Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari

S2 and S3 confirmed in production.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Melty cunny!

It's not fair

Watch Mushoku Tensei barely get the one.

It won't get another season they said
It was a flop they said

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We told you it would depend on streaming and merch instead of purely bd sales

Any source on streaming & merch profit?

Salesfags and Yea Forums absolutely BTFO

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Isn't it funded by CR? Pretty telling since they announced both S2 and S3 at the CR expo.


Its pretty much mainly being backed by CR since it was a flop in Japan.

Didn't they butcher the last arc in order to give it an ending? Wonder if they'll just retcon it.

Okay so we ended on the Island arc, what's coming on season 2 and 3 then?

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Holy shit. Based.

They already ruined it by making naofumi like some stoner insitead of rage filled and petty.

Do you ever not browse here. you piece of shit? I'm sick and tired of seeing your filthy posts.

nigger what

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This meme is officially dead.

good shit

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Guess this means no new revue starlight or gochiusa s4 anytime soon


>Season 2
Turtle arc Season 3
Going to L'Arc's world

waiting for that overlord s2 and s3 QUALITY, why rush 2 seasons from the get go?

>gochiusa s4

Is there even enough material for a new season?

>trashy isekai anti-hero edgy shit gets 2 more seasons
bros how did it come to this?

But the turtle arc isn't really that long and the preview shows the Turtle spirit already.

Should be since there are twice as many volumes now than when s2 was adapted

Absolutely based

Holy based. Gonna BTFO some more gold-diggers and false rape accusers.

I would have mentioned made in abyss first if that were the case

kinema citrus can handle this.

are people actually still watching this crap?

Maybe because the seasons are single cour.

wewlad ANN must be must be butthurt right now

It was nearing overlord quality in the latter half of S2 already.

Obligatory shield hero WN ending post

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Huh, weird. I'm not surprised it got one, but if it was successful enough to get two sequel seasons announced only months after S1 ended, I'm surprised they went with an "S2 never" type of last episode. Feel like the writers would have had an idea that a sequel was likely by the time they decided on the ending.

FUCK yes.


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Wait, why?

>S2 and S3 confirmed in production.
>S2 AND S3
Yeah, that doesn't sound good. It's gonna be Overlord all over again.

No spearchad spinoff announcement? Well, shit.

Same studio.

Small studio busy doing 52 episode series

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God please make it good, as far as ln go it's my favorite I really hope it goes well


There most likely only one cour each.

again... who asked for this shit?
I thought this isekai flopped really hard after the first 4 episodes

Fat protagonists can go die in a sewer

life is good

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fuck off, Motoyasu

>ANN must be must be butthurt right now
why, may i ask?


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It was flop nigger

>Another OP performed by MADKID

that's what I don't get
>The BD sales were mediocre at best
>Nips didn't give two shit after first cour
Why would this trash get not only a season 2 but season 3 as well?

But they fucked up Naofumi's motives with that last episode. How are they going to fix this shit?

Tate no Yuusha = shit

Tate no Yuusha = great

Because it was fantastic and people wanted more

Your life is a flop

Tell me they are at least keeping Kevin Penkin
Those fuckers didn't use most of the OST in "Dawn"

>edgylord JRPG isekai gets a season 3
>still no konosuba S3
Its not fair bros

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S2 was already terrible.


Konosuba goes to shit after volume 5 (the movie).
You don't want a season 3.

great news.
I need my royal loli fix.

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Debes estar saltando de la alegria, negro de mierda EQUIS DE

they got seriously buthurt over the false rape claim and him owning slaves called it incel power fantasy and now thire media darling CR just helped fund two more seasons

truly the darkest timeline where this shit gets not one but two more seasons

I doubt it was CR alone. Besides CR's partly owned by kadokawa.

How assblasted were they?

>S2 and S3 confirmed in production.

Manlet incels rise up!!! We keep on winning!!!

The real saviors of anime
Can't wait for ANN getting triggered about this

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As a landed southern gentleman myself, I do declare that there is nothing wrong with owning a negro slave or two.

Absolutely Based as fuck. Yea Forums BTFO to kingdom come.

Totally forgot Shield Hero was the most watched show in that chinesse stream

So... I guess Kadokawa's experiment was a success...somehow... fuck I don't even understand...


There will be a talk show conmemorating the preduction of the new seasons

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No one asked for this... Fucking why?

Wait is it actually two full seasons or is it just 26 episodes split in half between S2 and S3? That would make a lot more sense

alpha as fuck

see Incels and our new chinesse overlords asked for this

Streamming revenue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BD sales
who cares at this point? they are getting more of it

Probably the latter.



Reminder. Kadokawa wants "one isekai per season". So this fits their quota.

I feel bad for Kinema Citrus. I'm surprised they didn't fight to get another season for Made in Abyss. They could have had the leeway to ask Kadokawa for it.

>quoting the WN verison
i mean i understand the light novels havent gotten to the part where she dies but still. They woulve'researched a bit more.

don't forget they didn't review the first episode but instead, posted phone numbers and sites of institutions for online help or some shit like that

>turtle wife will get adopted
My heart can't take this shit

Shield Hero isn't even that good.

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>who cares at this point?
Because the former makes no sense given how the first season turned out financially while the latter makes more sense.

What a faggot.

who cares about western triggered faggots? Our chinesse overlords are asking for more

>Ethical consumption

These people are pathetic lmao, can't wait for more Shield Hero

>Made in Abyss died for this

Former and latter what?


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So that faggot screaming "flop" here is a twitter tranny?


>animated Moff never, ever

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maybe not a hater from twitter but a hater nonetheless

did it really make that much money to justify it or are they hoping that it becomes the next overlord?

Season 3 too? Sounds like an Overlord situation, nice.

It did more than double the book sales(from 3.3M to 7.something) throughout the anime's run. Also it was pretty popular on chinese streaming websites, CR and other western streaming sites did their part too.

