's how it was in the raws I think. It's supposed to look like it's written by a grade schooler.
>His MMO persona was his true persona though
No it fucking isn't. It has been very heavily implied that Touch Me does horrible things in real life (he might even be the one who has killed Ulbert in real life in the end) and uses his MMO justice-self to "overcompensate" for his bad deeds in real life, out of guilt.
When did we confirm Ulbert died? I thought it was Bellriver who died?
Well, not exactly "confirmed to have died", but...
Good possibility but definitely too much of a stretch for confirmation.
Shame too because the first 4 or 5 episodes of Shield Hero are real good. After those it becomes wish-fulfilment fantasy at it’s worst
I don't see how the image could be speaking about anyone other than Touch Me in real life here, including the "they both could be considered evil" part.
That's not my contention, it's that Ulbert might not have died. Confronting doesn't automatically mean a fight to the death, it doesn't even automatically mean they must fight. In one possibility it could just be Ulbert finding out about the truth about Yggdrasil and the isekai conspiracy and confronting Touch Me about whether he was in on it.
As for whether the chances favor Ulbert dead or alive, of course it's dead. But that doesn't mean it's close to confirmed with just that passage alone. For all you know Bellriver was not killed by Touch Me, but his colleagues and Touch felt guilty about it. There's an endless number of possibilities given how little we know and to scoff of other possibilities simply because something seems to be the most likely outcome is foolish.
>no major plot point such as other players, dragons, slaine theocracy, and the other threats to ainz were ever covered and now the writer expressed no interested in the series anymore
>merely tens of thousands
you know damn well he'd channel the spirit of Genghis Khan and not stop at a few
One punch man is the opposite of Overlord, despite all his power, Saitama world is very small, he kill shitloads of monsters, but almost no one knows who he is, and at the end of the day he is more interested in recapturing that feeling of joy in battle that he lost, his interest in being a big shot hero with everyone sucking his dick is minimal.
There are certain characters in one punch man that still dont know about saitama, and will possible never realize who he is. You can follow those characters without needing to have Saitama shoved in your face all the time.
Overlord is all about Ainz/nazarick wanking, nonstop, every "arc" has been the same, people discover things about nazarick, they shit themselves in fear, the end, its the opposite of One punch man where some people see the "caped baldy" as just some larping loser.
One punch has a cast of characters that sometimes get themselves involved with Saitama, but mostly they live their own lives, Overlord has a cast of characters that either exist to be killed or to worship nazarick.
Honestly more and more I am feeling that the npcs of nazaric are a weight around Ainz neck, and the side story only made me believe this further, sometimes you get genuinely fun interactions between Ainz and the denizens of the new world, and you realize how much more fun Ainz would have without having to worry about the npcs shitting things up.
he would stay in his room all day everyday and order nazarick monster women and food to be brought to him and never go outside
user but there are WOMEN outside. All sorts of races.
I'm sure Pero couldn't resist the isekai power fantasy even just for the sake of Rance'ing it up with the native women.
Calca and Draudiron would be safe except from bird dick and threesomes involving Shalltear.
>Peroronchino can't get 100% Nazarick run because Albedo only wants Ainz
>the one series with a translator who delivered new chapters as fast as possible and with no paywall or translation faggotry
>translator drops it because the retarded author would rather blame fan translators than the retarded jewish policies enforced by the people in charge of selling his work
Two nukes weren't enough.
And then you have guys like the Death March author who is totally fine and even okayed the translator on working on his WN.
>newfag didn't even read the content he's talking about
Albedo used to be a slut, Ainz swapped that out with loving him literally five minutes before he and Nazarick were transported to the new world
Albedo would be the first one on his chad thundercock run
Or Slimebro author who also okayed translations. Maruyama is just a cunt. You can tell by the MCs since they're all self-inserts.
>death march MC is a bro
>slime tensei MC is a bro
>overlord MC is a cunt
Like pottery
Dragonlolibaba queen.
>Or Slimebro author who also okayed translations.
>Guy who okays translations sells much better than guy who tries to jew people with limited edition
Literally another win for piracy.
if there is anything the Japanese got down it's suicide
What if she still loved Ainz though? Is Peroronchino a rapist? What would half succubi half birdmen look like?
Not guns though.
>she laments at the dire state of her Kingdom and her inability to effectively help in the war effort, besides using her child-form to provide morale to her lolicon subjects
Ah, for fuck's sake. This situation with Overlord reminds me about Mahou Sensei Negima way back. I was invested in that too and it got a rushed ending.
