Is Eren a well-written protagonist?

Is Eren a well-written protagonist?

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He's a well written antagonist


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Only if Isayama intention was to make him as much an asshole as possible.

>goes from idealistic kid to naive ragetard to tsundere waifufag to genocidal ethnonationalist
>and is STILL the good guy


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As far as it goes in manga, if you want complex writing you should pick up a novel

No one cares about your Astro Boy fap folder, user.


user, I...

In the thumbnail the panel from the right looked like a hairy pussy lol

Started out as your basic uninteresting Syounen-type hothead but got more, and more interesting with the progressing plot.

Looking back I'm honestly actually surprised why I thought A.o.T. was actually good before the scenes of Annie's past at all when the real complexity of the same of the characters began to show. It was basically 23 episodes of Syounenshit before it got legitimately quite good in hindsight.

>Antagonist = bad guy
Absolute state of this board

I know HxH anons all suffer from crippling withdrawals on a weekly basis but why do they have to infiltrate every thread on this board to let us know? Just take up drinking.

for a children story, yeah.

eren was the most based character from chapter one, and to this day still the best character in snk. no character in snk even comes close.

Eren is still an edgelord. Nothing significant changes in this shit manga. Pic related is a well-written mc.

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>isayama has never missed a chapter schedule
>togashi was skipping weeks since hunter exam arc and even bigger breaks in yorknew
holy kek

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>a children story

user, I...

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>children story

See first response here:

I didn’t like him at all when the story began, but I really like what’s been done with him recently. While it’s debatable whether or not Eren is a good character, it’s undeniable that he is leagues more interesting than before, and I’m happy that the author had the balls to make such a drastic change.

This. It's fucking anime.

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>here's your character development bro!
I want to choke the fuck out of the the retard who made eyebrows bigger

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>here's your character development bro!

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Why? They look less anime and more realistic.

wit stopping the bold lines was the dumbest stylistic choice theyve made for sure

No need to start a war between two of the best written Shonen protagonists of all time.
Gon and Eren are pretty close in character development IMO. They both start off as your typical shonen protagonist, but over time, layers of depth that you don't typically see with these types of characters are revealed. Eren has gone from a brazen, hyper-motivated kid who wanted to get revenge for his mother to a pretty reserved soldier with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Gon started off as the typical happy go lucky protege template, but over time you realize he's a selfish, no shit taking, cold blooded kid when he needs to be.

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They were always big in manga, retard.

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Realistic? They look like shit!
In the manga Hackayama makes them look realistic, like you know, hair!
In the anime they are way too fucking thick, it's awful
Pic related

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>omitting his best look


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Oh yes, but in the anime they will look like this you dum dum

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>here's your antagonist bro

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>here's your cast bro

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Reminder that AoTfags waited 2 months for this fake preview

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This has a continuation and I want to see it, user.

>snkfujo trying to appeal hunterchads
Stick to your shipping and faggotry threads.

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>to tsundere waifufag
I don't remember that part

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for a children story, yeah.

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>Sorry, Eren is in a different castle!

Didn't he die?

I like both shows though false-flagger Yea Forumsirgin

He did, still unclear if he will come back using O MY PATHS and O MY LOLI SAND BUILDER


I can only wonder what fandom made this comparison. About 20 HxH panels and 2 Shingeki panels, allmost like this person doesn't really invest any time in reading shingeki no kyojin.

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Nice bait but try a dumber fanbase. Maybe the faggots who like MHA ir Berserk. They're more likely to fall for your bait.


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>hurr durr you killed this side character no one cares about now I'm mad
>I'll kill this little girl (the author won't let me do it though since people will hate me then)
>oh wow Killua thanks for your tranny sisters reset button now I'm an annoying retard again
This is character development for Huntards.
As for SnKchads
>hurr durr muh mommy died imma kill everyone
>oh others whom I have deep connections with are trying to kill us what's going on
>I have to suppress my love for my former comrades and keep moving forward
>I must accept my leadership role and recognise people will die for me
>after all these years living in Marley it seems like my enemies may be humans just like us
>are we by are nature doomed to kill each other despite this?
>I will kill Marleyans even innocents but not out of spite I'll do it simply because I understand only one of us can survive in this world
>I am willing to turn against even my friends to attain freedom

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What about that is not children's story?
I learned that shit in school when I was 8

Not exactly, we're doing interdimensional shenanigans in the moments between what should be a fatal injury and actual death. Whether he is repaired via those interdimensional shenanigans or dies when time starts moving again remains to be seen.