>I hope fansubs become a big thing again as an alternative (fuck kissanime those scam artists) because I genuinely think pirating is more ethical at this point than giving money to companies I'm pretty sure are all cool with me dying because of my sexual orientation
Someone end this faggot's misery

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>This is being pushed entirely by Crunchyroll's management

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Symphogear did it too, guess people really miss long runners

interesting, I was under the impression that it only did ok-ish but that doesn't seem too bad

Is symphogear a good anime? been interested in watching it.


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I guess I should finish season 1 then.

The anime producer said that kadokawa's trying to get in on the streaming market and depend less on BD/DVD sales. There's reasons to believe shield hero was a pilot product.guinea pig for this and considering the seasons 2 and 3 being a thing it probably did very well to warrant that.

Symphogear is a big BD, merch and CD seller though, so it makes sense it would keep going

It varies in quality by season but it never stops being crazy fun.

I would call it dumb fun, check out first season is the only advice I would give

I have no love for Shield Hero but I do know that blu-ray sales being a deciding factor of an anime getting more seasons is a giant meme these days

Rather. The overseas market, rather than just streaming. Which i believe the US and China are a key market in that sector.


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Heard KonoSuba has the One Punch Man problem of becoming exactly what it was making fun of and falls into the tropes they poked at. We're better off without a season 3.

Incel kino is back on the menu, boys.

so this faggot over here is right?

No, user, that's not what the show meant by having a coon slave.

If anything it was probably china the biggest contributor.

ugh, more of this garbage? great, can't wait for more adventures with stockholme syndrome and nobody understands me

#盾の勇者の成り上がり is trending in Japan right now.

Alright spoil me and be fucking honest LNfags, does it get ANY better from before or kept going downhill from here on out?

Would you like a bulleted list of the things that the seasons might cover?

turtle arc is kinda meh and drags out for too long, but otherworld arc is great

>CR made this happen
We are living at the dawn of the era where fucking Americans and their shit taste determine whether a show gets green lit or not.
And I don't like it.


Well, the arc being done in the Movie is fun, but yeah even though next arcs after that keeps being silly, it starts to show more common tropes, but I think at least a Season 3 would be nice

Shieldfag doesnt translate


I asked for it and Kinema Citrus was like lol ok here's two season more
Based Kinema Citrus

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>still no scanned c96 doujins on panda
Did nips really not care about it that much?

> pirating is more ethical at this point than giving money to companies I'm pretty sure are all cool with me dying because of my sexual orientation

Powerful. Crunchyroll has the blood of rape victims on their hands. twitter.com/FeoUltima/status/1168286598271836165

Its getting a movie

Can someone here spoil me about what are we gonna see on the Turtle Arc?

I remember one guy saying the Queen is going to die but that doesn't really help to understand why so many faggots say this arc is super important.

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But there's literally nothing important or interesting in the manga after the Anime's ending. Maybe I'm just jaded but holy shit this turtle shit is the least interesting arc in the entire series. I don't remember anything noteworthy from the past 40 chapters even.

Literally all I wanted this whole anime is for Naofumi to go full Monte Cristo and take his revenge in full epic psychopathic fashion.

Instead I got a boring af loli harem shit, literally the most generic isekai ever.

I think the post was like this
>Queen dies
>Mel becomes Queen
and I don't remember anything else

Is it selling so well to justify 3 seasons?

CR love's that western mony

Say thanks to our chinese overlords for that

Read the WN

>Maybe I'm just jaded
You're not. The whole thing has been a trudge from that point.

I can see another reason to want Isekai Meikyuu to get an anime adaptation eventually.

That won't happen on the turtle arc but much later, i doubt 3 season will be enough to get to that point.

>Maybe I'm just jaded
You're not. It went downhill like most isekai do. Anyone saying otherwise is deluded as hell.

For every new season of isekaishit that gets greenlit, anime is one step closer to the grave.

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There's a thread about that right now. I'd say S1 is at least worth a look. The whole series is nearing its conclusion.

Crunchyroll and China streaming money

>Literally all I wanted this whole anime is for Naofumi to go full Monte Cristo and take his revenge in full epic psychopathic fashion.
I see this is your first revenge isekai. Don't you realize stuff like that never actually sticks around past the first few volumes


>I don't want harem shit but I really want edgy shit instead
I think you just want to read healer-kun

i wanted a second season before they changed shit like the scene with raphtalia and the slaver, also fuck that fight with the pope it was way too long so i am not so sure anymore, just don't change more things

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A lot of Westerners genuinely cannot comprehend the difference in population. China's capacity for consumption is entire orders of magnitudes bigger. If you follow mainstream news you might've read about luxury brands panicking about being shut out of the market because they cannot into global politics.

>more kino ED's might come
inb4 more rap OP's

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Holy shit, I expected a s2 but not this much.

>shield hero greenlit for 2 more seasons
>high guardian sugar spice still in radio silence

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For anyone wondering about its popularity in japan itself
I know it's
But she's japanese and actually knows her shit

Assuming they retcon the latter half of the last episode

>Another hero meeting
>Itsuki and rishia
>saving and recruiting Rishia
>heroes notice the tortoise is afoot and rush to fight it
>tortoise battle #1
>searching for he heroes and an ominous message

Vol 7:
>Meeting Ost
>the tortoise revives
>figthing the tortoise again
>kaiju fight
>venturing inside the tortoise
>meeting glass & co again
>figthing the tortoise's heart
>fighting the mastermind behind the incident
>Rishia going super saiyan
>going to another world

Vol 8:
>meeting the Hero of the hunt
>ecaping from the labrynth
>traveling to lárc's country
>raphchan is born
>searching for raphtalia and the others
>saving firo
>meeting raphtalia once again
>Death of trash #2 and escape

Vol 9:
>Otherworld wave
>making accessories
>Yomogi's ambush
>assault in l'arc's castle
>going to the book hero's lair, sen's funhouse 2.0
>fighting the book hero
>party cut in half
>killing the book hero
>naofumi & co return to raphtalia's world.