>revenant Clem never
I really want to see more of her but at the same time I really don't want to see another Yukari Tamura character suffering.
She will probably be the final boss now that Maruyama is too much of a lazy faggot to use all the other powerhouses he introduced.
Literally who?
I never saw this character until now.
The Theocracy's trump card and the Elf King's rape baby.
Don't blame you, I only noticed her one minute appearance in the anime because she's voiced by my favorite seiyuu.
How does ONE do it? Maybe it truly is a test of how good of an author you are rather than how good your series is overall.
She would try to kill him unless he gives her a reason not to
>member of Nazarick
>harming a Supreme Being
OPM is much more directly comedic. With Overlord there are too many idiots attempting to take the comedy series seriously.
>talking about shit he knows nothing about
She is obviously a new member of the Ainz harem.
Maybe PA/Momon will screw her.
Most WN/LN authors are amateurs that don't plan their story at all
>author is an avowed commie
>his MC rants about the stupidity of communism for five pages before blowing up red square and swearing by freedom and the capitalist way.
Carlo is our boy
I think Carlo understands that communism is more like an ideal than a practical solution, just like how faith is a great ideal in trying to better humanity but in practice tends to be, well Sonzai X'd.
Yes, but like Log Rising .hack has the problem of being an anime where there is too much exposition and not enough action so it ends up being beyond boring.
First Log Horizon and now this. My favorite series are either entering hiatus hell or just stopping.
He’s a retard that thinks communism is some state thing when it’s the abolishment of state and money.
His mcs are sarcastic and he ends the series with shit endings wn Tanya taking American cock and leaving the Reich to die.
So her becoming Big Boss is from the LN?
What if it's all a misunderstanding and the adventurer she's bribing with her loli form is not actually a lolicon?
Yeah but it’s not over, it’ll probably end the same way since Tanya cannot win against the allies no matter what she does.
Didn't the war already end in the LN with the germans losing and Tanya getting a comfy job in America till she gets fed up with that and goes to Africa to become the leader of some PMC?
The Reich for all their good intentions the story portrays, is ultimately full of idiots. If they wanted to win the war they would have put Tanya as one the core pillars of General Staff. For all her prowess on the battlefield it is her policies and isekai knowledge that allows the Reich to last as long as it did in the war but it is also the fact that the implementation of her policies and the denial of certain calls like when Tanya wanted to pursue the remnants before they went out to sea that ultimately fucked them completely over.
Tanya for all her flaws would still have been far more valuable sitting at the table together with the geezers making the shots than her leading her wing. But then the Reich would have won, and then X would have pulled some more crazy shit so ultimately it really doesn't matter.
It should have mattered a lot, it just shows the author looks down on the Reich as a whole like it’s some shit that doesn’t matter.
More victories thanks to Tanya doesn’t change the outcome? retarded.
>yes comrade I know people don't want to give up their property, we just need vangaurd party to lead the state for a while to re-educate them, THEN we can abolish the state.
It's nothing but a social experiment and Tanya calls it out as such.
Not him but it doesn't matter because the true enemy of the Reich isn't its enemies nations but rather Sonzai X.
With Tanya in charge they could have lasted longer and maybe even come much closer to winning the war but ultimately they were condemned to fail because they had someone with the power of a deity determined to fuck them over just to teach Tanya a lesson.
Are you like some germanybro or something user? Why are you so sensitive about this? It wouldn't have mattered if Tanya was born in the USA or Africa or Russia or any other place. Her true opponent is Sonzai X, not the world. She's battling against an incompetent superior who refuses to understand the perspective of his lesser creations, and Tanya's power unlike most isekai MCs, literally come from X. What more needs to be said? It was never a game where Tanya could win on her terms.
Ainz could have saved the Reich (?)
Well he did in the crossover.
I've got gb's of Overlord artwork, content and reaction images stored on my PC and I will eventually have to clean it all up.
Please let me remember it all with a smile on my face. It was a fun time though.
>the author looks down on the Reich as a whole
Why wouldn't you look down on a bunch of fucking incompetent losers?
Or you can dump it here.
My neck, fuck.
How would the NPCs or Keeno and her friends in the spinoff react to meeting Satoru Suzuki (human)?
