Chainsaw Man

Viz is out, waiting for Vizanon for rips

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I want to ____ Kobeni

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Can Power do the impossible, see the invisible?

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There you are, sideburns man!

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What are the chances of Katana and Snake joining the team?

Yakuza scums and one spooky girl tied with the gun devil, they'll be locke dup, interrogated, and tortured. Can't wait to see Makima do it.

Main trio teachs you about devils. Well, Aki looks he wants to go home

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now that I look at it again, the infinity devil's heart is shaped like an infinity symbol.

Viz rip is out.

Lust for Power's ass


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Fuck humans

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I love Fujimoto's paneling so much

Shad seems full of shit but I do wonder if what he said here is something Denji will remember in the future.

Thanks user.

Denji was already thinking about losing his humanity after visiting Aki in the hospital, this just seems to confirm it.

thx m8.


I don't think it's confirmed though. Like he might be less empathetic but that's not necessarily because of Pochita becoming his heart.
Either way there is definitely something being setup here.

Denji was never really that much of a humane person to begin with

Anyone know who made this?

It was a drawfag. Unless they reveal themselves, it is a mystery.

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meant for

Thnx bro

this is so great.

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I love how hipocrites is Shadman
he loved his grandpa who was a man of honor like nobody having killed almost no childs and woman, and bought him everything with his drug money.
Then he accuses Denji of having no hearts for killing his grandpa who turned into a zombie and not feeling guilty, while he who also killed zombie before ha issue sleeping at night
He didnt even believe his grandpa tuned into a zombie while he had the first floor of his building full of zombies

>Sideburns man
it doesn't roll off the tongue as well as shadman

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Please don't use "tongue" and "shadman" in the same sentence.

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I can't not read Power as Kari Wahlgren.


That page was kino, specially because of the comically short exchange before it. Felt like a murican movie scene than a manga.

He's a great villain for Denji as someone who benefited from yakuza exploitation without caring about details, Denji's bad for killing a man who was good because he bought Shadman things. He's introduced claiming to have superior taste from growing up in the money from people like Denji selling their nuts, you could clean make it about class warfare if you wanted to be a faggot. And the best part of all is that Denji just can't give a shit about that or anything the guy has to say.

I've been wondering all these weeks just how he manages to ram a sword into his head at that angle to pull his devil trigger, but he actually pulls off his hand and there's a knife there. And that makes him transform.
Won't lie I'm a bit disappointed by that when everything else about him visually is kickass as fuck, but it's definitely much quicker and more practical than what I thought it was.

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Fujimoto is a huge westaboo and movie lover, so that would make sense.

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Post yfw they give Power a male va

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Doesn't she speak in an "old japanese manner"? Some anons were saying that last week, would be funny if they gave her an old man voice.

see, this is why I love chainsawman, this page is nothing else than Denji going down an elevator and getting ready to pull his cord, any other manga would have given 2 panels maximum to this kind of thing, but Fujimoto lets his manga breathe, so he can set up the shadman fight better and it really improves the pacing

Denji doesn't give a fuck about humans in general. His life was garbage and abnormal so you can't measure it by the same standards

I think it's more that Swordburns is just a lying manipulative piece of shit trying to use his yakuza coercion tactics to try and achieve his desired end result as simply and easily as possible, I have a hard time believing he lost much sleep over shooting Himeno and bisecting one of his own men without giving even a single fuck, and just look at how quickly he switched to plan kill Denji when the "diplomacy" failed because Chainsaw is too based to give any fucks of his own. There's no way he's as sentimental as he tries to make himself out as.

So, "Power-is-useless" faggots, how are you liking the new chapter?

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>Wins against zombies
Nop, she's still useless

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He says this after viciously cannibalizing the eternity devil for like three straight days to stay alive.

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Are you kidding? She just killed some fodder and got offscreened again.

Leave the goalposts where they are, you've all been bitching for weeks that she's nowhere to be found and not doing anything at all just because you didn't see her in the opening chapter for this part and you were wrong, admit it.

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That goes for you too, pal.