Assuming S2 and S3 are one cour each, they'll adapt 2 volumes per season. I might've forgotten a few things but this is mostly everything.

It's been a giant meme for some years now, perpetuated mostly by Japanophiles who got stuck on the idea that the entire industry is funded by otaku, and that only Japanese tastes and reception are relevant. Industry has been branching out for a while now as that limited population has been settling into their attachments to a few properties.

And yes this series sucks, but marginalised people like to read stories about a marginalised man rising above the rest, so...

Give me the full name and sell me on it. I could use more edgy isekais than happy goody two shoes MCs.

>Heard KonoSuba has the One Punch Man problem
Retards getting into anime through the series and thinking it's some sort of gold standard? Yeah, KonoSuba definitely has that problem. Subatards are fucking obnoxious.

Fishing Loli is coming

>>raphchan is born
Explain further.

>How popular is Shield Hero? It's true that the anime did not sell on home video, but that's the trend these days. If the numbers on LN News is to be believed, the LNs have over 7.8 million copies, making it the 20th best selling light novel OF ALL TIME.

>Those numbers are probably combined with manga sales (the manga is more popular than the LN) but regardless it's one of the most popular franchises to spawn from an LN.

Welp. Goodbye Made in Abyss S2. See you in a few years.

Will we finally see her animated?

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fucking nice, I hope the fat rapist fish makes an appearance

That's also a big problem. My friend got into anime with various shoneshit like OPM, KonoSuba and ReZero. The only thing he liked out of everything I recommended to him was Psycho Pass and Madoka, so he might be able to be saved but who knows.

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There won't even be enough chapters to adapt for an Abyss S2 for a while.

>first season had ridiculous pacing issues and questionable animation
>BD sales were mediocre but it's already a popular series so as long as LN sales are bumped up a bit it doesn't matter too much
>didn't expect it to get another season so I read through the remaining LNs and enjoyed them
>two new seasons out of nowhere
Neat. I look forward to watching it and not at all discussing it with Yea Forums because the threads when it was airing were fucking terrible.

Attached: [Arukoru] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (The Rising Of The Shield Hero) - Episode 05 [1080p x265 10bit (1600x900, 1.79M)

Unlike the WN where Raph-chan is product of a freak experiment to re-create raphtalia, Rapch-chan is now a familiar made with raphtalia's har and naofumi's blood that is bound to naofumi... But the bullshit she pulls(raph-chan) is just fucking ridiculous compared to the WN version of the character.

IF they adapt vol 10.

Yuri doujins with glass when?

What about Atlas and Eclair? I want to see those two.

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>and S3
Are they really that confident in it? Well, whatever, I'll take more raccoon poon.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.02_[2019.02.20_11.05.25].jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Well I was gonna start the LN but is there much point now? Should I just wait and watch these seasons and then read from the start?

Vol 6, so shortly after S2 starts.
If they adapt vol 11, which i don't think would be possible is S2 and S3 are 1 cour only.

Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi
Looks like asshats trying to be elitist for liking a show with "subversion"

Imagine being this person.

For Shield Hero, it goes Light Novel > Manga > Anime for receiving the best possible experience.

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Wtf, should've adapted incel healer instead of more seasons of this

The salt is real

Shame Atlas will take forever to get to. At least we should get Osto.

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By S2 and S3 they mean a 2 cour season? Or two 24 ep seasons?

>Unlike the WN where Raph-chan is product of a freak experiment to re-create raphtalia, Rapch-chan is now a familiar made with raphtalia's har and naofumi's blood that is bound to naofumi... But the bullshit she pulls(raph-chan) is just fucking ridiculous compared to the WN version of the character.
what the fuck? I must have been blacked out while reading that part because I don't remember any of this at all

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I have been saying it since summer. Salesfags literally don't matter anymore. We have seen shows that sold like shit, get new seasons because of high streaming numbers (Baki for example). Streaming is the future and dvd sales are obsolete.

So filter him you big baby.

No info on that yet but it would be safe to assume it's 1 cour each.

>naofumi gets galaxy brain intelligence and creates a raph army because he believes she died already
>everyone had to stop him from creating a raphnarok
How did you managed to miss an entire arc on a WN?

Best girl born from Naofumi's blood and Raphtalia's hair.

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Naofumi goes to another world meaning different raphtalia and firo to save.

Ah yes, I will totally pay 100$ to some deranged faggot to make generic criticism about a show

>Reddit is fucking seething
Nice desu

Well they specifically said S2 and S3. So that means S2 (1 cour) > break > S3 (1 cour).

Ok turbofags tell me, are we gonna see Naofumi smashing tanuki's pussy on S2 or S3?

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I don't know, I do remember the mad scientist arc but none of that other stuff
maybe I need to give the ln a re-read

>the Queen is going to die
post your source

>Incel wank
Is this about Bitch being a cunt?

That already aired though.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Endro - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.04_[2019.03.23_14.07.24].jpg (1280x720, 168K)

Volume 16.

No but he's going to be raped by a tiger loli

>he doesn't know

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She dies and the king turns into a bro helping naofumi and co.

He's right though, WHERE ARE THE DOUJINS?

Meanwhile I'm still waiting for more DATABASE!

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Did the author pay off his tax audits yet?

>Isekai quartet is getting a second season
>Konosuba and Tanya got a movie
>Shield hero gets 2 new seasons
>Slime gets a sequel
>Some rumors of Overlord IV
Yeah, get comfortable guys, Isekai ain't going nowhere.

Right after he fixes his fuck up with his taxes
>gets caught for tax evasion while ending the season about trying to get infinite money
This will never be not funny to me

Oh boy can't wait for at least 6 more months of anons forcing themselves to watch this only to shitpost

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Yeah, and he has been writing for a while now. Log Horizons problem ain't no tax evasion. It's a case of a slow author. He has written enough to make like a 12 ep season. And he has announced a few future volumes. I guess they'll make a new seasons eventually, when the novels require the obligatory sales boost.

