How do you feel about scanlators complaining about getting snipped?
How do you feel about scanlators complaining about getting snipped?
>do it for free
>still feel entitled to complain
Scanlators are on a level worse than jannies
I thought this might have been a scanlator complaining about getting a vasectomy.
how surprising, a community of thieves has a bunch of thieves
I’ve never seen a more entitled scanlator
This is pretty low-level grumbling, so I don't really mind. Let him be as passive-aggressive as he wants in his credits page, as long as it doesn't affect his output.
>scan group is consistent w/releases
>someone hates them so they snipe
>group drops the project
>sniper achieved his goal & drops the project too.
Then we're left with no one translating. Hate when this happens. Like if you snipe, just make sure you're gonna stick w/ the series.
On the other hand, a group that picks up too many projects to get more donations & releases 1 chapter every few months deserve to be snipped.
i have, this is mild
>scanlation """industry"""
I stopped at the "scanlation industry", what industry?
I aint reading all that gay shit
What the fuck is "sniping"? Releasing sooner? I find it funny that he talks about "stealing", like someone gave his group rights over the series. Either start releasing faster or do a better enough job that people will wait for you.
fucking tl;dr
>On the other hand, a group that picks up too many projects to get more donations & releases 1 chapter every few months deserve to be snipped.
Or someone only using badly edited mtl.
The nigger translating potion loli is way more entitled and his rants are hilarious.
Scanlators shouldn't "own" a series anyway that's how you get translations that are never finished.
>Scanlators shouldn't "own"
Tell that to jewmini and co.
Competition is good, you didn't see fansubbers complaining about this.
Because fansubing is deader than your social life.
Basically when a series is already picked up by a group then someone decides to release the next chapter before them. It usually annoys the original group bec all their work has gone to waste.
Anime is limited while there's thousands of untranslated manga out there. The sniper could put their effort to better use.
>Someone is releasing stolen content before us!
>It usually annoys the original group bec all their work has gone to waste.
What waste?
Their egos.
You sound really new to the scanlator drama world then
Quality and consistency is the only thing that matters to me. So, when a low quality "I'm doing this to talk with my friends" human waste group with a google translator tier trasnlations does a couple of chapters and the 'official' groups decides to skip those because they are already "made", then I feel mad about it.
>translation/redrawing/typesetting the chapter
>all for nothing because someone just released the chapter using paint
The shorter the delay between the sniper and original scanlator, the more I feel sympathetic towards the scanlator. If the scanlator was good usually.
The time they could have spent fapping has been spent translating something which has already been translated.
Drama over sniping can get pretty wild. Like OP is tepid as fuck compared to literal meltdowns that have happened.
Scanlators should have some semblance of a schedule or of regular releases though. Like I want to read Witch Hat Atelier and I appreciate that anyone is doing it at all, but I read other series that are translated within a week of the chapter coming out while it's usually months between WHA translated chapters. Sometimes there's breaks which isn't an issue but the scanlators generally don't make any note of breaks and the only other way to figure out really is to drudge through the mangaka's Twitter or the magazine's Twitter.
As someone who's been following Shuumatsu no Valkyrie for months now, I can provide some context here:
>latest chapter came in Monthly Comic Zenon on the 23rd
>highly anticipated chapter with the start of a new arc (Jack the Ripper vs. Hercules)
>LQ raws are dumped on Yea Forums
>a good user makes a quick shitty tl so other anons can get the gist of the chapter
>some wop decides to take the shitty tl without any proofreading and do a quick ts
>releases it on mangadex under his group's name (Kingdom Italia) rather than "no group" or "Yea Forumsnonymous"
>meanwhile, Valhalla (the group who's been doing the series consistently) is waiting for the HQ raws, which come at the first of each month
>ff to today and the venting in OP's pic
It's understandable why they'd be pissed off since they've been giving consistent updates as soon as they can, and since the guido was pretty damn lazy in "making" his tl. Though that doesn't really excuse Valhalla's entitlement, since everyone knew they'd be doing the next chapter anyway. Just hope this doesn't draw any negative attention to what's become my favorite ongoing manga.
On a semi-related note, do you guys think Loki disguised himself as Brunhilde or is just possessing her?
Let the tears flow.
I was checking TenKen page for magnadex because last two chapters were super late and I thought maybe I'd just TL them but I dropped that idea because I'm lazy.
Then someone does a googleTL from Russian, uploads it to mangadex and SUDDENLY both chapters get released by the previous "original" group and comment section is full of sniping drama.
Honestly this.
>all for nothing
Does your work get deleted because someone else did it too?
>using paint
That's exactly it. If the other group's work is so bad, people who care will wait for you.
>learn japanese
>want to translate manga
>Want others to enjoy
To provide context, this is about a manga chapter whose raw had been out for more than two weeks before the guy in the OP released his translation along with that rant.
Loki was shown in a different location at the same time she was somewhere else a few chapters ago. So either possession or he can clone himself. We already know he's a shapeshifter.
How is it "for nothing"? Like with Kimetsu no Yaiba getting a popularity boom the recent chapters have been sniped by speedscans but I wait for anons to finish their not shit version.
Who remembers that shit that happened with Fuke?
Nah, I think Brunhilde is just a nut.
I like Valhalla's work for the most part but someone please tell them to dial back on the unnecessary terms like "ftw" and "absolute unit".
Except they are fast and usually translate the newest chapter within a day usually. The only ones fucked are the series that no one cares about.
Whoa nigga, I'm not reading all that shit
>the translation industry can be full of shady dealings.