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>their fucking expressions

While he is surely lying about telling Denji how he lost his sleep feeling guilty about the zombie he killed.
I do think he believe everything he told, He do thinks his grandpa was an honorable person because he killed only few childs and women, and the fact he himself mentioned it, is being an hipocrites

So in his mind killing woman and children is unaccetable but his grandpa just killed few of them so is still worthy
Idem for denji, we know grandpa was abusing denji and even tried to kills him, but for shadman denji was threath like a son and he was just ungrateful

Why is she doing this?

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For glory?
Self agrandizement?
>nobel prize?

this manga is really dumb and the writer it just doing whatever comes next to his mind

>Mirai is Rin-san's favorite.

That just confirms he is indeed BEST and all the others devils a shit.

Because she never fought against an enemy before, the only one she killed was already claimed by the privates. So she wanted Denji witness her

>the writer it just doing whatever comes next to his mind

If you'd read Fire Punch you'd know how silly you look accusing Chainsawman of this

Love that close up on Power's face.

me on the top right

Is there any man that can handle all that power?

No, but that doesn't mean it's not worth trying

Would 100% like to see sideburns have some more screentime, hope to see us learn more about him in the coming chapters.

He had no problem firing a gun off though

She does.

Also I’m kinda disappointed both niggastream and viz translated ゲロ as “gross”

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So she doesn’t have to fight Shad

>Also I’m kinda disappointed both niggastream and viz translated ゲロ as “gross”
What does the word mean then?


"Fuckin hurling!"

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>final battle against the gun devil
>denji is losing
>Makima activates her secret weapon of showing the texas chainsaw massacre to millions of children at once

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You better sit your ass down!

I see.
*flashbacks to Himeno*


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Is this entire manga just going to lead up to a metaphor about the power of film?

they act like Kabuki actors or Chainsaw man could be adapted Takarazuka Revue production.

Why does this manga keep getting daily threads. What's it about. It better not be cliche shit

>He doesn't know

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Whatever it is, fuck off to your quarterly Hunter x Hunter or BERSERK threads.

it's puke don't read it

I don't read either of those. Berserk hasn't had any good chapters in a decade.
What did you not understand about cliche shonen? HxH is that and I don't like it.

In general we only have 3 threads per week.

Spoilers + Raw (Thursday), Niggastream (Friday Night / Saturday) and Viz (Today)

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Well, there aren't threads on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday because those days aren't involved in the spoiler -> translations-> Viz release schedule.

How does denji actually counter this move, was it just a really fast forward dash that you can block by holding your weapon in front of you. also if this move had succeeded wouldn't shad have been behind denji and flown out of the building?

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>What's it about.

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It's about a man's dream.

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The art reminds me of fire punch.

same guy

Kay seems pretty based. I'll give it a shot.

I imagine he got used to it >

Oh fucks sake lol. Fire punch stopped being good the moment tree arc began and I really hated the flip flopping MC going back and forth between wanting revenge to being peaceful in between chapters. I'm really hoping the writing is better in this..

There are more threads than are necessary, but as a series its short enough where you could read the whole thing in a half hour.

Its about people that have to hunt Devils, which are semi-sapient manifestations of fear. The MC is a retarded sociopath (its a plot-point!) and the side characters are all variants of fucked-up. Very fun and the paneling and pacing makes the series feel like an action movie.
Its best experienced weekly, its cool to 'binge' but it works better as small sections.

I'm guessing Denji blocked it before Shad could cut, and the sheer force from the blow knocked them both through the wall

>Fire punch stopped being good

Things that never happened

It's going to be that censorship is counterproductive and making people ignorant of something they're supposed to fear fosters wild speculation. Gun Devil's probably stationary and just shot at those places, the fragments are shrapnel, and they just imagined this whole thing about it running around at light speed all the time.

It's a lot more grounded than Fire Punch but it's still just as unconventional

Denji is consistent, dont worry. Also, he makes out with a sexy lady with an eyepatch. It's great.

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Stars Wars being shit now makes this so ironically retarded.

>they just imagined this whole thing about it running around at light speed all the time.