Even after everything went to shit with Chocobo loli's introduction?
Even after the atrocious changes the director made to make a meh anime even worse?

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those are all good isekais tho

>sen's funhouse 2.0

Sen's frotress?

Instead of selling is there anyone that show us rating and public reception?

>forcing themselves to watch
Those asshats only lives for replies because of the devoid of attention. They don't deserve sympathy at all

Yes, that fun house

Or MiA, Barakamon, etc.

>tease prestige classes for a while
>nobody gets one
I hope Bitch/Slut upgrades into Skank.

So given the speedy announcement, it's safe to assume these will both be one cour each right?

raph and filo are already prestige classes

But, what if they are 25 eps each? I know nothin about the LN, but I see that it is 22 vol long at the moment, and season 1 covered 5 vol. So an uneducated guess is that they'll reach vol 15 if we get 4 cours. That doesn't seem so unlikely, since they have more material than even the maximum of 50 episodes could cover. So they are not in danger of running out of material, or animating the novels they are making a commercial for right now.

What were they?

filo is filo queen
raph is a tanuki queen

The novel has enough material for 7 cours at least. I don't think 4 cours is out of the question. Otherwise they would have announced it as one 2-cour show. I have never seen an announcement for a 2-cour show as 2 different seasons. So it's highly unlikely.

So she's got huge testes?

Attractive character designs means this isn't HGS

Not arguing that. Just saying, iskai will go strong into the early 20's.

The worst is probably someone will pay money to that mongrel just to shittalk about it.

if it's indeed 20+ per season it would be:
Vols 6 to 9~10
10~11 to 14 perhaps 15 or 16

>S2 & S3
Fucking why? It was shit after the first episodes. Why would Crunchy want more of this crap?

>Why would Crunchy want more of this crap?
Probably revenue from the fans, but maybe they'll be the first business in the history of business not to focus on revenue. It's a fair question you're asking and definitely not hard retarded.

>It was shit after the first episodes
That is your individual and subjective opinion, and you are a literal nobody. So it ain't a valid criticism against the series.

>murderer of miracles
It should murder itself

Pretty much this.

The series really went downhill after the first wave arc. won't even bother with this again

>S2 and S3 confirmed
What about MiA?

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It sure is trending on jap twitter.

Its getting a movie
and my guess is that they are also still waiting for more source material

No. Blibli revenue and CR numbers just show how irrelevant streaming is. The foreign money is in Asian MD sales. That's also why the industry talks about shopping sprees in China. A single week long convention sold almost three times as much in MD revenue as CR paid in royalties over more than 5 years.

You will be missed. But hey, feel free to waste your time by showing up in threads for a show you don't watch, and saying that it's shit and you don't watch it. That sure is a more productive way of spending your endless free time, then just hanging out in threads for shows that you like and want to discuss. Looking forward to seeing your posts every time we get more news, and in every episode discussion threads.

There's a strangeness to the desperation you see on places like Yea Forums, where people begrudgingly participate in watching a show, if only for the sake of not being left out of the conversation. I get that it's social behaviour, but it feels self-defeating.

I suppose it comes with the territory of making a form of entertainment central to your life and social contact.

Hopefully director-san inserts her into more scenes like in season 1. He knows who carries this series.

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this is some prime fucking meat

I do the exact opposite. I watch shows and then make a point of never talking about them because Yea Forums is just shounenshit pseudo-generals and crossboarders so trying to have an actual conversation about anything with an anime adaptation is pointless.

More based than Tax-evasion Horizon.

Makes the world a better place!

Damn they are going all out


It's not their fault the mangaka has writers block.

Guess this means no Black Bullet 2

I have not watched this. Is the S1 good?

Production quality is mediocre but doesnt have too much QUALITY. It really comes down to whether or not you like the common isekai harem tropes and how you feel about revenge stories.

A lot of people agree that the first 4 episodes are pretty good but it begins to fall off after that. Some blame other characters, pacing, etc. Certainly i understand and even share some of their opinions. Though ultimately it all depends on your preferences.

Welp, that settles it. Shield Hero cast is an guaranteed lock for Isekai Quartet s2.

Shield Hero isn't a Kadokawa series, retard.

But it is

Where'd you hear that?


is this bait or are you really this retarded?

>Black Bullet
Didn't the author disappear after the first season ended?

Everything is owned by Kadokawa

it has 3 more volumes, but the authors ditched it a long time ago. he opened a restaurant or something

>Shield Hero isn't a Kadokawa series, r-r-r-r-etard.

It feels like most isekai (what the fuck does that word even mean anymore?) series have some sort of interesting new world and circumstances for the hook, and then fall flat on their face. That brief flash of "hey this is kinda interesting" lasts for about as long as 3 to 5 episodes in an adaptation.

I haven't followed this one too closely after the first few threads here (cute coon grew up too fast; and then real coons tried to settle under my deck have continued to topple garbage bins in the alleys). But it appears the complaints about modern social relations voiced through the MC's circumstances have resonated with a good number of people, and the writing managed to drag that out into some sort of sufficiently coherent story.

Fuck the edgelord for abusing lolis

Oh I was wrong.
The author dropped it RIGHT when the anime started.
>latest volume (7th) released on April 10, 2014
>anime air date on April 8, 2014
From the wiki entry:
>Vol.8 was announced as coming on the author's twitter in 2014, but due to either poor health, death or merely running away, it's yet to be published.

I rather have more no game no life

Then ask madhouse. Shield hero is by Kinema Citrus you dumb fuck.

When will the isekai crash happen?


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Will we have the infamous Melty's death?

When does Naofumi impregnate her?
Does Melty at least get shield dick before she dies?

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Apparently in the web novel an ugly bastard rapes and kills her in a fucked up way. However, I think in the light novel (or the manga, idk) she dies more normally.