So TL mafia was real after all?
Giving what other translators in the thread said about the end of the kojiro fight, at least Brunhild does use teenage slang when she's excitable. Zeus may also have done the same chapter 1 I couldn't say if that's true though.
Nothing, people usually stick to the good scanlations unless it's a really popular manga and people just want speed over quality. But their egos get hurt by that.
I can sort of understand I'd rather wait for a higher quality scan rather than have shitty ms paint scans come out but usually shitty ones come out and dominate manga sites.
So unless someone actively makes the change to a higher quality release you can be stuck with duwang tier shit in fact I think mangareader still hosts the duwang version.
But why bitch to the readers I'm pretty sure if you ask the mangadex guys they'll allow you to replace a shitty scan I think I've seen it happen before
>wait for the better quality version
>it never comes
There is no such thing as manga sniping. They cannot lose what they had no right to have (viz., exclusivity) in the first place.
Valhalla are just a bunch of rich fags
I hope the sniping continues just to see them go authistic
Thought you were talking about circumcision and was wondering what the problem was with somebody complaining about it.
t. dick mangled from circumcision
Damn I feel for you bro. Especially if it wasn't a necessary operation.
t. snip dick because phimosis was too bad
I just wish they keep releasing Nidome no Jinsei.
The real reason why valhalla is so pissed off is cause valkyrie is the only good series they have, all the others are a pile of shit. People wouldn't even know of their existence otherwise
why don't japs just learn english jfc
Like this
they could just not be faggots and release high resolution version alongside google translate low quality speed shit.
they were too busy shitposting the sniper to think about that
What is this potion loli you speak of?
The reason you rarely see multiple groups translating manga is because it's not like anime. There's a huge, huge shortage of manga translators, so only a fraction of it gets translated. Manga groups don't like to compete with each other because it's seen as a waste of resources. Instead of two groups translating the same chapter with one inevitably being thrown out, they could be translating two different series.
But then there are cases like It's Not My Fault I'm Not Popular, where one group was scanning it since the beginning. It wasn't until years later when some random user on /u/ started doing fast and rough translations that people noticed how shaky the long-time group's translation had been all along. For example, one character has a really passive and introverted way of speaking that the old translation group didn't pick up on until half a year after she was introduced, so there were swarms of people going "why did the author turn this character into an autist?? She used to be laid back" until it became common knowledge that it was a translation fuck-up.
Otome isekai manga of a old woman reborn as a loli. The guy machine translate in a worse way than LHT. Sometimes he machine translate from a machine Taiwanese translation too. The manga isn't bad, the translation is so terrible that makes reading almost impossible.
This kind of drama has been around before Crunchyroll. Just ignore it.
>no mention of Chimping Scans or Jewini Scans or Let Me Go You scans
It's a scanlator drama thread without the whores, fuck this party
>Otome isekai manga of a old woman reborn as a loli
Is it as lewd as it sounds?
Well, I've just read the first few chapter and stopped when she was about to be raped by a old fat noble and used her potions to flee, so I don't know if continues like that.
>fleeing instead of enjoying her new loli body
Guess it's not lewd.
For me it's LHT, they got their shit together somewhat and release alot of series now.
>There's a huge, huge shortage of manga translators, so only a fraction of it gets translated. Manga groups don't like to compete with each other because it's seen as a waste of resources
The people doing the sniping generally wouldn't translate stuff to begin with though and only do because they like the series and they think the original group isn't doing it well enough/fast enough. What's more a waste of resources is people still translating (to my knowledge) WSJ series despite there being official translations available at about the same time. Or dozens of scanlation groups scanlating every bottom of the barrel isekai series. This is a problem with Seven Seas too, they license a ton of garbage.
In general the big scanlation groups that form only really translate popular or trendy stuff like WSJ series or isekai. And the people that are left that can't do as much do what they can but that leaves a lot of series (both finished and ongoing) not being translated. And this is also the case with licensors. Unless you like popular shit good luck having a series you like licensed.
All those fansubbers too that don't do much of anything anymore could have helped with translating untranslated manga but that also didn't happen. I really really fucking hate it when a manga series that isn't licensed or fan translated gets an adaptation which gets fully subbed but the manga isn't touched or only a small amount of it is translated.
As someone who has sniped before, I can't complain about sniping or I'd be a hypocrite. It does suck though when you do get sniped.
>tfw phimosis
>only like half of my dick is cut
i won
>What's more a waste of resources is people still translating (to my knowledge) WSJ series despite there being official translations available at about the same time.
Even back in the day, WSJ series like Naruto were the main series that had multiple scanlation groups racing with each other to shit out chapters. It absolutely is a waste of resources, but the series are so big that someone's gonna come out the woodwork and translate them no matter what.
True, wishing competing groups would translate different series is like wishing pirates would buy the products. Very unlikely.
I thought it was about getting circumcised
You know, if the group is scanlating WSJ or isekais there's a pretty damn huge probability they won't translate anything worth your time anyway. I doubt that they have a civilized discussion and vote whether to translate I am a Huge Faggot NEET who is Reborn Into Another World as a Definitely Legal Loli's Pantsu or Kosaku Shima
His work must be pretty bad for you to miss that it's not otome and not about a reincarnated granny.
Learn japanese
Isekai etc., girl befriends actual goddess (they have girl talk about getting senpai to notice the goddess), goddess sorta-mistakenly gives her way more power than loli asked for due to loli not being a rules lawyer, loli ends up involved in geopolitics and proceeds to commit war crimes.
Not at all. I have no idea what the fuck the other guy is reading. See