Bullet Devil is the one that does that, silly.

I think by the end of this arc sideburns is going to be Denji's Vegeta.

seeing as how shads slash obliterated that restaurants wall in a single slash that seems likely. im curious if the metal parts of them are indestructible, kobeni used Denjis head to block bullets one time

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The themes of this manga are the same as fire punch. People with abnormal experiences and environments become irreversibly abnormal, much to the detriment of themselves and others, but there is still hope for those willing to act for a good beyond themselves. But also it doesn’t matter because we’re all dead anyway, might as well love like you’re playing the Sims.

and don't forget to love your sister btw

It was also very wet and filled with chunks of love in the air, I should mention.

See you later here

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>Kobeni’s partner
We hardly knew ye

Now that would be fun to watch.

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But fire punch is just as bad, lolsorandom wares off really really quickly.

Original Star Wars. Not the bullshit new "the force is female" star subvert your expectations wars, that garbage is enough to make anyone want to destroy the universe for a chance to be in one where the new-wars don't exist.

picking this up was the greatest thing I've ever done


After Makime with the bags of eyes, I think that the corporation isn’t exactly the good guys. I doubt that Denji or Power would leave that place due to having low IQ

speaking of Fire Punch, I loved it but wasn’t the timeskip a little too weird paced? I mean sun becoming a god was great and the ending was kino but aside of that something feelt off

>Denji wouldn't care, he just follows Makima.
>Power is a coward scared of her.
>Kobeni just wants money.

Aki is the only one who would be able to tell them to fuck off and that's if he ever finds about the whole shady thing that happened with the squad and Makima's involvement but so far he believes blindly.

Aki just wants revenge and is implied he also wants to bang Makima. But even if he find out, he will just die soon so I think they will add a new character that call their bullshit and later betray/leave them or something like that

They made a whole point of him being one of the rare cases of devil hunters actually giving a shit about the others so if he finds Makima knew or was behind the squad shooting he won't keep following her.

>character that call their bullshit
That's sensei and he is basically dead already.

you mean the drunk one or Himeno?

Sensei is drunk, Himeno was senpai.

sensei wasn’t alive in the chapter before?

He is alive but with thousand of deathflags all over him.

As long as it’s as grating a possible.

Enough deathflags give him Three Stooges syndrome where they all get in each other's way. I saw this on a documentary about this Asian family.

Is she MS's love intrest or something?


Is the MC with tits

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>with tits

Don't lie.

She's more of a sibling, if anything

Mengo seems to like CSM a lot

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For some reason Aki kind of reminds me of Buccelati from Jojo part 5. A competent and dour fellow surrounded by imbeciles.

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Sister would be closer.
Maybe pack mate or troopmate would be closer, both can barely be considered humanoid intellectually.

Any anons know of some nice CSM wallpapers?

Here ya go

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how about this one

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the gun devil wants denji's heart for his organ harvesting and transplant business.

inb4 they're dead withing 10 chapters

Part 5 is the part of autism. Everyone is retarded, even the villain


Aki seems more like Rohan as far as his opinion on the main protag. Just a general disdain but works with him because they have a common goal

I hope Street Shark sticks around.

Imagine if Denji became more clever during the manga.


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Angel and violence can stay.
Spider can only die after she unzips her face and shark I think has too much overlap with Denji to survive.

Yorimen really likes CSM

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Best girl

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Best girl (boy) (genderless).

this fuckin retard

>he just fucking rode the elevator to the boss

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this dude is deadass lying
he's killed real human beings

fucking love this page

The assistants worked hard this week I see.

I'm not interested then.

Good, get out

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reposting, until it's done.

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I lost interest when that devilgirl was introduced, does it get less cringe?

>Chapter 4
Get out, we dont need you

Power is just a comic relief she barely matters to the plot if you want to zone her out.
You'll get your heavy moments, trust me.

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You forgot to include your trash girl picture in your post you retard

I love Power and Denji's playful fighting.