List of girls that will appear during the anime's seasons, up to vol 9 of the LNs:
>Altoreze if vol 17-19 spoilers are to be believed
>the harems of the mirror vassal, trash #2 and Kyou

If vol 10 is adapted:
>the female child slaves
>the murder pierrot(aka S'yne)

Vol 11:
>Elena, if they skip out on introducing her earlier
>S'yne, properly this time

I fucked up that spoiler.

It's malty, not melty. And it doesnt happen in the LNs like it did in the WN.

Oh she can fuck off and die then

>More Melty
Fuck yes.

This is the death of fanservice anime

Fucking finally.

Why? I watch every isekai shit that airs every season, and shield hero was bottom of the barrel trash after the first episodes that were good.

The BD sold like 2.2K average per volume, with how much the BD/DVD market has contracted this is equivalent to selling 6-8k 5 years ago. The average anime BD sells 1k per volume nowadays.

I guess there were enough people watching it, which may or may not be how shows get renewed. Don't quote me on that.

I totally forgot syne was a thing

Volume 15 was the best volume yet

>and S3
christ its like people cant already see how season 2 will ruin it and season 3 will be a total train wreck

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my 11 yo sister loved this show I guess I'll have more anime to watch with her


Makes me feel funny!

>mfw the sucess of Shield Hero paves the way to the actually edgy revenge isekai like kino healer to get adapted

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Oyakodon in s2 or s3? It can’t happen soon enough.

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By the time S3 comes out, she'll hate it.... and you.

does she sit on your lap?

Why aren't there more useful males in the series?

you mean they saved it.

Talking about trainwrecks while posting Jahy is funny. You're a funny little guy.

Seconding this, are they keeping Penkin?

There are but the ratio is unfair.

He hasn't confirmed anything, but he retweeted stuff related to the new season announcement so I'm guessing that yes

God, it needs to

>queenfags will watch the queen get BTFO

There's something special about watching secondaries talk about something they want to happen in an adaptation.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari - 21 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.30_[2019.05.29_16.37.08].png (1600x900, 2.12M)


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If they adapt vol 16.

if it's from hearsay i doubt they belong to the secondaries group.

holy shit I'll finally see the rapier wielding chick in action

Do not sexualize.

Attached: [Arukoru] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (The Rising Of The Shield Hero) - Episode 07 - The Savior Of T (1600x900, 2.05M)

Too late
I wanna see 100 raccoon children, maybe more

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>musclebrain that would rather lift than manage her territory

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just saying, it will just turn out like any other anime that decided to take a leap like that, sometimes its better to keep them at one season

Attached: [Arukoru] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (The Rising Of The Shield Hero) - Episode 03 - Wave Of Catastr (1600x900, 1.43M)

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BDs sold 2k.
Novels didn't even make the top 50 fir half year sales.

It was a flop
>Why would this trash get not only a season 2 but season 3 as well?
Because CR is financing it. That's literally it.


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>It did more than double the book sales(from 3.3M to 7.something) throughout the anime's run

So where is it?

Stop talking out your ass. It did poorly

>the sucess of Shield Hero

will we see Eclair in S2?

>kino healer
tanaka san?
hes not edgy though, hes just unlucky

They already jumped the shark there's nothing interesting going to happen next

>R/Z S2 announced at Anime Japan
>Trended WW for 8 hours
>Shield Hero S2 and S3 aanounced at CRX
>Nobody but incels care

Really makes you think.

Okay nice and all, but when are we getting DITF S2?

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>funded by cr
of course anything popular by them will get sequels

Attached: shield hero sales.jpg (853x640, 175K)

That's nice. Where is it on the list?

This came before first half sales so why isnt it ranked on the oricin list?

What's the context of this?
Doesn't naofumi keep his raccon and chicken with him at the end?

so what more anime cr currently funding that has potential of getting a sequel?

Not Sora Yori.

Does the manga content already surpass the anime content? is it enough for a second season?

looking at the list all of them flops

Oricon doesn't track overseas sales. Plus most of Shield Hero's sales are the manga version, not the novel.

It got two more seasons announced, that's plenty succesful to me even if its just because of crunchy's backing

The way the manga is going it plans to deviate at episode 19/20 while keeping a similar ending (02 and Hiro die, everything goes back to normal) and the author said he might wanna do a reincarnation story.

>Plus most of Shield Hero's sales are the manga version, not the novel.
It doesn't show up on the manga side either meanwhile Slime does

Oh man the mental leaps people do here to hate on this, I understand not liking it for whatever reason, but if they decided to double down on two more seasons they clearly aren't exactly bleeding money by financing it

Definitely didn't expect a season 2 so I'm happy for it, shame to see that some anons here are still obsessed with hating it

This is really kickass news and all, but is it really going to be that enjoyable? I liked the Arc where Naoifumi had to fight back against a world that was trying to tear him down when he never asked for it. It was fun seeing how he stands up to it.

Now that that Arc's over... is there still people left that hate the shield hero? Well I guess it'd be cool to find out WHY they hated him...

No user, now the story is about uncovering the mysteries of the waves. Y'know, the thing they were summoned for?

Weird, I never actually considered the origins of the waves. I figured they were just like hurricanes or earthquakes. They've been there since the dawn of time and we just gotta deal with it.

...oh shit, what if the waves were the original shield hero's fault (he was there for some other reason)? and the demi humans are genocidal cultists waiting for the end of days?

Yeah no shit Re:Zero plays on a different league than Shield Hero, same as Slime, nobody ever claimed differently

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>tfw no Mad Scientist Naofumi.


Why are people so upset something is getting an additional two seasons?

>This is truly the Rise of the Shield Hero

>The average anime BD sells 1k per volume nowadays.
Nice damage control, Yamakan.