Because those Fire Emblem examples are Nintendo, and NoA thinks that the heavy-handedness that put them on top of the world thirty years ago is an acceptable policy for the modern day (which is validated by the fact that the company's games never fall under the baseline sales guaranteed by their rabid fanbase)
thank you user
this site is a fine addition to my collection
So considering Clementine, hypothetically speaking, if you beat a murderous woman in self-defence and she offers you sex in exchange for sparing her life, is that rape? Or does her offer constitute valid consent?
Can somebody get me up to date with happened to the series, please?
The last volume that I've read was 11 and I am not quite up to date with latest events. From what I've quickly read through the lines the author got fed up with the series or something...
If she doesn't have any choice than to offer her body in the hopes of not dying, I think that would be considered rape.
Her being in the position that makes her beg for her life also states that she is completely overpowered by you. Making the act of killing her unnecessary as she can be handed over to the authorities.
A woman like her would probably find a way to kill you while having sex, letting you both cum and in the moment of total ecstasy bite through your carotid artery.
Author claimed he is ending the series in like two volumes even though all the plot points he introduced couldn't realistically be adressed without like 20 more volumes.
Then he complained about fan translations being bad because people wouldn't buy every fucking BD of the cancer that was the anime adaptation just to read an AU side story and instead read pirated copies or fan translations. This apparently led to the TL claiming he won't translate future Overlord material.
Truth be told, the anime was dogshit. Its only redeeming point were the OP and ED songs.
Thanks for the clarification, user.
Yeah, that's part of the problem.
Dude got mad that people wouldn't buy the entire BD set of a completely dogshit anime adaptation just to read a side story that isn't even canon to the main story.
Did somebody say bad CGI?
And I thought Berserk was horrible...
He only OK'd WN translations though.
Slime is the only good one out of any of those.
It's good enough since the WN aren't all that different from LN unlike Overlord. In some cases like Death March the WN is literally better than the LN.
>just to read a side story that isn't even canon
Are you referring to that one shot where Ainz doesn't get teleported in Nazarick and meets a younger Evil Eye?
What was even the point of that?
>bite through your carotid artery
>tfw you are a skeleton
Watching Ainz in a different situation and having cute interactions with the vampire girl, since she obviously won't get to do shit in the main story.
That's not correct. They diverge quite a lot, like the whole Rosso arc is introduced and Yuuki's character is very different, without any of the OH MY SUPER BRAINWASHING non-sense from the WN.
Maruyama wrote a longer side story based on that but you could only read it if you bought the BD set of the awful third season.
Why they walking like that?
Appereantly some people bought it just to resell the side-story it for a much, much higher price.
Shalltear: Am I a joke to you?
Well, I guess that tends to happen when you add too many characters like a faggot and later realize that you like a background nobody.
It's not that bad in regards to portraying eldrich horrors. The problem was more with the surroundings rather than the goats. No "special effects" of the sky turning blood red or at least dark or something. Everything just remained... normal.
Shalltear is too much of a murderous slut for cute interactions while Evileye is a pure maiden.
The PS1 ground graphics and toy soldiers didn't help either.
Oh I didn't follow the Slime LN past the first 1-2 volumes, my bad, but I still think it's nowhere near the same magnitude. I mean have you compared the Overlord WN to LN? Like a third of the characters didn't even exist.
It was fucking naive of them to think people would actually buy the BD set to read the side story instead of getting it from re-sellers or pirates.
>Two killers
> One kills less and isn't as evil
> One has luxury lesbian sex whilst the other fucked from one town to another
>Muh pure maiden
>It was fucking naive of them
Maruyama deluded himself into thinking he could runecraft shill his novels.
>getting it from re-sellers
Actually, considering how expensive the "re-sellers" are, buying the BD might actually end up cheaper than just buying the side-story by itself.
What does killing have to do with anything? Evileye acts like a moeblob and gets shy around the guy she likes while Shalltear is ultra-horny and rapes anyone who catches her fancy.
It's obvious which one would be better for a more lighthearted and cute story.
Plus, part of the appeal of the side story is to see Ainz in a situation in which he doesn't have to bother keeping face in front of his subordinates or meeting their expectations.
>SAO the grandaddy of anything
You mean .hack//sign, thanks.
I'd rather pay more and just get the side story than get a shitty BD set I don't want and give my money to some faggots who probably spent less making S3.
Actually, I wouldn't pay shit because as soon as that side story got uploaded to the internet, that stopped being necessary.