>we don't need you
Same with that devilgirl, it's just virginbait. Thought this series was different, but it's just a selfinsert monstergirl harem fantasy. Kill yourself

>retard forgot to include it again
So this is your typical chainfag. Not surprising. Bet you think 100 IQ is high too kek.

t. Huntercuck

Seethe harder chainflop

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Yeah, I don't get it either, why is Shadman surprised ?

his haiya! nothin personel kid 1shot insta gib 100%winrate move got blocked and he's surprised.

So I just finished Fire Punch. Holy shit. Completely get the "unpredictable Fujimoto" meme now. At one point I thought it went in a weird direction but everything ties up nicely and makes sense narratively in the end. What a fucking ride.
Gotta say tho even if CSM's grunge and messy vibe is probably intentional I preferred his artstyle in FP. I'm a sucker for silent atmospheric moments, but it's apple and oranges. Panelling and composition are godlike in both tho.

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Also it seems unlike in Fire Punch, Fujimoto draws characters in Chainsaw Man with no shading whatsoever, interested to know why he made that shift when normally artists start to add more details to their artwork as time passes.

Weekly releases?

>Queing the ultimate while you're still transforming

fuck, it really does fit

Denji's reaction is just great.

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The only reason she did anything at all this time is precisely because she fucked up last time. She even tells Denji to tell everyone.

nah, not really. Aside from the supernatural stuff, Fire Punch is a story about revenge. In all of its facets.
Revenge is an aspect in CSM, but it's not the focus, only for specific characters like Aki.

So she's making an effort to be useful, how does that take away from the situation?

She makes an effort to appear useful, so she won't get eaten alive by Makima.

It put a smile on my face when she threatened them with their families lives. Seeing criminal scum cower in fear is orgasm inducing to me.

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Look at this fucking dork trying to fit in.
Artbook when?

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It's the other way around for me. Seeing cop/government types cower in fear is truly delightful

So why did the blood demon become a semen demon?

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>'tis a battle
I guess Viz is the only one attempting at trying to capture Power's ye olde speak style.

user, she doesn't flush or wipe her ass. Stop being into scat.

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Yes he fucking was, and he was still somewhat sympathetic even after the fusion. The guy was concerned for Pochita's injuries first before the contract. When they both got chopped up he was the one who offered up his own body to Pochita so that the little devil can live on as a devilman. Guy may not be right in the head but he had moments of compassion before he became a hybrid.

Snake is a real mystery. From the way the other underlings speak to her, it seems like she isn't directly affiliated with the Yakuza.
Yet she gave Shadman the devil heart. And for some reason she's using Shadman and Yakuza to get at Denji.
There's also the chapter where she explicitly tells Shadman to not hurt Denji's heart, and Shadman immediately goes for his heart.
Her contract works with payments of fingernails, yet she has regrown all of them in a matter of days.

What a mysterious girl.

She either works under the gun devil or she's Denji's long lost sister or some shit. Calling it now.

Stop spreading falsehoods.

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I wonder if CSM will ever be popular enough for Denji to get closer to the front in these group covers.

Another mystery, if Sawotori had access to a devil heart and the means to give it to someone, why didn't she give it to herself?


It will take JJK's place soon enough when JJK btfos BC's sales. That shit sells like hotcakes even without an anime.

I always feel that people kinda missed the whole idea behind that page. The hospital scene did indicate that he may not have the same kind of compassion that normal humans have but also showing that he does not have anyone in his life that he can truly feel sorrow for. Realistically speaking are you gonna assume that a person is heartless just because they didn't cried for their coworker's death? A coworker that they barely knew for just a couple of weeks? Fujimoto wanted to show a story of a guy with a fucked up upbringing growing and realizing his flaws but most people are too invested in the idea that "Denji is just another cold hearted bastard who doesn't give a shit about humans because the author is unpredictable XD" nonsense.

This page doesn't confirm shit at all. It just shows that Shadman's words struck a nerve in what Denji was slightly sensitive about.

Yeah, "never humane" is too much. Years of poverty, abuse and loneliness under the Yakuza is what made him socially inept and apathetic. And now that he has the full Chainsaw powers and people he needs to impress he is going through an adaptation phase (plus a "power rush" that he never experience before and turned him kinda cocky).