>02 and Hiro die

>people that wanted their S2 of their preferred isekai shit
>people from Yea Forums that just wants to shitpost on every news they stumbled upon
>asshats that are still mad at this show
Pick one



Well if you don't mind spoilers, in a nutshell: The waves are a result of worlds merging. There's a chance that both worlds will not survive a merger so before that happens, people will try to kill heroes of another world so their world is the one that survives. In the WN, it was the work of a "Bitch goddess" that merges worlds and harvests them once they've merged and ripened enough.
The LNs are different. In vol 21, we learn that the waves were originally a hero deathmatch gameshow of sorts for the entertainment of a bunch of sufficiently techonlogically advanced assholes that call themselves "gods" compared to the populace of the worlds they pit against. After the events of latter volumes, the waves changed format and became what was known today.

But i already like it!

Attached: SyneKigu.jpg (3885x4655, 2.04M)

Trannies and roasties infecting the board as usual



They couldn't accept the series that they like just isn't as popular as shield hero and that nobody cared enough to fund them.

"And then everybody died" is as cliche as "Everybody lives happily ever after" and trying to subvert tropes is just as boring as playing tropes completely straight. Grow up and have sex, you cynic.

Have sex with me

Yamakan selling 883 copies seems like a success today when even fucking Bocchi couldn't reach that number


You do realize Shield Hero is entirely being spearheaded by CrunchyRoll and are the only reason this piece of shit is even getting a continuation right? All numbers show that it did pretty mediocre hence why you have to hide behind the "streaming" meme because its entirely indoctrinated. Also for something that was "so popular" nobody seems to give a shit. Might be due to the fact that the anime was garbage despite its material

You're just proving him right

>Shield Hero is just CR's bitchboy meaning it getting a second season is because of CR not because people liked it
>Y-y-y-you're just proving him right

Still waiting on those numbers bro

>not because people liked it
Ah yes I'm sure CR is funding two more seasons of something people hate, after all they love losing money
Also I'm not the person you were debating about numbers, I couldn't give less of a shit about how much it sold or not if it already got a new season announced

You do realize that CR funded shit like

Dies Irae
Girly Air Force
Junji Ito: Collections
Magical Girl Raising Project
The Reflection


>after all they love losing money

Attached: tDl0KJY.jpg?1.jpg (422x649, 63K)

None of them got a second season
this has been on radio silence since its announcement

>None of them got a second season
Dies Irae did. The rest were adaptation of complete material or original anime.

This gonna be Melty in the future, right?


>Dies Irae did.
Dies Irae got a like 4 episode ONA, not a full fledged season
>the rest were adaptation of complete material or original anime
Both Girly Airforce and Magical Girl Raising Project are still ongoing

Best woman in the series so far.

Cool I hope Kevin comes back for the OST.

Attached: jahywao.png (1140x592, 366K)

Symphogear is a show that for all it's faults, is a big passion project by the creators so it's always a fun ride. Even during it's worst season the show is still enjoyable.

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>trying to subvert tropes is just as boring as playing tropes completely straight
Freedom is slavery.

Me on the left

>lesbian sleepover
We just need the kizuna and Glass version of that

>anime was garbage despite its material
You mean "because of".

Shit on shield hero all you like, fact is CR is throwing money at it. That series that you check on religiously every other day? It's so mediocre that it'll never get another season and nobody will even bother shitting on it.

What if both seasons will be one cour and animated entirely in panning shots?

im also guessing both are 1 cour.

Still better than an Overlord 3 situation

I'm guessing giant turtle vs giant chicken fight will be entirely in CGI.

Are they going to animate the rape and gore?

>WN only

So from Shokugeki no Souma S3 to Overlord S3, how bad is going to be?

Whatever, the scene is ridiculous enough that anything is fine really, cant be worst that the dinosaur(lol that design) vs chicken

Berserk S3.

was Souma S3 that good?

Aww shit nigga

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No, that's the joke. It was mostly panning shots.


I'm still hoping that we'd get something decent, given that how that visual in the OP looks amazing.

Imagine how much Raphtalia would've have had to eat to grow into an adult in such a short timeframe. Unless she has perfect nutrient absorption, she would've cost a ton in meals.

They usually kill and eat monsters when not in town.

Yeah, okay, fair. Good bulk diet.

Besides with naofumi's cooking skills(both innate and granted by the shield) he's probably able to extract more nutrients out of a meal, on top of making it more delicious so it would not be a problem to keep raphtalia fed. But for firo, quantity is better than quality.

will the anime follow its own shit or will it follow the ln? because the wn, ln and manga are like their own thing even if they have many things in common

LN but i hope they retcon the latter half of the last episode.

Damn that's a lot of flopping

I fucking hope not. Dude sucks as a composer and all his stuff sounds like generic videogame music.
MIA had a few standout tracks but even his work on that largely fell flat, was inappropriate or obstrusive for the mood and setting.

Translations from the 2ch/5ch thread on the announcement

>What are they gonna do when the second season bombs?
>I hope J Boys sings
>BD didn't selling heaps, but the book is.
>Why a second season? Shit got boring
>It was boring at the end... but I'm still gonna watch it
>Chinese money?
>Spear Dude was just uncomfortable/bad

>How did it happen when it didn't sell well?
>>It was a hit in China.

>It gets boring from here on out
>The ED was blessed tho
>As long as Tange-san is there, I'm fine (the voice actress for Fitoria, who played Sakura in Cardcaptor Sakura)
>First episode, Shield can't attack and can't have other weapons, but after a few eps he can do anything with shield, attack, attack and defense magic and other shit. Same shit as other isekai.

>Didn't watch the first season
>>Naofumi-sama is cool.

Lemme know if you want more.

Nip salesfags BTFO
Feels good.

Sure lay it all out.
>but after a few eps he can do anything with shield, attack, attack and defense magic and other shit.
so i guess we're not really that different after all.

>nipfags thinks it a hit in China

Was it really?

It was the second most watched show on winter and the third on spring.

Yeah. Chinks love this kind of shit.

They might like it more with the coming not-chinese aesthetics. There's the country of the spirit tortoise, the tortoise itself and even ost who was regarded by naofumi as one of those "fairies" in chinese literature that would eat you up.

>As long as Tange-san is there, I'm fine

Nice taste nip

Well, no need to worry, she'll be there at least in S2.

