6 gorillion IQ

>6 gorillion IQ
>never thinks to fight at night
What did Kishimoto mean by this?

Attached: 6GORILLIONIQ.jpg (660x380, 42K)

>primarily utilizes shadows
>fight at night

Are you retarded?

Are you?

No, because I understand how night time works.

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He explicitly states that his shadow possession doesn’t work at night. You can argue whether or not that makes sense, but those are the conditions we get from the story.

Do you ever see the character utilize other people's or object's shadows to bind them? Besides, your picture is pretty clear about what actually creates a shadow. Last time I checked Shikamaru wasn't fighting on the moon.

>Do you ever see the character utilize other people's or object's shadows to bind them?
Duh, he uses the shadow of the ground, a kunai, and the wall during his fight with Temari.
>Last time I checked Shikamaru wasn't fighting on the moon.
Night time fits the definition of shadow.

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This is the dumbest thread on Yea Forums right now and believe me that's quite the achievement.

Not an argument.

The lions win if they attack at night

That would be past his bedtime, he's a child.

>Be shikamaru
>carry around a bunch of big umberellas
>throw them in the air to shadow the whole area around yourself and your enemy during day
heh, ez

>Deus Volt

Fuck off back to Narutard

>Be Shikamaru
>Be teamed with Shino
>Just use the shadows that his bugs make

>be shikamaru
>dig yourself underground
>literally endless supply of shadow at your disposal

>be kishimoto
>literally just a hack

If Shino was on the Sasuke retrieval mission they would've got him back

>Be Shikamaru
>Implant Byakugan
>Manipulate the shadows inside the opponent's body to impale them from the inside out

Today you learned that you can't make smart characters if you are dumb yourself.

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>”Yeah, it doesn’t work at night.”
>but why doesn’t he just do missions at night though
Hit the brakes, speedreaders.

makes sense why hxh is so fucking retarded then

Why does it not work at night though?
The earth is merely throwing a shadow onto itself.

Shikamaru's shit works with a visible contrast between shadows and the unshadowed surfaces they're cast on, not just "I use the dark nigga"

what smart characters are in hxh?

Genius characters will suck 999 times out of 1000 because you would have to be a literal genius yourself to write one properly.

The technique only works with the user's shadow. If it's too dark for him to cast one, then it can't propagate. In an open field with a full moon it could work, but that's a bad situation to be in.

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i knew you were a falseflagger! now we can both agree that hxh is 10/10 and the characters ARE smart.

You don't know what a shadow is do you

What does any of that have to do with /pol/ retard?

This is a lie. He didn't have a shadow during his fight with Temari.

Then how did his shadow travel through an underground tunnel? Checkmate libtards.

He uses his own shadow to fight, so his jutsu would be weak since he would only get light from the moon. He can use other shadows to extend his jutsu, but not amplify it.