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She drew another one?

>why didn't she give it to herself?
Humans with devil contracts, Devils, Devilmen and Hybrids have each their strengths and weakness, so she may prefer remain as she is right now, rather than change "class"

I usually don't do this to fanart, but that costume, and I'm on a roll since last time.

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Yes, and she even retweeted a few people that bought the volumes (presumably because of her recommendation).

Huh, I just noticed Power is wearing her shirt neatly now. Progress.

Is vol1 in print again? A coworker of mine is visiting japan right now and he promised he would buy the first volume for me.

Horrible progress.

It's still selling because of the recent tsugi manga award.

Just bought all of them on Amazon last week, so I guess yes.

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So fujimoto's success might be my downfall, huh?

Nigga manga in japan is not that expensive, tell him to buy all three.

last for Makima!

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Forgive me for being a brainlet but I just realized nail devil kills people indirectly because of the tetanus.
Nail devil is actually pretty powerful for example used with eternal devil.

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They look like siblings.

TL when

aint no way he drew that background

It's common knowledge that a lot of mangakas have a "background assistant" (among other types if they can afford it), specially those who work on a weekly magazine. I wish those dudes could get more recognition to the public eyes, maybe a twitter, or a credit page in the volumes.

Why do you doubt

Several people said that, yet none could prove it was traced when usually there's always that one Yea Forumsutist able to pinpoint the exact location on Google Map.
Aren't assistants always credited in volumes? I've seen it several times and assumed that if there weren't any credits, that because it was a one-man job?

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That might be the case for CSM, yeah. But wait, I didn't see any mentions of them in FP either. It doesn't have extras and all.

>That ladder
Is that a super fucking posh fire-escape?

Because she's dignified. And beautiful.

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Just checked all that: he definitively had assistants during FP (so I assume he still has some now) and neither FP or CSM have assistants credits. That's a shame really.
I can't even understand how publishers are not required to do that on a legal level. Japan really is a bitch on the job market. It's probably a "good recommendation" kind of thing, "respect your elders" and all that shit.

Look up basic english grammar, I'm saying this for your own good

Sad stuff

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Fukimoto-sensei's love for movies has no limits

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If CSM was an album it would be pic related

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>the flip flopping MC going back and forth between wanting revenge to being peaceful in between chapters
Didn't really happen much. When it happened it was justified. And it never happened after the tree arc anyways.
Though I didn't liked Agni's daily life as much as all the stuff with Togata, I don't think it was bad, and it wasn't bad writing at all. Unlike the last volume anyways. I admit that one was somewhat lackluster.
Seeing what he wanted to do, there wasn't much of a reason to extend it more. If anything I would've loved some kind of actual closure with star wars bitch. And Judah recovering her memories, saving Agni and becoming a tree in two pages might have been a little rushed now that you mention it, yeah. Especially after two volumes of being literally another person.

>At one point I thought it went in a weird direction but everything ties up nicely and makes sense narratively in the end. What a fucking ride.
reminds me of samflam
good ol' days when I was shitting on FP's first chapters and only kept reading because I was bored
then some weird camera girl appeared and then at some point I started thinking it's not that shit

Fire Punch was weekly.

It's funny as fuck whenever they reuse that Denji with an eyepatch from the very first chapter.

Looks like 3D to me, you can tell the point where they're actually drawn.
But maybe that's just how manga filter for photo works.

Am I the only one who prefers the CM art style to FP?

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I prefer it too. Sometimes it was hard to follow what was going on in FP, especially when characters looked to similar.
CSM is pretty clean in comparison. And has better paneling.

Personally I think Fuji skimping out on detail for human character then adding a bunch of detail to the devils really makes them stick out

I think the characters looks cuter/better on CSM so I prefer it.

It's really just a matter of preferences. Author clearly has different intents for each. It's like comparing Dr. Slump and (post-Z) Dragon Ball, it's simply just not the same thing and requires a different artstyle.
Even though I prefer the FP artstyle, it wouldn't right fit with CSM's raw punk and almost cartoony aesthetic when FP was realistic and cold.