>Japan: It became boring! Trash!
lmao ""became""

>An Angel named Filo

>Why did Raph grow up so fast
>idk why Gaijin love tanks
>How do you lose to a Japanese dude
>I'm looking forward to it
>I could only enjoy it because of Ishikawa-kun (Naofumi's VA) great performance
>Japan might not get it, but it's super popular in China
>China isn't over-regulating Japanese late-night anime recently
>This is the type of shit popular with overseas pigs
>I want more ojiisan isekai

I'm getting my shit confused

Anime seems to be following LN? how doesn't bitch die in LN? Heard it wasn't as brutal as WN so I guess it wouldn't be hard to adapt

doesn't the Queen get revived anyway?

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>I want more ojiisan isekai
Me too, Nip, me too.

>watch for cute shield and squirrel
>ruined by haremshit

Attached: angry frog girl.jpg (1200x1153, 123K)

Instead of getting raped to death, bitch gets minced by a former party member she sold to sex slavery.

The Queen is still dead in the LN and there's no signs of resurrection.

>good concept art for turtle
>will be CGI in the anime


Don't forget, they're already loading up the rest of 2019 and 2020:
>My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!
>Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!
>So I'm A Spider, So What?
>Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation

The owner of JNC openly said that Overlap asked him during one if their meetings for his thoughts on a series for 'How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom' so one is probably coming.

'Reincarnated As A Sword' is also theorized to be getting one as the LN and manga is now getting a push and being licensed in multiple languages. A similar thing happened for Mushoku Tensei and the anime was announced a year later.

>They should focus on Overlord's anime
>At least it was an interesting person in an isekai. Better than some other protags.
>Honestly, it's the most interesting isekai.
>Foreigners like that growing up heroine type

>Chinese money?
>>No, North America. Crunchyroll investment. The first report of it are from their expo.
>>>Huh, did America like it? Did they get a lot from abroad?
>>>>IDK what's popular overseas

>Was it entertaining? I just remember the ending fizzling out to shit
>>It's the typical "only interesting at the beginning" just the first arc of SAO.

>[picture of Bow and Sword] How many other heroes are THIS incompetent?
>[picture of Bitch and king] Look, it's the intelligence of a elementary school student.

>[Badly translated because I'm bad at video game terms] You get experience points if your friends beat you, so really the Shield is a jackpot
>>"""have friends""" this bar is already too high

Comments from a site that summaries 5ch threads
>Overseas popularity and distribution > current BD sales
>SAO sucks, but is this okay?
>It has good songs
>I don't care about details as long as there's more Raphtalia

in reality it's just going to be season 2 part 1 and 2
miss when they didn't bullshit and call 1 production 2
it's not like we're getting 40+ episodes it's bullshit

it might not even be china tbqh

It’s the same label/imprint that’s publishing them MF:Books which is media factory’s which in turn was bought by Kadokawa ages ago. For their first adaption to be this successful maybe it will give them more incentive to do further seasons of Hachi/MT depending on their popularity. Nothing is impossible now considering how much foreign markets matter.

Yeah sure. Instead of adapting actually good content, this type of garbage gets more seasons. Sasuga japan

thank you kadokawa & overseas peeps

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>idk why Gaijin love tanks
Tanks are for chads you little shit

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>Reincarnated As A Sword
>no harem
>no overly OP protag, other named characters are actually useful/powerful/interesting
>no nation building
>MC is not a softie and will resort to torture to extract information or will kill in self defense
>actual stakes in battle

It's nice to see this series getting popular.

No, Keyaru-sama.

Sword Papa is fucking good desu

I want to covertly huff those soles

>>It was boring at the end... but I'm still gonna watch it
Funny how it's exactly the same shit here. Anons moan and complain about everything but there's always a thread up.

I hope they keep blaming China instead of us.

>If you're supported by China, are you guaranteed a third term (season)?

>Stop restraining Kinema Citrus's original work (the production studio) with this garbage.

If I got something wrong, sorry, I'm using this to practice my nip

>Also for something that was "so popular" nobody seems to give a shit.
You do. If you didn't, you wouldn't even waste your time to come here and shitpost.
You will begrudgingly watch both new seasons then come here again and post why you hate this piece of crap and that you DROPPED it. See ya around.

>It's nice to see this series getting popular.
>Sword Papa is fucking good desu

It's weird that Seven Seas seems to be the English publisher that's actually licensing quality stuff.

The isekai stuff is all pretty good:
>Mushoku Tensei
>Reincarnated As A Sword
>Didn’t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!

And the non-isekai stuff is also quality
>Restaurant to Another World
>Classroom Of The Elite

>>Japan might not get it, but it's super popular in China
based Chinabros

ED2 >>>>>> E1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OP1 >>>>> OP2

>>This is the type of shit popular with overseas pigs
Well fuck you too buddy.

Isekai Shoukudou is kino


Attached: raff shield.jpg (1267x981, 271K)

At least it'll be some more good practice for Kinema Citrus.

Salesfags are retarded along with most most people who shitpost in stalker threads.
>b-but isekai always flops why do they keep making them waaa!
Yeah about that.

Naofumi and Raphtalia become ultimate atheist immortal god slaying dimensional travelers and hop around all sorts of different worlds getting rid off whatever dieties might be lurking about until the end of time.
It's okay though, because they are omnipotent they just make normal mortal copies of themselves wherever they end up making friends in one of the world's they visit, so those people won't miss them once they travel to the next world.

Nice looking foward to his loli harem growing

I'd rather have a Mushoku Tensei anime.


Shield threads looked comfy. An anime was ok.
Looking forward to it.


>China this, China that
Why are japanese channers so /pol/tarded?

There is already an MT anime in production it was announced a while back.

>Was it entertaining? I just remember the ending fizzling out to shit
>>It's the typical "only interesting at the beginning" just the first arc of SAO.
Is this anime one of the few ones the world over everyone thinks the same about? The consensus here is it went to shit after the first 4 episodes. Japan seems to think that. I'm pretty sure even reddit had that opinion. I guess maybe China only differed since they love isekai shit.