>mhhh yeah I don't want to sacrifice my close friends, they're literally the only family I have left
>tsundere waifufag

Jojo was considered Shonen and killed off three of their protagonists.

>I learned that shit in school when I was 8

Lol, what kind of faggot school did you go to?

snktards are on their way to becoming worse than huntertards

A normal school


user, I...

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Wow, this manga handles real issues so it must be good, just like my favourite anime Full Metal Alchemist

For faggots apparently.
>muh white guilt


No. It was never framed as white.

Wow, this manga handles real issues so it must be good, just like my favourite anime Naruto

I'm saying "friend" to not trigger fujos and EMfags until their relationship gets confirmed next chapter

>real issues

Don't make me laught! Naruto is deep as a swimpool for babies.


>next chapter

user, I...

Still better and closer to the original than the extra thin anime one.

That's the fujo from snk who is now lurking in hxh threads

Based Isayama dabbing on Erurifats

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I'm getting tired of Isayama's muh plot twist and muh flashbacks.


>being capable of expressing different emotions = character development
they don't callem huntards for nothing

The nip shat his pants and is delaying everything and hurting the narrative. Eren being the father is not a problem, hiding the characters motivation for over a year and making the other characters one dimensional doesn't help. Even Levi who can get some development disappeared for half a year

It would be less annoying if he would just get the EH reveal over with so the autistic shipper wars between EHfags and EMfags and YHfags could finally end (theoretically).

Heh I like the ship for once and it makes sense, but it wasn't necessary to hide everything so much

SnK has its cringe, but I think stylistic wise one is clearly designed for children while the other for teens/young adults.

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>manlet chose Armin over this

It will never stop hurting.

He will be when he accepts he's in love with Armin.

Have you read Isayama? He has a big boner for Armin for some reason, even the wank in the event currently in Japan had some embarrassing wanking. Ok kill Erwin but Armin should have died too, ALL his pages are fucking bad

>isayama is such a deep writer with his real life allegories
>meanwhile it is such an unclear mishmash of shit people can't even tell if eldians are supposed to be jewish or germans

>can't even tell

Speedreader detected.

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Jewish names are germanic
We literally associate German words with Jews like Berg or Stein

>Eldian Restorationist symbol is literally a Christian cross
>"they're totally Jews, bro!"


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it's not a christian cross, just an X.

>literally wear armbands with stars on them in ghettos

Nah, he's a waifufag for sure, but not tsudere! It's just now he's under a situation that he couldn't talk much about, and most of his past time were being too dense that he didn't even understood that himself.

He's probably pretty honest about his feelings to his waifu to think about he actually fucked her for real, while Armin only tried something like touching some crystal and talking to it as a virgin would have done.

>X's are T's

Interesting take, user.

>major theme of the story is oppressors and the oppressed switching roles
>"what could this possibly mean?"

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>they are germans but they are opressed and in ghettos so I can add all the jew stuff
great story there

It's almost like one of the major themes of the story is oppressors and the oppressed swapping positions.

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Its almost like that literally means its a mishmash and they aren't clearly Germans or Jews then

Okay, Mr. Speedreader.
>we must secure the existence of our people and a future for Eldian children

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I am serious here. If they are just "what if Germans were the ones opressed as well?" how are they not equally "what if Jews were the opressors as well?"
Both are valid because it isn't clear.


Or you can just pick up Houseki no Kuni because Haruko Ichikawa isn't a fucking talentless hack.

>it isn't clear

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Thats a fucking stretch

Is it though?

Erwin Smith:
>blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan God-Chad
>division commander
>defining trait is his reputation as an unparalled tactician

Erwin Rommel:
>blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan God-Chad
>division commander
>defining trait is his reputation as an unparalled tactician

Oh so he is an opressor nazi then? I thought the eldians are oppressed.
Also don't see anything about him fighting in a desert. Not even any fox nickname

>the National Socialists were EBIL oppressors

Ah, a historical speedreader too, I see.

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Erwin Rommel has always been well respected you stupid faggot.

And both loved a woman called Marie

yeah he was the exception
and even then he served a regime of oppressors.


>turn Eren into a /pol/fag
>now Yea Forums sucks his dick
SnK's writing is still trash.

I find this dude way more similar.

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You seem to have misspelled "/pol/chad" user...

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>t. Redditt

>can't even spell Reddit

>knowing how to spell it

You have to go back.

I still find Boeselager more similar to the loser part of Erwin: Participated in Valkyria, failed; and died leading the assault against a soviet position.
Also the resemblance, on the lanky side.

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>Being retarded on purpose

He is a very angry, stoned man.