Just caught up on this shit, and it’s actually really good. Also, Power a cute.
But tell me, why does she wear the pads?

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His assistant on FP now writes Jigokuraku. They have a pretty similar writing style and art style.

Jigokuraku was better until tao shit
but I guess otherwise it was too hopeless
also I really don't like the third party autist who is OP for no reason and is going to cause headaches soon

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She's not a big girl

She doesn't flush, but they never said she doesn't wipe. Therefore I can eat Power's ass like a prisoner on death row and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Denji also commented on the size of the shit, which wouldn't be visible if she wiped.

Checkmate, shit eater.

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Because she’s an idiot

Pretty sure it's a yakuza thing to exaggerate being wronged by somebody.

She's going to run out of blood and get horrifically mauled by the zombies.

>Samurai Sword "dude"
Fucking localizations. Is Denji suddenly a californian or something?

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It feels to me like a "you bumped into me and scuffed my suit, pay me 10000 yen right now" kind of deal.

I don't see anything wrong with this

They're distancing themselves from the work intentionally. Denji calls him Samurai Sword. It's a stupid and cheesy name on purpose. Adding "dude" increases inaccuracy because the TL didn't have the balls to faithfully adapt the cheesiness inherent to the work.

As someone who scans, you need to change a few things around to keep the script from being bland as fuck since Japanese is very contextual and a lot of things don't translate well the literal text. I mean if you want to read shit like
>Our job is samurai sword capture job.
>If catch don't eat

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I like this manga

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I wish someone draw Sawyer grabbing Denji's chainsaw handles on his head

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Give me some good Yea Forums chainsaw wielders.

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>implying law enforcer/government types isn't just organized crime syndicate

This is good.

Small amounts of shit don't clog the toilet you fucking numbskull.

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>talks like an old woman
fucking dropped

How do you rip these?


how much was all that?

In Japan, dirt cheap. In America, quite a bit more.

¥1,800 (about $17 / €15.5) for all four manga.
Shipping was very pricey tho, it more than doubled the price.

I like Chengsowman, but I'm a little disappointed that it's not as wild as Fire Punch. Oh man, I miss that ride

How willd would you like it to be? Just asking

As wild as it can get

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where'd you get them from?
Easiest way but not the smartest. I'm sure there are better and cheaper way to get them.
I'm lazy.

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Wow those are big pads

Same user, it looks like is trying to be a soft seinen with this one

Not changing a katakana nickname into a phrase is not a matter of literalness you faggot. Nice strawman by the way.

Please, dont bring those tags here

Its rare that a human being can make me hate them so quickly, but you've done it.
Congratulations I guess.

There’s a big difference between biting down on demon flesh to suck on its blood, and eating the dead flesh of a human being. I know Power and Angel ain’t humans but it’s still a bit jarring to see beings with human appearance take a chunk outta what was once a former human flesh.


I mean, I suppose. It's all shit you shouldn't eat as far as I can tell.

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That blobby side on the right there was fucking with my autism so i added some lines to blend it more nicely, here for my chainsawbros.

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>self-proclaimed scanlator doesn't know the ironclad rule of not translating names
Localization advocates in a nutshell.

I want power to cover my dick in her shit

Thank you so much, user. Fukken Saved.

Based chainsawbro

IS she buying all that paper because she is poor? Or because she has a lot of poop to clean?

Kobeni has 9 sisters, a big family goes through toilet paper very quickly. Plus, if her family is forcing her to choose between working for the bureau or prostitution, how well off do you think she is?

>Fire Punch is a story about revenge in all of its facets
Huh. I always figured it was much more a story about the stories we tell ourselves and others--the power of fiction itself.

How much do you think hunk I to would cost to fuck Kobeni

Yeah, I'm with you here.
It's Denji realizing he doesn't have anyone that he's really close to.

Well, it does explain why he's got both hands considering Kobeni sliced the right hand off which he is now using to pull off his left.