Ah I see I knew I mixed something up.

Has the LN catched up to the point in the WN where the Queen resurrected?

Still stuck in the past, melty got kidnapped by the "gods" so naofumi & co are going to save her

I hope they do blame us.
we deserve it.
>Restaurant to Another World

Spirit Turtle arc includes going to L'Arc's world, since it doesn't resolve until they get back with the energy to return to it. Since they already did the island, all that's left is the two fights with the Turtle, and then they're in L'Arc's world... I bet they return with the energy at the end of the first cour, then move on to village and far east arcs in season 3.

>They should focus on Overlord's anime

China and Korea are to nips what jews are to /pol/

So it is confirmed that it will be made by Kinema Citrus too?

The point is not how much material, it's how long it has been since the first season aired, which is not very long.
>I have never seen an announcement for a 2-cour show as 2 different seasons
Nigger what

Its likely just a 24 episodes season divided in two, annoucing it as 3 seasons just sounds like a marketing ploy

It's not by JC Staff, so hopefully it'll be fine.

I am curious what the lengths of the seasons will be though. Could have S2 be Spirit Turtle and S3 be the isekai arc, but I don't think that's likely. You'd probably do that as a split cour, and those are usually counted as one season.

Really hoping for Nectar to get an adaption. Seems likely since Qwaser did alright, plus as far as ecchi isekai go it's much safer for TV compared to something like Slave Harem or Parallel Pardise, but still, it deserves it.

I would like to see Isekai Tensei Soudouki animated.


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>So that’s it huh, we some kinda Shield Hero squad?

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Too safe compared to what it should be.

Attached: c17.png (1075x1600, 392K)

should I pick this up?

>naofumi's and raphtalia seiyuu still working together
Oh my, I wonder how much they have fucked since bunny senpai

Read the first 8 chapters of the manga and then you can decide if you want to continue

Oh fuck yes my waifu Kizuna will be animated oh yes Im so happy Im crying right now.

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Hey Shieldbro. I dropped the anime around the second cour, is the manga better? What about the LN?

What new girls are we getting? Fishing loli, milf turtle and the female knight?

Based gaijin shit taste poster. Fuck chinks and fuck waito piggu.

Why did mods delete this?

Chapter 58 will be delayed by two weeks apparently.

Once this thread dies i'll go dump the latest chapter of spear hero manga

It's coming after the movie. Patience.

Why can't a better isekai get an anime?

>Log Horizon
Shit. Or at least the anime is.

What do you consider a "better" isekai? Because there are plenty coming

In Japan, it was indeed a flop. The new seasons were confirmed thanks to Chinese/western money.


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Silly japan, they're going to get more shield hero and they're going to LIKE it

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>Kadokawa producer Tamura had been teasing the possibility of a sequel almost the entire year but Shield Hero season 3 is likely due to the strong performance by the anime series. Earlier in the year, Kadokawa had announced that their anime profits in Q1 2019 rose largely thanks to Naofumi, Raphtalia, and Filo’s anime adventures.
>Manga/light novel publisher Kadokawa co-produced the anime alongside Crunchyroll, which Tamura says “tipped” him off to the series. The producer says the book publisher would “would like to animate all of Shield Hero,” but he admits those plans all depend on the support from the fans.

>The biggest factor which decided the fate of The Rising Of The Shield Hero Season 2 and 3 is its popularity on streaming platforms. In the past, the determining factor for a producer greenlighting an anime sequel was DVD and Blu-ray sales in Japan, but the market for the anime industry has shifted in the direction of international streaming and merchandise sales (figurines, etc).
Salesfags are finished. It would be hilarious if Shield Hero ends up being the first modern isekai that gets completely animated.

Attached: 1560453736326.png (1711x1360, 2.99M)

They aren't /pol/tarded. They are just far more knowledgeable than the average Western user about how the industry works.
Shield Hero gets more seasons beause of China and not because of the West. The entire revenue of the Western streaming market is a joke compared to Chinese MD revenue, and only a portion of this joke ends up in Japan.

>God please make it good
It will be a shitty, 12 EP, single season anime & everyone will hate it.
*sobs unnoticed*

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I think it was from a ribbit ama with the producer


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It really depends on the show and the audience consuming it. Most niche anime, like historical/battle for example, tend to have fantastic threads. Every episode there is lots of great discussion and speculation.

>merchandise sales
based, I'm doing my job

Attached: FIGURE-051943.jpg (600x600, 104K)

>S2 and S3
Does this mean 2 cours, or what? I find it hard to believe they've just decided to make another 50+ episodes otherwise.

Knowing that salesfags, contrarians and fucking 'anitubers' of all things hate isekai, makes me like it even more.


wow that looks great

Yes and no. There's some really, really, really terrible and dumb writing in some seasons (mostly S3) and the actual story line isn't really anything to write home about either, it's not especially good or handled especially well. Symphogear is about fun battles with music/singing. If you can enjoy it for that without being too bothered by the retarded plot and repeated character development resets you should be able to enjoy it.

Dao of justice or Dao of itsuki-sama?


i see

Feels good to be a shield herochad

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All i want to know is until where they're going to adapt

Based duck

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can't wait for best boy kyo

I'm sure they'll only adapt volumes 6 to 9.

Maybe they'll build up his character more in the anime/manga because he did serve his purpose as a villain but everything else leaves a lot to be desired.

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Spear hero dump thread

monstersandcritics.com/anime/the-rising-of-the-shield-hero-season-2-release-date-tate-no-yuusha-no-nariagari/, but it's mainly useful for the links to other sources like the AMA thing mentioned. The link to Kadokawa's first quarter financials is particularly interesting since they play up the North American licensing fees for Shield Hero and Kenja no Mago as the main reason for their increased profits that quarter, not China. Wonder how much of that was shieldbro and his fellow spics.

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I doubt mexico added much to it.