>lesbian=used goods
No, EE is a virgin too since she went edgelord mode before blue rose beat her.
Fair point. Looking at it from this angle makes sense.
Though, I'm suspicious that after all her centuries of vampire life she remained a virgin. Though, considering the author, he might pull that card.
Technically that's more like the great granddaddy, after all .hack//sign never caused a boom, he's like an ancestor but easily overshadowed by his successor. And this is coming from someone that watched all the anime let alone played all the games. It was great fun but man you'd have to be crazy to think it or say Escaflowne and other classic isekai even made a dent in creating the current market.
Like you could think of it this way, the old isekai were like Chinese creating gunpowder, but the MT era was like when firearms came around. Yeah gunpowder was created long ago, but only when firearms were made for it did it truly change the world.
because LN and WL writers are just a bunch of talentless hacks who gets spoon feed by "curators" in their pubblishing company.
From what I remember, she was a princess (so obviously she had to be a virgin) and then everything went to shit and she became an edgelord so sex wasn't something she was interested in.
She totally would have gotten laid once she joined Blue Rose but I assume she wasn't interested in any guy who approached her (or maybe she can't get wet without Ainz's undead aura).
MT? Sorry, I'm bad with acronyms.
Keeno became a vampire while still a young child with a royal upbringing so she never had a sexual awakening prior to meeting Momon, why would she lose her virginity? She has the sexual and emotional maturity of a ten year old.
Shalltear, on top of having been designed by a pervert, is described as a young woman. Not a loli, just flat.
It took a while but in the end humie chads won. Nazarick BTFO.
Thank you Maruyama sensei by putting the final nail in the coffin. FUCK OVERLORD
Mushoku Tensei.
she is trash. clementine is tops
Keeno is more immature than EE due to being baby sitted by Satoru for 200 years, if one cares about sex then the other will eventually as well
It was always garbage.
I was saying since forever that it's going to die after the season where they kill Arche. Fuck this retarded edgelord author.
EE says she never had any interest in romance prior to meeting Momon. All those sexual feelings are completely new to her.
Only a newfag would think calling someone old as a insult here
Overlord is boring as fuck because there is literally no tension. When nothing can threaten the protagonists it’s pretty fucking boring. Conflict doesn’t have to be some big battle either
>Undead can develop sexual feelings
How long for Ainz and Keeno?
If you are bones, then you cannot bone
she must have interacted with some of his bones in a cute and funny way over the decades
Overlord's greatest strength is its characters, so that's not the issue. The problem with Overlord is that it keeps introducing interesting plot threads, then abandoning them in favor of new plot threads.
Clementine is worthless as a woman.
>interesting plot threads
>Albedo is supposed to have a spying network inside Nazarick yet its scarcely mentioned
Is Albedo spying on Ainz or the other guardians/NPCs?
May lovely wife Albedo is perfectly loyal and could never do such a thing!
Unlike some other slattern I could mention.
B/a/ited. Don't reply to trolls.
Would you still waifu Allbeds if she was a slut?
>>better sales than even SAO
Imagine being this deluded
Tanya's inherently not better at war than any career soldier. She's not better at politics than a career politician. The biggest reason she survived all the shit that she got through was through divine intervention, better equipment and historical foreknowledge. Her appearance and her being anti-social would harm her much more in politics than it did in the military were combat experience mitigated all that. All the policy proposals that Tanya made ended up hurting the Empire in the long run because of strategical and political considerations that Tanya didn't and couldn't grasp. The problem wasn't that Tanya's bosses were bad at their jobs. It was a politcal vacuum in the sense that the politicans trusted the army to defend the county and din't want to intervein in the military realm and the army had to much respect for the political life to dictate policy. So everyone ended up doing a splended job, but with nobody working towards any set goal loss was assured from the start.
And yet that could have been fixed if Tanya was in charge, because with her future knowledge, she effectively had the means to prevent that from happening. The very fact that the Reich allowed the Republic to run away with their remnants was already game changing, just that one change would have altered history completely unless X came back in and buffed up America and Britain even more. Future knowledge and mind set is not something that can be easily dismissed just because Tanya has poor character, especially not if the rest of the General Staff were to help her point out those issues. What she would serve is the guide post, the visionary, the very key that they were lacking that you yourself admitted that they didn't have, because she's from the future. She already knows these things even if she doesn't understand the intricacy of why.