Guess he just can grow them back

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just imagining Frieza's voice actor saying these lines is fun

>he just can grow them back
Yeh like denji

What will MOMMYka sound like?

unless she went to pick her nose after saying it, apparently it can take something from her head to cause a nosebleed?

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It doesn't physically take something from her, the nosebleed is because the snake gives her really lewd thoughts as its compensation.

dark hero

Plot twist: She’s destroying the city because the last Star War movie sucked ass

Looks like a true Nobel Prize winner

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Maaya Sakamoto as Power.

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The Contract with the Pornography Devil has the condition of it giving you a boner every time you stand up as a guy, or making you extremely wet every time you sit down as a girl.

I can't hear it, not rash enough

get them off kinokuniya

Power doesn't sound like a granny, just talks like one. In all likelihood she'll have a pretty girl/young woman voice with some tomboy qualities.

I have to admit those are some amazing looking covers.

Fuck I meant Makima.

Maaya Sakamoto as Makima

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fund it

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You realize that's only going to make it even harder when she dies right?

She's doing something different here. She didn't "release" anything beforehand, she just attacked.
Which makes the devil she has a contract with pretty powerful, doesn't it? It can capture other devils and use them against you.

>Basically the 3rd protagonist at this point

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>first protagonist has died once already
>second protagonist is promised to die horribly in within the next 2 years
>thinking the third protagonist comic relief who doesn't take the dangerous setting seriously won't be made an example

>thinking the comic relief and the one wh arguably deserves the worst fate won't be the only one to survive and get away scott free.

I never said Makima wouldn't get away with everything though, just that Power's eventually going to do something stupid and die.

>Power wants to impress Denji and look cool in front of him
The author is really pushing that ship. Do you think he plans on making Power the main girl?

>within the next 2 years
Nothing actually guarantees he'll die in two years, not even curse.

>somehow ended up three chapters behind without even realising

Power slowly but surely gaining feelings for her battle-buddy Denji but Makima swoops in and busts out the NTR Devil succ fucc to make Power suffer.

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>power is wasting time killing fodder that wouldn't have noticed or even cared about them
she is just looking for an excuse to not fight sawatori and shadman

Look at the bright side, you can read three chapters at once.

But of course, she is a genius.

I wonder if Denji can still contract other devils. And Sawatori's concern about Denji's heart being undamaged suggests you can transplant them.

Denji and Power are effectively immortal. I doubt Aki will die anytime soon since he's extremely popular

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Not Power, she is only semi-immortal.

Possibly, though why Gun Devil seems to want his heart specifically is weird. Pochita didn’t seem all that powerful but it could be that he was until whatever happened to get him shot. Part of me wants to think that he wants Denji because Pochita has the potential to be feared enough to rival him, but another part doesn’t want the power creep to go nuts.

I don't think Gun Devil cares about Denji or Pochita at all. I think it's just Sawatori, and she acts as an middle man between the Yakuza and the Gun Devil or his associates.

Honestly, I’m probably misremembering someone commenting about chainsaw being weaker since I literally binged the entire series a few hours ago. But that just raises the question of why she would care about him at all.

I'll look into it, thanks user.

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Yea Forums sings chengsoman when?

Sawashiro as Power.

Lust for ass


Some fags just can't let a thread die now can they? Just wait until the spoilers in a couple days and make another one.

How long do you think it'll be until mr. Stongest dies?
I'm worried Denji and Shadman will literally on his head.
Can't understand your problem. If you don't want to participate in a thread unless there's a new chapter then stay away from here until we get it.

How long do you think it'll be until mr. Stongest dies?
I'm worried Denji and Shadman will fall literally on his head.
Can't understand your problem. If you don't want to participate in a thread unless there's a new chapter then stay away from here until we get it.

what is this from?

What's this? Yea Forums having a stroke again?

Power needs to have a raspy almost grating voice imo.

Fuck didn't mean to bump.

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Ghost devil was a great design and I'm sad to see it dead. Should have been a recurring enemy (ghost) that constantly reminds him of Himeno.